‘ t IILIS CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA IS SUPER- IOR TO THE FINEST Lead packets only. ‘ HIGHEST AWARD 40c, 50c and 60¢: per lb. JAPAN TEA GROWN. At all Grocers ST. LOUIS, 1904. W LONDON‘S TOLL 0F FIRES. â€"_ 14,000,000 Gallons of Water Used l’ut Them Out. to One hundred persons lost their lives and 269 were injured by fires in the County of London, England, last year, according to to the annual report of the London Fire Brigade for 1903. Of those who lost their lives. it} were under eight years of age, and fourteen over 60. No fewer than 67 persons were dead or had been removed before the Erigade was called. Excluding chimney fires, the total umber of fires reported to the brigade was 3,511, or 105 less in the previous year. The number classiï¬ed as serious was 64. or only 1.82 per cent. of the ftotal. Thirty-eight lives endangered by fire were saved by the efforts of the. fire- riien. The number of accidents to tire- ,men due to service was 10$. The quantity of water used for ex- tinguishing fires in the County of Lon- don during the year was fourteen mil- lion galions. or 62.500 tons. Of this quantity more than one-third was tak- en from the river. canals and docks. and the remainder from the street pipes. .â€".___§_..._.__ A CAMPBELLTOWN BUILDER SPEAKS up FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. FOR 'rnEv cunen niM'OF ms TROUBLE. Mr. W. E. Wallace is a “"ell Man To- day, But He Was Pretty Bad Before He Got Cured by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Cambelitown, N.l3., Apr. 23 (Special) â€"â€""lt was a cold started my trouble,’ says Mr. Wallace, of this place, “I am a contractor and builder and my work causes me to be out and exposed to all weathers so i suppose it was in that way I get cold. Anyway it settled _ in my kidneys and in do me pretty sick. I got Lumbago in t e back. cramp in the muscles, pains in the iOins. shortness rt breath. a dragging pain at the leins and my urine was thick with dark sed- iment. Then i knew the kidneys were to blame so I took Dodd‘s Kidney Pills .and they soon put me in shape and cured me so that i have had no trouble with my kidneys since.†.__._+â€"_ “It‘s strange that you should always be so gaunt,†remarked the bear to the wolf. “Well, you see." replied the wolf, “it’s all because of the part I’m com- pelled to play in life. You see I’m all†ways obliged to keep from the door until there's not anything left in the house to eat.†‘ -‘_I "What has become of the big man who used to beat the bass drum 'I†asked the private of the drumâ€"major. “He left us about three months ago.†“Good drum- mer, too, wasn't he ?" “Yes. very good. But he got so fat that when he marched he couldn’t hit the drum in the middle." - “1 wish they'd invent a new expres- sion Occasionally.†said Top, as he per- used the account of a recent wedding. always ‘the blushing bridel’" nWell." replied Mrs. Top, “when you consider what sort OI husbands most girls have to marry. you can’t wonder at their blushing l†Clara. aged four. suddenly burst out crying at the dinner table. “Why. Clara, what“. is the matter ‘I†asked her mother. “Oh!†sobbed the little miss, I‘my t-teeth stepped on my tongue.†Henry returned in triumph from an examination. “How did you get along, my son?" his doting parent inquired. “I an- "Goodl How "i said I didn‘t “First rate." answered Henry. Bwercd all the questions.†did you answer them ‘i" n They Drive Piniplcs Away. â€"â€" A face covered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let you know that the blood protests. I’ariiielee‘s Vegetable Pills will drive them away. and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them. and there will be another witness to their excel- lcnce. Moiilyâ€"â€"“iiave you seen Mabet’s en- gagement-ring?†Dollyâ€"“Seen it? Why. i wore it all last summer.†For “Runâ€"down" PeOple there‘s no- thing known in medical treatment to- day so effective and certain of a cure and so magical in its building up pow- er as South American Nervine, because it strikes at the root of all nervous ail- ments, the digestive organs. makes rich red blood. drives away emacialion, puts on flesh and mach over physical wrecks generallyâ€"148 YOU DON'T WANT “ENGINE EYES. “Some people are apt to enlarge upon the difficulties of driving a railway lo- ciimolive in the dark. or during heavy rain," says an engineâ€"driver; “but for my part, nothing ever gave me more anxiety and trouble than continuous glaring sunshine. Color-blindness is said to be frequently nothing more than intense pain in the eyes caused by watch- ing objects which reflect the light, and upon which the sun is shining. in a run of several hours the glare from the rails which strkcs the eyes while watch- ing for track obstructions. and morn particularly for rails which have been forced 'out of line by the heat, is very trying. and often when I have left the locomotive after such a run I have found the greatest Comfort in nesting In a room where complete darkness prevailed. A man is afraid to wear smoked glasses. lest he should be sus- pected of color-blindness. and lose his position. But some protection of this kind would greatly prolong the career cl many an engineer and fireman.†“is Mr. Scadds a man of scientiï¬c dis- tinction?†“Yes. indeed,†answered Miss Cayenne. “He has so many col- lege degrees that when he sends in his card you can‘t kg sure whether it is his name or a problem in algebra.†it Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.â€" For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains. neuralgia and lumbago. Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil is without a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and it quicriiy and per- manently relieves the affected part. its value lies in its magic property of re- moving pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. Willi the exception of the Smiths. Jones and Browns. there are few fam- ilies as old as the Hills. A cough is Often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of all m Bickle’s AiiIi-Consumptive Syrup. an old-time and widely recognized remedy which, if resorted to at the inception (f a cold. will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trouble, guard the system from any serious conseâ€" quences. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. + TFJETI] DRAWN BY MAD DENTIST. Deputy‘s Secretary Forced to Submit to the Ordeal. A terrible adventure befeli the scene tary of a well-known French deputy “bile visiting his dentist recently. and the details have ,nst become public at the trial at Paris. He had been suffering from toothache, and went to have the troublesome tooth extracted. lie sat down in a chair. and bad just begun to explain his trouble when the dentist shouted. “All rigtiti l‘lil have them all out for you in a min- i: e.†The secretary attempted to state that be merely wanted one tooth taken out. but he stopped short when he saw the drntist produce a revolver. Pointing the lucapon at the secretary’s head. the den- ‘tist exclaimed: “If you move a muscle ' while i'm taking out your teeth you are a dead man.†T'lc secretory saw that be was at the Iltt‘i't‘fv' Lil a madman. and remained per- li'tlll' sZ-ll while the dentist put the re. \(‘lYLl‘ line-k in his pocket and proceeded‘ One by one they 'to (how out the teeth. “Ct'i' puilwl out. the madman drawing lli- revoiwr whenever the patient ex- IillliIttl any signs of protest. When cig‘it teeth had been \vrcnchi'd cut the madman said: “That will do you have been very quiet. ’i‘lirec francs if you p‘easc.†I The secretary paid at once. staggeredi cut of the room. and went to the iiezirest‘ I for me.†police station. A force, of police was suit. and when they entered the room the madman opened fire on them. fie shot one of the constables in the arm and another in the leg before he was knocked down and handcuffed. 'who had been cured of constipation by it. ‘Druggists or by The \Vilson-Fylo Co., A HUNT Foa GOLD. I Adventurous Expedition to Tierra deli Fucgo. An expedition is starting from Eng- land on an adventurous quest for gold: in the wild and little-known region of] (cunt. The purpose of the expedition I‘T‘IO dredge for gold. the sands of cer- tain rivers being said to be full of par- ticles of the precious metal. drwn from the higher country. The vessel to be used in the expediâ€" tion is a shallow steam barge of metal, capable of carrying five tons of the "golden sand." drawing only two feet oi water with a full load. She can steam five knots an hour. and will act as lender to the dredger. carrying the washed [sand to the headquarters of the prosâ€" .pceiors to have the gold extracted. Great secrecy is being preserved rs to the expedition, as naturally the dis- coverch of the “golden rivers" do dr-siro competition. it has long been known that gold exists in considerable quantity in Pata- gonia, and at various times discoveries of the precious metal have been made on the islands to the south of the main- lands. not â€"â€"--â€"+ For inflammation Ofthe Eyesâ€"Among the many good qualities which Parme- kc’s Vegetable Pills possess, besides regulating the digestive organs. is their eflicacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. it has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afliicted with this complaint and ion-id a cure in the pills. They affect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprnr ineg active way, and the result is al- most immcdiaiely seen. A coqiielle is a rose from which every lover plucks a leafâ€"the thorns are re- served for the husband. Got a Constant Headache? â€" 'l‘rn chances to one the Secret of your suffer- ing is that “white man's burden.“ (ia-' tarrh. Here’s a sentence from one! man’s evidence for Dr. Agnew‘s f‘atar- iiial Powder â€"â€" “One application gave me instant relief, cleared the nassal pasâ€" sages and stopped the pain in my head." It‘s a quick. safe and sure treatment, and it never fails to cure. 50 cents-â€" 145. Stella: "So you are really going to marry old Millyuns? I had no idea you were so nierceiiaryi" Maude: “I am not. I am going to marry him to reform him.†Stella: “Reform him! know he had any bad habits.†“Yes. he has one. miserly." I didn‘t Maude : His friends say he is AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseaseszlstlie one generally described by the word l-Jctbma. In all its forms it resists ordinary treatment but is completely cured by Weaver’s Cerate used in con- nection With Weaver‘s Syrup. She â€" “Emma is Lena is the the prettiest, but smartest. Now, which would you rather marry, beauty or Liains?" He (very far gone) â€"â€" "Neither; I‘d ratiier marry you." I Apoplexy. â€"- Dr. Agncw‘s Cure for the Iieurt is effective in apoplectic symp- toms. if you have unpleasant dizzi- ness, lightness or sudden rush of bliod to the head, take precautions against ti recurrence. This great remedy will remove the cause. The press of the land has daily 11 list of sudden deaths which would not have been chronicled if Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart were usedâ€"147 Edwin: “And you’ll always be true to me, Angelina?" Angelina: “Why do you doubt me. Edwin?" Edwin: “Oh, you‘re too good to be true." RHEUMATISM All!) PARAtYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsoin illustrated “rouse, givâ€" ing full desert ition c1 iliieuniutisni and Paralysis. Witi instructions for plug home cure. describing the mast suceessful treatment in the world. re~ commended by tho MllllHLl‘y and endors- ed by medical true-Live b00l‘( was written by . )1 mm, a. gcllt.UlDall who has - study of these diseases. made I. b a. graduate «it Send \Vlll receive turdâ€"Address. 51.. B. cu mâ€" men . ’.i his iiig‘hi iii- The lifetime is the University postal the book , The West, of toâ€"day and 7 free by re. ‘9“0 Drug 00.. :2; Tomato VI. urtzburg, you King “Is it true Blanche Poorlalch is going to be married 'I†“Yes, to Major [lich- man; he lost his arm in an engage- ment. you know." “liumplii Ilc's cer- tainly lost his head in this one." immigration m“°".t§§:‘i§t:.‘;°§.t;if°‘°‘ and "For earsamartyr.†in how ‘hus. H. Powell of 105 Raglan Street, Kingston, begins his story. “A martyr to chronic constipation, but now I am free from it and all through the -' _ use of Dr. Leonhardt’a Anti-Pill. †CHAS. H. POWELL Many who are now suffering from this complaint will be glad to learn from Mr. Powell’s story that: there is hope for the most stubborn case. He continues: “I Was induced to try Anti- Piil by reading the testimony of some one I had suï¬'ered for eighteen years and had taken tons of stuff recommended as cures but. which made me wome rather than better. Doctors told me there was no cure Dr. Leonhardt’s Anti-Pill is for sale by all Limited, Niagara. Falls, Ont. Mr. Powell will verify every word of these statements. 603 'i‘ierra dei i-‘uego. near Cape ilorn. l’ros-’ rectors discovered alluvial gold as ‘ar tack as I580. but hitherto the gold mining industry has been of small uCâ€" und we use ofï¬ce is one of the "International Stuck Ind" "International Buvc Cure" “International Warn Pow "International Oull Cure" "Slim Fla. Ilealiuz Oil" "Inlmflklll Compound About-beat" "International Piano Chino" “nan latch Stable Dilated-at" i one free. postage own and name th a paper. I may wants Engine for" vL.A.A',‘. ...H.P. l NOII\\‘AY".\‘ LOAN SYS‘i‘i-Lki. To encourage working people to ts- lablish homes of their has founded a bank for workiiigmeii. it lends money at 3% and l per cent. and gives the borrower years in which to pay the loan. [I the house must not exceed $800. and the area of land must not be more than five acres. 42 It is only iiecijssary to read the tcs- timonials to lie convinced that iiriilo- ‘way's Corn (Lure is unequalled for the removal of t'ili'ilS. warts, etc. It is a complete extii‘iguishcr. It was the first time little Bess had seen an alligator. “Oh, iiiaiiimzi.†she exclaimed, “here's a big lizard with a valise skin on I" The lrenian’s 'l‘i'orililcs.vâ€"“kiy busi- ness,†says John (Ii-av. ire dealer, of \\ililgllili_ll, Ont.. "is one Of the most fertile ï¬elds under the sun for sowing the seeds for rheumatic suffering. For tire years I was a great. invalid, words cannot convey the faintest idea of my intense suffering and constant pain i endured. 6 bottles of South American lilieuniatie Cure permanently cured me.â€â€"-146 â€"â€"_â€" “'I‘oniiiiy, what are ‘bouseâ€" hold \vords'?†Pupil : “"i‘onnny. if you don‘t beiiaxe yourself I‘ll skin you ‘3 They’re the words i hear the most when I‘m in the home." Teacher: Mother tiraves’ Worm Exterminator has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration sold in Canada. it alw.i.'s gives salisfurliou by restoring health to the little folks. Hewitt: “What are you raising a heard for ‘3" Jewitt: “Well. I' don‘t mind telling 'oli', i'm wearing a necktie my wife gave me." FERROVIM. WHAT IS IT? It is the name of the best tonic. It builds up the system, gives new life. mzlkel people well and strong. Be sure you got the genuine †lierisivim.†Visitor (to farmer‘s boy in the field): "Digging polulooswch?" i-‘ariiicr‘s iloy: “Yes.†Visitor: "And what do you get for digging the potatoes?" I’ariiicr's toy: “Nothing. But i get sonietliin’ for not diggin‘ ’cmi" Sunlight Sea-p ls better than other soaps. but. is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soup and follow directions. A father recently received the follow- ing note from a young man :-“l)cni‘ Kiraâ€"Wood like your dotcr Jessie‘s hand in moi-age. She and l are in luv and 1 think I ncdc a wifeâ€"Yures, Henry.†The father replied by letter. saying :â€" “i’riend Henry,» You don‘t need a wife. You need a spelling-book. Get one and study it for a year. Then write me again." “How long is it going to take to "get through with this case?" asked the client. who was under suspicion of iiousebreaking. ,.1‘-\-\Lcl.l.’â€"’â€"â€"â€"“â€""'-t the young lawyer. .I take till“ about two .m m get through with it, but I‘m afraid it’s going to take you about four years.†own, Norway ' We Own The Lu¢est Stoc Food Factory In The World. It covers over a cityblock. contains ever 18 acres of floor space. can 8500.000. Size of our oï¬ce 360xl20. 300 ofï¬ce people. ISO typewriter- ï¬fty million letter heads and envelope. every year. A cur- Iond every 30 dayl. Our chemical laboratory Is one of the beat. Out at nights of the business world. Many very small concerns advert se large buildings. factory and see that we have everything we claim. Manufactured and Guaranteed by International Stock Food Co. All. "Jewel Incubator.†u! Braden. and Jewel Chlct and Ian fed. DAN PATCH 1 mg We have I Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our champion Pacer. pun Patch 1 55%. size 16x24. Free of advertining. fine picture for framing. ' a all the records made by our pacing wonder. ‘ 2": repaid. If you will write us how much noel: you Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK roan co., linuupollu. llam, u. s. A. 1 Out. out. this mmpleu advertisement and send it to THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS Ctllil’ANY, up, Please send me (without charge) partlcnlan about Jackâ€"of.all.'rndeu Engine for farm me. Name .............._._ ........... In Western Banana smivrstrnr ’ We invite you to visit. our “International Pontiï¬cal" i“lntuulthnal Lone fer" l "International Distemper Cm“ I’lnternailoul [out lent “Internatioqu Colic Cure‘ “International Sheen Dip" “International Ecol Ointment- "lntvrurlonl llama“ Son" MAILED FREE. We will mail you MAKE tc ' I" GASOLINE ENGINE will new wood as fast as two men can handle It. It also pumm water. belie ram. grinds feed. make. bun". runs cream separator. In 1m XIII- ni-lwo wet for all farm war one. In Every former a onld have one 444 ST. JAMES STREET, MON 'I‘REAL- Two cornering sections. selecto ed lands il Saskatchewan. only 8 miles from two railways. C.P.B. & (3321’. Strong null, 91) per cent. plough land. spring creek, no slough; About 40 miles .\'.E. I Write for map and full particulars. R. PARSONS. 9| Welleslcy Street. of Indian Head. Price 810.50 per urn. Toronto. Canada. ï¬t. VIRGINIfl FARMS ILLUSTRATED CATALOQUI FREE. T LIST FOR SALE III THE “TATE LARGEtis'ssELum a co.. RIBHMOND. VIRJNIA. ‘ FEATHER DYEING The total costI Cleaning and Curling and Kid Glove- clenued Th- an be unt. by you. 10 par 0; the in: place In BRITISH AMEBIGMI DVEIIIG 09a It)le Sarcasmâ€"J [9 04aâ€: (um (I Pampas/z (2mm. M ’3 The Durand Cheapest er ~ /Af§;y (OHMSKIIBMUW Ema ma (mucous. mo coalsPatrs um Bum SIAt‘lR’S MAGIC Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism. Acute. In- fluminato or Chronic; also Neura gia.Seiutica. Lumingo, and all Kid- ney troubles; removes Uric Acid RHEUMitTI from the system. gives immediate relief. Dent. suffer. but send for a. bottle at once. Osborne Remedy 00., I75 Yunge Toronto. Canada. $1.00 per bottle. roe; 56954 GRAND OFFER If you will devote only your §PARE TIM‘E e P sending us names of farmers an feeders and Introduce RRABIAH STCGX MID POULTRY FCOD TABLETS A Common-Sense Stock Food at a. Commonâ€"Sense Price of ONE CENT A POUND RATE†ILOO per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. Spud us a. trial Order and ask for booklet No. 13 vi full particulars about 100 Free'l’reiniums o are . THE BESAW CHEMICAL 00.. scnorisLD BLDU.. CLEVELAND, o. 'STAMMERERS The Arnott Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT. and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particular; and references sent on request. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN. ONTARIO. “You couldn‘t select anything nicer than this bracelet.†said the salesman. “i guess l’il take it.†said Mrs. Nurich. “Are you sure it‘s made of refined gold?†“Oh yes.†“Because I do detest anything that ain't iElIHQdI" no. Cash or Cure II Shiloh's Consum lion Cure fails to cure your Cold 01' Cong . you get back all you paid for it. You are sure oI a Cure or the Cash. II it wasn't a sure cure. this olIer would not be made. Can anything be Iairu P II you have a Cold. Cough. or any discs-e ol the Throat, Lung: or Air Passages, try @HHLOH 3‘3 25¢. per bottle. All dealer: guarantee '2. m ISSUE NO. 17â€"06