One Of the best. flours for home-made bread and gmwml family use. Try it and be convinced. Instruction in the Art uf Piano PI ing. » Classes in Rudiments, Harmm ~_1;lso \Vilileat Gems, a. choice Break- fast Food. » Classes in Hlsmry, etc. I am plepm-ed to do glisting and clugaping every day. All kinds of mill fee and chop on hand. Gladstone Flour Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m, 11“; 2nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at 11 a. m' Pxesbyberiun Churchâ€"Services at H n. Lu. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 3.30. Prayer meétgng Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter. nave Sundays at!) 10.30 a. m. Methodist, Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 11. m., and p. m. Sunday School at. 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M ~Meets Mon. duv on or'bet’oro full moon - UourtRicbmond. A O Fâ€"Meets second and earth Friday Ivy Lodge, A 0 U Wâ€"~Moets third Wednesday offeich mbuth Camp Elam, S 0 S â€"Meets second and fom t1: \Vednes:lay 1 R T of '1‘empomncé-Meets ï¬rst Wednesday 0! each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Library and Rea‘ling Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturdev evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour ""‘iib‘nmï¬d' 8.30 EVENING . .. 6 00 N. B.â€"Registereal letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closmg. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the lichmoud Bill Post Ofllce as follows :â€" MORNXNG . . . . . . 800 EVENING.... .....ï¬.15 Leave Newmurket at. 7.30‘ METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave Richmond 2.40. 3.54 Leave C P R Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 3.. m.; 1.30, 2.40. 5.45. 5.40. 8.00 p. m. ewe Richmond Hille.:0,10.3o, a..m.; 1210.220, $5.30, 4.35, 6.30. 8.50 ‘p. m. _ 'P'inonts t mega! :wtfc A GREAT SCHGOL EL'LIGTT ’3"! Largest cir- Q’I n u n nnnnnn A ï¬axxdsorgely illustrsg'tgq y iilldti year: fmxr months. $1. Sold uyau newsm-mm M‘JNM & €0,363 ‘3?°“EY"‘*Â¥'.N,BW 3! i1! Ni U Ii I! C Branch C Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" 5++++++++++++++++++++++++ J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist *Sé’iéééééï¬ié flmmcan. Students from British Colum- bia. Saskatchewan and Mani- toba. on the west tn New Bruns wick on the cast are in :lttPnd- ante this year. Distance is no hindrance- to those whn wish to get the best. Our graduates are always successful. 0111- fncili- ties are unsurpassed. Cum» meuvv now. Nu vacations. (inl- EXPERIENU: TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ï¬nnunlnu'l‘c 1; n POST OFFICE NOTICE EFï¬PERE I also keep the celebrated Between Toronto and Newmurket‘ OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster W‘QROHT P ELLIOTT Village Directory. Iluvly u.u».....-v« .V of any scientiï¬c joï¬rï¬iil. Tar-ms. $3 a H months. {51. Sold by aleewsdfglex-g. H. B. SCHMIDT, iOHTO, ONT adlng a sketch and description may mun our opinion free w lather an probahlypntentable. Communica- confldeuual. Handbook on Patents dost agency for securing patents. km; through Mun“ & Co. receive , thhout, charge In the inc'eitizs I" s MONEY ORDERS 50 YEARS’ _' EXPERIENCE GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH 3.1. 7.30, 9.15. 11.15 a. m.; ‘2, 3.15 6. 5.7.30 p.m. ,i11.7. 8.10, 9.55. 11.55 a. m.! 4. 5. 6.55,.8.10p. m. Newton BrooK. Cow-RIGHTS &.c. Proprietor, F5318 Washlnz Ha I’ll] on y y W V V Kl- ‘â€" J Lu ‘4 by \ are the lowest possible for the quality ‘ of the goods. Om' horse goods and supplies will interest every box-so own- er. GEE). MCDONALD, Richmond Hill. Heaters, and. ranges of all kinds, Slzes and prloes. New and second hand. ++++++++++++ IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++% METRGPGLETAN GROCERY, '1‘. B. LUI)E<‘()E{D. I’ropl-ietor UP-TOâ€"DATE GROCERIES Best Brands of Canned Goods Ceiling and bordering to match, and at ably low prices. \Ve also have a stock remnants for small rooms, from 2c. per A great chance to select now. See our next week. A complete stock of always on hand at “The People’s Store.†A Larger Smck kï¬urniture, Paints and Oils Next Door North of \Vaitin;Jr Room. Than ever of the latest designs in ~:~+>:~z~+++~:‘+e Wall Papers & S9211. CANDIES a+++++++++++++++++++++++ Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. in the long run by investing in a real- ly good article? is the best, obtainable. Our Prices Our 11 arness Can’t {011 Save Money The Liberal and Weekly Globe e The Liberal em Weekly Mail and. Empire rE‘he Liberal and Weekly Sun The Liberal and Baily Glebe (York Sweaty) The Liberal. and Daily Mail and Empire (Yexk Go.) The Liberal axed. Daily The Liberal ané Bai The Liberai and The Farm- ‘3 *’ 111g World ‘ 85 The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star with premium. pie- ture,and Farmer’s Manâ€" 1131 and Veterinary Guide e The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine 2 m3 (New subscriptions, $2.25) - “J5 ' 'i'fle has been renewed With hosts of riders by the use of the Cushion Frame. That disagreeable jar- ring and joltin-g experienced in riding the ordinary 1bicycle over rough roads and streets is taken up by the Cushion Frame device, and does not reach the rider who glides along as smoothly as though riding on asphalt. There are many other argu- ments in its favor. Ask the man Who owns one. a Canada Cycle 6:: Dl'otor (30., Limited “Makers of the V\ orld's Best Bicycles†General Ofï¬ces and \Vorks, Toronto Junction, Canada THE CUSHION FRAME and SILLS HYGIENIC HANDLE BARS are the up-to-date features of our highest priced wheels. QM: Time; Wheeimgf GLUE RATES For RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY World Liberal and 153° ews St T. F. MGMAHGN, Agent Em (Outside villages and towns (Outside villages and towns.) REM. $13,953:}. Baiiv if?! 5&5