Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 May 1906, p. 1

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$1 per annum, in advance] VoL. XXVIIl. Good. 80 as") we. That is, if it's ‘ grandfathsu or grandmother. But - gray hair and only 40! Hero is a. fact: Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Heir ‘ Renewcr always restores color to grey hair. Stops fallang hair, also. - I," 1]... when”. nvd InuvltAIIC-hc‘ we nuke Iztft‘HIMH-i ‘\ WE nvr: I; Colors A rich hmui. { e a; e i I oranml 'xvlru-lr. it I" ll AILRH'O. Vuhxa N. H. J 'W W We}?! WWW-mm A (I ‘s’ I.indsc:y'.R C (l G F Il-Lwrouce W Ridout Wadsworth [S PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING (l PUBLISHING HOUSE nIc'HMONDHILLer. '1‘. F. McMAHON. E0110}: .3: Pnornxnron. Phone Main 2984 Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth, Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg.), Cm. Adelaide. & Victoria Sts., Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hillon Saturdavs. abscess CARDS.â€"~ .. ._,_ a . COOK & JOHNSTON . ‘(umfl Barristers, Solicitors. etc. ’ TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- » mnnd St. \Vcst.\\'esley Buildings, DR. XV. E. DEAN (Methodist Book Room,) To- (Successor to Dr. Lawrason) _ ronto. Mr. Cook wrll beat Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 0%. JAS. NEWTON ._ _ __ ELGFYHMILLS DR. will. AMER-S. LENNOX ifOiitfiN, Dentist. Room 12, 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also lowost prices. Richnlond Hill Barristers and solicitors. Monev to loan enland nndohsttel mortgageeat lowest rates Anrorsofliceâ€"Removed to the old poet Ofllc.) one door west of an Ontario Bank a entrance to the Newmerket officeâ€"Three d postomce oors south of the T Bennnan‘Lnnxox G 81“] Manon: Aurore. Newmarket X“ replating, at Good work. DR. H. w. ANDERSON, Dentist, Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Cor. Grit-ltolrggnndtoYonge Sts.. Clark Will he in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nesday of each week. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Corner King & Youge Streets, Ofiice Hoursâ€"8.30s. m. to 5 p. m. EORONTO. \- â€" Private and Trust Funds to loan at. Dr. E. J_ lowest current rates. DENTIST, J. H. P - Francis Block, TIIORNHILL, Ont. 'enncc’ Licensee Auctioneer Office hours: Goods sold on ooasxgn for the County of York ment Genera.) selee Tuesdays, 8â€"12 3.. m.- . etoc etc promptly attendedto tr a. 1â€"3 p, 111, rates Residence Unionville a e Bon‘m' “fife! Goulding. Newton Breakage!!! for the Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH ST. J T Seigeou, J K McEwen Maple Weston Snlgeon & McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. salami-tendedtnonahortesiuoticrand 3. rec.- onsblerates Patronagesolicited «‘illttemmw JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, License Auctioneer for theCounty onor ‘, re- Thornhill. . . spectfnny solicits your patronage and friendly _ ‘ . - influence sales attended on the shortest notice Calls by telephone {10m Richmond and at reu.sonobcrater-1. P.0.e.ddrees King Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGElN RICHMOND HILL calls by day and night promptly at- tendcd to. n. G. BLOUGH, ' {oil‘s-‘22:: ' " Under-takers a: Embnlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. A Savings Account IN THE ONTARIO BANK Safe Profitable This Bank's large resources ensure safety. Interest. at, highest current rate, paid twice a year makes an :Iccnunt profitable. Being withdruwable Without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE \VEEK. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY Convenient "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, CONCORD SCHOOL. Report for Apr-lbw- Scnior lV.~â€"Jess¢~ Bowr's, Ella liva- man, \Vilfrcd Kcil’cr, Estella \Vitty, Mary Gollaud, Opal Stewart. Junior l\'.»~llcm-y Bowcs, Gordon, Vera Reaman. Senior Ill.‘>ALlHyll \Vbitmore, Nor- man Hours. Ilcssa Poole, Edward Hiddcll. Millie Ireland. Junior III.wâ€"l.s-igh Page, Charlie Booms, Busion Harrison, Millie Van- dcrburgh, Edna Fishv-r. Senior Il.â€"- Ernest Poole, Percy liar- rison . Junior II.â€"Arthur Bums, llazel Page, Gladys Fisher. Gertie livars Howard Baker, Helen “'hite. ___..>-â€"â€"â€" S. S. No. 3, Markham. The following is the report for the month of April:â€" Fourth Classâ€"Freeman Barker, Ar- thur Cooper. Senior Thirdâ€"~Vnrnlflh Brodie, Ida Barker. Junior Third â€" (‘lolland Caldwell, David Hislop, Eihcl Caldwell, Emma Barker, Elias Elliott. Second Classâ€"Hattie Brodie, Mary Cooper, Gladys Helmkay, Bertha Harrison. Senior Part Secondâ€"Hurray \Vell- man. Junior Part Secondâ€"-“‘nlter Hislop, Willie \Vellman. Scuior First~Elsie Hart, Barker. Junior Firstâ€"â€"P|-cston Elson, Tom- mie Fountain, Beckie Fountain, Percy Elson, Hector Patterson, Viola Cald- well. Present every day of schoolâ€"Frec- man Barker, Arthur Cooper,[da Bark- er, Clellnnd Caldwell, Ethel Caldwell, Emma Barker, Tommie Fountain, Beckie. Fountain. Honor Rollâ€"Ida Barker Mary Coop- er, \Villic \Videman, Hector Patter- son. lrcm- Rhoda E. G. HARRIS, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of S. S. No. 4, Markham, for April. W'here figures are not. given the names are in order of merit. IV. Classâ€"Clara Cosgrove, Harold Smith, Charles Hoover, Gertie Nelson, Charles Conner, John Cosgrove. Senior III. Class, Arith. (Max. 100)â€" Maggie Baker 83, Carrie \Villiams 65, Rolpb ‘Villiams 63, thllis Clark GU. Elsie. Hoover and Rolph Baker absent. Junior-III. Class, Arith. (Max. 100) â€"Jimmie Cosgrovo 100, \Vesley Hoov- er (ii, Gertie Cosgrove 62, Pearl Hunt absent. Senior II. Classâ€"~Emily Pond, Isaac Nigh, Ida Schell, Reuben Horner, Mary Finley. Jtluiorll. Class, Aiith.â€"Elsie Donor 100, Ethel Schell 95. Eva. Conner 90, Ervie Hunt 89, \Villie Ilorner 65, Heber McCaguc 56, Douglas Read 45, Bessie Finley 30, Cecil Finley II). Part II. Arith.â€"â€"John McCang 95, Ruth Hoover 94, Fred Cosgrove 60. , Class I., Arith.â€"â€"\Vesley Schcll 100, George Read hU, John Bestard 36. Gordon Read 20, Ross Baker and \Vil- lard Roger-son absent. Phonic Classâ€"George Finley, Percy Schell, Luella Finley, Elmer Horner. Number on roll for month, 45. Average attendance, 3i. The following had no mistakes in s clling for month: Elsie. Doner, M. inley, I. Schell, \V. Hoover, R. \Vil- liauis. M. Baker, G. Nelson, C. Cos- grove. The. following were present every day: John Cosgrove, Gertrude Nelson, Jimmie Cosgrove, “'csley Hom‘m', Bougias Read, John McCagm-, George {’21 s we.‘ Maple The members of the Pt'Psbyim‘ian Sabbath School were entertained by Mr. R. S. Thomson at his home last Friday evening, when a. pleasant time was spent. Liberty ; RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1906 - sons violating the automobile in all things, Charity.” Langstafl‘. Mr. T. Pogo has bcen very fortunate in locatiujrz n gas Well on his premises; pipv‘s a) c being laid to his residence for limiting and lighting purposes. \Vc are glad to hear that Mr. D. James is improving from his illness. Three of the Langstail' boys went fishing for suckers Saturday. 'l‘ln y caught onc without scale-s being un- clean it. was leftâ€"just what. the fishers got. The Horse Show was attended by our leading horse-linen, whopronounced it most excellent. Miss Flossie Casely has been spend- i 1: a few days at her sisters, Mrs. \V. D an. Mr. Robert, Drnry is still halting in c-msideratiou whether to spend his summer on the HonuI Farm or else- Where. The report that Mr. S. Thompson contemplates going to the North-\Vest to take up n homestead is untrue. The railroad tramps and the swallows commenced their nortlnvard journey on the last day of April. We are glad to hear, at last, that Miss Florence Clubiue has recovered from her fall. Some of our young people are get- ting near changing their name, when they are, asked to go into the Ministers by another Clergyman. Mr. R. Pearson spent Sunday with Mr. Lowery. Mr. Holmes Crosby spent Saturday afternoon at. Mr. Clubine’s. Delivery horse. and buggy; apply to Gen. Lmvery, Langtaif. Mr. Fleury, Mr. C. Clubine of Aurora and, Mr. Elliott and Miss Buttlcr of Toronto, spent. Sunday at the Obser- vatory Farm. Mr. Robinson and family have left this vicinity and will be greatly missed by their many friends. Miss Nellie Unity of Toronto is home for a few days. Mr. J. Teeson has purchased a fine four year old Clydesdale. horse. Mr. R. Pearson spent Monday even- ing at 'l‘horuhill. News Notes. Col Dcnisou’s salary as Police Ma â€" istrate has been raised from $4,000 to $5,000, and Mr. Kingsford from $1,500 to $3,000. A peace officer may now arrest per- regu- lations Without a. warrant, and take them before a nmgistrute. Constables attending assizcs or sessions will hereafter get $2 a day, an increase of 50 cents. George Le Tray, night engineer was sufflcatcd in a fire thatguitcd the main floor of the Toronto General Post. Office about Elo’clock Sunday morning. Some mail matter was burned, and damage done to the amount of about $30,000. night dresses by means of firemen‘s ladders. __.o._* A ROCK IN THE BALTIC. A Remarkable Series of Adventures Resulting on a Naval Mistake. The careless firing of a new piece of ordnance by Lieut. Allan Drummond, of;l{.M.S. Cousin-nation, While cruising through the Baltic, has led to a series of unaccountable and surprising inter- nal ioual complications. Drummond sighted a new gun on an :apparently deserted hit of rock that Ijuttcd up out of the sea. To his amaze- ment his cruiser was at once fired on ifrom the rock, and the Russian Gov. . ernmcnt demanded an explanation 5 from Great Britain. The. mystery of the whole affairâ€" thc presence of cannon on such a site, the anger of Russia and the import.- nnce given to so insignificant zifimattcr. â€"â€"workcd on Drmnmond’s imagin- ,atiou, and in a moment of headstrong ‘ folly he. went to Russia to investigate. A series of surprising adventures fol- lowed, culminating in a scene that de- iies description. I The whole story is splendidly re- Quaiterly services will be hold in the counted in Robert Barr’s great novel. "‘A Rock in the Baltic,” which has Methodist Church next Sunday. Mr. T. H. Keys is making picpar. just been purchased by ations for building and has the cellar dug for his new dWelling house. Mr. B. Gram intends buildng this summer and work at the. cellar has been begun. Miss Lyllt Richardson of Toronto. visited over Sunday at the home of her uncle Mr. Leeds Richardson. Mr. J. Oliverhas sold his farm to Mr. A. Killough. Q4.- TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION The annual convention of the North York Teachers” Association held in Aurora on Thursday and Fri- day, the 10th and 11th of May. Inter~ estng sessions are expected. I'Tvery teacher in the inspector-ate should en- (honor to be present and be ready to - contribute from his or her experience for the benefit of all. A committee will n-port on the resignation of Mr. A. B. Dav'ldsun. The Mail and Empire, and is to be the first novel of ‘the much-talkcd-of “$150,000 series” i which this enterprising paper is to issue during the forthcoming twelve, months. i This series consists of twelve great novels by the most famous living Anglo-Saxon authors. ’ The Mail and Empire, with its cue-,3 tomary alertness has secured the sole‘ right in this district to publish these novels in serial form before they ap- pear in book form, which will afford; it readers a. literary treat never before will he offered by any newspaper-Vin America. ‘ No other paper in the city or vicinity can publish these great stories. Order ‘ in advance to avoid dissappoiutmcnt, as the edition will be exhausted before all are able to buy. Commences on on Saturday, May 5th, and each suc- ceeding Saturday. These stories will also be published in the \Veekly Mail, and Empire, commencing May 10th. [Single copies, 3 cts. “I? Hebit-forrning Medicines. Whatever ma. be the fact astomany of the so-call patent medicines con- tainin injurious In edients as broadly ublls ed in some ournals of more or ess Influence, this publicity has certainly been of great benefit in arousing needed attention to this subject, It has, in a considerable measure, resulted m the most intelligent people avoiding such foods and medicines as may be'fairly sun- ctcd of containing the Injurions ngre- Ionts com Iained of. Recognizing this fact some t me ago, Dr. Her-co, of Buffalo, N. Y., “took time b the forelock,“ as it were, and publishe broadcast all the ingredients of which his popular medi- clues are com osed. Thus he has comâ€" pletely forests ed all harping crltlcs and all 0 position that might otherwise be urge against his medicines, because they are now or KNOWN COMPOSITION. Fur- thermore. from the formula. printed on every bottle wrapper, it will be seen that these medicines contain no alcohol or other habit-forming drugs. Neither do they contain any narcotics or Injurious agents. their ingredients being purely vegetable, extracted from the roots of medicinal plants found growing in the de tbs of our American forests and of well recognized curative Virtues. Instead of alcohol, which even In small portions long continued, as In obstinate cases of diseases, becomes highly objec- tionable from Its tendenc to produce a craving for stimulants, 1'. Pierce em- ploys chemically pure triple-refined glycerine, which of Itself is e. valuable remedy in many cases of chronic diseases, being a. superior demulcent, antiseptic, antlierment and supporting nutritive. It. enhances the curative action of the Golden Seal root Stone root, Black Cherrybark and Bloodroot, contained in “Golden Medical Discovery," in all bron- chial, throat and lung affections attended with severe coughs. As will be seen from the writings of the eminent Drs. Grover Coo, of New York; Bartholow of J efl’cr- son Medical College, Phila.; scudder, of Cincinnati; Ellingwood, of Chicago; Hale, of Chicago, and others, who stand as leaders in their several schools of practice, the foregoing agents are tlw oer; best In redients that Dr. Pierce con d have 0 osen to make up his fa.- mous "Discovery" for the cure of not only bronchial, throat and Inn affecâ€" tIons, but also of chronic mun-i~ in all in various forms wherever located. g! Best Portland. Cement At the very best prices either i at The family of George Ross, 5 Deputy Postmaster escaped in their ,Richmond Hill or Maple Station I l l W C. SOULES or write Apply to JESSE WIN GER CARRVII.LE, ONT. PLEASANT View FARM The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle. and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hogs. Lot 29, 1st Cou., Vaughan (Thornhill) has for sale some good young Stock. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERH AM, Proprietor. THE LIBERAL to January 1, 1907 for SIXTY CENTS

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