Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 May 1906, p. 2

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S BANKS ABE mm mm The Conditions A despatch from Oakland, Californiani says: Conditions are still looking 111).: The restriction against entering the city is now practically oil. The electric cars are running on Market Street again. The banks have both a name and a local habitation. They have iound a row of private residences on Leguna Street. (Iv thoroughiure heretofore a stranger to commerce, and from the windows of! these houses flags proclaim that the; (Smoker-Woolworth, the Nevada and (tilt the others are doing business within. ‘ The Clearing House. representing the 1 Meal commercial banks, has been meet-‘ mg every day. They have arranged a plan for paying oii depositors ior Lemâ€"1 porary needs on a proportionate scale, ‘ - - - . _ “Mum: 0n mm, Ululy lluuuu nu u rufll ~,, each wittxlmwnl to be limited to $500. Correspondents of the several banks in London, Paris and New York will trans- !er certain sums to their credit. The Mint will be the cashier's window (01' all the banks. The cheques will be made out in the usual form, endorsed by the cashier, and taken to the Mint. where they will be cashed. Superintendent of the Mint Leach says that he will 00- operate in this as soon as he can get enough clerks. The savings banks re- port a satisfactory condition. They will open on the same day as the commercial banks. Business men who attempted on Sat] urduy to secure assets from sales dug‘ out of the earthquake and fire debris, met with disaster. Several of the sales; eontaining books. records, stocks, bonds] and negotiable securities were forced“ wen. The instant the latent heat in the interior of the thick strong-boxes came in contact with the first rush ni air there was a blaze, and in an instant the contents were consumed. This fact. served as a grim warning to bankers who have millions of dollms locked up in safes and vaults. Many of the vaults are still buried in the de- h'is, but scores of sales have been dragged out and left to cool in the streets. The market price for laborers is $2.50 a day, with the supply limited. but in- creasing. Besides the authorities. the War Denm'tment and sheet railways, private concerns want men to clear up their premises and erect temporary structures. Happily, we are almost clean again. The restrictions on the use o§ water for anything but external use have been removed. ‘ DANGER OF EFIDEMIC OVER. Every day the danger of epidemic seems smaller. There is absolutely no herease in the number of smallpox cases, no lyphoid has: annear‘od, and the «leases of measles and scarlet fever are ew. Donkey and construction engines were hauled into the ruined business district to get the sates of business men out of the ruins. They are in the same fix as the banks; they dare not open the sates until they are thoroughly cooled. In cases where floors tell, five or six sates are often jumbled together in the base- ments. The owners get'them all out and identify their property. They will be left tn the streets to cool for the pre- sent. The work of rming the dangerous walls goes on smoothly. The next imn portant stage of this work will be the laying of railroad tracks down the main business streets, to get out the great masses of wreckage. T} 113 FIRE~S\V EPT AREA. Alter a careful survey the engineers of the Board of Public Works estimate that the area swept by the tire is about 15 square miles. There are low cities in the world where so much valuable property was contained in an equal territorial area. Within the district were nearly 100 banks alone, some of the finest office buildings outside of New York, thousands of mercantile and manufacturing establishments, and , 7;“. uuu about 250.000 inhabitants, together with about 25,000 transients. These facts may give some idea of the size of the ruin and of the loss involved. but they also emphasize the small loss of life from earthquake, fire and shoot ing. For the death list may not go over 700. and will almost certainly not reach 1.000. This is a striking proof of the masterly manner in which the authori- ties, civil and military, ran things. MANY RESIDENCES UNINJURED. The homes oi more than 150,000 are standing practically uninjured. There still remain the great shipyards at the Potrero. the Pacific Mail docks. end the busy district immediately surrounding them. the stock front from Mission Creek to Hunter‘s Point, the Mini. the Post-office. and the large retail district on Fillmore and Devisadero Streets. After all, a big city remains in San Francisco. Th: Chinese Consul-General registers _ yards at South san serious Francxsco. the wharves along the. when curred 5 among WiliiumS' quarry. UUIIH UI lIHD blb‘), uu Tuesday. when the infant child of James Aphni was burned to death in a fire which destroyed the parents' home, have been received. The baby was asleep alone in the house, which was a small ’trame structure, when the tire broke out in some mysterious way. and the building was enveloped in flames; before it was noticed, making the rescue I of the baby impossible. ......._+.â€"â€"â€"‘...._ OUTBREAK 0F PLAGUE. Many Deaths Occur in Kashmir, North- ern India. A Lahore. India, despaich says: A outbreak of the plague has oc- at Jammi, in Kashmir. northern There have been many victims the members of the palace house- hold and the imperial service troops. Two hundred and eighty-live deaths occurred during the past week. India. _+.__.__ a kick. He says that the soldiers have been collecting graft from his country. YEAST BACILLUS FOR CANCER men. When the first. crowd of relugees -â€" was taken from the ruined district the Dr. Doyen Tells Medical Congress soldiers made the Chinamcn‘pay toll, Lisbon of New Cure. usually $5 a head, to be guided to the t ( _ . Kt , , ferry. He makes a further charge thatln‘fivcgfsfilmgrfligfil 5:131:01;an the military guard was withdrawn from M‘me Medical Congress h‘em “ML Chinatown yesterday, allowing crowds had cuer cancer by inoculating 1 of white toughs to poke through the patients with yeast bacillus. He ruins and help themselves to the stocks hevcd that investigation in this dime“ or Chinese stores- Hc said that a largelwould lead to discoveries of the 8” amount of property was stolen in thisesg Value, LABOR SUPPLY INCREASING SAFES ARE STILL COOLING. A GRIM \VARNING. Litions Are Much improved In San Francisco. with weeks ahead, when paSSenger trollic shall have turned the other way, when artisans, architects and business men iwill be coming to help in building the‘ new city. The air is full of projects. Herbert Law, a capitalist, who had pre- pared to lease the Fairmount Hotel and build an annex to it just before the fire, went. east in a hurry two days ago. It is said he went after a conference 0! men of money to lay a proposal helore (chgress. This is nothing less than a request of a Government loan of $100; 1000.000 at 2 per cent. interest. to he [used in rebuilding and to supplement the insurance payments. According to the plan, the loan is to run for 25 years, and to be secured by city real estate. The police estimate that there are 2,0(Xlâ€"4nostly men‘ women and chil- drenâ€"in Oakland. separated from their families and awaiting developments. Every hour of the day lost members of “mun... om rnctnrm‘ tn M1011 OUK’I‘. EXODUS IS SLOWING UP.. The exodus is slowing up. The feeble and the timid have about been cleured away, and the crowds at the railroad offices for trunsporiuiion and passes are -7“ uhhl. sensibly smaller. mg forward mm weeks ahead, w shall have turned inmilies and awaiting developments. Every hour of the day lost members of iiamilies are restored to each other. ‘ The opening of stores along Market innd Filimore Sireeis has greatly re- duced the number of people in the gbread lines. Familim of moderate gmeans are paying for their food. Up Ho this time. even the rich. whose home isupplies were law, had in stand in line gand wait their turn with the "bums" -i “he Barbary Coast and the scarlet wo- men from Belden Place. All dangerous walls on Market street are now dyna- milod. - L, -1 AL- .mln “Him. 1 There are still lillle shacks at the rate 10f me or two a day. and will he‘ the \woalhcr people any, (or at. least a fort- night. Few pennlc pay my attention to them. Everyone understands that after a big tremor like this the little [rambles must continue. in St. Pelersburg. A St. Petersburg despatch says: Thanks to the conciliatory attitude of the city representatives. the threat of a repetition of the great labor demonstra- tion and the bloody events of “Red Sunday,” January 22, 1905, on aecountt ot the destitution of thousands of idle workmen, has been obviated [or the moment. The City Council on Wednesâ€" day night decided to begin public works amounting to $1,500,000, and, pending their initiation, to aSsign $250,000 among those out of work, the number 0! actually destitute at present, according to labor representatives, being not over 20,000. A commission‘ of which one- half are workingmen. was held to plan the works and supervise the distribu- tion of money. The situation is threatening as the measures of relief are purely artificial. The army of the unemployed, becaus , u :__,,t Authorities Coping the factof'ies are running on on account of we lack of constantly inqmasing. wuouumu .. .--, At Wednesday's conference one work- man said :â€"-“We speak in the name 01 the great Russian proletariat, which headed the revolution. Heed our de- mands and warning. If you reluse we will rank you with the enemies of the {atherland, and we will transmit your refusal lo the proletariat, with which you must reckon. Your blood and theirs be upon your hands.” It Was Sleeping Alone in the House \Vhich “Ins Destroyed. A Winnipeg despateh says: Particu- lars oi' the lalalily which occurred at Willinms’ quarry. north 0! this city, on Tuesday. when the infant child of James Aphni was burned lo death in a fire which destroyed the parents' home, have been received. The baby was asleep alone in the house, which was 0. small ‘lrume structure, when the tire broke out in some mysterious way, and ‘the building was enveloped in flames [before it was noticed, making the rescue lot the baby impossible. _ .A. Lahore, India. despatch says: A serious outbreak of the plague has oc- curred at Jammi, in Kashmir. northern India. There have been many victims among the members of the palace house- gin-libel Medical Congress here u] had cured cancer by inoculating patients with yeast bacgllus. H ,,.‘F.:“I:»_. .. n.:- 4:_ TO START RELIEF “’ORK. BABY BUR NED 'I‘O Doyen Tells Medical Congress at Lisbon of New Cure. despalch from Lisbon says: Dr, 311, the Frmch scientist, announced he Medical Congress here that he tut-ion and passes are The people are look- to the time, a few 1en passenger tramc the other way, when With the Situation stood by and Chinese and in DEATH. halt force orders, is as 1 Dr. Chi unced1Col at hean the am e b“- icn chnn sh: great- pm ONTARIO LEGESLATURE “‘HAT THE LEGESLATURE “ONTO IS DOING. “on. Co]. lion Bill, w: (icinl title 01 plemcntary ing on the that a tnx each agency of a phlity instead of which is the systc nc matter how I may have." ‘1 After a few amendments had been made. Ml“. Hayle’s hill rospccimg pros- pectuses issued by companies was giwn ils third reading. The main ulicx-nlinn was to the effect that where subscrip- tions for stock have been made 0n the simngth of verbal representations. ihny shall not. be deemed binding unless .lie purchaser has seen the company’s prospectus. THE MUNICIPAL ACT. 1 l A number of bills making, various amendments to the municipal act. werel approved of. One of these gives muni- cipalities the right to take stock in or guarantee the bonds of utilities situated outside the boundaries of the niunici-' palities supplying them. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. The Lieutcnz.nt-Gm'ei'n0r‘s assent was! given to the Liquor License Act on‘ Friday. As the annual reissue of licenses takes place on May lst, all hotels 8" ‘ liquor stores. will thus begin from that date to my the higher license provided for in the measure. The Lili‘ received its third reading in the Legis- lature on Thursday. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Hon. Dr. Pyne' bill respwting the Education Department, was passed through the committee stage. THE MINES ACT. The new Mines Act was reviewed in committee, and a number of suggestions offered by private members on both sides of the House will he considered he- fox‘c it comes up for its third reading. THREE IMPORTANT MEASURES were introduced by the Minister of Agriculture. One 01 these provides for the creation of an Advisory 13mm in connection with the Ontario Agricul- tural College. The second is intended to'prevent (rand in the manufacture of cheese' and butt-‘1' by appointing sani- tary inspectors, and the third provides for the suppimsion of foul brood among bees. THE NEW DRAINAGE ACT by which the province is divided into two disiricts, and :1 second illspflcwi' appointed for me Eastern division, was read a second Lin 9. A “AVIVI‘A‘Y 'I‘EMISKAMING RULWAY The Amendment to the TCIniSiv Railway Bill also received its reading. By this Act the mug! is cmpoworcd to lease or scl lines 0! 10 miles or less. Disorder Among the rEulus lncreasingi and Reserves Called 0m. A London degpatch says: The Cowm- mc-nt has called out the first reserves in seven districts of Natal to cope with the native insurrection. The disorder is spi-mding among the Dini Zulus, Chief induna’s mission on behalf of the tCOlonial Government 1.0 Chief Siganan. lda has failed, and he reports that Sig- t:irminda's tribe is in a state of rem]. ion. The native; in Switzerland are showing: signs of uneasiness. and Euro- pmns there are appealing for provoc- Lion. PASSED PROSPECTUS BIL! TAX ON RAIIAVAYS. AFTER AUTOMOBII Mntheson's Ruilwa as brought. in unch ' An Amendment to Revenue Act. Befor railway question it of $25 shall be inn; THE NATAL FPHIHNG. lglh. Another pl‘OpOSCS m ommissionors to 9011, ham: 3 deal with mining rights rightrof-way and on (mm gut in under the ol- nendment to the Sup- 0 Act. Before touch- question it provides shall be imposed on bank in any municiâ€" $25 on one agency, \ aL mosent obtaining aL pr ny bx branché on by mileage is charges being cation and distri- irom this source. strikes out on o the Tennis- tario Railway . Dr. licnume. empower the to louse u exceeding 1m ISTS Taxa bank mam g .ccond A dcspnlch from New York says: The anthracite mine opcru‘lors, through their sub-commiltee of seven, on Friday replied to the latest propositions of the mine workers for an adjournment of the existing differences in [he anlhmcite fields, refusing to modin their position mu.“ . Operators Svnd Reply In La posals ol the Minors. put quest ion shall be fixed by award. AnLhr The Frontier Troubles (hm Reiniorcomenls. 0H A London despntch says: I] of Commons on Thursday 4 body Gooch. Liberal, asked crease was contunpmted in ‘ c‘f the garrison in Egypt. 0 member of the Royal Canadian Garri- son Artillery, charged with the murder ,of u comrade named Gunner Richard? ‘Kidd Hall, at the Citadel in November last, concluded on Thursday night. at ‘7 o’clock. when the jury returned a var-i dict of guilty of manslaughter, and thel presiding judge sentenced him to peni-‘ tenliary for the rest of his natural life.| ,‘1‘hc jury took it. into consideruh’on thatl the prisoner was insane when he coni- milted the act and is still suffering from ,demeniia, which influenced their ver-i idlCL The Minister of Jusliee may have the condemned man examined, and, if lfcund insane, incarcerated in the King- 'slon Penitentiary lunatic asylum. The prixoner was oblivious of all that wm: passing during the trial. and even when [UK verdict was rendered and the sen- dtence pronounced he did not rnelize his 'lposiiion, and when the guards sought : to remove him from the dock he re sisted, though he uttered no words. but named about. him with a vacant stare. ‘li-ial of'Gunner John Barry, a former {‘1‘ the it was my. Sir Edwm (or the Colo yon considm there, duo 1 tutod minim to say for ii any for flu A Cairo despatch sgys: A'hauery n! Horse Artillcy and three companies of Inniskilling Fusiliers. now in Crete, have been ordered to Egypt. (Runner John Barry “la: Found Guilty at Manslaughter. c.1- 11' when me causing muckers, killing i110 and Johns linim‘ies to 11 rolofc \VILL MAKE NO CONCESSION. A dcspntch from London says: 'l'hc' British tire cmnpanfes are beginning to get from their San Francisco agent-s preliminary estimates of the liabilities on amount of the earthquake and tin; ‘The nuyul’s ngt-nis cable that the cam- lpany’s loss may reach £1,350,000. This lis about sixty-three times the premium income received by the company and its: subsidnry company from Sam Francisco during 1905. Taking this ratio for the basis on which to calctllute the liatiili. ties of all the British companies and their snhsidaries‘ it works out that these -compnnies in the aggregate inhy be call- ed upon to pity £13‘000‘000. It would appear, however, that the British com- panies ultimately will pay considerably has than the nmonnt of thir normal lia- bilities, for the present indications are lllvat thvy will not indulge in gencmg. ilv towards their San Francisco clients, but will my strictly according to the Gigantic Losses 0! Briitsh Companies in San Francisco Fix-c. A dcspnlch from British (ire compan set from their Sn A despnlch fl‘01]1~nglJeC says Sh‘il A Dynamite Exphwkm Causes 0! Two Men. ofore upon killing ilxem and Johnson injux'iPs to UK. fortunate mo names 0! the be learned. will he held. The Canadian Pa pany are (offering Ii‘ coveying four years science at McGill U1 lice“) and others 0! 1 under twenlyame y( as to minor sons of SIXTYâ€"FIVE MILLION DOLLARS itc the ike to bc SENTENCE!) FOR LIFE. H10 comm: The minor is nffer‘. demands (MU-“TED BY HUGE ROCK. 10 operators’ pm] : Commission at as 1,0 what Chan nude in the scale H10 commission in ‘I‘ROOE “CST. EGYPTIAN sing to modify their p announced. The on the miners to renew .hree years me award Strike Commission or rcemen ts 1 Grey adin in Egypt, and \vhmnc ‘mancnt or only tempor The letter points out but that of incroase 1 the impression that acite industry are un- mn abandoned. The :1 Pacific Runway Cam- ng live [we scholarslnps yem‘s‘ tuition in appliod 5111 University to apprvn- s at their own employer-s haw 0H Jposim urbitra‘ mics, 1r. for Large ‘uest Prm silion ma itrate 111: 5, if any of wage the House aorgv Pezb of SI else 1111 FE DOCCS and the to peni- lml life. ion that the. Death INK LEADING MARKETS ronto. Wheat sidt Butter â€"- ket all n Creamery do soli Dairy Tb. do lam Dairy 1b. rolls. good do largo rolls do medium . Cheese â€"â€" Old is qu nn‘d 14%0 for twins. nctive and U firmer. New 130.. and stox Poultry â€"- 13c. thin 7c to GC to 7c; duck Potatoes ~â€" bng mlt of sh mek and 10c Billed Hav - l v '0 Foronlo, M )0 per ceu .10. buyers mitoba ~â€" ixed , \V heat Monlrem, Mn ness is quiet in N0 2, 410 to 41 No. 4, 390 to 3'3 0 b.. per bush 52c afloat. May: mixed track. Flc ants. sh $1: 1 cent. points, arrive; mixed C. R. Buckwheat -â€"- tcn ran (1H fresh killed 95‘ country alive, $7.65 156, at ICC ‘0 rut ‘21 1 N1 lover Buffalo \tht â€" Beans - m busm tun 4"- to 52c. Rye 603230. cal-loads ‘ to $1.6 Millfeed !C( Roiled Oats ~ Per bag. 31 ls, $2.05 (0 Sim in small It. Cummcal â€"â€" $1.30 to $1.50 H arts. 3'21 night g Toronto, May Lâ€"Modcx‘nte defiverlcs mi (2111].: \-.'em recorded at the VVCSYan Liuttlc Market 10-day, and prices were stmuly to strnng in Ihe hcflm' grades. Alumt the usual number of export (rattle wore brought forward. and prices mmzml from $1.75 to $6.90 for fair lumix. A few extra choice loads brought 2% 1nd 81 £5.13. 1036.50; calves Spring Inmbs‘ S3 to Quotations fnrimrllc (‘rs was $30 10 3 Hogs were om Qmmlions wow $7.15; lighis and ario OHCV '01' compm pure 1a x to S Shay } $5.! try â€"â€"- Chok 'ch to 180; bixcchheaL )visions â€"â€"~ hort out Dc timothy in car being $7 to $1 Uvr‘ a Choicest creamer-y, 192,50 {(2 undor-gmdcs, 1834c; dairy, 160. la Nil“? YORK \NHEAT MARKET. â€" Tht‘, and the -â€" No. .1‘ 39 Lo No. 50: clover mixed, $650, and aw York. Ma nmninm 01m - Manitoba spring 420 to $4.30; strong $4.10: winter wheat $19.5f BREADSTUFFS. ‘ May 1. â€" Flour cent. patents an MON Lab. ducks grain Ont !“ .... .... . . . . . JD": lU an Old is quoted at 14c [or large- for twins. and new at 13c. Tho demand is rather more the tendency of prices is :w laid are quoted at 150 10 uorngo are quiet at. 130. â€"â€" Choice dry plucked wr- m 13c; {at chickens 126 to 5 lo 81:: fut hens So to 96:, thin- 50 nixâ€"4311i?! lots on tr Colorm NJFFALO MARKET. ling: and lard, '7}; rd, 11%(2 to £4.60; cows. $3 )0: Gunners. $1 Keeps, 1,150 1 D0111”! reported mat» the Government odun' a bin to provido for up sion 0! cheap powex. Prime beans halalâ€"picked, TREAL MARKETS. , 'in l; milled \Vh 71 RSKC‘ xtchors' patents ugs, ou Jay I. â€"- Grain â€"â€" Bus!- 11 local grain circles. oats 41%c: N0. 3, 400 ta 40%6; 31)};0; peas. 74c to 756, l. 911.: barley, N0. 3 extra, y; N0. 4, 50c: com, N0. 3 No. 3 yellow, 56%,c, ex l Mcvaior ; No. 1 afloat. \T’l‘Hi MA RKET. Mm J Finn: No. 2 Evhite. 86 in yr â€"~ Quiet: spot offered at ye â€" Stronger; No. 2 held, DdSOI‘ $0.50 -‘.)c bid, 510 askod‘ out- mouille, ‘ $3 to 86 each. for milch COWS and spring- lo 855 each. offered in larger numbers. vex-c as follows zâ€"Selccts. and fais. $6.90 per cwt. , outside for export 0 $4.50 for first pat,- Sv’; for seconds. rd. buycrs‘ bags, To [e clover .1 section Isor bacon, 150 to 15%0; Hoir dressed hogs. $10.- essod at $9.75 to $9.50, $7.75 for sifiocts. laid, 16c ’(0 15c per doz- Bum Per bag. $1.95 in car ‘111]( ‘llers‘ $330 to $3.90; to $1.85; extras, $1.- who bran. 5 $20 to $21 ulk, $18.50 ‘ mouillc, ulsidc to choice 11§1c to 12% $22.50; light clear fut bac 7}{c to 7%(2; 950 (o 1 3615c asked, '78 mked, Toronto. hid, main Linc. are selling it). 1 north and Point Midland. 15k to 7%6; Canaa- 12%c: keme ren- hums, 1354-1: to breakfast bacon. Spot firm: No. 2 No. 2 red, 90316 Northern Duluth. grain-fed lambs. $3 to $6 per cwl; white, 30%“ '1 to $5; nmdilim 535 [0 $3.75: buns 50 to $2 per rcwrt‘ 0K hcavy Canadi- W . $21 [0 $534; ‘5 to $27 DC? wheat pat- hakm‘s‘, $3.- Port 00‘}- 180m ~90 17cto18c 16:: to 27c Ontarie 50 D0? per ton; 3110.50; n bags cent. Pulls and lllx- :m‘ 8! .70 bush- short pu r0 $4.40 $3.85 $3.75 Ho

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