The Dominion am} Provincial Dep- armuentsongriculmra! are more than ever alive to these dangers which threaten to become a serious loss in crop production, and in the Eastern The cost of labor in ï¬ghting Weed, insect and fungus pests which like the poor are ever With us, is one of the most serious problems with which farmers have to contend. The Seed Control Act has had the eï¬â€™ect of in- creasing the price paid to farmers for the pure seed and of reducing the price for their low grade seed. And even greater discrimination in prices is likely to follow. New weeds con- tinue to be introduced. The trade in agricultural seeds has been a ii'uitful means for spreading them. The shipment, for feeding purposes, of sereenings from western grown wheat to points in the Eastern Pro vimees is. another source of immediate danger that. should not be overlooked. The noka nature 01 new weeds that are being introduced in various Provinces they are cooperating again this year in holding ï¬eld‘ meetings during the Month of†June, when weeds, inseefs, fangus diseases and plant growth are most in evidence. Ways seldom we“ understood or their dangers appreciated by farmers Emit they have become wen estab- lished. Seventy of these ï¬eld meetings are being arranged by Supt. G. A. Put» mum, in connection with the Farmers‘ Institute System of Ontario. The services of ProfeSSOr Loehbead of the McDonald Agricultural College at Ste. Anne de Bellevue have been secured to conduct similiar farmcrs' nature study meetings in three Mar- itime Provinces. Here is provided an opportunity for farmers to get at ï¬rst hand, in- formation that cannot be given or demonstrated in hall meetings during the winter. It is stated that Hon. Chas. Fits patrick will be appointed Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Court, and that idea. A. B. Aylesworth will become Minister of Justice in the. Dominion Cabinet. It is thought that Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux will be appointed Postmaster-General when Mr. Ayles- worth goes to the Department of Justice. Mr. Arch. Campbell's bill to amend the Weights and Measures Act, and which deals with the size of milk cans, has passed the Committee of the whole in the Dominion Parlia- ment, and now stands for it third reading. In the new bill the capa- city of eight gallons shall be known as a standard. Hamilton is certainly in it this time. William Sherring‘. of that city a young fellow 120 lbs. in weight, has won the Marathon toot-race. the chief item in the historie Olympian games at Athens, which has been the envy of athletics for thousands of years. past. There were forty-eight competitors, embracing Greeks, Brit- 0115, Americans. Germans, French- men, Swiss, Egyptians and many other nationalities. The course was 26 miles, and the great race was wit- nessed by 200,000 people. The event brings glory not only to Hamil- ton but to Canada as a whole. RICHMOND HILL. Best wheat belt in the world. Im- proved and unimproved farms for sale in Milestone district. Country boom- ing, safe investment, healthy climate. See samples of grain grown on my farm at nï¬ice. For Particulars. farm at Addreis S‘ARMERS FIELD MEETINGS he ï¬ihcml. For Sale ED. FORESTER ONT†May 3. 1903 Milestone HE DUKE is a beautiful sen} brown Stallion about, 16,} hands high. and in stud condininn weighs about1.300pnunds. The Duke is highly ï¬nisde and mverfully built in every way. He is not H. pacer but one of Lho ï¬nest guite trotting horses in America. He has trnLtt-d a. trial in 2.17. quurtm's in 295 seconds. and a 1-58 gait, and it is said, with good bundling, he cuuld trot in 2.10. Any «me wnn wiil inspect this horse before selecting a sire we Will guaran- tee to make them 11 present. of $1,000 and u colt without charge, if The Duke is not. just as represvnted and one of th9 best bred Trotting Smlliuus on the cou- Linent and one of tbv greatest Stock Horses on earth. Routeâ€"12 Weeks, commencing Monday, Apm 30th, I906 MONDAYâ€"He willgorm Egiinton Hate}. Eglintnn, from 9 to 10. and thence to Golden Lion Hotel, \(mgo Street, for mum, and thence to Hughes" HatchThoI-nhill, frum3tu4. thence up Yunge Street. to Uusgmu-‘s Hutu], Elgin h 11.5: f0}; night. m ..._- .v. . _. 1... 1’ .,h.h..'.‘ 111.9â€)! A yn-rn-o Fun nan Am] thr'nt‘f‘. t0 uv .u “\mcn, A“ nun“... ., .. . “70,â€, ’\VEDNESDAY~H9. will go to Mr. Jusoph Hill‘s ful'm, lot 2.3. concession 6, King (near Kvttleby), for noun, and thence to Nuliletun fur nigh t. THURSDAYâ€"He will go to Kleinlnu-g for noon, and thence to “food‘- bridgo House, “'oodhridge, for night. FRIDAYâ€"He will gu tv Thistleunwn for noon. and thence to Islington Hotel. lslingtun. for night. SATURDAYâ€"He will gn ta). Black Home Hotel. 'l‘nx'uhtu, whvrv he- will re- main unLil evening. when he will gu- to his own. stable, 107 McGill Su-cct,x\'hcro he will remain until Monday murning. $10 Insurvs a Living colt, payable 10 days aï¬ter mare foals. 01- dies within that time, no clmnge will: be made. 1315“: Auula. I‘ll "- . TUESDAY-â€"ï¬ew\lvill gu tn Lemon’s Hotel, Aurora. for Royal Hotel, Newman-kn, for night. " A. ‘1. ‘--,_,‘_..‘.‘.\ A ‘v- ,,,:n M . . 1.“.‘nl. IIIH‘= Faun. \V. J. LAING in chmge Loans made to fm-uwx-s at ï¬ve per cent. Apply to Mr. Laing. SPRING AND SUMMER MESS BARNE§ is now complete comprising Black and Blue Woxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices LIVERY Threshers’ Coal on hand. Coal and Wood Delxvercd. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., Richmond [lill June 11. 1905 The ï¬rst (05! my be martâ€"but Suppose one (cut: costs $9). and Suppose me same length of FTO‘ High (‘mbon sud Win: and locks! of on‘y 31 21 year. Isn't [he Frost the chenncet yu-j Thornhill. Ont . My Stock 01 VVoolens for nun: E. R. REYNOLDS, Proprietor ‘34:. 'fnll Tailor, Richmond Hill f1 . J. HUME, DRESSMAK [NG AND LADI ES' TAI LO RING $1.000 GUARANTEE 25375 Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion Paper at the Liberal Ofï¬ce. C. A. SINCLAiR, - JAMES WOODARD. EEU'BENE '3; pmnsom, - Thornmia COAL WQGD FROST FENCE is the cheapest you can buy 1.07 BLCGILL ST., TORONTO the ï¬rst coat is lbs mfly c051. 13>K$,8.1y' {or 5 )cars. That fence cash you 35 a year. t :nc: ms“ 365. mu the Frost Fcuccâ€"xnade of with the Eu»: Lockâ€"dusts for 23 years-4|. I cont )wn Stallion about, 16; hands high. and in 300 pnunds. The Duke is highly ï¬nished 11y. He is not n pacer but, one of the ï¬nest up my n-mn-d a. trial in 2.17. auartm's in hwy? Frost Pcuczs are for :11: bv j Galvanized Hog I Troughs FUR SALE UR TU RENT The dwelling, bumln-r shop, driving shed and stables. Duiug a gym] retail trade. \Vill he sold clump. If not sold before the ï¬rst of April, will he to rent. Excellent chance for a guod mun. Ap- ply nnvv Ann using Monday, Apn'I 30th, which for 16 years has taken the lead for efficiency and for posi- tions. Open all year. Day and night. R.A.Farquharson,B.A Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Toronto 400. per Foot. t! 6min, chopped at all times. Get down to business now. In Richmond Hill Proprietor Made. to order at agar Laskav Aurora ISOG T0 If cult comes deformed noon, and thence to Richmond Hill P. O. BOX 476, Vow V463! To rent. by the year. small fax m with house. Address F. \V. RIDDELL. Have just arranged with the VufPr- inm'y Sppcinlty (in. to sell the fUHUW- ing rmnedies: Stuck Tunic and Blond Puriï¬er, Indigestion zmd Unlic Unrv, Spavin Curo, \Vm-m vadm‘s.111mgh Remedy, Pmfltry Tunic1 Louw “Path Antiscvptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- ainn. thk Oil, levu Bolivf. Lump Jaw Cure, Aplmxdisiac and Anti-Stor- ile Powders, Diarrhm-n ()m-v fur Cults and Calves, Leaking Nun-11 85 Joint Disease. FORE; Two Square-Gear Machines Made 5 &: “Faring. Veterinary Sur- geons, twi-nty-ï¬vc yam-3 of pmcticnl mega-fence. _ n , .:L1:.__A _..r-..-_.~ A cm: Jr in ev package entitling the: hair er to Free eLex-imu-y Advice. For sale W. H EW i 80 N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Cans from a distance promptly I attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL GLAZI ER, GRAINER and PAPEFHANGER RESIDENCE. MILL ROAD. SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL. MMWH+H+++++++++++ 2;: w. H. SHAW, Principal i .3. .1. ++++++H+++H+MWM+++++ 41-6m ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER Easiest running. Simplest in con- struction for strength and dum- bility. Cleanest skimmer. It is a spun-gear machine mechanically per- fect, and not a worm gear con- traption. It, has- u low-down supply c a n. Machines placed on one Week‘s trial free. FARMERS TAKE NGTIGE W. C. PETHECK, Agent! $10 Also agent for Gramophnnes and New Wil‘liams’ Sewing Machines. Hamilton Incubators, 4 sizes of ma- chines. Good terms given. Satisfaction Guaranteed MELOTTE SEPARATOR Twenty regular teachers. Fin- est equipment. Most successful graduates. Summai Sgsséaa without any break for huliduys. Students may enrnll at, nny time with vqmr) :xh'umuge. In- spection invited. ï¬nge & Gerrard Sta, Tm-mrto. Eur Swing, Tami weutml , figagittpï¬ï¬~ surge uow open nr'rge-s into um- TWO GOOD ONES @ver “[25,000 In daily use. F. J. PETHICK 8: SON, The Live Gt-nm-al Agonts 0f Richmond Hill. Wanted R‘CHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL P. O. MAGN Ml Dunn Ava, Toronto. Only ma- chine with self-balancing bowl. Freel- actinn and few ball-bear- ings than any :1 t h e rm a- chi‘ne on the market. Me- lntte bowl is shallnw and w i d c n n (1 opens in the centre so that every gnu-L of it can he ens~ ily cleaned. ET SEPARATOR ++++++++++++++++++++ Purity 2 Durability ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thosv gating hills "1- cards‘ at, THE LIBERAL ()ï¬iw will recwiw’ u {we notice during the spasm} as fullnw ' KNOCKALOE Cum? â€"â€"- Rmm'lster, the property of W. G'. ms. Bvdï¬â€™md Park. will stand at his own SCAM: Terms, $10. TAUPINâ€" Pm'o-hrvd Imp. Pt'lCllPl‘l‘)“, the pr-npm'ty of Harry Graham, Can-villa will he at King City, Tvmpumnr-vvilk. Victm-in Squares Rlclrm-rmtl Hill. TM'HIS. $14. ROV'PIRâ€"Thm-nJu-ed, the property of Junms \ankm', Teston. will stand “this own stable. 'l‘vrms. $10. FOREST BOYâ€"Trottiug-bred stallion, tlwpmpvrty of J. Pulmvr and T. Read. Hnnw stalvlp. Victoria; Square. Palmer Hump, Rich- mond Hill every \Vedmrsday. in nhioluwls Eman Mixed Paints Robertson’s Paims Tbs-r0 is nnlhing :12: good and nothing rznuld he better. "Imperial nmnsnre at price' as uLhn-m" Our Mme-k. of nib. paints, var- nishesavhitfng, zinc‘rvhite. glues. putty. alalmstin stains-fn-l. and prices righl . Staflion Regisner You are stnned free. Those wnn sum m V sum of mm: mm ï¬nance. All 'I luv Richmond Hill wquallcd 1m was no source. but than the writ Sunacm & Co..Portland, mmmu receivo free, fuil information about work which they can do. and 1mm homa.tbmwil) pay them from $5 to $25 per day. Soul. hnv. In a day Either sex. young mold. Cw m we started freq. Those why: +4¢¢$+~¢+ SH mu