THE LIBERAL tn the ï¬n'st ary, 1907. for 00 cents. The Marat/hle meu hm hwn won by u Hamiltonian. Now will Tin-nun; m; KIIUd' Richlmmd Lodge. A. I“. IUH'LS m-xt Monday evening. There wm'v 200.000 I‘dtm'g in the Tn: mntn post, ufl‘lve whx-n the [51-9 occm r111 Hundry morning, hut less than 2,000 were destroyed. Elm: @ï¬bemi. Flt-sh stock of Giant Sugar Seed. Grant. Yellow Gluhe Need, Tankard Sugar ()l-on Sl't’d at Atkinson Aï¬â€™ Switzm-‘s. The High School girls have organide n lmselmll cluh with Miss U. Ilnruingus president, and Miss J. Morgan secret;- inky-Treasurer. Mr. \Vill T. Storey jr. :1 clerk in [he Tumutn Pust, uflicu whn was having his holidays, spent, frum Thursday t0 Monday hot-u. The thpic fm~ the Epwm-th League nvxt, Monday evening will he tho three Christian gnu-es. Faith hope and Irhau'i t y. 4 cans gnod [was for 25(23 (tans guud cm-n for 250.. 2 cans Quake-r Brand tomatoes fur 250., 1 qt. tin gland maple syrup for 2513.. SH). (in golden syrup for 3'56. Atkinson 3; Switzcr. The mail matter which came to hand Mnnday morning frnm Toronto hora evidemtv (If ï¬re and Water. Many of “no. [Hm-ls were smiled and damaged. and the odor of smoke \va ‘ very strong. ()rmn‘s hvst prints, Rage. per yd.; ex- tm ï¬ne checked muslin, 14¢. pvr yd.; special value in muslins at 170. yd. A! kinsun & Switzer. Mr. F. W. Harrismu who recently graduated m Queens‘s Uuiu-rsity. 10ft; yesterday for the north-west where he purposes sponding the smmm'l'. Luca] Option Wont into fare? in 60 municipalities on 'l‘ue-sduy. (he ï¬rst of May, clnsing 161 bars. The municipal- ities t-lfoctxd include Richmond Hill. Stouifn'llv. Vaughan and Markhzuu. “Rev. J. J. Rodditt, Toronto. presi- dent of Conference. preacth tWU practical and impressive sonnnns in the Methodist Church last Sunday, and took part in the Sahhuth School exer- cises in the after-norm. The Sterling Bank. the hih’sf organ- ized ï¬nancial institution of Canada. is starting business with ï¬fteen hl-uncht‘s. including tbnse at Maple and 'l‘hurnhill. Benjamin Bernard, one nf Bladfnrd‘s oldest citizens: (lie-(l in that, villinge on t'u- 15th April, in his 77th year. Du- cwlSt-d was born in Hiulmmnd Hill. .lnuv, 1929, and Wth [0 Bradford in At, a meeting of the mnghtmtos of York County, held in Toronto last wet-k Mr. Charles Hickson of Vivtm-ia Square was among those selected as county cunstablvs. Best window glaSs. all size in stock. “'9 quote. for size 12 x24, Roper pane; nthm- sizes in proportion. Size 26x40, (inuhle diamond, 97¢. per pane. At- kinson & Switzcr. Seedsâ€"Sugar mange], mnmmnth long red and yellhw globe mange]; lm-nip seeds. huckwhvat. onion sctts, etc. Extmmluein cum. Naughton 8105., Eigin Hills. 1817. The Prize Lists for the Annual Fair to he held here (In the 24th of May have been printed. and are lwing cirâ€" culated. Should any pm'son interest- od be over-looked he or she can get a. copy by applying to the secretary, Mr. H A. Nicholls. Youth. the plastic morning of life, is the time when we must, do our effect- i\e work in character-buildin . If it is neglected then, or postpone . it will he well-nigh impossible to mould a. pew- fect character.â€"â€""Success Magazine†Boots and Shoesâ€"~Men's ï¬ne Blutch- er cut, boots, up-to-duto styles men’s working boots, a large stuck at. right prices. First-class English kip boots for men's wear at: $2.50. Naughtun Bum, Elgiu Mills. ' Mr. W. J. \Ve‘lls of Temperanceville is donating $5.00 to the funds of Rich- nmnk Hill and Yonge St. Agricultural Society's Spring Fair for the best, colt, m- filly any age sired by Laird Mac- Queen. This was reported too late for insertion among list of contributors. Rxcmmxn HILL, Ohm, May 3, 1936 The Treasurer for York County has advertised the annual sale of lands fur v unpaid taxes. The. only lot in this dis- ‘ tx-ict. No. 2. is of an acre assessed to ‘ Ii. 0. Houghton. Thornlxill, on the‘ Vaughan side of Yonge street. The; taxes and costs amount to $33.49. I The sale will be held in Lorne Hall in this villiage on the 26th of June, at, 11 ‘, a.m. l Mrs. J. Brownlee wishes through THE LIBERAL to thank the Confeder- ation Life Association. and their agent; Mr. P. G. Savage. for their prnmptnesa in paying the insurance, $1.000. on the life of her late husband. The cheque was received the same day the papers were made uut. THANKS EXPRESSED Ilgnl' Mungr-l lube Mungel Cream Beet nf Jann- A. M., will he lurid at the Hume of Mrs. Shaw this afternoon at, 3 o'clock. Rangoon rice, 5c.1h.; polished lice. 60. “L; Japan lice, 8c. lh.; Carolina rice, 100. 11).; bullet tapioca, 8c. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. H. C. Bailey having purchased fx-nm Mr. R. S. Thomson the Post Ofï¬ce stun-e at Maple is offering great inducements tncnstomm-s. as he. wishes to greatly rt-duce his stock hPfOI'e I'vmnving tn the new premises. Those wcciviug his clrculzu- announcement will nn duuht, "lilkt‘ :m eï¬'ux‘t tn visit his store within the next, few days, and secure smne of the inn-gains. DIAMOND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Tevfy celehrnu‘d the sixtiwt-h anniversary of thelr wedding on Tuesday. May 1st. Dr. Teefy. Tn- mntn, their daughtvr. Mrs. Mulcuhy. Orillin, Mrs. Tes-fy's bl'nthor. Mr. 19. H. C. Clurksun. and wife. and Rev. Futher Pluyvl- cmm- to offer emigrat- ulatinns tn the aged cnnple, who nre wearing “10 weight of their yvurs so lightly. Luvng loin-rs :md tele- grams wvrz- received from members: of the family and relatives at :1 distance. Japanese scientists attribute the auperiur sLan-e of the: English speak- ing laces tn their meat eating habits and the Empprm- is reported to be con- sidering :1 Scheme tn put the nation on n nmut diet. tn make his subjects grow taller. A native 7hyslcian 0f Tnkiu, who was educatvé in England. is ad- \'ncating the gem-ml use (If the bicycle- Lr) achieve the same purpose. In his opinion the bicycle is the must success- ful hndy huildvr and muscle developer the English people possess. Ho envies theEuglish lunth of limb. He recom- nwmls that, young ans, of hmh sexes, he taught curly m youth to ride the bicycle. . The East, York License- cmnmission- 91-5 on Saturday refust to grant, :1 licvnse tn Mrs. Maxwell fur the re- npvning uf the Highland Creek Hotel. Albert E. Robson and Gen. lImvm-d n'u-L a similiar fate With respect to the re-npening of the Dutch Farm. Mrs. Maxwell was represented by James Baird and Robson by J. F. Lennux. Charles E. Mitchell of O‘Sullivun’s Corners was granted a three months' permit and will receive a. renewal of his license for the balance of the term in tln2 event ofan apology tn Inspect- or Thumpsnn for iutmnporute lan- guage. Thus. McGuire has disposed of his interest. in the Norway House u. Sum \Vilson. Bay Railway. is authority ful‘ the statement that the mad will enter Tu- rout-u in the. very near future. Only three miles now rmlmin to he railed. the northern end of the southern sect- iun heing completed out to Dunlund. the farm of \V. F. Maclean, up the Don Valley. Coming from the north, the, ruznd is completed with the ex- ception at the hallasting to a point As already indicated, three miles north of Dunlnnds. _Ballasting is likewise well under way over much of the road. lzu-ge gangs of men being at present employed at Petferlaw, while the work will he continued as rapidly as possible towaxd the city. The frost and rains of the winter have caused some little movement of the sand thru the cuttings in the Don Valley, but not sufï¬ciently to delay the work in any way. J. Lennard Boyd. chief engineer of the snuthem division of the James MAY CANADIAN MAGAZINE Twenty -two persons contributed to the varied table of contents in the May Canadian Magazine. Stories, sketches, poems. sporting articles, bits of history and more serious material make up of the menu. Harold Sands recalls the fact that Simon Fraser started in May, 1805, for the explor- ation of the unknown district now known as British Columbia, hence the title of article " One Hundred Years in British Columbia.†Accompanying this is an excellent plztte. of the ï¬rst government ofï¬ces on the mainland. Helen Bernard’s article on the “Last Royal Funeral at Mandalay" is a. de- lightful pen-picture ‘hy one who wit- nessed this curious spectacle. John E. VVehher has an interesting review of the dramatic season in New York. Bonnycastle Dale. writes on shooting and ï¬shing in the Trent Valleyâ€"which is one of the most delightful and typical sporting resorts in old Canada. Mr. Boulton’s description of the cir- cumstances under which he won a Seat in the British House of Commons is quite entertaining. F. Blake Crofton writes of the imperialism of Haliburton and Howeâ€"two of the most wonder- ful of Canadian publicists. Stephen Lencock has a delightful satire entitâ€" led “The Passing of the Poet." Mr. McCrendy, a veteran journalist. be ins a series of reminiscences of the 'rst Dominion Parliament. There are stories and sketches by Herman \Vhitâ€" uker, Elizabeth R. Macdonald. Theo- dore Roberts. Genevieve Kennedy, a series If reminiscences of the First Dominion Parliament. There are stories and sketches by Herman \Vhit- aker, Elizabeth R. Macdonald, Theoâ€" dore. Roberts. Genevieve Kennedy, Adeline M. Teskey and Arthur L. Phelps. FAGANâ€"In Richmond Hill,on Thurs- day, April 26, Mary Arm, daughter of \Vm. Fag-an, aged 10 years. Mrs. A. D. Mc Kay, of Berlin. 01113., is making a. visit with her mother, Mrs. Rands....Mrs. Gr. 0. Trott of Angus, with her little daughter, Miss Dorothy Lillian. is making a. visit; with her mother, Mrs. Bands. .. .Mrs. G. H. Coomhs has been very ill dur- ing the past week. :I‘uh‘e Max meta};ng of th‘g XV. AI: . s EAST YORK COMMISSIONERS. THE JAMES BAY RAIL\VAY. JAPS \VANT LONGER LEGS BARGAINS AT MAPLE Victoria Square DEATHS authority ful‘ the rnad will enter Tu- near future. Only FRIDAY. May 11~Auction sale of household furniture. vehicles, harness. cattle, dry gooods and hunts.the prop- erty of Messrs. Thumson & Duck. Sale at. 1. No reserve. Terms 9i: months. Snigeon & McEwen, Auctioneers. STANDARD BANK ()1 Canada RICHMOND HILL ooxuwsxouzam THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Receivod in Savings' Bank Depur munt and interest allowed at, HIGHEST CURRENT RATES Geaeml Banking Bgsiness Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3; Honey 1.0:"ch on l-‘armers' Sulr {\olrs. Blank Note l-‘orms Supplied Free. In the Villiage of Sherwood. Frame Houss, Stable and three quarter acre lot. also Vacant Frame store. For particulars aply to either John Cladduck or Miss: Edith Camphell Mgple 218 AnnPtte St. Toronto Junction For uthm' particulars call at the Bank NOTA RY PUBLIC. ROSES FLOUR PENNYROYAL WAFERS. J. HALL rs Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All dqmsits payable on demand. There are fourverses. Verse]. Ayer‘s Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer’a Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verses. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures dandrufl’. Verse 4. Aycr’s Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair-food; this is the real secret of its won- derful success. The best kind of a sentimental- “ Sold for over sixty yam." The Song 9f the Hair Capital Rest; For Sale or to Let Does your bread taste good? You can always be sure of good bread when made from A trial will convince. DI. 'I‘E 3P‘X’. H. H. LOOSEMORE. Sale Register. $1 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEE-0%th Aspeclflc monthly medicine for ladies to restore and regulace the memes; Exoduan tree, healthy m5! pamlou Isohugu. No cache: or plum on .p roach Now used by over 30,00013dlog caused wflluseagnln‘ Invigomm those org-n1. Buy or your druggm only those with our algnature Acro- lmotlabel. Avoid nubscltutes. Salad ulars named :0 stamp. 1.000;)“- ,x-J MENâ€- EUBKKA C 311 AL 0. Lym- Oo.. LOTIEm Manchu-on or SAISAPAIILLA. PILLS. CHERRY m1. AGENT. fl ï¬g? . ï¬tammfl gmng nf (WWW wawwawwwmwï¬ Business transacted daily between 10 and 4. Savings Bank Department. Money advanced on sale notes. We Judge people by what they do and as a progressive store, we are w1lling to be weighed in the same balance. We are cautious buyers and cater to a thrifty people. Store Mottoes We are selï¬sh, serving ourselves best by serving the public most. or ask a question, we are at your service. about everything we sell. The whole llght of business wisdom shines through every department. are the motive powers of trade. The best pure lzn-d. 14c. lh.. in quantities 125C. 11).: best ï¬sts. 6c. 1b.: best, dates, 5c. lh.: good canned peas, 4 tins fur 25c.; good corn. 3 tins for 25c.; Quaker tomatoes, 10c. tin; best Fraser River salmon. 15C. tin; good red salmon, 2 tins for 25c.; good black tea. 5 lbs. for $1; golden syxup, a 5 lb. pail for 25c.; maple syrup, 1 quart, bin for 25c. $11 A man’s nobby, ï¬ne black serge suit, Regent Style, Price and quality Atkinson & Switzer Richmond Hill Hardware Store To BUILDERSâ€"Those building W111 ï¬nd it to their interest to get our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. 'J‘INSIVII'FHING â€" Done promptly, done well. BINDER TWINEâ€"Be- sides givmg you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. Garden Tools; \Vire and \Vire Fence, Builders†Tools! Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Peerless Machine Oil. ‘ CONCRETE HOUSE There’s a. Whether you wish to make a purchase We quote:â€" (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) . SOULES H. H. LUUSEMORE. Agent. down-right-ï¬rst-classness Apr. 26, 1906.