RN EX-MAYGR GIVES UNSTENTED WAISE Mr. Robert Sheppard. [Ex-Mayor sip/- nnoque, Out., Testiï¬es to 1hr Acrils at Dodd's Kidney Pills. Gannnoque, Ont., April --“l suffered OH and on years from kidney trouble Sheppard. of this place. “ tried many remedies and Gunonoque, 0nl., April 30.â€"~(Spcrial-l --“l suffered oil and on for over [our years from kidney trouble." \vriles Mr. Sheppard. of this place. “and though I tried many remedies and was under (1 dealer a long while I got no better. I had Bright‘s Disease slighlly, Lumhugo. pains in my loins and at times all over my body. My skin was dr. , hard an“. burning. l coulrl no! sleep, in! least J- erlion made me perspire ICarfull‘ and my blood was so lmd l broke All in boils all over the neck and back. I was in lhis stale when l slaried taking Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and in an incredi- bly short space of lime the boils dis- appeared, l recovered my heath and now I am quilc cured.†DUDD'S KlD VERY BES'] Her Mamma â€"â€" “Flarence, 1 am al- most posilive that he kissed you be- hind the‘ door last night." She â€" “Yes. but that wasn‘t the worst M it. It was also behind the ear.†"IE WORST KIND Aft/er Piles have exisled for I long time ad Passed through different stages, tho mfl‘enug is intenseâ€"pain, ach:ng,t|1mbbing. tumors form, ï¬lled to bursting with black llood. .. a 4...- .-.\..kl..a mn' noon. Symptoms indicating other trouber may uppeuu‘ no a. thoroughly Pileâ€"nick parson. This in when Dr. Leonlmrdc’s Hem Raid, the only absolute Pile cure, bring: the nasal“ that has made its fame. It will care she nest, stubborn use m \xi tcnce and a bonded gua-mwe to that, meet. goes with each package. Rein-Raid is to be had tor $1.00 at t: e lrug store, or from Tue VVilson-Fyb Com- pany, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 3 Magistrate â€"- "You were begging tn the public six-(rem, and you had over $10 in your pocket.“ Prisoner â€" “Yes. sir; I may not be as industrious as some. y’r honor‘ but l'm no spendthrift." MARK THI‘Z DliTINCI'ION: A pure‘y local theme of the skim like barber‘s itch is curel by Weaver‘s Carat. al'me. But where the bhod Is loaded with im urity. such as Salt. Rheum, Wuvu‘l Syrup 0 should be used. ln parts of Australia where the aircr- age yearly rainfall is not more than let; inches a square mile of land will support only elght or nine sheep. In lhc Argentine republic. South America, the same area. with thirty-four incllcs or rain, supports 2.560 sheep. A Clear Healthy Skin â€" Eruptions oi the skin and the blotches which blem- ish beauty are the result of imprire hmod caused by unhealthy action otthe her and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the or- gans to their normal condition, Par- melee’s Vegetable Pills will at the same t‘me cleanse the blood. and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. The Ministerâ€"“Thu! was a rather long sermon l preached this morning, my dear. Do you think it me! with the ap- px‘oval of the‘congregalion 7" 1'“... I (Hi5 Wink“! sdppése so. Abner. noticed they were all nodding." “My Woman. is it the Kidneys?†-â€" Investigation in half the disorders pe- culiar to women would prove faulty kidneys the seat of the trouble. If you’re troubled with that tired. drau- ging feeling, have an almost constant heaviness. maybe sharp pains in tho, head, put South American Kidney Cure 1c the test. You'll ï¬nd it the long sought friend, and it never himâ€"150 Bridegroom (on honeymoon) â€" '1 haven’t the slightest. objection to your giving all your time to the dog. my own, but I wish you had made it quue clear. when you suggested bringing It, whether it was you and I who were no- Ingz on our honeymoon and were bring- lng the dog. or whth it was you and the dog who were bringing me," Be There a Will Wisdom Points the Way. -â€" The sick mnn pines for relief, but he dislikes sending for the doctor, which means hoilles of drugs nevor consumed. Ho has not me resolution lo load his stomach wilh compounds which small villuinously and (resin worse. But if he have the will to don] himself with his ailment. wisdom will direct his attention to Parmelee‘s Veg»- lablc Pills. which. (is a specific for in- dygesiion and disorders of the digest- tjve organs, have no equal. Traveller â€" “Why do you allow mu: waiter to remain constan'ly so chm. In that young married couple? It evi. Gently annoys them." Restnnrntonr â€"_ "Oh. because they keep ordering thing: so as to get him out of hearing." Man and Wile in Distress. â€"â€" Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo. says: “My wife and I were both troubled with dis- tressing Cntnrrh. but we have onioym? freedom from this nggmvniinp mnlndy since the day we ï¬rst used Dr. Agncw‘s (Man-ha] Powdnr. Its action was in- slantnneons, giving the most grateful who! nflhil] 19.. nimnos after ï¬rst ap- rnlicaiion.." 50 cents.â€"â€"153 plicaï¬ AUSTRALIAN DROUTH. AFTER THE SERVICE sun F03 uu TROUBLE. SHE FOOLED HIM. ST MED“ NEY PILLS ./E T r MEIHCENE l EVER ‘ne perspire fearfull‘ and s so bad I broke Ali in the neck and back. I was when I started taking I Pills and in an incredi- ace of lime the boils dis- recovered my heath and KIDNEY THE One Regiment [lad Another “Jack,†t Lancers, when on part in 11 horse of part in more than one bal‘tle. horse of the Seventh Husszx «:d by the lale Queen Victori proudly at the head of the white tail and main flowing icrs, is Dcucr Known, and lb u. vu, showy soldier indeed, as he sh'uls along in all the glory of scarlet coat, with white facings. and the badge and crest of the regiment on his forehead. fhc Queen’s Own “use-«11‘s has also a goat. A door is the pet or the Seaforlh Highlanders. “Antony,†a little donkey, nllached himself to the Twonly-sixlh Ballery while in India and became an established lnvorilc, marching, eating and drinking with the men. A pet hear was the mascot of the Gloucester regi- ment, but becoming ill tempered had Io be shot. The Lancers of New South Watos have an emu and n kangaroo. “Potm‘,†the goose. became the pet. of the Grom- (‘tiers while in Car-:18. The tame bird limped up to u sen"! on night. and held up a hurt. foot for his inspection. He attended to the wound, and the bird thereafter refused to leave the camp, so the soldiers adopted it. When the Devonshtre regiment was in India. a snake was for many months adopted as a pet. and. though poison- ons‘ it never attempted to hurt any mmnher of the company. When the men returned to England this unmnny pot. was left. behind. "Could yer give a poor man a quar- lvr tcr git a bit to eat?“ “See here, fellow, you’re the same man I gave a quarter to yosierdny." “Soy. boss. don‘t folks in your set eat dinner every day?" I "I heard that you called me a beast, Miss Tabasco.†“WelL I guess I did.†“What kind of a boast, may I ask?†“A wolf, I fancy. You‘re so hard lo keep from the door, Mr. Borehman.†It Retains the 01d and Makes New Friends. â€"â€"'I‘imo was when Dr. Thomas‘ Ecleclric Oil had but a small ï¬eld of dich'ibution, but now its territory is dich'ibution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who first recogniz- M its curative qualities still value it us '1 speciï¬c, and while it retains its old friends it. is ever making new. it is certain that whoever once uses it will not. be without it. 1U reliéi’: Fbr "china: Blind, or Weeding Piles it. stands without a peer. Cures in three to six nights. 35 cents. â€"] 51 n, somatimes happens that the man who considers his wife one in a thouâ€" sand imagines her mother is the other nine hundred and ninety-nine. Salt Rheum Cured Quick. â€" Dr. Ag- mw’s Ointment, cures Salt Rheum and an itching or burning skin diseases in 9 day. One nnplicntioh gives almost instant. relief. For "china. Blind, or Bleeding Piles it stands_wilh0ut a peer. Mammaâ€"“Eihel, whaL do you mean by shouting in that disgraceful lashion? Look how quiet Willie i:_s!“ ‘ l I "Et'héiâ€"Vâ€"“Otl' course. he's quiet; ' that's our game. He‘s para coming home late. and I‘m you." The superiority of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. If a man only had nine lives like a an, he could insure lhem all and col- lecl on one occasionally when he got hard up. WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who are run do mm mic, pale. lisstles‘sv " Fen-Mira," the bes tam' c. It builds, makes stru . it, gives new life. There an many tonic: but on y one “ Fremvim." “I have discovered a great laborâ€"s ing device.†“I always said you w a genius. What is it?†“i am go in marry Miss Bullion, the heiress." Bill Corns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- wny’s Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it. and see what amount of pain i-x savod. PETS 0F BRITEU SOLBlERS. Teacher â€"- "What is the conscience?" Little James -â€" “It’s something that makes you sorry when you gits found CUL The Great, South Dakota Cave is the‘ largest. cavern in the world. It. is silu? Mod in the region of the _Black Hills, and exceeds even the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It is ï¬lly-two miles long and contuihs 1.500 rooms, many of which are over 200 feet high, and are massed with smlactites and stalagmitcs at great size. There are streams, water- [alls. nnd thirty-seven lakes in this vast subterranean world. which is 6,000 feet inbove the sea-level and 400 feet deep. Gunï¬ght Soap in bone; thu: cum- maps, but is but. when and in “10 Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight loop 3nd follow direction; ,†the goat of the Welsh Fusil- beller known, and is a very soldier indeed, as he struts along the glory of scarlet coat, with acings. and the badge and crest regiment on his forehead. fhe ' Own llussnrs has also a goat. er is the pet or the Seafoth lders. “Antony,†a little donkey, SUBTERRANEAN W'ORIDS. march active A WOLF WAS IIE. A BAD HABIT. 11 um ' hm IN THE GAME. trié .ld Emu and Kangaroo, her 3 Snake. “Fighting aver, of 1 with their «vice, and one battle. :nth Hussu ‘iments in tl animals a Finn" and he Twelfth companies have taken The drum rsâ€"present- aâ€"marches men, with 1t labor~snv- «1 you were I am gqing DESIGNING. “There are very few women archi- tects.†“A.†“No wonder. Women do not relish be- ing called ‘dcsigming creatures.†Cholera and all summer complaints am so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the vic- tims before they are aware that danger is near. 1f attacked do not delay in get- ting the propvr modiolno. Try a «law: of Dr. J. D. Kellogg‘s Dysontery Cordial. and you will {mt immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. Jonesmilh â€" "My wife was such :1 pensive creature before I married, but. she appears to have gotten over it nowi‘ Browm‘ight â€"â€" “I see. You mean 5110’s expensive now." ,1 Miserable Foiks could tram . both shite of mind and body to some onn nr other form of stomach disorder. Dr. \‘on Stan‘s Pineapple Tablet is o. “vesi pocket" remedy that. nature provides and that medical science has proved 11 “(under in preventing and curing slo- mach ailments. If you‘ve n symptom of distress in your stomach test. the Pineapple cure. 35 centsâ€"45:3 EQUATOR ON A TEAR. Tbow were holding: midâ€"year exam- inations in one u! the public schools. The subject was geography. One of the questions asked was “What is the eqvaï¬or?†,u _-».l ILA n‘\r~."4\0 nl n uqxwuv. . “The equator,“ read the answer of n nine-year-old boy,u"is a menuuerie lion running around the centre of the earth.†$wnï¬gh§ ï¬agg is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best For all household purv poses, Sun'ught Soap's super’ ior'rly is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely wasth with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow direca lions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the denier From whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you ï¬nd any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto AN X ADDED. LPJ'WV be paié ’31 any not who prove: that unlight Snap Conains any injurious chrmicals or any (cm of adulmauen. '57 ’ Lï¬mmm mmsgcAszâ€"rr DYEmG nLulmATED GkTuinm NIL ‘ ind UIOID'FIL TM: ll Q Why with m. , , _ _ . _ . _ . . nox'rlahl LMERiCAN OYE'NG ILLESYRRTED GkTMOIDI NIL luscisr us: PM! am: m use out: I $1521.56“ 9611.. nuwuwyymc‘mf‘ THE PEDLAR PEOPLE 800 acre [am]. 8 miles from Indian Head. Sask. Good bui\dings,550 acres cul- mate.de in crop, over 1:30 more to cul- timle, good pasture, ï¬re wood. $21,010, half cash. \‘iolded 13,000 bushels last year. Several unimproved pieces ad- 'jninmg available homesteads. .1. M.‘ Thomson. Real Estate, Indian Head. Sask. ‘t' 7 THE BESAW cnamon. 00.. SCHOII‘IELI) BLDG.. CLEVELAND, 0. Two thousand doclgns suitable for all classes or WDY‘K : Church“. Schoois. Stores, [13115. Also special designs for Hum chons. Dining-Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever been devised to oql lm-‘s Stool Ceilings tor Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and mastâ€: ne\er crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents byUsing cad Ofï¬ce and Works, Made to ï¬t any size room and ran he nailed on by any mac Shipped from our warehouse: nain'ed all ready to apply. 0D“ CATAlflGUE. NO. M C, DEGCRIREQ MANV nmmrx‘sz. “(RITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. “(RITE TO-DAY. wt m“ U“! waxy-cw â€"u.v.-_4_,, m mum mamas comm, “‘lEEï¬FPERSE‘TZE‘T' Home and me (without ohms) particulln Ihout Jack-«fol! RP. Name -..._........ Address _.,__,,,..._ I my was!“ ...................._........ Engine forum...“ .. . W...†Do You Know How the Sheet of Fools-1 can was Named? Everyone who has to do wlth paper rmognizvs Imlscup as a sheet thirteen lvy sixteen Inches. This is used as u slzmdm‘d size all over, omcially and commercially. The paper dorm-d n5 mum in a curious manner. After the exmulion of Charles L, Cmmwt‘ll and his stall. in organizing the Commonwealth, made all possible efforts to remove everything which had anything '11) do with the old monarchy. The paper in oliiuial use up to that time hnd‘ as a. watermark, the king‘s crown; and. when Cromwell was asked what he should put in the place of this crown, to Show his overwhelming dislike to every- thing Cnnccming royalty, he directed a ilonl’s cup to be. put in the place of the scrmvn. I‘GHTREAI., 011:. 767 arms at. Agents Wanted. We want xfliablc men to represent us in every town in Ontario. for the sale or flobalt Mining Shares MNHIPEG, 'm Lombard Q. Any person can sell these shares. Hustlers can make big money. Write without delay. This was done, and. when Charles II. ascended the throne of England, it was at rust [or-gotten m replace the cap by somnlhing else, and men. too late. the king was afraid to do anything 10 reâ€" call things dangerous lo touch, and so it was neglected‘ and the fool’s cap may be seen us a watermark on nearly all oï¬lc‘ml papers. THE S. S. NESBITI‘ COMPANY, Promoters. Brokers and Fiscal Agents Conkdcrnlon Lfle Sunday. Toronto. After ï¬nding something good, get busy and look Ior somcumxg boner. FARM FOR SALE. 5H INSTEAD OF A CROWN. *PEHar’s‘Steel Ceilings. Out cm‘ ‘1“: complete “hankeQO Ind send 1?. £0 orrmu. um“. 423 Sweet at. “'NTK YOUR NEAREST (MICK. . Twn ear-mom In - uctiauJelow 0d lands I Sukawa am, only a mu.) from two nilwm. C.P.I.. a 631'}. Emma soil, 90pm- newt, plough lmd. spying crook. lo :10: b9. Abnut 0) miles RE. at Indian Hon-l. Pris. M4150 ,1: n. WriN for map and full particulars. R. PARbONS. 9| Wallesley Stu-t 10m“. Call-4:. will now voorl an (at ca two no: can has n. h Man who! wan. hell. con. "and: fee woken better. run: mum separate: In hath) lhhu valu- IM ull {um pnroouc. I'm tumor Md Ian on. a; mash-.r-and will MAKE the FARM PAY " Ill UIv-uv-I. ...1 .. BRITlSH AMERiGRITIWDY'EING co. _. _.. u... .nnu hf- I Aggnt â€" I‘m lwim the house don‘t you and question? all classes of work such as special designs for Houses, Ki:- ever been devised tor equnl_ Ped- A] BARRED Rocks exrlusivew. Our - winnings m. Guelph: First pm- lol, schiuI {or host pullct and spatial (or best female. At Delrmt: Fivst pul- M, secnnd cockerel, seca'nd cock‘ and special for best shaped male. Mating lis! {we on applicalï¬on. Eggs from $2 per setting up. Jne. Pringle, Proprie- tor. London. Ont. roam GMT. 11 «mom: a: Why 414: ion sufferâ€"Starr's Magic Rhaunnusm Cure wil relieve the worst cases of acute‘ chrrmic, ur inflammatory rheumatism in 24 huurs. Every buttia hm a pnsic'we guarantee to cum. Hundreds of marvelous cures have been made in‘ all parts of Canada. If our druggist cannot give yuu Starr's. me am) or, send direct tn us. $1.00 per bottle. Osborne Remedy 69., WE Vang! St ,Ymu'o, Oak lflas Cured “vlienpeckâ€"My dear sir. my wile nev‘ 0r discusses things with me. She al- ways disputes. I'll I ran nu.â€"...-. .. , Sud autism-II I, you. and In ;n sun anth Adda-III In ‘68. lunnal. for 33 Years GASOLINE ENGIN “1% m w-WIâ€"~<-- uâ€"w-vv ï¬n nflmmï¬: AND «twang:- ma ï¬eumatism Cured. ,eraco Engine {at um um. Shilohâ€: Comumptioa Cure. die Tonic. has been bcbre he £1356. $33. bgethcf with the be! t it: ales have “lily inueaed you Ly you. ink. but proof 0‘ the am: of as a cum ‘9! Those win mama sub}. Mum bewithom h. Those who Invo nave: Belg mum kyva ihd «cry lib-atria? so a law: gnu-tee l !, I imn'l cm: 5:: the dale: will what [or it. Shiloh SOME WOMEN'S \VAY. M7! '{Be lmzt 'agd_ -_iI' N19883: dunnqu of the moat obstinate um Yo! Cough. 0H: and Lung toublu. [A it §HILOH Oshawa. Ont.. Canada ISSUE NO. 13â€"05 M one 2 H an-Trados sure you‘d be charmed if you Look it. Why your wife discuss the Lennon, N". 59 Damian 9‘. "Human. to. m Pm It. nan