. /â€â€œa/*j' Is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING it PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. 'i'. F. McMAHON, EDITOR if: Pnormsron. B Usrriiiiss CARDS. _ 7 --y. _ '1 i.’ 93: ‘Iiititl. (Successor to Dr. Ltiwrason) Richanosid ii iii :1ch tax. Bil. E83353. Dentist. _,Room 1'2, 12% Victoria St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth, also re . plating, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. H. W. ANDERSOBI, Dentist Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto Will he in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nesday of each week. Oiï¬cc, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Oï¬ico Hoursâ€"8.30 3.. in. to 5 p. m. 1):". E. J. VVoods DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: 1â€"8 p. in. 9 Tuesdays, 8â€"12 .1. 111.; Toronto Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST. ... c . “detaining JOHN R. CAMPBETIT, VETERINARY SURGEON, thor-nhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDEBSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. mm; . . ‘ ossilily have good health ':2 proper condition. A it'd tongue, bad breath, Genuine liver mils 2 § J. C.A\'-‘1‘CC.. E r; > 1 Lower loam. n .mss-swvnW-v: fl,'l'\\~. 1. - h. AGSif. (lGFlï¬. . ' ' Phone Main 2964 W ltidou‘. ~\'a.dswo: th Lindsey. Lawrence 8. .. 1 w aasvvorth, ! Ba:risters,301icitors. Notaries, 8:9. ' Ionic Life Building (fornicin Free hold Loan Bldg), Cox. Adelaide 6; Victoria Sis. anuniu. Lii;i:n.iL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hillon Saturdays. COOK & JOHNSTON B-ii’risters, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 335 Rich- 1nnnd St. \V(‘st.“'(‘sle_\' Buildinu's (Methodist, Book 11011111,) To?†roiitn. Mr. Cook will he at Maple 011 Thursday 1 afternoon of car-.11 week. i “NMONEY TO LOAN AT 3%. ‘jAS. N EVJTOI ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, _ ELGEN MHst LENNOX & MORGAN, Barristers and soliciic rs. Money to 103.11 on [and ands hat lowest iatcs Auroraofï¬ceâ€"Renmicd to the old post oï¬â€˜ca one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Sawmill-ken uniceâ€"Three doors souih of the p :55 ohm: T Holmium LDNNOX G ST‘i' Mummy «lurorn. heivinarl'ei Iiiulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Corner King & Yoiigc Streets, TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at. lou'cst current rates. 2% 1. ll. Pa cuiice, LicanseuAuvetioneer [or the County of York Goods sold on consignment Genniai mile-s stoc etc promptly attendant.) at reasonnbh rates Residence Unionvillc '6 ll. Goulding, Newton Brook,agenlfor tho uneve 25‘ 11101139 gee at J T Ssigeon, J k llicEwen Maple Weston aigcon k MOE-Ewen. Licensed Auctioneers fortbe Countyof York. Snlcstttell'lcdto on shortesinotiuund a. tea.- onablerates Patronagcsolicited B. G. BLGEGEi, Lican e Auctioneer for the County of Yor“, re- spectfully solicits vour patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice- :md at 1,eiisoru.1l:ietotes. P. 0. address King .{Jï¬A-D-VFIR S. Underlakers & Embalmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. A Savings Account Safe IN THE ORTAREO BANK Proï¬table This Bank's large icsoui-ccs ensure safety. . Interest. at Convenient l ,! ii I highest current rate, paid twice a year makes an account proï¬table. Being withdrawablc wiihout notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE “'EEK. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY l INCOR PORATED 1857. I V ictoria Square The Misses Barker of llichinond' . . . | Hill spi-nt Sunday Will] Mrs. “111., B(i_\'lilUll. Home of of the young: men are,- iiiakiiig pi-cparatious for l he Ilichmmid IIill Fair. “'9 wish you success boys . ; Mr. Inii‘iic I’eikiiis and Miss Imiiiso. Iiuiidy spout Sunday with friends Hi. Maple. Mr. II. 0. Klirick and .\.'i'. F. (iraliani :ii'i' siill'cring wiili rulrls at present. The II()_\‘.\' and giris of S. H. No. 0' had a swch time on Ailmr I)ay~â€"A tai’i’y pull. , Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Luiidy spent ' Sunday with friends in Toronto. 0119 of our young men wcntawayon Sunday leaving a huidsnme sum of money in the In 11 -c. On 1' turning: his , money “as gone. Ni'tdlilS“ to say on ‘ Monday morning he u-as rather pin-w pIchd to kin w who the would-lic-thicf was. Mr. Lorne Stone visited at Elgiii I Mills on Sunday. chci- \vait on a young man on Sun- day evening! One Sunday afternoon last winter Klinck was enjoying himself in the home of mm id his {own down f1 icnds. Towaids m ening he was S(llll0\\‘lliltl diSCUllL‘Pl'ii'd by the iiieiitablc little 1 [sister bin-sling out with the query: "Lillie man, are you going to stay to slipper?" This was easy, however, compared with his discuiniiturc when . a few hours later came the scCond' question: “Little man, are you going home [u-night ?"â€"(). A. ('. Review. The Misses \Villiaius are spending ii. . few days in Toronto at present. The Iiiui'i'iagc of Miss May E. Klinck. eldest daughter of Mr. Thus. Klinck, andAlr. I-‘i-aiiklluwbnihamwassoIi-iiiii- izcd at the home (if the bride‘s parents 1 on Tuesday afternoon May I. The ceremony was pcil‘oimi-d by Rev. G. E. Buck of Toronto and the wedding mart-h was played by Miss Alicc i Liinau. At 3.30 p.1n. the bride, leaning on her father‘s arm, handsomelyattir- ed Ill :1 dicss of cream etamiiie and Ciil‘lyilig a shower bouquet of cream l'i’blï¬s, 11ml; her place Il(‘ll€ili,Il an arch, in limit of a bank of plants and ever- greens. where the ('(‘lt‘lllUlly was per- i'oiincd. Aflcr the matrimunziil ser» \icc, the bride and groom and guests, of the immediate relaiiics of the con- tracting: paitics and a few lady friends of the bride. sat down to the breakfast table to a delicious and sumptuous i-cp;:st. The bride was the rccipfciit (if many iiscful and handsome presents. After the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Kuw- bothaiii set out for Toronto and \Vcst- (in Points amid showers of lICl‘. Thi- bride's going away dress was of royal blue wiih hat to match. The young married couple inlcnd living on the fifth concession. Their many friends all join in wishing il'cm a happy and prospcious in. rifled life. “0., Maple The funcral of the late Mrs. Ilaith, will) died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Black, in Michigan, took place on Thursday, from the home of Il('l‘ snu- inâ€"law, Mr. Lewis Page. The duecasrd was formerly a resident of Sherwood and was highly respected. Mi. F. Ilack is guing iiilotlic grocery business and is having part of his dwelling tiuncd into a shop for that purposo. Mr. Lorne Perkins and Miss Liiiidy of Victoria Square were visiting on Sunday at Mr. Frank Line’s. Messrs. J. P. and I“. Ilupei-t of To- ronto spent Sunday at Mr. Leeds Richardson’s. _ Miss Clara Iloriiing of Richmond Hill spout from Friday till Monday with her friend Miss Laura Itichaid- son gMiss L. Rumble visited ovcr Sunday with friends in Toronto. Ilcv. Dr. ('aiiniclnicl of King, occu- pied St. Andrew‘s pulpit last Sunday morning. It was just forty-seven years since hepi'eachcd his first sci mun in Vaughan. The members of St. Andrew‘s Church , surprised Mr. It. S. Thomson who is} Soon to make his home in Cobalt by visiting him in his home on Monday evening and presenting him with a. gold watch suitably inscribed. The address was read by Rev. G. \\'. Back and the presentation made by Mr. Alex. Cameron. Mr. Thomson made a suitable reply expressing dccp rcgict at IcuViiig so many warm friends. After lunch was served the evening was spent in games and songs; Scotch 1 Songs were sung by Miss Goodwin of Toronto and Mr. Geo. Elder of Elders . Mills. ___~..° 0 News N otes. Ex-Ald. J. G. Rainsden, it is sai<l,i received the appointment of Dominion Govei-iiiiient Indian Inspector, with a1 salary of $2,000 a year. His duties are l King Connoil. Met at McBridcs Hoth King Station on :‘uaiuiday April 28th, 1906. The Council in Committcc of the whole, when the following Bills and accounts were received and passed:â€" Josepli Billinggmunth‘s salary Yongi‘ SI... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 33313 2011112; Black, road icpairs . . . . . . . (53 ".0 b'awyvr & Masscy, Sewer pipe moulds. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 ()0 Julâ€) A. “'atvon, Sewer pipe moulds .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ti 00 GUINI Roads Machinery Um. Repairs and Il-Mach’iic. . . . . . 12 .95 E. J. Davis, repairs to i'o:i(ls.... 6 ‘0 A. J. Mablcy, New Culvc-rt . . . . . 4 25 Peter Ferguson, repairs to c111- vvi-t .. . . . . . . . , . . ... . . . . . 1 (l0 Norma11â€"Dcacon~That the Recie issue his order on the farms in favor t f John Grantham for the sum of $5.00 lining \ nine of sheep killed by dr I)eaconâ€"McMiiiclayâ€"That KingUity Library receive a grant of $13.00. Normanâ€"Me.“u1~chy~Thattheclcik prcpaie a byâ€"laiv in conformity with the statutes, defining the duties of U\'é‘1'M3L’I‘S of highways. and submit s mm at next mceting of Council. Deaconâ€"Normanâ€"That the assess- ors he each paid the sum of fifty (10114118 on account of salary. Normanâ€"l)cacouâ€"That P. \Vatson and \V. Curtis be appointed to oper- ate road machine in the Northern Division and be appointed to operate the road machine in the Southern Division, to supply one team, theother two teams from statute labor, man and team to be paid $1.751)crday, and that the clerk prepare a by-law to give cifect to this l‘t?.~()IllLIUIl and present Silllli' at next meeting. McMurcliye-Burns-Thattliiscouucil rescind resolution passed at Feliruaiy meeting,r of the council re grant to East Uwilliainhury, and that this Council in Committee of the whole meet at Bradford on \Vedncsday, May the 9th at 23 p.111. Re opening road between Biadt'ord and Queens- ville. Normanâ€"-De:iconâ€"That when this council adjourns this day it stands ML jourin'd till Saturday May 12th to meet at Harris Iloicl. Sehombcrg. By-law No. liï¬aikppoiiiting overâ€" seers of highways, Ft‘D(“E-Vlt’\VL’l‘S and cd. On motion Council adjourned to meet at Harris 110th Sclioniberg on Saturday, May the IZIh, I906. â€"-~â€"*o<> “'hitc semi-porcelain ware, with gold line and clover leaf, cups and saucers, 85c. dnz.; (3-inch plates, $1.05 per doz.: 15c. each; 7 inch scallops, 201:. each; 8- iiich scallops, 2’0. each; size 30 bowls, IUc. each; " 3U bowls, Lie. each. Al- liinsun 6‘: Su'iLZci‘. â€"-‘o Langstaif. Senior H2701) Savina Rankiudian- tlc \‘v’i-ldrick, Garland Langstalf, Eni- ily Rankin. Junior IV.»~Alice Chapman. (iludi‘s Ball. Si'iiiii‘i' III.â€"Ituliliie LOWHI'Y. .limiorIII. â€" Lizzc {aizkiin Irene Chapman. Sciiiur II. â€" Nellie Page, Nathan Chapman. Junior II.â€"Aiiiy Ball. \Vrlling‘ton Monlmian, Stewart Page, Violet Uasely. Page, Emma. Dennis \Vhite. Junior Part II.-Russcl Monkmaii, Lorne \Vcldrick, Dudley \Vhitc. I’ait I.â€"'l‘ommie Dim-y, I‘llva \Vcl- drick, Enid Drui‘y, s. s. No. 9, VAUGHAN. Schoul report {or April:â€" Senior I\'.â€"Archie Cameron, Roy McDonald. Junior IV.â€"Forrcst Bishop, Reuben IIai‘iisiii. Senior III.»3I111‘icl Kiuiicc, Ethel \Vilsun. . Junior III. â€" Lizzie “'hite, Joe Bishop, Floyd Farr, Madge Jarrett. Bertie Putei'liaugli, l’crcy I’ul’ci baugli, Bertha Murray. Senior II.â€"Alma Ilcwgill, Ruby chgill, Bartlcy Farr. .Iciinic Bishop. Laura Murray, Glenn Ilarrisoii, Joe \Viiisoil. Junior II.â€"l)onald McNaughton. Lizzie l“(‘ll\\‘lck. Viola. Jarrett, IIairold \Vilson. Laura \Vatsoii. Senior Part ll.~Agncs McNaugh- ton. Johnny Greenwood. Junior Part II. â€" Ilohliic “Killer, Mary Greenwood, Olive Farr. Senior Part I.â€"Alc‘< Bishop. Susie Femvick, Dolly “Thor, Edna I’uter- lruigh. flOH to go with the Indian agents and dole out the treaty moneys and supplies to the Indians. His duties commence next week with the Ojibway Indians in Northern Ontario. Prunes, ApricotsFig-s, Ilgitcsdlaisius. (i‘riirrants. Peels, Shelled Almonds and A , \Valnuts in stock. Examine the l‘i( an- I’ound-Kecpers, . Slicep-valualors, = l'E'CL'iVeLI ils several readings and pass- ‘ plates, Stic. ; dnz.; 7~inch plan's, 90c. duz.; 8iuch (“J-inch scallops, ‘ ah Chapman, Iicrbic Lucsliy; (b) Myr-i Scnim- Part II.â€"Kathlccn Rankin, i No. 45 Do YOu Want to Know What You Swallow '1’ There is a. growing sentiment in this country in favor of MEDICINES or KNOWN COMPOSITION. It is but natural that one should have some interest in the compo‘ sition of that which he or she is expected to swallow, whether it. be food, drink or medicine. ' I . Recognizing this growing disposition on the part of the public, and satisfied that the fullest publicity can only add to the well-earned reputation of his med}- cines, Dr. R. V. Pierce. of Buffalo, N. 1:, has "taken time b the forcloek," (LS‘lh were. and is publishing broadcast it list. of all the ingredients entering intoliis leading medicines, the "_Gold.on _Medical Discovery†the popular liver ins'igorator, stomach tonic, blood purifier and heart. regulator; also of his " Favorite Prescripâ€" tion" for weak, over-worked, broken- down, nervous and invalid women. This bold and out-spg’en movementpn the part. of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing exactly what his well-known medicines are composed of. completely disarmcd all harping critics who have heretofore un- 'ustly attacked them. A little pamphlet has been compiled, from the standard medical authorities of .all the several Schools of practice. showmg the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredients which enter into Dr. I’ierce’s medicines. A copy of this little book is mailed free to any one do- siriug to learn more concerning the valuâ€" able. native, medicinal plants'whic‘h enter into the compositipn of Dr. Pierce 3 med- icines. Address lJr. Pierce as above. Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets are tiny. sug- ar-coaled anil-h‘ilious granules. They reg- ulate. and invigorate Stomach. Livci‘ and Bowcls. Do not beget the "pill habit.†but cure constipation. One or two each day for a laxative and regulator. three or four for an active cathartic. che tried always in favor. OWEN AWAY, in copies of 9 The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. a book that, sold to the ex- tent of 500.000 copies a few years ago. at $1.50 per copy. , Last year we gave away ~ $30,000 worth of these invalua- ble books. This year we shall give away $50,000 worth of 3 them. Will you share in this :; bencflt? If so, send only 31 .v one-cent stamps to cover cost I of mailing only for book in stlfl‘ paper covers. or50 stamps *‘ for cloth-bound. Address Dr. R V. Pierce. Buffalo. In. Y. : Portland 1 idem-sent l l n I algh‘m on a. . .12.; can: I I ‘ApDIy A ETENGER f (‘AI’LI’LVILLIL ONT. w vr-v-i v ’1' h PLnASAhl Vii: N FARM The pi'hpi'ii‘lu‘.‘ of Pleasant View , Ilcid Holstein Cattle and Breeder of . Improved Chester \‘."liil(z Hugs. Lot , 29, 1st. (.‘oii., Vaughan IThornhill) has ,‘ for sale some good young stock. 'l‘lnirouglibrcd bull and hug kept for service on the premises. I). (l. ("rOODI‘lRIâ€"IAM, Proprietor. THE LEBEEAL to January I, 1907 for FIFTY GENTS ed currants that we sell 23 lbs. for 2.3L: Atkinson & Switzer. l