@112 flihcm. Treats. Copper Colloctinn,Mrs.Brow n. Outlook. Mrs. Sloan. Programme (3011]., Mrs. Bestard and Mrs. Suules. Auditor, Mrs. Shaw. In leviewing the year’s work we ï¬nd "hat‘ we have raised $86.71 and have added 2 new momhers to our number. “’9 have also had the joy of adding to our life member 1011 Mrs. Switzer and Mrs. Mason. ________.___.__._._.â€" NEW CURE FOR HAY FEVER The latest treatment fur the pre- vention of Hay Fever prescribes syste- matic and Continued exercise taken in timely advance of the season for the :ipmramnce of the cnmplaint. Special- ists in the disease do not understand its nature. It is not now thought to In at form nf untarrh and local appli- (‘itUUlls have lleen largely abandoned. The theory that. it is rheumatism of the mucus membrane is not accepted. A more favm'ed idea attributes the in- ception of Hay Fever tu sluggishness of the liver and bicycle riding is recom- mended to keep this organ in an active and healthy condition. After Hay Fever has airivod, the sniferer will ï¬nd neither comfort or relief in bicycl- ing, but systematic and easy wheeling during the preceding months is war- ranted tn greatly modify the. severity of an approaching attack, or to entire- ly prevent it. SUMMEâ€"R $01100 L OF BIBLE STUDY- AND SUNDAY SCHOOL METHODS. RICHMOND HILL. July 9111-2 lvctm'es h: mvnts uf '] Dr. Tracy, Testmnont J'uhnstun, School Org by \V. G. l Charge: he a di: ionnl 11 the fol} 1!. P. l 0115!)“. VAUGHAN Organist. Mrs. Hume. Librarian. Mrs. Bastard. Supply Cmnmittee, Mrs. Hopper and 1-5. Hewison. * H -' It 7 h,_._ 1311301210 Notice MUNICIPALITY OF W. M. S. interested take until :cordingl)‘ o’clock eepl At t' Own, May 10, 1906 (-11; of 13. McLEAN. ‘Mi/nm We hereby re- : and govern 110 m 111. he yen 1‘ wn Hull, 1- re the hau .UE DUKE is stud cundin and powerfully gzlited trotting I 29; seconds, and 2.10. Any one who will tee to make them 11 p1 not just as represmllel Lincnt and one of the thence to Golden Lion Hotel, Yonge Street, luv noon, mm [nence to Hugues Hotel, Thornhill, from 3 to 4. [hence up Yonge Street to Uosgi'ove‘s Hotel, Elgin Mills. for night. TUESDAYâ€"He will go to Lemon’s Hotel, Aux-om, for noon, and thence to Royal Hotel, Jewmarkvt, for night. \VEDNESDAYâ€"Ho will go to Mr. Joseph Hill’s farm, lot 25, concession 6, King (near KPttlebyl, for noon, and thence to Nobleton for night. THURSDAYâ€"He will go to Kleinburg for noon, and thence to \Vood- bridge House, \Voodln‘idgo, for night. FRIDAYâ€"He will go to Thistletown for noon, and thence to Islington Hotel. lslington, for night. SATURDAYâ€"He will go to Black Horse Hotel, Toronto, where he will 1'0- main until evening, when he will go to his own stable, 107 McGill Streetnvhei'e he will i'umzxin until Monday morning. In {Routeâ€"1 consider'the duality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or E razor. The Page Co. use I a high carbon steel wire. which though it costs you but little more, is ï¬fty per cent. (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. The lightest PAGE fence is as strong as the uros a living colt, payable 10 lies within that time, no chu MONDAYâ€"H Lack S are im ING in ch .oans ma And rem Standard T CLUBINE & PEARSON, - Thornhii! C. A. SINCLAER, - - Laskav JAMES WOODARD, - Aurora {Ed a l mac] a beautifu ion Weighs built in I lurses in A THE BEST ES THE hating PAGE will go 3t} " COILED." not EYNGLES, Proprietor reatest 'armers at ï¬ve per cent 30 GUAQAN? eeks 107 MCGILL ST., TORONTO am Ht THE LOCK IN PAGE "EMPIRE" FENCES. (an ut I; 1,300 pnunds. The Duke is way. He is not a pacer but .‘L. He has trotted A trial in 1 it is said, with good handling days 3g and Registered Stallion I'OVVH com we JD and the in 's after mzu-e foal W111 be made. 1-101 it. n Hotel. Eglintm), from 9 to 10. and ‘Stx-eet, for mum, and thence Ln Hughes’ up Yonge Street to Uosgx'ove‘s Hole], wfnre selectmg a cult withan st, bred Tl'ottiu 51-5 on earth. Besides the extra. strength and superior workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in a. special white paintnvhich on top ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire much more sightly. Owing to the great . ,_ strength and elasticity of llion about 1( E??? US? But, really e. if any more. CHEAPEST c; Monday, Apri Ill Apply to Mr mhill £31 a PAGE fencing, one third less posts are r‘ quired, thus reducing tl cost of the fencing. As you get in'PAGE FENCES one-half more fence strength. greater protection against rust, better workmanship, better appearance, use less posts, can you afford :es, even though you could )ne-half the price of the really ours COSt you more. 408 If cult comes deformed mm W a‘ Ekï¬; sire To will mrge, if Tlu Stallions uu mama, from he c ling. ‘ence. the con xoth E D. 4+4â€"+++++++++++MMHa-vw Bust wheat iwt i1 pun m1 and unimpm in Milgsn-ne district ing, safe investmunt- Sve samples of gm farm at, ofï¬ce. For farm at ( Address. HOUSE PAINT EH5 .I . a ill Butter Paper 17th. ï¬Â§ï¬ï¬Â® .\'J NGR?H For El-‘HA‘NGE ’01" Sale ED. FORESTER Milestsme $215k rat G RAIN ‘1’. in tho \vm-ld. Im‘ .lpl'UYcll farms ful‘ $2110 tx'ict. (‘nmm'y homu- nunt-, healthy climate. ‘ grain grown on my For Particulars. EEJFE‘T I 5810 BARNES! L ROAD )ND HIL 1U \VA I Lain D )RIN( K INGTON M LI SOI pl 31K 11] I 4"} mce. m h $10. CLAN MAC the pr Brook, Lansmg, ralrnm \‘illp, Rirhmmzd Hill, Home stable, Tempe Tums, $10. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydé‘s lion, the property of \V‘ will travel through \V Ball-untrue. East G“ Aurora. Home stable arms-ville. Terms, $10. LORD HAMILTONâ€"Imports dale, the property of Blough, will go thl'ougli Elgin Mills, Victoria Sq d'ux'f. Aurora, Temm Elgin Mills. Hume stable, King City. Terms, $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdnle stal- lion, the property of Teeson S: Francis, will {:0 t0 Mitchell’s lIntel, O‘Sullivan’s Corners; Cher- x-y’s Hotel, Fisherville. Home stable. lot 32. con. 1, Markham. Terms $12. TON Y \VILKES Jimâ€"Carriage stallion, King City. Hm] con. 7, King. Tor ROYAL HATTONâ€"Inm the properly of B will go to Strange market. Aurora, Elgin Mills. HUI DUK willr go .through XVhii‘hurch, Ballantme, Smui'fville, Victoria, Squaw. Thornhill, (‘un'villeu Rich- mund Hill. Home Stable, Summit Home, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SHIPMATE â€" Carriage stallion, the property of \V. \V. Hudgin, will go through “’bitchm-ch, Bulkin- trae, Stouffville, Victoria Square, Thm-nhill, (Jam-ville, Richmond Hill. Hume stable. Summit House, \VILD the m A( ho. p; 'orms {Y \VILKES Jimâ€"Carriage stallmn the property uf Teesnn & Francis will go to Mitchell’s Hotel, O’Sul‘ liv;m’s Corners; Cherry’s Hotel Fisherville. Home stable, lot 82 cm). 1, Markham. Terms $9. {13 0F YORKâ€"Clydesdale stallion the property of \V. \V. Hudgiu will go through XVhivhurch Ballantme, SLnul'fville, Victor-i. Squaw. Thornhill, Can-ville, Rich mund Hill. Home Stable, Summi true, Stout Thm-nhill, Hill. Hmn Oak Ridge pro; thrn City {u Hi1] ninnv1 nhle,»] 11-h ubscrli) HLLYâ€"Knmlsm erty of Eli Shi ugh Aurora, l . Testmx, Ed; [WHY lghad nor to 'Kin Trm; I")! rty H1 He aln rm: DPI m m l.) n in hm Im p91 t ti, 6 Home Terms (tin f W ill UH. go. K 19, Sun rms $1 ll) Ell mis 0w H'I I'll two orted Clydes- of Legge and mgh Vaughan 1 Square, Van )npel'anée\’ille stable, lot ] 3. $12. ted Clydesdale M! Q ttleby Vhitchurch wilh'mbury le, Temper g9 stallion, & Francis, )te], O’Snl- ry’s Hotel, hie, lot 32, ; 'Rid .xble, E “VS 11118 t‘ \V â€"