THE hnmmx. tn the ry, 1907. fur 50 cents. 25213:: Kahuna. Smart ï¬lings in Gc-nt‘s FUPnis‘hin'gs priced to suit slender purses. Atkin- sm 8: Switzer. the r. Bwit hard w l 1 (I inLvn (‘dxlm mun: from \\".Ii hold “Pp inst BiCHMflND HILL, ONT.. tlw new w Torunin, s pul'euLs h: Caroline in the cm cumicher cuntraltos. Mr. T. \V. Lonvit of Public Libl-auies paid an ofï¬cial visit Reading Room hem St. Mary’s of Mrs. D u’clock. * M em!) requesu (Thursd. ï¬re engi XXX Fruit Vine; VVEIle Vinegar. host egar, Badgomw & S “'ine Vim-gm, 80c. it Switzer. Mr. T. Fun-bug, Science Master in the Chicngn High School. spent a wee-k with his sister, Mrs. John Innvs, and returned Saturday. Mr. T. Furlo the Chicago Hig with his sister, Boots and Sh Blut‘chers, up-tu-d Boys‘ and Girls’ S Prunella Slippz-rs ton 131-05., Elgin A Show in Richmond Hill, Tuesday. st! Jap:_\n Ml :Ir \Vill all t 11¢)(3 A IO! )x lent mhox mine the Scotch ve will make to xe Am‘ in Soho \'{' came cm 1‘5 Hntel \\’mson M Ma k wikh a (-111!) :u .1 Yonge Street“ lhov J. Kennvrsley came ant. from I and spent Saturday with his 3 1th 1 [118 mam! Saw ml :11 sermons 1nd eveuil value in M. S l jurym ingnf \l I {Live l-nnt ntr H 6 1nd bu rc} Do nut m L 7.30 Shm tor it. has 1: T. A. Mnva left yes Hill’s trip tn W'innipvg H visit with Mr. Gen the turn Sh! Mills “H 1d Lte :hr w hn C(lne nn Hrs here He); nurse in charge of \Vestm'n Hospital, Sunday wth her f, Superintendent, fur the. province. to the Library and tylé out thiaâ€" evening harp to test. the 15 been xepun'ed. )1) illuu n Friday he was ï¬rst. 0 Tut-(mm Spr'nt {.21 his sister no \VIEI Luke I sday night nudu’s lend M ‘lish M )l‘ll) fnr sale at Mr. D. Bur- (m :\ ppnin t- the county mm ention kinsnu & 11 Guild of the home moon at 2 1 111 10, 1906 in" hcre Suiting {sure in nsun 65 [It 110 \v of ned U r. 14“ \Vhite tvl ldiu her. 1111 ll'l hite H Mr. Kirkpatrick, Profvssm‘ of Elm‘u- lion at the Tux-me Uonservatorv of Music, will give an amusing wading from Dickens at the concert \Vednes- dny evening. Local option is causing some incon- vvnience to Lrnvcllvrs in this section of country. The lintvl shvds have been ln-zu-ded up or win-d up at Newton Bl'nuk. Tlmxnllill, Elgiu Mills, Maple and Edgely, and practically speakng no meals ure given at thus: places. mad: tun ul Rum“. so that the Gr: Melhm Full Sugar HES [1‘50 1‘ supp ll( M 5-H). p‘ Syrup for ' v H151! Rev. from ‘ \Vorld the l nun-L prod the t Marl tad \Vox week \vl H II d C d to pen‘ m PR, \' \Y c 1'( CHANGING The following n the county lll BI mu [1 t1 and 1115 m ‘ ,use local option has closed up rtels at Stouï¬ville. the Weekly t for butter, eggs and other :e. which has been a. feature of .vn’s affairs, will be. discounted. mm council has therefore decid- tnke over the market; and will weekly market in the town hall. 1 he held on Tuesday of each and it, is expected will attract; a. ' attendance of purchasers from mes Lyons of Cree-more has 'nngeuwncs with the Agricul- :ivty to have his Mm~1-yâ€"G0- .519 for the, fair in the 24le of Meny-Guâ€"Rnund with its pnnivs and catchy nnmic is 1- necvssnry ammo-Hons for u - necvss lnhitiou 11v II SUDDEN DEATH his I)! 'et to have to record this sudden death of Mr. H. respectable citizen here for \v years. Deceased seempd is usual health on Sunday, cloak Sunday night he had tic stroke. He never , dEed the following day at Service was conducted at \Vednesday morning, after (-mninswel'etnkentuQueensâ€" ten‘edin the family plot. He mum his loss a widow, twa :1 daughter. His sons are mdfnrd, \Villiium at, Thorn- lis daughter, Mrs. Cnnncll, ) AT YORKTC 11's. Albert Mi 1 request at the Masonic Gflm'ge'RlISSPH, aged f the oldest masons in of the district. The in charge of Rev. A. Methodist Church, and A)ng was assiswd by . Fullis of Newmarket, Bmce. 111-01 eqm THE MARKET paragraph is taken news in Monday’s in farm mld cull U-madiun-reï¬ne-d PHWdGI'Od, Eka. 1d Yellow. Red- The car n about PLES The run (I: hle nt W 0rd to meeting will lay evening, 9 may attend Yungv Street 100-11) 0nd in ht of ‘11] he un lands ir. and set Liln-rn] f Mr. Ed‘ nples an m Stand )s be pro- ‘ld on the e V E \\‘ (‘I‘ spent the and who u- Sv Newton of {In (‘1th Save mu. \V E 1).: as ixi the llll II home 91' was 1by at 111i HS p in uple Vl'lrlp il‘é‘ who in {part in the programme are Caroline Cussels. (Mrs. Percival Dean) contrai- to; Professnr Kirkpatrick. reader; Miss Morison. soprano: Miss Evans, 'cello; Miss Gassels, ’celln; Miss King- ston, viulin; Master David Ketcbum, child pianist; Mr. Earle Newton, accompanist, Admission 25 cents. child< ten 15 cents, reserved seats 35 cents. The oniortainmenn will conclude with the burlesque ti‘agedv “Blue Board.†The above talent, will doubtless ack the Hull “'cdnesdny evening. Inn of seats at. Sandersnn’s drug stun-e. HACKETT day. May 4 WINCHâ€"i day, May '7, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 8m. Issuer of Marriage Licenses ‘ RICHMOND BILL POST OFFICE. Received in Savings’ Bank Dopnr ment and interest allowed at HEGHEST GURREHT BATES. General Banking Business. Eransacï¬ei. Honey Leann-(I on Farmers‘ Sale Nun-s. Biank Hole I’m-ms Supplied Free. For other particulars call at the Bank NOTA RY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONERIN THE In the Vill House, Stab! (:mn’i‘. SATU RDXY, MAX pu Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Capital Rest; 5, also rticnhu‘s : hn Cladd Maple TIN For Sale or to Let Oi Canaéa RICHMOND HILL BANK OPEN FROM 10 to Public N vill H. H. LODSEMORE. Sale Register. "râ€"At Newton Brnok,on Fri- 4. Michael Hzlckett. ~â€"In Richmond Hill, on Mon- 7, 1-1. \Vinch. aged 75 yours. a.l $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPTYSITS DEATHS 1U! tm m f Revision f Shel-wood, F three quartet Frame store. with gen & McEWPn Auctioneers. s Edith Cnmph 218 Annette St I‘m-onto Juncti AGENT. ice une OI Store Mattoes We Judge people by what they do and as a progressive store, we are willing to be weighed in the same balance. thrifty people. by serving the public most. or ask a question, we are at your service. iaaï¬avé about everything we sell. The Whole llght of business wisdom shines through every department. Price and qualitg are the motive powers of trade. The best pun ï¬gs, 50. 1b.: bestn 25c.; good corn, best Fraser Rive1 for 250.; good bln pail for 25c.; mu; $11. mm ï¬iii ï¬amware Sign magma & Swings? BINDEER “TWINEâ€"Be- sides givmg you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. TO BUILDER‘Sâ€"Those building W111 ï¬nd it to their interest to get our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. 'FINSEEI'I‘IIING â€"â€" Done promptly, done well. Garden Tools; \Vire and “'im Fence, Builders‘ ‘auuts, 0113 and Vurmshes, Peerless Machine Oil. CONCRETE HOUSE We are cautious buyers We are selï¬sh, serving ourselves bes Whether you wish to make a purchase There’s a We quote:â€" man [1‘ corn, :5 tins Ior 2506.; kinetic River szdmon, 15c. tin; gr 0d black tea, 5 lbs. for $1; .; maple syrup. 1 quart, tin ‘snobby, ï¬ne black serge connection v u‘t lard, ates, iflaaï¬JL lily 525m: 97% down-right-ï¬rst-classness in qum hm 11' and cater to a med p tom‘atues, 10c. t red salmon, 2t lden sylup, a 5 Regent StyI Ap1.26, 1 AA $53