Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1906, p. 7

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hundreds Employed in English Factory Have Odd Grievance. 5 Two hundred and thirty people, em- ployed at a lace factory at Long Eaton, near- NoLlingham, England, have a re- markable grievance. markablc grievance Opposite to. the {a in which there are Opposite to the factory is a cemetery, in which there are several ornamental 'Qz’ces, and the \vorkpcople complain that “my are losing their eyesight ow- .ing to the “blinking” light caused when the branches of the trees wave in the wind. One old man declares that he 'is nearly blind, and it is impossible for Elm to see to do his work on a windy . ay. The grievance is not a new one. In 1893 it was raised, and a p011 of the ratepayers was taken on the question wheteher the trees should be cut down. 'The vote was in favor of the trees be- !ing allowed to remain. Two years ago the subject was reviv- ed, but nothing was done to remedy the grievance, and now the Urban Dis- trict Council has again been approached with the view of having the trees felled. Some of the councillors say that if ‘blinds were fitted to the factory the waving of the trees would be harmless lo the workpeople. ("renchmen Practice on Each Other Willi Hollow Bullets. Parisiuns hate been enabled by the in- tention of a hollow bullet to “train” for duels under the realistic condition of shooting at and being shot by, a living instead of practicing at an inanimate target, which does not fire back. Dr. Deirliers is the inventor, and he has opened a club called, “La Societe l‘Assaut on Pistolet." Forty of the best “shots” in Paris fired in pairs at one another one morning last week in the Jnrdin de Paris. 01 272 shots fired. 202 hits were record. ed. Commandant Ferrus and Mr. Win. ans each made full scores, and in the final round shot each other over the heart. Whne all wore. goggles and some padded blouses and gloves. Mr. \Vinans shot in his buttoned frock coat. The bullet is harmless, and can be used sev. eral times, but the blow on the hall of the thumb of one of the contestants re- quired surgical treatment. The training is of unique value for a real duel. Men who never missed a “dead” target were quite disconcerted by the raising of their opponents arm to fire. flow a Bishop Took Advantage otKing's Promisefi Winchester Cathedral, which, accord- ing to an official statement, is in peril of becoming a ruin, was the seene of a serious collapse quite early in its his- tory. On October '7, 1107. the centre tower fell, and the monkish chroniclers attributed the collapse to the fact that the ungodly William Rufus was inler- led in the cathedral. William of Mal- mesbury, however, reluctantly confessed that. it would probably have fallen in any case, "through imperfect construction.” Au amusing story is told about the building of the structure, twenty years previously, on the site of the Sakon Cathedral. The King granted the Bish- (p as much wood from the Forest. of llempage as he could cut in four days and nights. The Bishop gathered to- gether a small army of men and cut. down the whole forestl A remarkable charge was made Against a husband the other day at the Marlebone, (London), Police Court. His wife was \granted a separation order Mrs. Bryant, wife of a draughtsman. living at. Ranelagh road, Leytonslone‘ said her husband had kept her so sliorl‘: of money that on one occasion she actu- ally had to eat dogs’ food. On several occasions she declared he had conceal- ed himself in the dark and then jumoed out upon her to frighten her, besides which he had tried to strangle her had kicked her, and smacked her, and had set a dog upon her. Some persons have periodical attacks of Canadiain cholera, dysentery or di- arrhma, and have to use great. precau- tions to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to. bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysenlery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops were taken in water when the symptoms are no- ticed no lurlher trouble will he experi- enced. Merchant: “Your former employer tells me you were the quickest clerk in the place." Applicant for situation (doubtfully): “Yes sir?” Merchant: “He savs you could put the books into the safe. lock up, and start for home in just a trifle over a minute and twenty seconds." LAZY OLD SOB-ES, painful and dlsfl ' will not [in-Tor long after treatment with Wge‘zg'iSES Canto has Ran begun: Also, cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. BLENDED BY “'AVING TREES. for 100 made no the use of is now re magistrate hers with Bunngm 808p in mm:- m armor soup, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. POLICE COURT AT A TAVERN TRAINING FOR DUELS. 100 \VIFE ATE DOG’S AN AMUSING STORY. the room. A 1 may for occu] :s are leaving a feeling of rc Ld thirty people, em- clory at. Long Eaton, England, have a :‘e- MEAT. Prevent Disorder. â€" At. fl toms of internal disorder, l Vegetable Pills should be r: immediately. Two or three salutary pellets, taken before bed, followed by doses of or pills for two or three nights sion m’ll serve us a preventive 0' dyspepsia and all the d which follow in the train of disorder. The means are sin tim Housekeeper : drcn?” Applicant: the wages, ma’am l" Rugged Road. â€"â€" For 1: years the wife of a well-known Toronto physician was on crutches from Rheumatism Scourge, and not until she began using South American Rheumatic Cure could she get a minute’s permanent relief from pain. Four bottles cured her. Write for con- firmation if you’re sceptica1.â€"154 the way is known. When a girl deliberately lets a young man see her with her hair in cur] papers it is time for him to transfer his affections. Parents buy Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator because they _know i} is zâ€"ims‘zfiéuifiedicine for the clfildren and an effectual expeller of worms. Lady: “Are you not ashamed to be begging on the streets “I” Beggar: “Well, yes. I‘d sooner do it in the pul- pit or at a church bazaar, but fate is against me.” Wife (wearily). “Woman’s work is never done." Husband (struggling with a buuonless shirt collar): “That’s just what I thought.” TONS OF IRON consumed each year in medi- cine. In “Ferrovim,” the best tonic. it is so cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly get all possible nourishment; and benefit from it. Stumbling Wreckslâ€"Undone and over- donel Discouraged and desolatel Ema- ciated nerve wrecks! Not one of you is too deep down in the mire of disease but the story of such a potent remedy as South American Nervine can reach you and lift you back to good health, ll‘s nature’s trusted lieutenant, gentle, but firm/and unflinching. It never fails. -â€"156 lei]; ybu flow you can make a fortune in a short time is seldom able; to show i1" Ba'hk balance of more than three figures? in U the ' any( in gs The best paid clergy in Siberia get. nlzout $600 a year, while the poorer clergy have often to beg for their bread. They have much to do. There is always a service belween four and five in the morning. There are two other services in the (lay. There must be a service on the lnirlh (if a child and at the death of anyone in the parish. All new build- ings. schoolhouses. bridges, and boats must be blessed; children beginning at a school term are blessed, and in time of pestilence or peril there musl. be con- tinuous prayer. All priests must inst 226 days in the year, and monastic priests are never to eat meat. A priest cannot. indulge in theatre-going, drink- ing, cardâ€"playing. or dancing. Success never games to a man who it afraid to face faxlure. The Kinks and Twists in thmmtips Equally Haven’t you noticed mat the man who Your by the dealer from w h o it you buy Sun- iiuhc Soap if you find any on u a o t o :- complaint. money Refunéejd HO\V PRIESTS LIVE IN SIBERIA. Vina: mo BV LIVER BflOYHERS LIMHED. vononw 0N1 TOANV VEQSOIWNCAN anmv VD”: SOA’CDNYA‘NSINV FOR" 0' Anouuunou wwusotvzn on ocuumsgnv INJUDIOUILNIMICAL! QUARANTEED PERFELTLY PURE,GENUINE,& FREE Mon ADULTERATION ALLDEALERSANI AUTHORIZED TO RETURN PURCHASE MONEY TO ANYONE PINDINO CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT. 2? good with hard or soft water. Sunlight 30a}: is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto “Do you love chil- "It all depends on of that {on simple when first symp- Parmelee’s rosorlcd lo att ack omim-t aing 10 or two succes- I in mm “Do you think two can live as cheaply as one ‘I” “Before my marriage I thought they could.” “And afterward '2” “Afterward I found they had to." A Wide Sphere of‘Usefulness. â€"â€" The consumption of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric 0 has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thir- ty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that period has very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wher- ever introduced fresh supplies are con- stantly asked for. “I like to hear a baby cry,” said a. crusty old bachelor. “Why ?" “Because then the little nuisance is taken out of the room.” In Heart Disease It Works Like Magic â€"“For years my greatest enemy was organic Heart Disease. From uneasi- ness and palpitation it developed into abnormal action, thumping, fluttering and choking sensations. Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart gave instant relief, and the had symptoms have entirely disappeared. It is n \vonder~w0rker." â€"Rcv. L. S. Dana, Pittsburg, Pa.â€"155 Lady Caller: “Is Mrs. Newcome at home?" Irish Maidservunt: “Wait a minute, mum, Lil] I get a look at you. If you’ve a big nose and a scar near the right eye, she isn‘t." Finest Ciimate in Canada. THE BEST LAND in Canada for MIXED FARMING THAT‘S CENTRfizL ALERTA. Wrtte Secretary, Board of Trade, Eamprowfl SEEMS OBVIOUS NOW. was i UN, ALBERTA. For Information About It Please Mention this Paper reward wi‘d be p. id to any person w h 0 r0 v c a that unliuhLSoap contains my i n] u r i o u a chemicals or any form 0! “ulceration. $5,009; fiding It is the perpetual effort to attain the ideal that enlarges the whole life. The moment the ambition begins to wane, or tends to become sordid or selfish. the individual begins to shrivel. Where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my ccms by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. The Great Serpent of All Diseases.â€" Kidney disease may well be called the “boa constricter” disease, unsuspecting and unrelenting, it gets the viclim in it», coils and gradually tightens till life Wise: “Haven’t you got a job yet?" Potler: “No; I'm still waiting for some- thing to tum up." Wise:7 ‘fHuh! Your: ...... O V- ,, sleeves are what you need to turn up.’ i; crushed out, but the great South American Kidney Cure treatment has pxoved its power over the monster, and no matter how firmly enmeshed. it will release, heal and cureâ€"158 Humility often exists more strongly in the imagination than in reality. Building castles in thexair requires little in the way of capital investment. Make the best use of what you have and thus prepare for what may possi- bly come ufterwargi. _ Eoniinual fault finding creates dissat- isfaction without bringing any satis- factory result. Politeness is a quality which proâ€" duces a stamp that is as distinct as it is pleasant. ‘ .- ...LL, LnAs IL- .1- .. ,, The wrongdoer folishly hugs the de- lusion that forgiveness will follow dis- ccvery. Beauty has a convincing way of mak- ing its influence felt without much ef- fort, but it is not always lasting. Having your own way is sometimes a victorv that is useless as well as Having a victory barren. Sbifie people ask questions whiah can for a great scholar‘s knowledge to an- swer. "tibia the head high in the midst of adversity. so that others may not ad. verser criticize. Willie: “It's aways in damp pincer. where mushrooms grow. isn‘t it. papa?” Papa: "Yes. my boy.” “Is the! "m my son they look like umbrellas, paper Féfifila’fifll, GEE. Head Office and Works. EUMIWUI, UUU 767 Craig an Two lhnusand designs suilable for all classes of work such as Chum-hos. Schools. Simes, Halls. Also special designs for Houses. mt- chvns, Diningflooms. etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lal-‘s Steel Celllngs for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or [all off. Avoid Accidents byjlsing Made to at any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses Dainth all ready Lo apphr. OUR CATALOGUE, N0. 4!. C. nE-zmmm MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTEHHG. WRITE TO-DAY. THE PEDLAR PEQPLE AN IDEAL NECESSARY. \VISDOM’S VVHISPERS. If you are going to re- quire WeddingSmtion- cry of any kind consult us about this important matter. our long expsrience in producing work 02' the highest class for the most discriminat- ing pail-om has brought us to the point where we are regarded as :mthoriiies. The correct style in station- ery. as dictated by fashion. is always on hand at “ 'l‘hc Boekshup,“ and our on- grazving is above crifieizsm. h. is worth whifie finding out whabexiromoâ€" ly high-g: ade Wedding Sunflower-y we will out at (lesirahle prices. in making for prices please We WWO quantity. VJ m. Tyreli &; Co. 7 and 9 King Street East, Toronto. Pedlar’s Steel (Hm, 0m. 69 Dundas st. fillfi‘fi’fl. 0m IflffifilO. Gm: 423 Sussex 51:. 11 Colborno st. “ THE BOOKSHOP ” WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE I! ‘ v a R Two can: 553 E’Eefiem Magma Saskatchewan, only 8 mile: from two ‘1 8 as i. Scrum soil, W per cent. plough laud, rxdwayi‘xgg-nn' alou‘Tgh'P. Arugu: 4o mum NE. of Indmn Head. Prce sw’so a “an: Wnte {m- map and inll particulars. ‘ p" R. mr'zbons. 9: Weileslcy Street, Toronto. Canada. aalfiéfi ArhechN DYEING_QO. Cir-5&3? DYE-ma ' 'l'hh, u | meals!" with the Mrs. Hifly : ‘ home?" Servant: ‘ out to call on you very fommale for dcnce and I'll take the sap out of you. Do you understand ‘I” said the teacher. “I twig,” said the boy, and then the regular order of business proceeded. 58375 she and her Husband Am Perfectly. Both Quite Well Again. kidney and liver trauma} and chmnio constipation‘ for come time. Imsnb.‘ ject to dizziness, bikini headache, “39- L “M drowsiness, pains in the: buck and side, and a tired, wary feelind nearly all the time. ‘ " I'triod Almost, every rem , was treatedq by doctors and drum wi little or no! benefit. ‘ beentml Wonderful. “My ad has used Anti-Pill {on rheumatism and was benefited greatly.. Winâ€"cg”. that. is a most Wendel-4 fill medicine andlkaerfily recommend it.” ; This is a. very like recommendatm5 Anti-Pill in uMwbmdy tho gtoflest d ha:in media. A“ dn or “q gang-rm 00., Limited, has F1952; 803;) film: by pour. 3nd wa no can Lon/hf, Mr“. lo: '83. Montreal. )sfience ‘ highest rlminat- us to the MRS. MTER’S STORY “ Fi: And Cleaning. This I: I specialty with tha .1...“ r : «kflu‘smloumrlaunurl' " What 0mm mks? RCAme LND m ummzewma ‘, I friend advised me to try Du a Anti-Pill, and the results havq El Oshawa. Ont, Canada Mn. I. Hunter, of 111‘ Raglan Road, Ringstmm Ont... huwrit-wn {or pub-‘ Heation a. walnut. 0‘ her can) as follows: 1 “Is Mrs. Swagger at “No, ma’am; she went. 1.” Mrs. Hifly: “How us both." “I have aimed with Smumaafmgawr. Eflffiflmwfl 615 Pendent WEE.

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