Also \\’heth Gm fast Food. Instruction in the Art of I ing. Classes in Rudiments, History, etc. One of the host. bread and gener and he convince Gladstone Fleur I am prepn red chopping every (1 feed and chop ()11 Mamt Church of Englandâ€"~Servic 2nd and 4:11 Sunday. Third St Presbyterian Churchâ€"Sewn 7 p. 1:]. Sunday School M 2.30. Wednesday evening. Bomnu Catholic Churclx~S< mate Sundays at 9 9.. m. and 1 Methodist Churchâ€"Servicr‘s p. 113. Sunday School M. 2.3 . meetmg Thursday. evening. Richmond Ludce. A F and A day on or before. full moon Court Richmond. A O F â€"M ourt‘n Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U W--Meets! of each month Camp Elumï¬ 0 S flMoets s Wealuns 15w mnu Wazluns 15w R T “Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigade-Meets ï¬rst Monday of every Tuesday. and Sn EDworth Lem.v ’MOVRRING' . ...s.3o EVENIVG “.600 N. B.-â€"Registered letters must; be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than me above mentioned hours for closmg, Until further notice Mails will be ciosed at the Richmond Bil) Post Office as follows Leave Richmoï¬ï¬ Hill. '7. 8.1'0. 9.55. 11.55 a 2.40, 3.55. 4.55, 6.55,,8JU p. m. METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Leave Newmarket at 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 a. m.; 2 4.15. 6.15. 7.30 pm}: Leave C P R Crossng at ï¬aï¬ic lernry and 1.30, 2.40. 5545.: esve Richmond Inn 33.30, 4.35. 0.3: Hours for issuing Money Order MORNING .K EVENIVG Bra‘ Students from B1 bin, Saskatchewan tuba on the west- to wick on the east :x‘ mm: this year. D hindrance to those got the best. Our ', Lles ill'e unsul meum‘nmv. Ni. POST OFFICE NOTICE Pastry Flour EWEE Between Toronto and Newmurket. B‘ORNING ... EVNNING ..... OFFICE CLOSES AT adpaiJA O U W~-Meets thiri Wednesday month 77 ‘ ‘ _ T039 NTG I Village Directory. also keep the celebrated A GREAT S . B. SCHMIDT, Miturtisv evenings. Laueâ€"Meets evorv Monday EEREES‘B MONEY ORDERS - Q @ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS_ GOING NORTH oba Patent GOING SOUTH day. Third S hutchâ€"Sewn School at 130‘ mg. ic Churchâ€"S< 9 a. m. and 1 rch~â€"Sarvit‘cs School at. 2.3 4 .y. evening. :9. A F and A full moon d. A 0 F â€"m 8110‘ nt flours for home-made 11 family use. Try it S *Moets second and fourth Ulll‘ ‘ssful Newton BrooK. E NEWTON to :10 glisting and my. All kinds of will hand. 0. ONT. ELL fl'e IS, a choice COPYRIGHTS Proprietor, Fâ€"Meets second and Bl'itish Colum- an and Muni- tu New Brunsâ€" zu-e in attend- 3 AT 7.30 P. M. TEEFY‘ Postmaster L0, 8.00 p. m ,10.30.a.m3 8.50 p. m. 7.20, a. 111.; 3 A M â€"Meets Mon Hug Room-Open ()L:1 a.“ rvi n( vices on alter- 30 a. 1!). 510.30 a. m.. and General prayer PHHC izmo Play 3p. 111. 1st, at 113. m 1 a. Lu.,and Vex‘ meeting 6.15 rmony 12.20 2.20, meal; Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, SIZES and prunes. New and second hand. A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. I? tired buggies. CF. E3. EJUDEF()E§1). 131'0})1‘iet01° Best Brands of C E’EETRGPGLETAN GRGCERY, G. ï¬icDflNALB. Richmond Hill -TO-DATE GROCERIES Next Door North 01 \Naiting Room. CREAM AND CANDEES IN STOCK. Choice Variety of Fresh and Es Sign. UMMER DRINKS is the best obtainable. Our Prices; in the long run by investing in a real- ly good article? Our 11 (glean. Can’t [on i Efoney anned Goods fll'llOS $ubber- 5&‘98 the quality goods and 1101-80 own- Half of double house St. East, Richmond Hill matinn apply to JAMES Elgin Mills. 32 colonies of bees, a hives and supers, one rev tractor. Also various :u-Li for bee-limping. Apply t< LER, Richmond Hill. House for sale oppns Post Ofï¬ce. Three quart of land. 6 rooms, well, ( trees, etc. Easy terms given on all. 2†it can he e2! '1‘? F5“; ' ily cleune Square Gear. Over [25,000 in daily use. Machines placed on week’s trial free. MELOTTE SEPARAT bicycle bicych whet fox-d Bi Thousands 0 Muck The In To be up iuad ‘uur dislmct an ht Te Rent For Sale For Sale Cuplin & cle Hundiehurs :11) YOU 1' R. J. Fen“ Talking Machines, Records and Needles RICH E l] I!) m lute Jvcle Back m 11C in latte 1n shallow w i d e 1K ch: ma CW Only hint! NE \V’I‘ON, 404,. f. number of "ex-sible ex» on Centre For infor- hm‘nhill s of an acre tern, fl-ult mu l( US 11. MIL 43.45 Egliutm t1) Toronto Clea ned‘. \ID omk buwl is xv and P :1. n d in the suthat part, of on the useful In any ma- with Incng From- F'Jsmo H. Mon HII tlx px-au oN “W‘- vanshig} Gf Markham Public notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the! sitting of the COURT OF REVIS] for the Township of Markham, wil held in Victoria Hall, Unionviile, 0 mme ment Whic‘ Automatic throw-nï¬' of heâ€. Equip- ed with ball bearings. Full (quipuxent of latest attachments. Machines plac~ ed on trial free. New Williams W. C. PETHECK, Age )IXHI Silent, Simple (H £91m éf‘ï¬Ã©visian )nville, Rnll» 1‘ all DE s‘xTURDAY. MAY 26, 1 Municipality of the RICHMOND HILL ~01; p. m., to hear and (1e appeals against; the Ass 11 for the current. year, persons interested are take notice and govern th ordingly. Stu 10, 1906‘ {unmn I‘I Records from 1nd cylinder ï¬rm ER, 0101 I. Machine 7! them from )Il