Calls c1115 by day and night prompt! tended to. AT THE USERAL PRINTING d‘n PUSHSHING HOUS RICHMOND HILL,ONT. DR. WM. 883583, 1)entism. Room 12, 124 Victoria SL. Toronto. Best ï¬tting tooth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, \Vill be VOL. XXVIII. THURSDAY IVIORNING VETERINARY SURGEON Ofï¬ce hours: TL esdays, 8â€"12 â€"8 p. m. I)r. E. J. VVOOds-s an V ww- n: umvm Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"S Franc Safe Tut-unto Ofl‘i Proï¬table H: THE ONTARIO BAN K Cur. Carlton and Ynuge Sts., Toronto ill be in Richmond Hill on \Ve nesduy of each week. Olï¬ce, next dom‘ nuI-th of Stand- ard Bunk. $1 per annum, in advance.] l4 Vega; Rimhano 21d Eli“ DH. \V. E. DEANT VETERINARY SURGEON, 'E‘hornhill. RICHMOND HILL Onvenient D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY BUSINESS CARDS. by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. H. SANDERSUN, @5322 gibeml IS PUBLISIIEDEVEBY H. W. ANDERSON, DITOR DENTIST ssor to Dr. Lawn-{son} lock, THOR? mama“ etcrizm‘y ‘ï¬t‘aicai. e. 450 CHURCH ST. genial. 30a. m. to 5 p. m. MAHON. INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE \VEEK. ROPHIETOR Ont. This Bank‘s largo. IPSOUI'CPS ensure safety. Interest, at. highest, current rate, paid twice a year makes 2m account proï¬table. Being Withdrawuhle without notice makes it convenient. Ban k's ETAREO BANK ’< L avian 23s .AJ'JOO nut large IGSOHI'CPS pnsure safety. Licensed Auctioneers fnrthe County of York Sales zhtendeï¬to on shortesmotiveund a tea. cnablerates Patronagmolicited Licens 9 Auction ear to: the County 0! Yor‘, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortcut notice and a: Yousonaberates. P. O.address King Licensed Auctioneer tor the Count-y of York Goods sold on consignment General saiaF scoc etc promptly attended to at. reascnnbh rates Kosic‘mnueUniouville .G' B Gouiumg. Nean Brookagenifor the New G B. G abme RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. Rif‘hâ€" Munev to loan onland andchacbe! mortgagesat lowest. rates Auroranfljceâ€"Removeu Co the old post. 011ch one door web: of the entrance to the A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Mr. C T HEEEERQ‘LExxox G STV MORGAN Aurora, new: GG ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E3 14€£~IfÂ¥r 13111414295 LE N a! rbflzz "MORGX NI W Eidouc \Vaus Ht HS. EVVTON Undortakers & Embnlmm‘s, ri vate DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, \V. Cox-nor King & Yunge Streets, Baxristersjolicitors. Notaries, &c. n‘mo Life Building (fm-mm-ly Free huld Luau Bldg), Um. Adelaide & Victoria Sis.. Tux-011m. IBERAI Banish-rs and Solicitors. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 0%. Linisey. Lawrence & w adsworth. Cumrw COOK RICHMOND HILL. OWE, THURSDAY. MAY 17 1.906 .1 K McEwen inï¬zgie Weston Saigon" (t NicEwcn. WRIGHT BROS, Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. (“is t ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the :1 n d 10 w 3. El. PI “slice. a. G. BLOUGH, TORONTO. Trust Funds tn loan st current rates. flee, Richmond Hill on Saturday's. & JOHNSTON .ee, Millikan Clark £7ng In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in 11†things, Charity.†Phone Main 2964 hewmarket The clerk was instructed to write the Ontario Paving Brick 00., asking for information re. paving brick. Council adjourned. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Jos. Hall, oil, etc†$23.44; .105. Hall, charity account, $1.15; Geo. Sims, gravel, $1.00. Communications were read from The Ontario Paving Brick Co. enclos- ing price list of paving brick, from the Clerk of Markham Village re. tile moulds, and from Mr. .108. Hall ask- ing penuissiuu to cross Yonge Street for drainage purposes. The Village Inspector's report as to livery stables miti‘slaughter hnusesg'as rqad. Nicholisâ€"Trenchâ€"That Mr. Hall’s request be granted.â€"-Czu-ried. A deputation from the Fire Brigade :lddlessvd the Council in mfex-cuce to The dam; of the Court of Revision for the village was set, for May 26, at 2 p. m. Nichollsâ€"Trench â€" That Mr. H. Blanchard be appointed general mpâ€- \ ism- over the wads, sideWalks, tanks, in the. village, and also be (‘lll- puwered to engage other help when necessary.â€"â€"Ceu-1'ie(l. Council met May 14. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeling read and conï¬rmed. (:m'k, Gen. McCague. The trustees from the {0111- sections are all invite-d Ln Lukv part in the prngramme. Mrs. H. Brown and Miss Mustard will :\Ssist with violin duets. At, the close of the programme the gathering will sit, down to ten serve-d in picnic style on tho Srllnul lawn. Every loyal subject nf the King is invite-(1m ho present. The Sabbath Sclmnl in‘tend holding thvim nnuul Gal-don Partyon Saturday, June 10'. Mr. -Jol1n Miclnml addressed the council complaining that the Livery By-lziw was not pi'npvrly enforced. In vieW of Mr. Michael’s statements, it was moved by Councillor Trench and seconded by Councillur Nicllulls, thut the Inspector be instructed to make :1 thorough examination of the livery stables in the village and to submit a writtmi report, to the cmmcxl. The publk Thursdnv :m the teachers Hm). Cnuncil mot in Council Chamber on May 4th. The reeve and Councillors Nicholls, Trench and Sanderson were present. Minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Communications were read frun Mayor Uuatswuith of Toronto, re. Niagara Power; from Assistant Provincial Secretary acâ€" knowledging the receipt, nf peLilinn; from the City Clerk of Niagara Falls, asking the council to Sign apvtition nppusing the Niagara Falls’ poiver scheme, and from the Climax Ruad Machinery Company enclosing price list. The tonchers and pupils of School Sections Nos. 6, 7. 12:1!)(14, Markham intend mnking Empire Day, \Veducs- deny 231d inst, a mid letter (lay in the history (if their sclmnls. The pupils with their f1 iends will meet at Nu. 7 at 1.3 p. m. where u put: intic entertain- uwut will he girvu by the pupils, trustees and other pmmineut men (If the sections. Addresses are expvctod from the following: Rev. T. Campbell, Rev. F. Elliott. Messrs .lns. ancey, “Hillel-Scott. D. Done-1',Ed\\zard Hitch- A bill from Michael Brus., for Work and coal was on motion Oldt‘l‘t‘d to be mi}!- The clerk was instructed to write the clerk of Niagara Falls stating that. the council was not in sympathy with the object of the petition. A hug? (-mwd Tlmmsnn and Dnc “fax-nun". of lhk ing \‘i The Warm showers of Sunday have mndc everything look frosh and green. Mr. Alfled Read of Tux-unto spent, Sunday wilh friends here. Mr. Thus K)im:k and family moved in Sunuï¬â€™ville last week. The Young Mr. Thus K)im:k and family moved in Sunuï¬â€™ville last week. The young people have always taken an active part in vducntiunal and church \vm‘k Smd will he mm-h missvd. Their mzmy friends here wish them every success m their new home. Mr. C. Mmfkmnn. Thr fmwml ofi Hf Mrs. J. Kuise’ Nulth-\\'est. Mr. Dvmo-ljs. editor of The Loudn- nnd Rex-under, was in the Viâ€:ng on Snntfny. Miss Dell Suigenn entertained :1 number uf hex- ynnng friom's at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lindsay nf Pnrplm‘ille. spent from Friday till Sunday evening with Mr. C. Munkmnn. pInCO frnm m Cemetel {0V V ictoma. Square ublic schnnl was clusod Inst v and Friday on nccmmt of hers attending the ConVen- VILLAGE COUNCIL. A. Cnmpbe shytel'iun ( mn- lust wv vhmge nf ml of Mr. M. Buddy, fathpr' Kaiser of this p1:1('0. hmk “'nndhridge‘ to tho Luther- ry on Sunday afternoon. Mame attended Messrs 11,21 former past!) bur-(:1). pajd 1L ‘ Heis Imlvilig chulch in the r14. {Blue Silk Henrietta and picture hat. I'l‘he bride was the recipient of many .beautiful and costly presents, among ( those being a beautiful White ostrich 1 stole and feathers, a gift from Johan- , uashurghï¬outh Africa. Afterthe cere- } mony about 35 guests sat down to an excellent, repust. Amid showers of l rice and good wishes the happy couple left Richmond Hill on the 8.10 p.1u. i trolley, for Toronto and other points. On their return they will reside at Vic- toria Square. A very pleasant event took place at. l the limne of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings,’ Vittoria Square, on \Vednosdzly. May 9th. win-n their (‘idi'Sb daughter Olive Ila. was mun-ind In Mr. lioscoe Frank- lin. Klinck, third son of Mr. Thmnus Klinvk of the same place. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. SiniLli of Richmond Hill, under an arch of evergrevn and flowers. The ; bride was unattended. At. three o’clock i the bride entered the room on her father’s arm, while Miss Nellie Jen-r nings, sister 0f the bride, played the i wedding March. The bride was! Chan-mineg gnwned in white silk with : insertion and lace trimmings. | The bride’s going away _suip was New | “The paiagrap‘n was no doubt; sent to the \led for publication with evident intention of trving to injure the general business of Stnufl'ville, and whoever the mean cur was who did such a. onwardly thing Would not stop short of dning any contemptihle trick to accomplish his end. As a matter of l'actfl‘hursday lastâ€"the ï¬rst, market day under local optionâ€"was the best and laxgest that has been held in Stoul'ï¬ illu for some mnnths past, not- withstanding it being one of the busiest seasons to the farmer. \Vhatever else may happen the Stouf'fville marketâ€" like the hmokâ€"‘ will go on forever.†The Tribune was equally indignant, that a report shnuld go abroad that the market WUllld close because, the houses of “l quidation†were not granted license. The Tribune says: “The world correspondent was either lhe victim uf a huge joke, 01' else he is descended in a straight line from that, ancient worthy Anunias.†Shredded \Vheat Biscuit, 2 pkgs. for 25¢; Malt-(L Vita, 100. pkg; Orange Elvin, 2 pkgs. for 25¢. Atkinson & Both of Stnuffville’s papersâ€"The Pilot and the Tribune emphatically contradict, the statement, made in The \Vurld one day last WPt'k that, the \w-ekly market in Stunï¬'villc would be discontinued on :u-munt of lm-nl option havng passed in that village. In a. strongly worded article the Pilut says: Extra value in cuffee. ground you wait, at 25, 30, 40 and 456. lb. kinsun 6: Switzer. S witzvr. Mrs. \V'. E. Dean; Guhmre, a dumb slave. MRS Duncan: Selim, Hassan, Gaspard, brothel-s: Mr. John Mm-gan, Mr. Edward Palmer. Mr. Percy Prnc- for; wives and hridvsmaids, Misses Ken-swell, Palms-r, Wright, Boyle, Marsh. Glass, Smart. Themmmittee in charge, and the perfornwx's are in be congratulated on the success of the entertainment. A large- and appreciative audience assemble-d in the Masonic Hall last, evening: when a musical and dramatic entertainment, was given under the auspices of the Ladies Guild of St. Mary’s Church. Every person who took part was well applauded. and the audience thoruughly enjoyed the ex- cellent pI-ugrmmne- offered. The fol- lowing Indies and ge'ntlemen took part in the ï¬rst half of the programme: Cm-uline Unssels. (Mi-s. Percival (J. Dunn) C(mtmllo; Vllll'. F. H. Kirkpat- rick. Render: Miss Morison. Soprano; Miss Evans, ’Cellu ; Miss Cassels. ’Celln; Mies Kingston, Vinlin: Muster David- son Ketchum, Child Pianist; Mr. Earle Newton. Accmnpunisb. nocnssnry repairs and supplies in con- net-tinn with the ï¬re equipment. Nichxv1!s-â€"Sandm‘sonâ€"Thab the In~ spwtm"s report. he received.-Cm1-ied. The report of Lieutenant Sims was I"fPH'€d to the Fire and Water Com- lniltm. with instructions to take such action as they der necessary. Trenchâ€"Snndorsonâ€"Thnt the clerk p1 flour? a turnpike shovel for use in th village. v illnge 'uunul STRAIGHT DENI A LS KLINCKiJEN‘NINGS adjourned Enjoyable Evening. A. J. Hum, Clerk. ground While The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Dabble and Breeder of Improved Chester White Hogs. Lot; 29. Ist Cum, Vaughau('1‘hornhill)has fur sale some good young stock. JESSE WINGER Apply to C. SOULES or write Richmonï¬ Hill 03: Maple Station PLEASANT VIEW FARM At the very best prices either at A telegram reached the relatives here Tuesday announcing the death of Mr. R. E. Law in Peachlund, B.O., where with his wife he removpd early last full. Deceas’ed had liVed in Rich- mond Hill the greater part of his life. and many friends and acquaintances will fps-l sorry to learn (if his death in a. distant ('lime where he went to spend tho closing days of his life. Besides a. widuw he leaves the following children: ~'l‘hendnre George, in Fonthill; Mrs. Vivian. Roswmand Everette, in Peach land. B. (3.; Eluwr, in Qu’Appellv: and Rose and Austin, in Tnmntn. Ml‘3. J. Grant and Mrs. Amos. J. \Vrighh of of this village are sisters. Rants and Shoesâ€"Comp and see us for ï¬ne lmots. Men's Blutchers. up- tu-date style: Ladies’Oxfmvd Blumh- 91‘s. Boys’, girls’ and children’s ï¬ne hunts at templng pxiccs. Naughton‘ Buns†Elgin Mills. A great many Americans both men and women, are thin, pale and puny, with poor circulation, because they have ill- treated their stomachs by hasty eating or too much eating, by consuming alco- holic beverages, or by too close conï¬ne- ment to home, ofï¬ce or factory, and in consequence the stomach must be treated in a natural way before they can rectify their earlier mistakes. The muscles in many such people, in fact in every weary, thin and min-blooded son, do their work with great difficu ty. As a result fatigue comes early, is extreme and lasts long. The demand for nutritive aid is ahead of the supply. To insure perfect health every tissue, bone nerve and muscle should take from the blood cerâ€" tain materials and return to it certain others. It is necessary to prepare the stomach for the work of taking up from the food What is necessary to make good, rich, red blood. We must go to Nature for the remedy. There were certain roots known to the Indians of this country before the advent of the whites which later came to the knowledge of the settlers and which are now growing rapidly in professional favor for the cure of obstinate stomach and liver troubles. These are found to be safe and yet cer- tain in their cleansin and invigoratine cï¬'ect upon the stomac , liver and blood: These are: Golden Seal root, Queen's root, Stone root, Bloodroot, Mandrake root. Then there is Black Cherrybark. The medicinal principles residing in thesa native roots when extracted with glycâ€" erine as a solvent make the most reliable and efï¬cient stomach tonic and liver in- vigorator, when combined in just the right proportions, as in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Where there is bankrupt vitalityâ€"such as nervous exhaustion, bad nutritionâ€"and thin blood, the body ac uires vigor and the nerves. blood and a l the tissuesfeel the favorable effect of this sovereign remedy. Although some physicians have been aware of the high medicinal value of the above mentioned plants, yet few have used pure glycerine as a solvent and usually the doctors’ prescriptions called for the ingredients in varying amounts, wuh alcohol. The “Golden Medical Discovery " is a scientiï¬c preparation compounded of the glycerlc extracts of the above mentioned vegetable ingredients and contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. Best mum. ï¬gment, DEATH OF R. E LAW Trust to Nature. [Single copies, jets )ARRVILLE, ONT‘ GOODERHAM, ana hog kept for iulor