Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1906, p. 3

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Prospective Guest. , "Do you set a good table here?" Hot-e] Clerk ~â€" “\\'ell rather. Why folks come here perfectly hmllhy. and go away with the gout and lysuwsia l" “Thought it meant death sure."â€"Mrs, James McKim, of Dunnville. Ont, says of her almost miraculous cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart: “Until I began taking this remedy l despair-ed of my life. I had heart failure and cxireme pi‘ostmiion. One dose gave me quick relief and one bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled like magic.”â€"3. "But I do not love you," objected the young woman. “Then, why‘n howled 1m indignant youlh, referring hastin lo divers memoranda in his pocket dial), "did you eat a total of sixty-fir? boxes 0! chocolates I bought you during the "did you eat a total of sixty-FIVE] o! chocolates I bought you during past year if you didn‘t, love me?" cause,” she said. with a rap! e3 :ion on her lovely features, “I do lhoc-olale." She stingy W118 Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is pleasan} to take; sure and effectual in destroymg worms. Many have tried it with best results. Ardoch, Ont., May 14.;â€"(Special)-- (Mr. Ami Jeanneret, of this place, gives is very interesting account of his exper- lience with Dodd's Kidney Pills. He ’says :â€" _ “I hurt my back and strained my kid- neys and for 18 years I suffered on and off intense agony. I was subject ‘10 attacks of Rheumatism and Lumbago. {My joints were stiff, my muscles cramp- I lost my appetite, my flesh began ito fall away, my nerves were shaken, I would not rest or sleep at night, and 1 was sinking into a deplorable condition when I was advised to try Dodd's Kid- ’ney Pills. I used six boxes and I am now as strong and healthy as ever I was. I am certain I owe my cure wholly to Dodd’s Kidney Pills.” Little Tommy was very quiet during [he first courses. and everyone forgot h... was there. As the desert was being served, however, the host told a funny 5,0,~y_ \V’hen he had finished. and the laughter had died away, his little son exclaimed‘ delightedly,‘ “Now, pépa tell the other one.” ’ The Most Popular Pill. â€" The pill Is the most popular of all forms of medi- cine, and of pills the most popular are Pnrmelee‘s Vegetable Pills, because they do what it is asserted they can do, and are not put forward on any fictiti- ous claims to excellence. They are wmpnot and portable, they are easily taken. they do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stub- born cases. ‘ A number of the rifles had fallen into lhe hands of the rebels, but by a ruse of Mr. Soulherland’s they were destroy- ed Forty highly-explosive cartridges, loc heavily loaded for the rifles, were placed so that they fell into the rebel's hands. When used they exploded, and several rifles were found later bearing evidences of the violent end of those who had fired them. . The enemy badly armed, but with fa- natical courage, attacked undaunted. Captain Rishler felled their leader with n well-aimed bullet, and the natives on the German side with their fire created g1 eat havoc, but 'still the savages swept forward. “It doesn’t seem like an appointment Io me.” answered the disapproving cili- zen, “it is a. disappointment.” “Whfit do you think of that appoint- ment?” asked the statesman. AFTER 18 YEARS The Hamburg correspondent of The London Daily Mail sends this story 10 hi: paper of the triumph of civilization 1!) German East Africa:â€" A stirring account is to hand of lhe valuable assistance which an English rlcphunt hunter, Mr. Southerland, gave the German troops in their fights in East Africa. The situation was most critical, when the Englishman, a splendid shot, began to use his heavy No. 12 elephant gun, with expansion bullets. Every shot, aimed at the head, told with fearful ef- Iect. The enemy retired, but only to attack again and again. The English- man, however. stayed at his post until the ground was covered with his victims. The rest of the savages then fled, panic-stricken. ” AN ONTARIO FARMER FINDS A CURE AT LAST IN DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. flow the Natives of East Africa Are Civ- ilized. A certain station was in great danger, when the defenders determined to at- tack the oncoming Wagom’s. The tit-â€" Ne exepedition only consisted of two German omcers, Mr. Southerland and thirty-two native warriors. The next morning the enemy, 700 to 800 strong, were encountered. I'he Direct Cause oi Ilis Trouble Was 3 Strain in the Back Which Aiieclcd His Kidneysâ€"Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Cured llim. he â€" “Mr. Flaxman is unusually gy.” Heâ€"“I should say so. Why. wouldn‘t laugh at a joke unless it : at somebody else's expense.” A TERRIBLE STORY. DISAPPOINTMENT. 0F SUFFERING rapt expres An unusually intresting instance cf “SC-oond sight” is reported from Accring- ton, Lancashire, England. A young woman on her deathbed, not only an- nounced her father‘s death, but describâ€" or] the spot. where his body lay, the fact of his death not being known to any- body at. the time. The man in question was Isaac Mai'sdon, fifty-three years old, who lived in Stevenson Street, Accring- ton. His daughter, 25 years old, had been wasting away with consumption [0! months. 7 About a week ago Mr. Marsden dis- appeared from home under mysterious circumstancesâ€"that is, no reason was known for his going away’, and nothing The autho ing 0 Ace must, husba by fir broug montl pore ated fire t( tion. boum of do: At wnm 1' Australian Diet Became an Orchestral Concert. An extraordinary scene occurred at Laibach, Austria, at the sitting of the (‘arniola Provincial Diet. There was a debate on suffrage reform, and the Slovenian party, who feared that the Clericals would gain if the preposals were carried, determined to prevent the debate at all costs. They armed themselves with musical and nmnusicol instruments, and on en. tcring the Chamber played them with gr eat enthusiasm. Some rang cow- bells‘ one heat a‘great drum. two clash. et' cymbals, another worked a loud mamophone. others sounded motor-cair hcrns. bieycle whistles, and used rattleS, so that the party looked like an orches. After the adjournment of th ‘ ‘ for lunch the disturbance bega?) 213?: the Mayor of Laibach acting as been: ductor. The friends of the demonstra- tors, including ladies in the Uallery ydled and sang. O ’ ' The President of the Chamber passed the time in reading newspapers. The Liberals declare they intend to continue these tactics throughout (In session. master, East Wentworth, N.S., after three attacks of La Grippe. Doctors and doses gave him no permanent relief, but Dr. \‘on Stan’s Pineapple Tablets had the permanent virtue that won him back to perfect healthâ€"pleasant and harm- less but powerful and quick. 35 cents. lra These instruments were plaved for four hours uninterrupiedly to ~pyevem their opponents speaking. After the adjournment of the sitting for lunch the disturbance began again, Miss Kulchex‘ â€"â€" “You can always tell a woman who has enjoyed the benefits of higher education." Mr. Crabbeâ€"“Not much! You can’t tell her anything; she thinks she knows it all.” “My Stomach gave out entirely and I suffered untold agonics." This was the expgriencg ofi M13: D. G. _Whiddcn, Post- Even the man who object; to slepEirig on tacks would like to walk all over the tax collector. A Liniment for the Logger. ~- Loggers lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises can- not be altogether avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work, where wet and cold combined are of daily experience coughs and colds and muscular pains cannot but ensue. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. when applied to .ihe injured or adminisiered to the ail- ing, works wonders. About an hour later Miss Marsdon died. Mr. Marsdon’s body was found in the canal at the spot named by his daughter. Mun’nimanâ€"So I am. .I’m in the lea- ther business now. I fell you, there's nothing like leatherâ€" Marr'yatrâ€"Think so? Say, come up and take dinner with us to-m'ght. My wife’s baked some pies for dessert. Why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle (I Holloway‘s Com Cure will remove them? Khve it a trial and you will not regret it. According to indications, it takes a quart of liquor to drown & spoonful of trouble. About a week ago Mr. Marsden dis- appeared from home under mysterious circumstancesâ€"that is, no reason was known {or his going away’, and nothing could be learned of his whereabouts. Miss Marsdcn was deeply distressed by this event. On Thursday she told those who were at her bedside that she had seen her father’s form. “You will find his body in the water at Aspen Bridge, Oswaldtwistlc," she said. SOMETHING LIKE IT. MarryaLâ€"Hcllol old man, you‘re look ing prosperous. She Describes the Death of Her Missing Father. Enthusiasm sets the pace, but com- mon sense wins in a walk. Fever the Curse of the Tropics- In the slow and tedious recuveries from this and all other disease “Ferrovim” is the best tonic. Remem- ber the name. “ FERROVIM.” “Miss Sillye, what do you think of this automibile scorching as sport?" “I think it is just perfectly killing." r" t curétifié. Ease of Piles that was consid ero_d_ hopeless. . . h. . .u- The news spread, and although this was only two years ago. the demand tempted Dr. J. S. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, 9b., the discoverer, to prepare it, for general use. Now it is being senbto all parts of the world. The first package of Dr. Leonhard't‘sr Hem-Reid (the infallible Pile cure) that was pu_t out. wgnt ho a “gall-town in Nebruslu}. It will cure any case of Piles. There is w month’s trcztment in each box. Sold for $1.00, with absolute guarantee. It is for sale by drug ists, or by The Wilson-Fer 00., Limit» , Niagara. Falls, Ont. Sunlight Soap is better than other soups, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. According to indications, it GIRL SEES VISION ON DE.‘\TIIBED. MUSICAL DEPUTIES. BEST OF SPORT. now [1‘ SPREADS and on en- hem with ‘ang cow- ‘ two clash- ad a loud motor-cair The cook was giving the new house- maid her impressions of their employ- ers. “You’ll find them just about the meanest people alive," she said, with conviction. “Regular misers, that’s what they are. ‘You must. be economical,’ that's always the cry here. Why, do you know, it isn’t more than two days smce I see the master and missus both playing on the same piano at the same time! What do you think of that. now!” A modern weapon in the battle for healthâ€"If disease has taken your cita- del of health, the stomach, and is tor- turing you with indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration, South Ameri- can Nervine is the weapon to drive 1he enemy from his stronghold “at the point of the bayonet," trench by trench, but swift and sure, it always winsâ€"4. Contributor: “You sa your rules and wrote only of the paper." Editor: still better." Contributc “How?” Editor: “Don’ either side When a man gets the worst of an ar- gument he always tries to act as if he had merely been drawing the other man but. . Mirrors are a nuisance in the house of a, man whose face is branded with eczema. His own reflection shames him. Let him annoinc his skin with Weaver‘s Uerate and purify his blood with Weaver’s Syrnp' At the Punjab Court five men and a woman appealed against the judgment of the Sessions judge at Delhi who had sentenced them to ten years’ imprison- ment for taking part in the immolation of a widow aged twenty. .The suttee was performed in the pre- sence of a great crowd on the banks of the Jumna. Two village chiefs endea- vored to dissuade the woman from her purpose, but she calmly mounth the funeral pyre, her relatives piling fuel around it. Then, at her request, they gave her a lighted brand and she set the pile afire. Straw was strewn about the pyre and in due course the ,body of the widow was consumed. The ceremony lasted six hours. The four relatives and the headmen were arrested and admitted the main facts. brought to light in India within a month. A young Hindu widow at Cawn- pore stole away from her home,‘ satur- ated her clothes with kerosene and set fire to them in the heart of the civil sta- tion. She was found with her jaws bound as if for burial and at the point of death. . At the Puniab Court five men and 21 The Rel Signals of Danger. â€"« Have‘you lost your appetite? Have you a coated tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your head ache and have you dizziness? If so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not like medicine. Ile that prefers sickness to medicine must suffer, but under the circumstances the wise man would procure a box of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills and speedily got himself in health, and strive to keep so. rhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and complaints incidental to children teething. It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine con- venient. Itching, Burning, Creeping. Crawling Skin Diseases relieved in a few minutes by Dr. Agnew’s Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ec- zema, Ulcers, Blotches, and all Erup- tions of the Skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in all Baby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes during teething time. 35 cents a box.â€"159. When angry repeat the alphabet three times before you speak. If very angry count. 250,000 in a slow, calm manner. This will give you a chance to cool all and will also give the other fellow a chance to get out of the way if he wish- PS to. “Your daughter! 15 it. possible? Why, you look more like twin sisters." “No; I assure you she is my only daughter," rcplied the pleased mother. And the polite old gentleman spoiled it all by re- marking, “Well, she certainly looks old enough to be your sister.“ Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery, diar- “'IDOVV BURNING IN INDIA. B] ECONOMY IN MUSIC. “’05 b Court five men and a ‘d against the judgment judge at Delhi who had to ten years’ imprison- ! part in the immolation Woman Aid Suicide of Hindu “You see, I’followed "rote only on one side Editor: “You can do Contributor (eagerly) : “Don’t write on Illee have Dee: India within : vidow at Cawn er home,‘ satur msene and se he set the about the ray of the ceremony Indian stamp- late mm mm gaged to refuses to get 3mm. People usually imagine that their bones are of solid mineral construction, without any feeling in them. As a mat- ter of fact, there are blood vessels and nerves inside the bones just as there are outside. During amputation of a limb much more pain is felt when the bone is attacked than when the flesh is being cut through. Through the marrow which is inside the bones run the nerves and blood-vessels, entering the bones from the flesh without by little holes. Nature adapts the bony structure of various animals to their habits in a very interesting manner. Sluggish creatures, like the sloth, have solid bones, whereas the bones of the deer and the antelope are comparatively light, so that they may run fast. and the leg bones of the ostrich are hollow. You will find in the bones of any skeleton the application of mebhanical principles which have only become known to man through the pro- cesses oi laborious and longeonsidered invention. Plans nnd Specifications preparedJor Parks, Cemeteries, Public and Private Grounds. Home Grounds a specialty. Addressâ€" f. ERNEST WGULVERTON Proof. Wind, Water, Storm, and Fire Head Office and Works, Emmet“. flue. 0m, am 767 Craig St. 423 Sussex sw “Gshawa” Steel Shingles W0 Nan maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and E.A.\’.,,‘ 'I‘BOUGH Etc. ME's‘AL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEELENGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of “OSHAWA” Shingies. Write to-day. ’ TEE PEDL&R ram) ELIE, We are theâ€"largest and oidest comfiany of the kind\under the British flag. and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 82.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Stores.Ele. valor-s, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. LIMITED number of Founder's Shares for, sale at 25 cents per share, par value $1.00. Fully paid and nun-assessable. Best value on market. PROPER TV, 40 acres Patented Mining Lands. Perfect Title. BOOKLET “ Mxllions in Cobalt " free on request. The s. s. Nggflgitt 00., cams 3v, LANSGAPE DESIGNER. MiLLIONS COBALT INSIDE YOUR BONES Gfiflfifl,0m 423 Sussex st. TO{flHO,GfiL 11 Colbome str {05503,03L 69 Duudaait. E§§m93§.flflfl 76 Lcrmbard it HRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF IN ONTARIO. WRITE YOUR NEAR-EST OFFICE Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.B. 65 GJ‘. P. Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough land. spring creek, no sloughs. About 40 miles N.E. of Indian Head. Pnce $10.50 par mm. Write for map and (nu particulars. m fiesta“? aanada R. PARSONS. 9| Wellcslcy Street. Toronto, Canada. Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. “Is Miss Sir-aillace circumspect?” ask- ed Miss Pert. “Circumspect?” cried Miss Caustic. “Why she won’t accom» pany a young man on the piano with- out a chaperon.” V mus THEM ALL. AVOID POOR MTATION; gunman Dmggista and GanenlStox-ey and bynnn. nan CENTS mvmr PROM ARCHDALE WILSON and hand Sult- would look batten-d ad. I! no “all if om In your town. write direct. onus-l. Box 151 Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soapiis better thah other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Equally good With or soft water $5 000 REWARD will be paid 9 to any Demon who Sunlight Soap will not injure the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals. KNILL RAISE CALVES WITHOUT MILK. Ask your dealer far samples prices and testimonials, or address nmnan AMER'JDAN ovzma oo. MONTREAL. , . M .Smuxan fa animowa ' zrnmommm. I: he Btsrand Cheapeu ‘ , (amSkil’fauw-rhsn 525mm no: [mommPnumflng 49‘1"" to any person 'who proves that. Sunlight. Soap contains any ix‘fludmls chemicals or any form ofsd mutton. YOUR GVERGBATS ILATBIIFOHD'S CALF MEAL FAO’TDIV WAUKEGAN_ ILL. K Established at Leicester, {flag in 1813. CALF MEAL lever Broducrs Limltcd. Tmnto ETERBQRUUGHT? g moe Com BLATGHFORD’S Oshawa, Wilsonfi FLY PADS THE ONLY THING THAT Ont. , Canada MEMM. Q5 Pendu- st. Two com sections, select. ed lands in locked Skies All on

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