. ‘ Ila/f 53/75â€: 11mm . p _ , ,- Frost Til: cancers "‘15:. his; 17, {956" Are Strong All Around RICHMOND HILL. 0 The: latcrc’i: of a. Host fame are High Carbon 3‘70. 9 Hard Steel Coiled Wire; thoroughly galvanizedâ€"that can t be broken until 112:: strain reaches from 1930 to i? And the two wizes are lflckui with the l‘rost' Locks. g. . i. go? .9 / 7m: That braces the fence in all (lirccti‘ilsdflp slow-ii leiLI giagotn‘ily. Dd Vic are so sure that l’ros‘. i’ciiCI-u are i‘ic SirflilQC\t nii-l bc>t that wombat-flute: to repair, free of ciiaiL-c, any fair: that goes wrong. ’l‘lirxt‘: fair, isn't it? Frost Wire hence; are :or mic by CLUBINE 5. PEARSON, - Thornhili By a vote'of 167 to 9 the Dominion Parliament last week adhered to the Indemnity Bill passed last session, \and showed by their votes and speeches they considered $2,500 not too much for the members' sessional 2200 pounds. The stays are No. 7 or this same .\'o 9 wire. allowance. The measure is not pop- ular throughout the Dominion. prob- C. A. SiNCLAiR, - - Laskav ably not so much on account of the JAMES WOODARD’ - Aurora extra money voted, but because there is a feeling that the question should have been discusmd before the last General Election. However, as both sides of the House â€"â€"Liberals and Conservatives voted almostsoiidly for the bill, it may be just as well to‘ let the matter drop. Even W. F. Macleau, Judging from the speeches ’of Grits and Tories, must have felt “ sorry that he spoke.†A BULLETIN ON THE BACON HOG. An exhaustive bulletin on the pro- duction of bags in canada for the . .4“: British bacon trade is ready for distribution from the ofï¬ce of the i,, Live Stock Commissioner at Ottawa_ ,, ‘_ It is divided into fourteen parts each _ dealing with a section of the bacon industry under the following heads; Introduction; The Standard Bacon Type; Undesirable Hogs for Bacon Production; Breeds and Breeding; "Care of Breeding Animals; Rearing and Finishing; Cost of Gain at Dif- lerent Stages of Growth: Soft Bacon; Foods; Preparation of Food; Com. position of Foods used in Swine Feeding; Gestation Table ; The pres- ent and future of the Canadian Bacon Industry. ‘ ~ a ~ x rience of 1‘“ . _ . . . Bemfieb the pdsonal 6, p“: stud eondniion \VL‘IgllS about 1,301) pounds. The Duke is highly iinislied the Live StOCk COIDmlSSloner and and powerfully built in every way. He is not a. pacer but one of the iincst ' ‘ t ver reliable guited trotting lltll'S(:S in Junction. _ Helms trotted a trial in 2.17, (lll'il‘it‘l‘s in membel: Offhls 5:3, e .tg. r cl 29%, seconds, and a 1.98 gait, and it is sziid, With good handling, he could trot in source 0 in orina ion W1 in ea 1 was drawn upon in securing data for i i G G U A R A T E E the bulletin. After describing the Anyone who will inspect this horse before selecting a sire we will guaran- 253?.‘5 Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion E DUKE is a beautiful seal brown Stallion about 16.5 hands high. and in type and breeds of hog suitable for the bacon trade and discussing the tee to make them a present of $1,901) and n colt without charge, if The Duke is - 1 m d f not just as represented and one oi the host l)l’(‘d Trotting Stallions on (he coâ€. be“ and moss economlc'a me O s o tincnt and one of the greatest Stock liorscs or. earth. rearing and feeding, the bulletin ' id [1‘ paints out that the bacon n us iy' of Routeâ€"12 “7 Canada worth some thirteen million 1906 dollars per year Is worthy of the MONDAY_HewmgO to Egiinbm Hotpp Egnnton‘ from 9 to 10' and earnest support of the farmers of thence to Golden Lion Hotel, Yonge Street, for noon. and thence to llugln-s‘ Canada. In order to encourage and Hotel. Thornhill, from 3 L04. thence up Yonge Street to Cosgrore’s limp], _ . _ _ Elgin Mills. for night. asmst this valuable trade this bulletin TUESDAYâ€"4'19. will go to Lemon’s Hotel, Aurora, for noon, and thence to has been prepared With great care ’ lot 25‘ concessi‘m 6, Royal Hotel. Nowmarkct, for night. . _ \VEDNESDAYâ€"He will go to Mr. Joseph Hill’s farm and exactness as to teaching. It IS King (near Kettlebyl, for noon, and thence to Nobleton for nigh t. helpfully illustrated by half mne cuts THURSDAYâ€"He will go to Kleinburg for noon, and thence to \‘v'ood- _ _ bridge House, W'oodbridge. for night. of swme of diflerent pure breeds. FRIDAYâ€"He will go to Thistletown for noon, and thence to Islington correct and incorrect types of hogs! Hotel. lsliu ton, for night. _ SAIUK AYâ€"He will go to Black Horse Hotel. Toronto. where he will re. ideal and faulty s1des of bacon, be- sides plans and description of the main until owning. when he will go to his own stable, 107 McGill Streetnvhore movable pen which is becoming very he will remain until Monday morning. popular. The bulletin is No. 10 of . Iiisurcs a by $10 the Live mock Branch. Copies may or dies Witiming colt, payable 10thin after mare foals. be secured free by application to the I E. R. REYNOLDS, Proprietor n that time, no charge will be made. Live Stock Commissioners, Ottawa. 107 MCGILL S'l‘., TORONTO W. J. LAING in charge Loans made to farmers at ï¬ve per cent. Apply to Mr. Laiiig. echs, commencino Monda A ril 0th 0 Y: P ) If colt comes deformed Start for a Summer Training In Banking Shorthand For a1 or Bookkeeping Courses _§ 9 For sale At the Quantity 0f Seï¬d 32 colonies of bees, a number of 8 I I '18 I .3 V‘ 0†hives and supers, one reversible exâ€" ' E ‘Ut’ ’ 90'“ " “mg "n tractor. Also various articles useful. Maple P. 0. for bee-keeping. Apply to H. MIL- “ LER. Richmond Hill. 13-45 which for 16 years has taken the v i _v lead for efficiency and for poai- , : ‘ ’ tious. ~ w ’ â€"â€"â€"â€" ;, I I Half of double house on (‘enire open a“ year‘ Day and u‘gflt' St. East. Richmond Ilill. Forinfor- Get down to business now. n‘iatinn apply to JAMES NEWTON. illâ€"bf. ngni Mills. For Sale House for sale opposite Thornhill IPHSL’ ()ï¬icc. One-quarter of an acre iof land, 6 rooms, well, C-istcrn, fruit; Vii-ecs. etc. Apply i R. J. Fcnwick Eglinton or Cuplin 8: Stodart, Toronto. M 188 BA R N ES DR ESSMAKING AND LADIES“ TAELORING Tliox-nhill. Ont .. :RairFarqaharson,“ A Y.-M. C. A. Bldg, Toronto .- I“ terse. Best wheat. belt in the wmld. 1m- proved and unimproved farms for Sal.- m Milestone district. Country boom- ing. safe investment. healthy climate. See samples of grain grown on my farm at ofï¬ce. For Particulars. Address. ED. FOR ESTER I * Milestone . "ti-wk I’Uiiionville, Ma Municipality of the Township of Markham Public notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the ï¬rst sitting of the COURT OF REVISIUN for the Township of Markham. will be held in Victoria Hall, Unionvillc. on SATURDAY. MAY 26. 19MB at. o'clock p. m.. to hear and deter- mine on appeals against the Assess- no-ut Roll for the current year. of which all persons interested use 30-, quired to take notice and govern then)â€" _<ol\'es accordingly. .0 H S’PLYE.R.C’¥eik seaside ‘) edar Po Cedar Posts for sale. Apply to H. B. NE‘YBERY Elgin Mills vii-N no»? 464? 7 Seed Potatoes A quantity of Sci-:1 l’otntovs for solo, lot 26, (Jon. 3, Vuligli-in. JOHN STJNFIY TAKE NGTESE Harejlisi arranged \\'ilil tim Velcr- inury Specialty Co. to roll llli' folloux ing rt‘inerlics: Stool; Tonic and Blood Purifier. Indigestion :lli(l Colic (Iiii'l‘. Spmin (,‘nro, \Yoi'in l’r-wilors. (‘ougli Remedy. Poiiltiy Tonic. Rouse “oath Aiiliscr-ptic Healing ()il. in} min Emul- sion, Blnt‘k Oil, Ili'lth' liolioi‘. Lump .lnw Curr, Aphoirlisiuc :ind Ami-Sier- ilc Powders, llilli‘lll(il':i "lll'!’1lvl'(liilis and (lulVL‘s, Leaking Naval & Joint Dismiss. Vnnznni tk \Vnring. Volt-i inm-y Hiir~ goons. tucniyvï¬vz- yours or pun-lion] . rxpcrmns-o. 1‘(3111111011ill!‘\‘(‘l‘y‘lflf’liiifff‘f’llliilillg il’lPllUlllt‘l'lUl“1'(‘L‘\vi'lt'lllmly Adrico. For suli‘ ' F. .l. PE‘WiH‘K .K' HUN. Tho Lin- Gonoiwil Agvnis of lliwlimond llill. Satisfaction Guninntc-irtl ED. Bi EEC iâ€"i HOUSE PAINTER GLAZliZ'i, GRAIN iii and P A PE 1‘ ll AN G ii It iiESiDENCi-i. MILL ROAD. sown or iiioiiiioNo mm. ill-6m Rii‘H llOlVl) HILL P. O. +++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ “5‘ n o 6‘ 5m» vo- a tiiéililaiv leiiii g 533 now opmi nr-rgcs into our Sines gasses without any break for holidays. Sludcnts may t'lllUll :it any tinw with (‘tlllsil :uli.ziii;ige. 1n- spcction im itcd. l w, denim 3; a" ' e + s . as lï¬. «Iii-rand . 5‘ 315353355 wattage t Yonge & Gerrard Si~:., Toronto. Twenty regular tonrclirrrs. Fin~ T est equipment. liiost silt-ct‘Ssi'ul graduates. W. 11. SHAW, Principe. ++++++++++4‘++++$+4~Â¥+++++++ litiiESEEiiih mElitllï¬Sltis ~M«a"?+~§I++*:<+Ԥ~2Ǥ-£-§0i'++++++++++ "I44. . . r+++++++ v .‘ ‘6 RETURN FARESZ Winnipeg - $32.01] Strassburg - $35.26 Souris - 33.60 Saskatoon - 37.26 Brandon - 33.55 Prince Albert 38.00 Melatonin - 34.28 No. Battlefocd 39.00 Arcola - 34.50 Macleod - 40.00 ‘ Estevan} _ 3500 Calgary - 40.59 Yorkion ' Red Deer - 41.50 Regina - 35.75 Siettler Moose Jaw - 35.60 Edmonton} ‘ 4250 GOING: June Eih. good to return until August 6th. June 19th. " " August 20th. July 3rd, “ " Sept. 3rd. July 17th, " “ Sept. 17th. Forrntes to other points and complete in- formation npply to nearestCanndian Paciï¬c Agent, or write to C. B. FOSTER. District Passenger Agent, 7! Yonge St.. Toronto. 1)lll)li0 Notice VAUGHAN THE COURT OF REV lSION for re- ’\"isuig the Aswsmnent Rolls of tlic ,‘lownship of Vaughan for the your Yellow, or) SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1306, at 10 o'clock a. in. All parties interested are hereby re- f Q nested to take notice and govern tiemselves accordingly. ._I. B. MCLEAN. Clerk of Vaughan. 1 Maple, May 10. 19.. 4- +4. .3. "i'd'd'd'd‘tie-X'i'd'd'diwd"! +-}-.’r++'§'++-}° Elgili Mills RD. 1 JIAHQL’IS 0F '+++++-l~i-t-Z';l‘++K~+++++~i~+ 1906. will be held at the Town Hall, ' r l l . +++++++++++++es+++++++++++ Paints Mixed Paints Robertson‘s Paints v 4 .1. 5'3 Unequallsrl lol‘ =.- =3 .. 05°F . Parity Ban-unity Tin-re is nothing :is good and nothing: Could be beiicr. “imperial measure (11'. price :li others." SII 1118 ()lli'h‘itit'li of oils, paints. rnr- nislu-sm'hiiing. zinc white. glues, putiy, :ilnliasiin stninsul'ull, and prices light. . ’1 ++++ Richmond llill ‘1' £-i‘++++ +4~Â¥+d~§++ï¬v++++++ H"??? 'i'dwl'd'++$M+++d0§~+++~S"b+++++"?+ 4‘ ‘{Ҥ"{"i-'2‘+ ++++++++++e+++++e+++e+++ Stallion Register. Those getting bills or cards at THE Liuicimr. ()t‘lir-e will l't-(‘Hiw' il‘ fire nol ice during the season :is followszâ€"- KxochLoE CHIEF â€" Roadster. tho propci'tyI-f \V. (l. Ellis. Redford Park, will stand zit his own stable. Terms. $15. TM'i’INâ€" i’llli‘~hl‘('(1 Imp. Port-heron. the property of Ilarry (lmhnni. (hil‘l‘Vllll', will be at King City, 'l‘t'iiipvrnlirovillo. Victoria Silllkll‘i‘, Richmond Hill. Tvrnis. $14. Rowanâ€"'l‘hoi-o.brmi, the propnrty of James \ankvr. Tesion. will stand at his own stable. Terms. $10. Foiirzsr D1iYâ€"Trottingbrml stallion. tln- property ofJ. Palmer and T. Road. Home stubbl, Victoria Square. Palmer House. Rich- mond Hill every “'cilncsdziy. Terms, $10. ’RINCE l)l2[‘ID~rliiip01t/»d Clydesdale, tbcproportyofJ. Pnlnis'r and T. Road, will stund :xi iho T’nlmoi' Norrie, Richmond Ilill. ‘Ti'llhs, $15. 3 COWAL ~ imparted (‘lytlcstlzile, the pi'optii)‘ of 1:; U. a Sim-1v, will go to (Jul; Ki "PS. ‘Vliircliiig‘f‘li. liiiigg‘wmnl. Victoria Square. Home stable, Richmond 1131]. Terms. $li. 1‘1.\liln M .\-L‘QUEENâ€"( ‘lyvlesiluie si a 1- lion, the property of \V. .1. \Vi-lls, , .. Noblcion, “ill go to Keith-by. Vc-lloi-o. King (‘i¢y. etc. Home stable, Tompcrzmcm‘ile. Toxins. $10. CLAN .‘lACQUEENâ€"«Ci)‘(it‘stirilo stallion, the property of \V. .l. \Vi-lls. ‘will go ioViciorin. Square. New‘ii-ii Brook. Lansing. Filil'lrellik. Fisher'- ville. Iiirlnnond liill. Vaughan. Home stable, Tt‘lllpt‘l‘illlCCV'llit‘. Terms. 310. C.;LI.\' MA(QUEE.\'â€"â€"Clydcsdiile sini- lion. the property of \V. .1. VVells', will travel through “'hitchurch, Ballantrae. East Gwillimbury, Aurora. Home stable, Temperâ€" nneeville. Terms. $10. LORI) HAMILTONâ€"Imported Clych- dzilc, the property of Leggc and Blough, will go through Vaughan, Elgin Mills. Victoria Square, Viru- dorf, Aurora. Ten]poranceville, King City. Home stable, lot 1, Con. 7, King. Terms. $12. ROYAL HATtroNâ€"lniported Clydesdale. the property of Plough dz Leggy, will go to Strange, Kcttlcby. New. market. Auroin, Oak Ridges Elgin Mills. Home stable, King City. Terms, $12. GOLDEN CONQUEnouâ€"Clydesdule stal- lion, thc property of Tecson 36 Francis. will go to Mitchell’s Hotel, O‘Sulliran’s Corners; (‘her- ry's Hotel. Fisherrille. Home stable. lot 32. con. 1, Markham. Terms $12. TONY \VILKES JR.â€"C.~in-iuge stallion, the property of TL‘L‘SUH & Francis, will go to Mitchell‘s Hotel, O'Sul- Iivan's Corrie-is; Cheriy's Hotel, Fisht-rville. Homosmblo, lot 32, con. 1, Markham. Terms $9. DUKE on YonKâ€"Clydosdnle stallion, tliepropcrty of \V. \V. Hudgin, will go through \Vhichurch, Bullnntino, Stouï¬'ville, Victoria. Square. Thornhill, (‘ni rville, Rich- mond Hill. Home Stable, Summit House. Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SIUI’MATE ~ Carriage stallion, the properly of W. \V. Hudgin, will go through \Vhitclmrch, Bulliln- trnc, Stouffville, Victoria Square. Tliornhill. Cari-ville, Richmond Hill. Home stable, Summit House, 0.11; Ridges. Terms $10. \VII.i) BILLYâ€"Roadster stallion. the property of Eli Sliierk, will trnw-l through Aurora. Kettleby, King City, 'l‘csion. Edgkly. Thornhill. Unionville,Victori;i Square. llonw Stable, Palmer House. Richmond Hill. Terms $12. PURE GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion. the property oi‘ W. 1t. Li no, will stand at. his own stable. two lots below Maple. Terms $7. MACQUEEN’s CHAMPION 7, Clydesdale the property of Jos. Burnett. will stand :it his own stable, lot 512.com 1. Vaughad (Elgin Mills). Terms $10. 10*. ï¬stulascribe tor - LIBERAL