Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 May 1906, p. 5

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Very special value in pure Ceylon bl:le ten, 6 lbs. for 950.: in May-pivk- ed Japan tva nt 250. 11].: 11. special Japan tea. 300. lb. Atkinson & Swit- zvr. The firemen trusted the engine Mun- day evening. and it, must, he said the latter gave a fairly goud acuan uf herself, but, it was hard work. Penple “’th peculiarly constructed nusos might say that the water pnmpvd («I from the tanks was highly urdur- Hex-nus. Muple syrup. 25c. tin; gnlden syx up in 511). pails. 25¢. each: in 2 1h. him, 10c. each: goud sugar syrup, 30. 11).; gingeI-bl'vnd molasses in 2 1h. tins. 10v. mach; Budgvruw and Stylrs’ XXX \Vhite Wine \‘invgnr. 30c. gm]. Atkin- son & Switzm. Last. Weeks’ Tribune of Stuut‘fvillp said :â€"“ A representative nf the T. Eaton Co. aucmnpanied hy Mr. McCor- muck, of Trruntu was in town on Sat- urdagy last to lunk uvx-r the punk facto- Rev. J. M. Simpsun, nf Tux-unto Junc- tion, who preached Educmiunal Ser- mons in the, Menu-dist, Church last Sunday, was the guest of Mr. Ashfm'd \Vx-Ight. x‘y building, as the Eutmf Cnmpuny dosil‘e to secure :1 suitable location for the manufacture of whitewmu'.” If the T. EatnnOu. should fail in getting what. they want in Stnufi‘ville could the village cmnwil not, find the firm a suitable building in this town? Mrs. J. N. Bnyle and Miss Gem-gin Boyle have returned after spending a couple of weka in Montreal, St. John and other places. Dates. SC. 111.: pl-mws, SC. Sc. 11).; good canned peas. 230.: good com, 3 bins for 23¢ tmnatoos, 2 tins fur‘l-ic. A Switzer. “This sketch is condensed frum an interesting Hl'tit'k‘. \vx itton by M 1'. \Vm: Harrison hf Richmond Hill."â€"Glube Magazine. Saturday, May 12. On Tuesday of this week Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrick, Professor of Elm-utiun in the Tumult: ()rmse-rmtury of Musir‘, was appointed chtuwr in Public Reading and Speaking in McMnchr l'niversity. The piano n: Cnncm-b under Mary’s Chm-ch Supplied by Mr A new 1906 Bicycle, Dunlnp til-vs made by Hyslnp Brus. must, he sold Now is Vour timv. The wlwel will gn :lL ulmut half price. NanghLon Bras. Elgin Mills. Miss Ada AH‘ht‘l' pf Tux-onto and )Iis Edna Huu'm1h uf Hillsdule spent. Thursday with Miss Em Hill. cousin of the latter. Rangoon rice, 5c.1b.; polishpd Rang. nunricv,6c. 11).: Japan rive. 8c. lh.; Carolina lil’f’, 100. 11).: bullet, tapioca. 8c. ll). Atkinson & Switzer. The Cmvm-uor-Gem-r :l's Body Gumd Band will give a prngmmnw of twvh e numbers on the Fair Gm unds (m the ztt’Lt-I-nnou of Victoria Day. Mr. Lyons will be here with his Mmy-Gu~Rmmd early m-xt- \u-vk so Hmt his hm-sos and rigs will he in ship- shapc cunditiun for the 24th uf May, Mange! 9 supply at. ri gwwu gar 2 papers flu Mrs. Scott and Miss Scutt. Tmnntn syn-1m over Sunday with Mrs. G. P. W . Mr. Ansnn M. Can‘le with honors his svcund y ;Ll.inns at the Sciuml L Sch-hue, Tommi“. Full Stuck of sugars and a high 8011 & Switzm-‘s. 'Dl'. Dvnn who had been in Suund fur the past few wm‘ 191m ued and wsumcd pmcticv. Miss Flurvnce Jumivstnn of Toronto spent from Rut nrtlny ti” Tuesday with her friend, Miss Eva Hill. Ice Cream will he served at the Dominion House on Saturday evening. Second-1):: nd bicycle fur sale. cheap. Enquire at l‘HE LIBERAL Office. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barkm‘ are spending :1 few dnys in Stuulfville. , Shim-n dunrs that will fum-y both by design and Soulvs. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patterson. T0- rnntn, spent a day nr two this Week with Mr. & Mrs. \V. A. Sanderson. Law bCiuw b0 géiheral. RICHMOND HILL, Om, 1‘1 z Miss Edith Sullivan, vvr Sunday with NIS. “THE G ERMAN SOLDIER.” HP: LIBERAL tn the first of , 1907. far 50 cents. I100 A113. Mowers n! the Lunnm prices. SSH-Ed, turnip right price. 1 1111911 sveds, svd lust evmnng at the the auspices (-1" St. was a Mason It: Risch, '. F. J. Pethiulf. “'JLS H I“; '. F. J. Pe Bicycle, up Brus., mm The Alkinso: mudiun refined ‘“‘U|'Lh at Atkin- best Hulk? and C. Snules. I‘nmntn, spent “7. A. Sunder- c. 11).; figs, 5. 4 tins fnl‘ 150.; Quaker Atkinson & d. in good ‘3 nnan-l-n- 1a quality. has pnsspd take ymn‘ price. 0 vxn mmâ€" Practical Switzcl 17, 1906 {my lull- The width and family of the late 1 Henry \Yinch, whose death and burial ‘ we l'c'cul'ded last week, wish to thank l the friends and Iwighhnrs for the I kindness shown them during the brief ‘1 illness, and after the death of deceas- ed. Richmond Hill is just the right size town to settle down in and enjoy life. We have good Schools, good churches, good side\\*ulks,'zll|nost everything for the comfort of life, and $10 will go as far here as twice that :unuunt in large cities. \Vhen you want to leave the farm, come to our town, get, a nice comfortable home and he :unong the best people in the world. MITAIAGIJEFRUSTEPJ At; a. Public meeting held in the Council Chamber Monday evening, Mr. Robert Muckie, of the Markham part of this Union School Section, Was elected Public School Trustee for the balance of this year, the remainder of the term of the late David Lynett. The nomination was made by Mr. John Duncan, seconded by Mr. \V. A. \Vright. As there were no other nominations the clerk, Mr. A. J. Hume, declared Mr. Mac-hie elected by :Lcclztumtion. As it has been repmted in some quarters that the Palmer House dining mom. sheds and stables Were closed the same as those at I‘hnrnhill. Maple and other pluth effected by local option, it may be well to say that such is not the case. Every dvpzn-tmeut of the Palmer House is «un just the same as it was previous to the first of May, vxcvpt (let us hupe)thut no intoxicating liquor is sold at the harm-nu the prelu- ises. Every accuumnodutiou will he offered on Victoria. Day, and at all times the same as in furmer years. THE ANNUAL FAIR Full sheet posters have been circu- lated giving particulars of the annual Fair Lu he held in the Agricultural Grounds. un Thursday next, the leh uf May. The prize llSL is larger than ever, and with good weather the success of the Fair is assured. The $200 purse for open trot (u- puce should bring some fast homes here. There is .‘llSU a. $30 purse for Furmei's' trot, 01' par». 1n additiun to the fUuLllilll contest fur a prize, foot races and othc-r athletic spun-ts will lime a place ml [hr progi-annue. The Barrie examiner issued a wry creditable illustrated number on lhk' 10111 of May. Illustrations are given of many 0f the business men and public huildingsuf the town. Familiar faces in [he numhcr, are Very Rev. Dean Egan, formerly uf Richmund Hill and Thm-nlnll; and Mr. Edgar G. Rulditt, fun-Ian in the Examiner Office- nnd lulltdnmster of the 35th Reg- imental Band. In the sketch relating to the hqu the pupm says the leudm-ship of the pm umsu 1, Mr. E. (h Rcddilt, “UK The Indies of the Presbyterian (‘rhnn-h. Richmond Hill, will provide a Hut Dinnerand Ten in the Basement, hf the Church. Victnria Day, Thurs- day, MuyZ-l, to whiv‘n their patrons and friends are cordially invite‘d. Dinner frnm 11:-..m. (02 0.111.; Ten from 5 to 7 pm. Tickets, 25 Cents; Childmn, 15 cents. Everybody Welcome. evidence uf 'muL-h yeading and was deliwid with much enthusiasm and was liighlv appreciated by all present. Rev. Mr. Brace may lwsm-u Ufa hmn-ty reception at any time by an Anrnm audience. At th last meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist Church letters were read fmm Rev. A. P. Bruce, B. 1).. and Rev. Mr. Copeland accepting the invitatiun to be supvrintendent and msistunt respectively on the Richmund Hill Circuit, subjch to the approval of the stationing Committee. As the 21th of May, Victoria I falls this year on Thursdav. our ular pubiishing day, THE LIBERAL 1' week will he published on ‘Vednest The prize list. (:f the Annual Fair be gin-n the fullnwing week. Ad tisu‘s will [110.189 send chaingos. con-ospnndvnls their cm-reswunden day earlier than usuul. Mr. J. Sun-[up has made an inspect ion uf th- village, and with thv ex ception of one m- Lwn plucoa. finds (h: premises of householders in a sntis ception of one m- two places. finds the premises of hmist-hniders in a satis- factory C(mditinn. The few in whom he found it necessary to spvak regardâ€" ing untidinvss exprcsed a willingness to meet with his request, and put their premises in a snnitax _v condition. Ml. \Vm. Harrison. who was recent- ly appointed Secretary of the Method- ist Church Trust Board at, their-un- nunl mes-ting hvid May 8, has filled the pusitinn (if Srm-etax-y to the Board of Trustees fm- thirty-eight yems in snccvssiun, and is the only surviving member (If the Board that elected him in 1868. CO H VICTORIA DA BA HR I E I LLL’STR ATED THE PALMER HOUSE E AND LIVE “'1‘ III US HOT DINN ER :I May, Victmin Day, on Thursduv. our reg- flny, THE LIBERAL next, Mislu-d nu ‘Vednesday. f the Annual Fair “ill Y CONCERT be given in the the evening of $95 to he, a raw 1: will cunsist nf piccolo Solos, me SUIOS, ant-gm -'d songs. skirt Victoria Day, i'esent hand- lt, ’lhe bemd Unde‘; Ad ver- 8. :1 ud In the Villinge of Sherwood. Frame House, Stable and three quarter acre lnt, also Vacant, Frame store. For particulars aply Ln Pthex' John (haddock Ol‘MlSK‘ Edith Campbell Maple 218 Annette St. Toronto Junction pur 058 (If lwaring complaints and up. pm :1 against, the assessment. of the said village. The Gum-t will sit, in the Council Chumber ull the above date ut‘ln’clnck in the uftex‘nuun and all whom it may concern are requested to govern tin-m- selves accordingly. Richmond Hill SATURDXY, MAY 26. 1906,'fnr The Court of Revision fur the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill, will huldits firsgjirgtjngdt'oyiLb: gun-refine year {in Made b J. O. A In In yer Court of Revision feL-l that they haVe a bright future before them. and are giving the reg- ular attendance." lizuvnnh, New JDI'Svy, tn Mr“ H. L. Harris, a daughter. PAmeâ€"[n Richmnnd Hill day, May 11. L0 Mr. and Mrs. tun, A son. LAWâ€"At the msidenma of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Vn'in11. Peachlzmd, B. 0., on Monday, May 14, Robert [5. Law. in his 75M) year. A8 inqu dissatisfaction has been caused the last twu or three years by football teams comin 0n the grounds late, and competing in the $22 prize. at the fair on the 24th of May. the directors decided that this year the rules laid down will be strictly adhered to. Clubs are requvstod to make their entries in good time, as drawing for places will take place at the secretary’s office on the Pruning of the. 23rd of May. Play will commence at, llo‘ulnck, and teams n it on blip field when called will lose the game by default. It is to ho hole that footballers will thor- oughly understand what is required, and govern themselves accordingly. D. D., ut' Trinity Church for the (-v ing. .MlHiC spvcially prepared for occasion by the choir. As this is 25:11 anniversary the ladieszuid frie of the Church me making mm efforts to make it a great succ The public cordially invited. hUL‘CH:SONâ€"â€"On May 9, :It 344 Donald Street \‘v'iuuipeg, tu Dr. and Mrs. llutchisvn, a son. DUNCAN-IH anontn. on Saturday. the 5th uf May. tn “’illiam Armstrong Duncan and Mrs. Duncan, :1 sun. Mr. F. Duck of Maple has issued n circular letter tn prospecti v0 customer s infm‘min them that he has started a. General 'tm‘e in the premises known as the Richardson House. The circular states that, “n cmnplete stock of Dry Gunds, Genbs’ Furnishings, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. state‘s Lhub “:L cmnplkte stock of Dry Gonds, Genbs’ Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Grncox-ios, etc. is arriving, and these goods are all new and up-tn-dule; lllV stuck will he found particularly attractive, and the ladies will find the newest and most fashionable styles in the Dry Goods Department.” He asks the farmers to bring their butter and eggs, and offers to pny the highest nmiket price for all kinds of farm pl()dll’:(‘. Butter Paper at the Liberal Office HARRISjOn Monday, May It! at For Sale or to Let um :11 h Public Pfi'otice The best kind of a testimonial â€" “ Sold 101' over sixty years.” NE\V STORE AT MAPLE T0 FOOTBALLERS. yerfs DEATHS BiRTHS M a y O. Ayor 00.. Lowell. Mus. manuthoturora of J. HUME, 0181 1; 10th. making earnest a great. success. SARSAPARJLLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. t1) M rfu nd Mrs nm, on 14'“- Mrs. M. Pub- even- r the is the fiends the $fimfium‘i gifiaul: uf (Jimmie: aple Business transacted daily between 10 and 4. Saving; Bunk Dupm-tuwut. Mummy advanced un sale notes. Garden Tools; Paints, Oils and V TINSRII'I‘IEENG â€"- Done promptly, done well. building W111 find it to their interest to get our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. ' sides givmg you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. Biennium Hill flardware Stare You will not be asked to buy or pestered with undesired attention. We are proud of our store and our stock and like to have them appreciated. It you wish to buy you will be waited upon promptly and courteously, but don’t think you have to buy because you come in. We know the people of this town and vicinity know what is good, appreciate What is good and want what is good. A genuine Scotch Tweed Suit, made to your artistically and everything guaranteed for $15.25 special quality. White Cotton COI'SPt Covefis at 15, 20, 25, 35. 5 White Skill-ts, at 750.. $100, $1.25, and $1.50 ea 28 inch Ginghams at 11c. and 170 per yd. 28 inch Fancy Muslins at; 14c. and 300. yd. COME IN AND Our prices will please and your apprecia- tion of them will please us. Mkinsm & Switzea’ Goad goods Extra Values BINDER ’PVVINEâ€"Be- T0 BUIIJDERSâ€"Those (In connection with Richmond Hill Office an H. LQQSEMQRL Agent. 1 \Vire and \Viz-e Fence, Buildel's‘ Tools’ al-nishes, Peerless Machine Oil. SMILES LOOK AROUND , 35. and 500. 50 each M'ny 17, 1908. measure This is

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