I++++++++ 7++Â¥+Â¥+++++ Students from British Colum- bia, Saskatchewan and Muni- toba 0n the west to New Bruns’ wick on the east are in attend- ance this year. Distance is no hindrance to those who Wish to get the best. Our graduates are always successful. Our facili~ ties are unsurpassed. Cum- mence now. No vacations. Cul- lege open entire year. Magniï¬- cent catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. (Cor. Youge and Alexander Sts.) ++ 4-H F++49%+¢%-§-M+~b ?§*°§"§“§-+4»?+¢+++++++$++++é+++ 4.. STï¬NflR BANK 0t Canad a RICHMOND HILL Received in Savings†Bank Depnr ment and interest allowad at General Bagging Bush fransacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10103 For other particulars call at the Bank The Taronto and York Radial Railway HIGHEST CURRENT RHES. Money Lonncd on Farmers" Sale Notes. Blank Nme Farms Supplied Free. A man steer strayed from the prom- ises, lot 51, lst con. Vaughan (Elgin Mills) on or about the 8th of May. Reward to an)v pe‘rsuxl giving infor- One if the best flours for home-made bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. v‘ v. Also \V] fast Food. I am prepared to do gristing and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. Gladstone Flour ++++++¢++++++++++++M+++~§ gt. A GREAT SCHOOL / U, EL'LIOTT T011011 T0. ONT. ' good going May 23rd and 24th and good tn return up to and on May 23th between all points on the Melxopuli- um Divisinn. ‘* A late car will leave Newnmx-ket fur Toronto on May 21 at 11 [1. m. Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour An early cur-will leuvé Newmm-kct on May 25 at 6.153. m. for Tmontu and iptennediato points. A late car will] leave memtn fqr Newmm-ket at “.30 p. m. nu the night of May 24. SINGLE FAR E. good going: 23rd and 24th and good to return Up to and on May ‘25, between all stations on the Schmnherg and Aurora. Railway and the Metropolitan Division. The S. & A. Railway time table for the ‘ 4th will he as follows: Leave the 2-1th will he as full‘ Schmnburg. 7 a. m.. 12 nm and 11 p. In. Return 1 Lake at 8 :1. m., 1]). m.. 6 a. In. (connecting with 11.: mnto). Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Capital Rest: 32E(3'ri';:gr;éen'bi;ng‘ the nbiive. G. \Vellman Elgin Mills P. O. Schomberg & Aurora Railway Victoria Day For Victoria Day Single irare EMPIRE Ml H. H. LOOSEMOE V‘XIIAIII‘GRL Gems, a choice Break- NO’I‘ICRE also keep the celebrate 341 $1,000,000 31,0001000 DEEâ€"58mg Strayed ..B. SUHMIDT, Proprietor, Newton Broox. HAS. L. “'ILSON. L [S i111}. AGENT. $5 ++++ for GEES. MCDGNALD, ~Bjclmmnd Hill Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, s1zes and prloes. New and second hand. §+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. T. B. LUDF()IRI). 131‘01)l‘i0101' METROPGLITAN GRQCERY, UPâ€"TO-DATE GROCERIE‘S Best Brands of Canned Goods In our Red Letter Sale we promise to give our customers ‘V’all I?ape1's at a big reduction. Every pattern new and up-to-date, ranging in price from I to 50¢. per roll. And in our fumi- ture department we have the greatest values ever offered. See small list below: Rad. Letter Sale Bodx'nom Suites. $13.50 to $45.00. Side Boards, $12.50 tn $30.00. Beds, single and double, $2.5!) to Kitchen Chairs. 49c.. regular 70c. Diningâ€"11mm Chairs. 50 to 95C.. re Rocking Chairs. $1.25 tn $3.50. New \Yilliams Sewing Machine :1 ALSO AGENT FOR KARN PIANOS. Next Door North of Waiting Room. P. G. & A. E}. SAVAGE .r i . . :n.u++v:--:~+~:~++++~:«+++++-2-+++~}+~z-+~z--:~+»:»:~+':-+-z'+~24 Rlohmond H111 & San. CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. are the lowest possible for the quality of the goods. Our horse gnods and supplies will interest m er): lmi'sc own- er. Our IIarnesg is the best ubtuinuhle. Our Prices in the long run by inn-sting in a real 1y good article? regular 700. to at, a bargain. Can’t {011 Save Money $10. $1.25 é~+-§-+~§~+é Bwk Cleveland Perfect Made in Cushion Frame or Rigid Frame Models. Up-tb-date equipmentâ€"Sills Hy- gienic Handle Bars; Morer Coaster Brake. '1 Canada Cycle é‘ac Dlttor Co“ Limited “Makers of the V\or1d's '. est Bicycles†General Ofï¬ces and \Vorks, Toironto junction, Canada Square Gear. Over 125,000 in daily use. Machines placed on week's trial free. ME LOTTE SEPARATOR H. A‘ NICI‘IOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC as; terms given on all. Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. The vehicle of utij‘ity m'd health, when you think of bicycles you nan think of one of the followmg bicymes : that is best and up-to dlte. II- I I'- I ï¬liaVï¬d-nnâ€" ‘Irâ€"I’ â€"wO'â€"â€"â€"â€" 7m RICHMOND HIL" AND VICINITY ‘alking Machines, Records and Needles . Mezï¬mw, Agem é.» he Only ma- chine with solfâ€"lnalmu‘ing bowl. Frem- actiun und action and few ball-bearâ€" ings than any n t h e 1' m :L- chine nn the market. Me- lntte bowl is shallmv and w i (l e a n 0. opens in the centre so that every part of it can hp eas- ily cleaned. Silva Ribbon ï¬e Brantfezii and my bicycle New ' Williams Sewing Machine Alitrynmtic tln-nw-off of belt. Equip- ed With ball hearings. Full L-qnipuwnt of la t‘st attachments. Muchim's plau- ed on trial free. W. C 46-3 Silexh, Simple, Easy-Running 6 ~ Strong. 6 roo house on Yonge Street Apply E. pETï¬ICK, Agent ominent D0 !RICHMOND HILL all» To Rent 11') m use, equal with the ra'o my S as all Amos J. VVz-ight, Richmond Hill {EVE IUIB and éé‘iassey Both Records from 35 cents up. Come and h an :md cylinder ’x-ices 5.00 up. unl thmn. um