Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1906, p. 1

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USER“. PRiiell'lllG (is PUBLISHiNG HGUSEI Calls by telephone from Richmond 2’ W M. ,.- hcc w. ['18 They cure constipation, indigestion, biliousncss, sick»he:dscbe. Ail vege- tabie, sugar-coated. mildly laxative. a» 77] p saying it, ovcr and over again. "a A-rcr‘s rins. Aver’s Fills. A cr‘s 7 I y ya - fl :3 if 3353 A Websvecoszuerzi We 3 5,0,4 7.70,. (heiomulmu‘rllnmrr. a. . Lcwol.f~"~sfl. Pills. best liver pills ever made. , mmmuu’mwws $3522.21 lama-z an? or... W'o-mm n . g i . . ,,Z. . , ” ' 6‘ one filters! _ a“??? 0’ A G s Lindsey,K c G G F Luvreuce W Ridout Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth, Barristersfiolicitors. Notaries, 35:. Home Life Building (for-molly Free hold Loan Bidg.). Um. Adelaide &. Victoria 813., Toronto. rs PUBLISHED EVERY ’93 URSDAY MORNING AT THE. Phono MoiuQQBl RICHMOND Hihb,0i€1‘. ’1‘. F . Mc- MAI-IO N. [lotion J: Pnornrsron. COOK & JOHNSTON Busrnns ” CARDS' Barristers, Solicitors, etc. "' "M ‘ TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- .1 , ‘ . rnond St. \VestJVosloy Buildinvs, (din “mat (licthodist Book Room,) Tot3 ronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT o°°. ltEii N Fix a! "M0 126.; N‘, Barristers and solicitors. Monev to loan on land andchnttel mortgagesat lowest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Rcmoved to the old pest oilch one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket (sinceâ€"Three doors south of the p ,-st orlice 'I‘ HERBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Aurora. Newmarket liliulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. W. Corner King & Yonge Streets, TORONTO. _._,. __ v ._ .â€"-â€"â€"â€"_â€"__a‘~ DR. IV. E. DEAN (Successor to Dr. Lawrason) Richznond Hill 53. Wii. REGERS. I)en tist. Room 12, 12L Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also rcplating, at Good work. H. W. ANDERSON, lowost prices. D Ll: I3 l :S 811th t, Private and Trust Funds to loan at Our. Carlton and Yonge 8:5,, IOWcst current rates. * Toronto _ . Will be in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- D:n‘l;3n Dunn & Bgultbee J nesday of each week. - “ ' Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. Ii, TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON, K. C. iOflice, next door north of Stand- : ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. =to 5 p. m. s__ r Dr- E. J. ‘VOOdS HERBERT L. Drth \V. MULOCK BOULTBEF‘ DENTIST, JOHN \VALTEH MCDONALD PHONE MAIN 311. Mr. McDonald will be at THE LIBER- AL Ofi‘ico, Richmond Hill, on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. iAs. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E EJGEN 131114148 Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 8.. 111.; I~S p. 111. Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH sr. «“éietcrlimry an R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. s1. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, ooxurssrounnm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. J. H. SANDERSDN, ILANICHOLLS VETERINARY SURGEON NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyance): etc. RICHMOND HILL Insurance: Fire and Lifc. 01115 by day and night promptly at- tended to. Hill charged to me. A Savings Account IN THE GETAREO BANK Safe Profitable This Bank's largo resources ensure. safety. Interest, at highest cur-rout rate, paid twice a year makes an account profitable. Bcing withdrawablc without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE \VEEK. D. A. RADCLIFF E, MANAGER, KING CITY Convenient l l l «lire cataclysm l King Councfl. King Council bcld an adjoin-nod inculng at IIar-ris lioicl. Scbombcrg on Saturday, May l2lb, 1900'. M cmlml's all prcsct. Rccvc Log-go in the Chair. A pt-tilion was pwscnlL-d in council by “'m. lh'codou and sonn- 33 other mtcpaycrs praying,r [by council to I‘t‘P‘lll‘ a ccrtuin load opposilc lot 1!). con. ll). makng said road passable at all seasons of tho your. Normanâ€"Bunnsâ€"Jl‘bat lbo Know and councillors Deacon and McMui-chy he a commitlce to r-xmnine thc road at. lot19, con. 10. and onli-r such repairs as the-y may deem lie-st. Norman-â€"hicllurrhyul‘hatthcsclmol hoard ol'soclion No. 18. 'l‘p. of King, he and is bcrcby cmpmvvrcd to borrow from lbc municipality lbc sum of $(ill.(l0 at (ii. To be paid on or beforc the 15! h IJw-mnbcr, 1006. By-Imw No. IYGâ€"To dclermino the Sl-Vcl‘nl road division within the Town- ship, and byâ€"law No. 177. to divide the Township into Road Grading Divisions and dcliue thi- duties of Gradng Machine Opvr ators, and P-y-law No.179, dolinng the doth-s of ovcrsccis of highways, rccrivcd lhcir scvmal read- ings u ml passcd. Council adjournvd to mcct at Tomp- m'ancc Ilall. Ki ttlvby, Salunlay, May 25th. as a Court of Revision and other business. M‘â€" N ews N otes. The accountant. of the High Court of Justice has paid over to Deputy At- [fYI'lle-(‘i’k'lll‘l’ill Cartwright $2,000, made up of $500 cash and of a chcck on lhv Tradcr's’ Bank for $1.500, bcing the amount (-fmom-y (lop ‘isilml in the court. by M r. R. II. Gamcy, M.I’.l.’., at the time of thcim est igatiou tbrro years ago into chaich madu by Mr. (iamry. The moncy, [he mcmbcr' for Manitoulin claimml, was paid to him as a bribe. Au ordcr in Council has been passed by the Government under an act passed last scssion, ordering the poymcnt to the- }Iospilal for Sick Children of the $2,000 as! rented by the commission who heard the Gamcy chargcs. o’â€" A LURID DOOM (BY A BANKER) Caused doubtlch by an irruplion of the “Ct-Ill] through a ch-ft into the in- ('andvscclit inner crust of tho carlb, thcrvbygcncraling an \IVOI'WIlt'Illllllg and irrcsisliblo volume of steam. that safcty valve of Europc, Vvsuvius, has oncv more bi-cn thc scone of a terrible displav of Nature’s forces, in proscncc of which proud man is as hclpless and as iinpoLi-nt as a (‘rushvd \vorm. Ominous rumblings and smothered dctonatious warn those whose bomcs wi-rc scattered around the vcry jaws of the ficry earth-\ent that. an outâ€" burst of unusual severity must be ex- pcctcd. And in a moment it is upon thorn. \Vith a stride-ht roar as of ton thousand thundcrs, huge masscs of rcd~hot rock, vollcycd high in air, crush to (loath all upon whom lbcy fall; chmds of sand and mud and asth obstau-e the sun, and instead of the wondrous anurcofthe Italian sky, a lurid murky gloom durki'ns the air, making more vivid the- tongucs of dovouring flame which bclch forth from rents in the mountain sidcs, or are wildly vomited from the rcckiuc: cratcr: and causing the great balls of livid fir», which from time. to time are hurch from it. as from the mouth of a huge piccc of ordnance, to appear cvcn more terrible and awe-inspiring. And now with a hissing blast which rcnds the air with its dwlfcning stridor, fiery rivers of liquid 1-0ck burst forth in all directions, surging and eddyrng down the strap sides of the mountain, now plunging headlong down over a lofty beolling precipice, a cataract of flame and molten stone; now, still almost rod-bot, surroundings and overâ€" whelming a village), (lcluging the. lowcr apartmi‘nt with the smoking vicious fluid, and. "ripping in its fcll clasp those wretched crcaturcs too inlirm to flee, scpulturcs thorn uncoifined and unkncllcd: and now igniting, one aftcr another, church, or collagc, or homestcad, until tho place is trans- formed as it wore into a lurid horror, an ante-chandler of bcll. And so it gums on. a very inferno, a of lcthal ruin and death; red-hot rocks raining upon thorn from above; lbc terrible torrcnts of lava engulphing thorn in fiery desoâ€" lation and dcstruction ; and the boom- ing, scpulcbral tbundvr and flashes of flame from the over burning interior fircs of the carth. causing even the most intrcpid to quail. tcrr‘or-struck and aghast. But what will it be when this earth of ours will be burnt up and the powers of the universe shall be shaken. Then will those who haVe forgotten thcir God quail indeed with mortal terror and alarm; while thosc who have sewed Him, and whose ruisdccds have been ntoned for bv the Strife-rings of the lllchiah endured on their be- half as the punishment due to them, will look up in cestertic joy. For they i know that their rednmption isat hand. WHAT CIGARETTES CAN DO The cvil cfl'cct of cigarvttc smoking upon youth was again illustrated in the CHSP of a Maldcn. Mass” schoolboy, who although fourtccn ycar and eight months old, is going backward in his mental (,lvvolnpmtuit and who can hardly write his own name. The boy’s case was called to the at- tention of the school board by his ap- plicat ion for a certificate to cnablc him to go to work. IIc stayed away from school two wet-ks. ’I'o-day the boy \VHS back in lhc third grade of the Emerson Primary School, where the average age of the other pupils is be- tween eight and nine years. The boy is dcclarcd by the Superin- te'ndcnt of Mahan schools to he a. ruined youth, a mental and physical wrcck. He has a tobacco heart. Ilis ambition is gone. He has smokrd cigaxctics sinca ho was about eight Vcars of ago. He has not advanccd beyond the lnwcr grades since his cnâ€" trance to school, nearly ten years ago. “ How many cigarette-s do you smoke a day ? " he was asked. " 0 solnctim‘s a dozen," he replied, “sonictinws about forty, I guess.” “ “'hy do you smoke?" (ict a pain in my side when I run, and have to sit, down and rest. Get out of breath.” “ \Vbcrc do you buy them i‘" buy the-m lots of places.” “Vl'hat is your teacher’s name?” Daniel thought a minute, then an- nounced that he knew, but could’nt remember. The boy‘s pulse to-(lay was 100. According to his teachcrs he has not the slightest ambition to learn. was given the numbers 4, 3, l and 5 to add. He made the total 76. The principal of [be Emerson school the boy and had tried to help him, but her efforts scemcd to meet with 1.0 success.â€" â€"4¢O-â€"â€"â€" SONS 0F TEMPEIIANCE BANQUET. On Saturdayevening a gay festiv- ity was lie-Id in Hall. It was tho Anniversary Ban< quct of the Division of the Sons of temperance which was organized there about two years ago, and which since then has Continued to advance till to- day they hold the Silver trophy indic- aliug the largest advance of any Div- Ision in the Province, bcsidcs having for [Wu years been honored with one of their number on tho Executive of the Grand Division, Rev. A. P. Brace at present being (ii-and \Vorthy Associate. The arrangcnicnt for the evening would, many declarcd, have done credit to a very much larger place. There Was nothing loft undone to make it one, of the most pleasant evouings in the Division‘s history. Each membcr was supposed to invite one who was not a nu-mbcr of the Socicty, and it is firmly believed that this will result in a grout accession to the mcrnbcrsbip. The Grand Division was well rcpt-escor- cd in tho prcsvncc of P.G.\V.P., J. O. McCarthy and wife; G.\V.I“., F. U Ward and wife: P.G.\V.P., S. Holland; and G. 8., J. M. \Valtou, also Chas. \Vard and Miss McCarthy of Toronto, Aftcr having done ample justice. to the good things provided a very intcrcst- lug;r list of toasts \vcre ably proposed and responded to by the oratory and skill of those prescnt. Intersperscd \Vcl‘t’ some very fine selections of Music and Recitation. Mr. J. 0. McCarthy acted as Toastmaster and filled the chair with much credit to himself and with great pleasure to all. The 120 who were present were loud in their praises of the evening and look forward to another year with pleasure- ablc anticipations. Much credit is due to those young men and women who so loyally workcd to bring it to so succcssful an issuc. The Division undcr Al'fri-il Iii-cakcy, \Vortlly Pat. rial-ch and his offlccrs spared no time or cxpcnsc to do all that was possible to bring about. their desired end. ISvcryone predicts that there. will be a. great :icccssion to the membcrsh'p. As a lifting climax to this most in- teresting event on Sunday cveuing the Division gathcrcd in a body in \Villowdale Methodist church which was crowded to thcdoors. The Scrvive was of a most interesting character. and gave inspiration to all Thc music was excellent. I’.G.VV.P., Mr. S. Hol- land took art in the scrvicc, and P.G.\V.P., . O. McCarthy gave a remarkable lino address to all present which will long be remembered. No preacher could have so well held an audience as he did while be poured in- spiration and pathos into ready hearts, and there is no doubt that the words will bear fruit in the uplift of human- ity. The young people of \Villowdale and Newton Brook iare to be congrat- ulated on the wonderful interest. the-y have shown in this very important cause. In the company of Newton Brook League there were all told 53 who l r l l harm? Rally which was bcld in-the Yongo St. Methodist church. They were reward» cd for lhcir 7.“.Ll during tho your by one" of their number, Miss IIISC' broug 1 elected to the position of 4th vice prcsidcnt of the District. This Imaguc is may much alive which is 1 shown by the report of the, your-just; closml. _,___,_____________.__...._.a Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is a owcrful, invigorating tonic. impart- ing calth and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. The local, womanly health Is so intimately related to the general health that when diseases of the delicate womanly organs are cured the whole body gains in health and strength. For weak and sickly women who are "worn-o ” "runâ€"down” or debilitated, cs ecially or women who work in store, of ea or schoolroom, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear heav household burdens, and for nursing motrers, Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription has proven a. priceless benefit because of its health-restoring and strength-givin powers. ‘ As a, soothing an strengthening nerv- ine. "Favorite Prescription " is un- l equaled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritabil- i ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra- H V ’ ‘ mu t, help it; tried to stop it and can’t.”g “ Do you know it hurts you?” “ Sure. ! tion, nouralgia. hysteria, s asms. chorca, or St. Vitus’s dance. and ot er distrcssing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic discase of the womanly oraans. It induces refresh- ing slce and relieves mental anxiety and l dcspon ency. I can : He‘ said that she had takcn an interest in‘ \Villowdale School ' Curt-s obstinate caes. “Favorite Pro- scription " is a positive cure for the most .complicatcd and obstinate cases of "fu‘ male weakness," painful periods, irregu- larities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic organs, weak back, bearing-down sensa- tions, chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration. Dr. Plerce’s medicines are made from harmless but. efficient medical roots found rowing in our American forests. I The Indians knew of the marvelous cura- tive value of some of these roots and im- parted that knowledge to some of the : friendlier whites. and adually some of the more progressive p ysicians came to test and use them, and ever since they have grown in favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell the "FAVORITE PEE- SCRIPTION" and also that famous altera- tivc, blood purifier and stomach tonic,the “GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY." “rim to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced physician and will treat your case as confidential and without charge for correspondence. Address him at. the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which he 13 chief con- suiting physician. issst Portiand Scarsnt At the very best prices either at Richmond Bill or Maple Station l ‘Apply to C. SOULES or write JESSE WINGER CARRVILLE, ONT. razmeskgv :-15r‘¢‘3-?~4€$*f:w..2:;â€". , WRIGHT BROS, Undertakers a Embnlmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A argc stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. .wz-vfif'bzxit-L‘m ..- (atâ€"frxttfi'Jr‘f-T r.- .52. p; â€"._._: r, ,\ _- ,1 . . . A. .r. :r. Pacnfiice. Licenseu Auctioneer for the County of York Goods sold on consignment General sales atoc etc promptly ‘rttendedto at reasonable rates Residence Uninnville G R Gouldmg, Newton Brook,aqent for the above J '1‘ Saigeon. J K Dir-Ewen Maple Weston Saigcon & McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers- fortbe County of York. Salesrttemledtoonehortestnoticcund a. rea- onablcrates- Piuronagesolicrted I). or. IE ROUGH, License Auctiouoar for the County onor“, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales intruded on the shortest notice wan down to the District. L’fflg'lt‘ andatreasonnt-(mtca. P.0.8.dd.ross King

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