Kidney Pills. Banda, Ont, May 21â€"- (Special.) -â€"â€" There is no one more widely known and highly respected in this section of the country than Wm. Bell, Esq., J. 1)., and the statement he makes below con- cerning his cure by Dodd's Kidney I’llls bears weight and carries conviction wiLh it. A Well-Known J. P. is Cured of Kidney Trouble 01 Long Standing by Dodd‘s “For more than a year I was a suffer- er from kidney trouble," Mr. Bell says. “Always in pain at times the ag- ony would become unendurable and I was practically unable to attend to any of my duties. I doctored with several local physiciains and tried every means 'to get cured. but without success. At. last I was induced to give Dodd's Kid- ney Pills a trial. I have the greatest [pleasure in stating that they drove anay the pains entirely and restored line to my old time health and strength. ill am sure I owe this entirely to Dodd’s ‘Kidney Pills." A WELL-KNOWN BANDA MAN SPEAKS NO LESS THAN SIX BILLIONS 0F DOLLARS LAST YEAR. Inter-Imperial Commerce Shows Steady Development â€" Foreign Trade Decreasing. The second number of the Statistical Abstract for the British Empire, issued from the Board of Trade, brings many vf the ï¬gures concerning population, trade, etc., down to 1904. On oi the most. in- teresting sections, which appears in the abstract for the ï¬rst. time, represents the annual consumption of certain articles per head of the population in the princi- pal parts of the Empire. The following ï¬gures. taken from the tables, offer some curious comparisons; the words “wheat,†“oats,†etc, also represent the products of the grain in question: Wheat. Oats. Beer. Tea. Bush. Bush. Gals. Lbs. 0. Kingdom .. 5.99 5.10 28.8 6.00 India .. .. 0.67 0.04 Australia .. .. 9.16 4.03 6.84 New Zealand . 8.25 14.54 9.4 6.96 TRADE OF THE EMPIRE New Zoaland Newfoundland cape. .. .. . Natal ..‘ In regard 'to beendrinking, the con- sumption per head in the Australian Commonwealth in 1903 was 11.6 gallons, against 29.7 in the United Kingdom. There has been a continued decrease in Great Britain since 1899, when the quan~ {in was at the rule of 32.6 gallons per head. Besides the above, the consumption of barley and its products in the United Kingdom in 1904 is returned at 2.73 bushels per head. and of maize at 2.01 bushels; Natal leads the list in the latter comestible with 4.60 bushels per head. The total trade of the British Empire in 1904 reached the enormous total of £1,305,283,000, against £1,274,278,000 in 1903. Not the least interesting feature of the tables is the comparison afforded be- tween the percentage proportions of the foreign and inter-Imperiallrades. These have been fairly steady during the last three years, but with a gradual develop- ment of the latter; Foreign . . . . Inter-Imperial The trade of (he United'Kingdom with the British colonies and possessions increased (imports and exports) from £271,311,000 in 1903 to £286,6(34-,000 in 1904; Midlothian, Scotland, is suffering from a plague of German gypsies, and wants to cure itself as 50011 as possible. They are browwskinned, rugged, ï¬erce- looking and dirtyâ€"in fact, thorough gyp- siesâ€"but the inhabitants of Midlothinn do not. appreciate this picturesque addi- tion to life. (‘ndesirahle Class of ‘Land 0‘ W1 Ill! menl is also In; gypsies in IIuml, going \over the The gypsies 1 vans, drawn by are sturdy bog; they can. Hen hood have sum for the dejeclec' hood have suffered severely, and' hay for the dejected horses is taken from l‘leS in broad daylight. In some in- stances lhe gypsios have boldly enter- oo houses. used throats and demanded money and food. In consequence, six of them have already been sent to pï¬- son. These interesting and very able aliens say that they ir make their way through Eng Dover. ’ He: “The minister preached a scath ing discourse on the extravagance . women." She: “Yes; and there his wife sat, with a 820 hat on." He: “The was probably the cause of the sermon.‘ Binks: “Are you going to 1 suit this summer ’2" Jinks: tailor gun he. can't ward iL." GYPSIES lNVADE SCOTLAND. Th 1 m nu there lll in (‘otlal that ‘ all ( ;.s the sourm .000 of Aliens Swarm lnlo (lakes. 1903. 73.7 26.3 1904. 73.3 26.7 they intend ugh England and there his on." He: “That of the sermon." ‘e are 5 horn int A302 9010 es. T he anythin mighbm undesir- will 1.06 4.81 new my 11 ,000 and “What do you consider the best, foun- dation," asked the amiiious youlh, “on ng which to build a successful business?" nd "Rocks," promplly replied the mulli- ll York in 190?. This dog, by the way. is by no mean: the only canine patient that dentists “aw, had to deal with, as can be gathex‘d from the fact that early in the year be- fore last Beauty Steel. :1 prize Boston bulldog. was in the dental chair three hours. while Mr. Beardsley cleansed the cavities in two of his lower front teeth. ï¬lled them with gold. and put on gold crowns. It may be mentioned, for the beneï¬t of would-be canine dentists, that the doctor in this instance secured his safotv without the aid of anaesthetics by stuffing a towel into the dog’s mouth. Very many persons die annually frc cholera and kindred summer cow plaints, who might have been saved proper remedies had boon used, If : tacked do not delay in gelling a lvollln Du J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery (lord? 1he medicine that never fails to efï¬ecl cure. Those who have used it say acts promptly. and thoroughly subdu the pain and disease. Hostess: “Well. Tommy, you can tell your mother for me that you are the bestâ€"behaved boy at table I ever met.†Tommy: “Thank you, ma’am, but I'd rather not.†Hostess: “Rather not! And why, pray ?†Tommy: “She’d think I was ill, and send for the doctor." Sunlight Soap in betth than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Mr. Sprigg (gently): “My clear, a man was shot at, by a hu‘glar, and his life was saved by a button which the bullet struck.†Mrs. Spriggs: “Well, what of it?†Mr. Sprigg: “Nothing; only the button must have been on." / . Mr. Sprigg (gently) was shot at. by a h was saved by a bum struck.†Mrs. Sprigg it?†Mr. Sprigg: Are you a sufferer with corns? 1! you are, get a bottle of Hollway’s Com f(ture. It has never been known to ail. with fnul eruptions. It ~Efï¬mnfvuâ€"l, Why not end the trouble and restore your skin to its nat- ural fairness with Weaver's Guam? “ any corrupt. 1 “Yes, you I farmer in the vou'd be lyin lillionair th NIMALS \VITII FALSE TEETH. Yes. it Is harmlliatlug to {myq a. skin covere unu. .mt Hm MN Walk And AMENDINW in Lism hink 0 he VERY LIKELY nd )ppé l‘SOI‘lS die annually from il liti( L‘ht THE DECLAR on‘t want 1h unworthy to iii the fox in ques- given up the ghost, .VCI'B to bgsupplied and dd." he j is not 1m bargain. interrupt m Hill Tupted an old but if you did he pro 11y subdues ï¬ll AT ION 1h r com- savod it If at- sult irink "What?" called the fair young thing to the man who had fallen from his horse for the tenth time that morning. “Falling off again? Where did you study horse~riding? In a correspon- dence school ’1†mun uugmus There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, but there is only one opinion as to the reliability of Mother Gi'aves’ Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and effectual. KIWI." AIWOAN DYIINO 00.. Box 158. Mantras! Disgusted Uncle: “I shall leave my money to the poor and needy." No- good Nephew: "Heaven bless you, uncle; I always said you wouldn’t leave me out." A Bequislte for the Rancher. â€" On the cattle ranges of the West, where men and stock are far from doctors and apothecaries. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrlc Oil is kept on hand by the intelligent as a ready made medicine, not only for many human ills, but. as a horse and cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A horse and cattle rancher will ï¬nd mat- ters greatly simpliï¬ed by using This Oil. Said the night watchman, when, about dusk, he was invited 'to drink a cup of coffee: “No, thank you; coffee keeps me awake all night." And then he saw his blunder, looked very em- barraseed, and tried to explain, but it was no use. Charlie: “Don’t you remember? It was that day you borrowed $1 of me.†Jack (hastily): “I don't recollect anything of the sort." Charlie: “But you paid it back next week." Jack: “Oh, yes; I remember that perfectly." The heat of the Troplcs fades my cheeks. It takes away the energy. “Fen-ovim" is the Lg: ctonic to brace you u . It stimulates the system. It makes the wee. strong. It is pleas‘ ant to take. All druggists sell it. A Small Pill, but Powerfulfâ€"They that judge of lhe powers of a pill by its size, would consider Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills to be lacking. It is a little wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it makes up in potency. The 1e- Young Man (enthusiast Henpeckt): “Your duugi taken my heart by storm peckt (sadly): “I daresay it runs in the family. Iier me by storm every time I A Toronlonian Keeps a Record 0t Fares lle Never Paid. I A small account book was picked up in the street recently showing a sys- lcmallc record of the number of times its owner got ahead 01' the street rall- \\':1)' company. The blank pages of this lmok are ruled off in ledger form and mph nnrmml. lwzldcd with the name uf llO\V a street cnr rout slance there was a debit on the le dit. on the right llu same, and svslom. Evident OHENILLE OyRTAJNa This odd advertisement recently an. poured in the Lahore (India) Tribune: “Wantedâ€"An assistant masler, strong in English and good at sports, pay Rs 60 per monih. Anyone wilh a proud look and a high stomach not wan“; Appiiy to Principal. Church Mission High School, Singagar. Kashmir." SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPON§ Ind .u mm of houu Hangian. Iluo Free was @E ’MEM $035 [IE BEAT THE. STREET CARS. PLAIN MAN \V'ANTED Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS Man (enthusiastically, to Mr. “Your daughter, sir, has for which you have to pay out money every week. Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for. The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing; everyvdiai In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use I, by storm!" Mr. Hen- “l daresay, young man, amily. Iier mother takes Very time I come home.†6. 1905. he mad‘ loor and McCauI fareâ€"last of qu: bought June 2.†DYED & CLEAN†LIKE NEW. McCaul" 18 entire owner of god it- up liZCd. and aul" as quarter‘s t." The uted to Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto. Canada Little Elsie: “Bret come to school; he Teacher : “Indeed ! it?" Little Elsie: “In They are Carefully Prepared. â€" Pills which dissipate themselves in the stomach cannot be expected to have much effect upon the intestines, and to overcome costiveness the medicine ad- ministered must influence the action of these canals. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are so made. under the supervis ion of experts, that the substance ‘n then} intended to operate on the intes- tnes is retarded in action until they pass through the stomach to the bow- els Wind, Water, Storm, and “Oshawa†Steel Shingles Fire Proof. Green: “I thought you said that fel- low Skinem was as mod as his word 27" Brown: “That's what I said." Green: "Well, he lied to me about a business transaction.†Brown: “But I didn’t say his word was any MNISHED THE DUUTDR. Mrs. Baton Recovering, Although Her Physician said She Might Dtop Dead at any time. “ My trouble began four years ago with a weak heart. I was ' often afraid to draw my breath, it pained meso. Iwas bothered with nervousness. MM 30"“ EATON shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of a. petite, smothering and sinking spells, and could not sleep. H “Sometimes a. great weakness would Ieize me and I would have to lie down to keep from falling. My hands and feet would seem to go to sleep and a sort of numbness would come all ova: me and per- haps immediately after the blood would rush to my head and a series of hot flashes would envelop mo. mammal, 6m 0m. 0m, manta, 0m. lemma, WWW. m immomm. 767 Craig St. 423 Sussex st. 11 Colbotne st 69 Damian“ 76 Lombard st. 615 Ponder st. Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Homes. Barns. Stowawa- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA†shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING‘PROOF “10 mm maunfaciure CoxTugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and EA\'.5 TROUGH Etc. METAL SIDING. in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEHJNGS. in 2.000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 148 and free samples of “OSHAWA" Shingles. Write toâ€"day. Head Ofï¬ce and Works, ----- W é, arrer the‘largest and oldest combany of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them "I took all kinds of medicines, but kept gradually growing worse until about eighb weeks ago, when I began using Dr. Leon- hardt’n AntiAPill. From the start I im- proved until now my appetite has returned, I can sleep well, and have no nervousness, dizziness, palpitation, faintness or any of my other troubles. They have all entirely disappeared. I {gel much stronger, look better. and altogether Anti-Pill has made a new woman of mo. ’a“ I am entirely cured and cannot say too much for this wonderful remedy. I would most: heartily recommend Anti-Pill to Any- one sufleï¬ng a: I did." â€"... .- . n "Affï¬iag’gae; 6911:. Wilson-Fon Co. Limiwd,Niagm Falls,0nt. . 505 TEE PEREZ-AR PEG Pill-E, ISSUE NO. 21â€"06 “Brother Johnny can’t .; he has diphtheria." d! Where did he get ‘ “In the neck." “The Doctor told me I had heart. disease and was liable to drop on the street at any time,â€s&ysMrs.Rohcrh Eaton, of Dufl'erin, Out. good." WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE In Western Banada Saskatchewan, only 8 muss Iron: two rulwayï¬. C.P.B. & G.’I‘.P. Strong soil, 90por cent. plon§h land, spring creek. no Ilough& About 40 miles NE. of Ind an Head. Pnco 810.50 pot acre. Write for map and full particulars. 7R. PAIESONS. 9i Welleslny Street. Toronto, Canaan. “Was his death sudden?" inquired the tenderioot. “SI-166778711?“ said the resident. “No. slranfler; he’d been under suspicion a long time.†Sold by all Dmggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM 200 Men Wanted at Once In various parts of the Dominion. as whole or spare time agents, to sell a man grade stock of hardy and _we11: high grade stock of hardy and well- grown trees and plants. Go-ahead and energetic men can make a very DI‘Oï¬lr uble business of selling this stock, which is well known. Liberal terms and a complete outï¬t. Commission paid weekâ€" lyl Apply at once to E. D. SMITH, llelderleigh Nurseries. \Vinona, Ontario. Established over a $8.00 per week and commission. Alfred Tuer, Wholesale Tea Importer and Spice Grinder, London, Ont. Sand for particulars We can offer at special prices : Foster Red Rock Silver Leaf Silver Bar éREVILLE & 00., Limited Members Stande Stock md mm Emlyn-3p, 60 VOICE 81., 8. 10mm. TOL I. 2133. A BUSHEL 0F FLIES ARCH DALE WILSON, Ssi'ï¬r‘ï¬gmmï¬: HAD BEEN CONSIDERED. KGENTs WANTED. HAMILTON, ONT. Oshawa. Ont. , Canada 66 gm Wiigon' s FLY PADS ONE PACKET H'AS ACTUALLY KILLED quarter of a century. Sumner: b (ban-Gch ‘ 317mm 61mm. ‘ [he Best and Chgdpeal a. Winâ€: Bundles! It‘lOE‘COlUï¬ Two moan sections, select- ed lands in locked Crown Kerr La Four