Half of double house St. East, Richmond Hill. {lyltjfll} ï¬gply to JAM ES The Mail? and Empire and some other conservative papers are giving wolations from the Globe previous to the; Ontario General Election, show- ing that paper‘s estimate of Mr. Whit- mm", which ventured the opinion that would be weak and incap~ able as- a leader of a government. The Globe said no more than several Conservative newspapers who did not have the highest opinion of Mr. Whit- ney as a leader. If Hon. Mr. Whitney has done better than his friends and his opponents expected of himâ€"and we believe he has~The Mail should be content. It is more to the point to know what The Globe has said of the Premier since holding the reins of Government. We believe the Globe’s criticism has been fair, giving credit where credit was due. tu‘ COMPULSORY VOTING. We believe that every man should exercise his franchise at elections. but we cannot hope that a bill now before the Dominion House, shall be come law, making it compulsory that every man shall vote, or be disquali- ned for the following six years. The 1‘1) Act provides that the voter will be excused if prevented by illness or by any other good reason. Persons voting who are disqualiï¬ed by this this Act shall be subject to a fine of fr'bm $50 to $100 and costs, or to imprisonment for three months. Such a measure if passed will open the door of falsehood and perjury, and for this and other reasons it will be well if the bill never becomes MISS BARNES law. RICHMOND HILL. Own. May Quantity of Seed Potat‘nos for 9:119. R. \VALKlNG’l‘ON House fur sale oppnsite Thm-uhill ust Ofï¬ce. One-quarter of an acre ‘ land. 6 rooms, well, Cistern, fruit y’wcml. (3' o 352 1g: a) Butter Paper at the Liberal Offlc DRERSMAKING AND LADIESy TAILORING Thovnhill. 0n! . n MiHQ‘ t wheat; bolt. in “’19 wmld. Im- II and unimprnved farms fur Silll‘ (\stune district. Country honin- efe investment. hunllhy climate, :nnples of grain grown on my at ufï¬cv. Fur Particulars. Eh For Sale Apply To Rent For Sale For Sale (31‘ Caplin & Stodart Lot; 18, con R. J. Fonwick Eglinton N E \VTON 4U-t.f. on Centre Mile 1‘)le 24, 1906 infm ‘nutn 3:15 ban ’. O. Insures a living cnlt‘Y payable 10 days after mare foals. or dies within that time, no charge will be made. bridgéllouse, ‘K’ondhridgeffnr night. FRIDAYâ€"He will go to ThisLletoWn for noon, and thence to I Hotel. lslington, for night. SATURDAYâ€"He will go to Black Home Hntvl. Toronto, whore In main until ewning, when he will go to his own stable, 107 McGill titre: he will remain until Monday mornigg. TUESDAYâ€"He will go to Lemnn‘ Royal Hotel, Newmarkvt, fur- night. \VEDNESDAYilie will go to Mr King (near KMtleby), for noon, and L1‘ THURSDAY-He will go to Kleir bridge House, “’ondhridge, for night. W. J. LAING in clmxge Loans made to farmers at ï¬ve per cunt. Apply to Ml HE DUKE is El k stud cnndiniun and puwerfnlly lm guith trotting hur: 291; seconds. and a l tee to n'mk not; just as tinent and thence to Gulden Lion Hotel, Hotel, Thornhill, from 3 to 4. 11‘ Elgin Mills. fm- night. TUESDAYâ€"He will go to I Royal Hotel, Newmarkvt, fur- ni Routeâ€"12 Wee \Vhen you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife is not necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel wire. which though it costs you but little more, is ï¬fty per cent. (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. The lightest PAG E fence is as sirong as the heaviest of other makes. All PAGE wire is cï¬mped. may have noticed akso that others are imitating it. That is a good rec< “'here we lead others f0 Notice the lock in PAGE “EMPIRE†FENCE. You “WRGST LGCE’ES MONDA Vâ€"H 9 will E. R. BEYNGLES, E’roprietor i LEI wage Loch my one who W121 inspvr ‘xke them 2L pl't-sen as l-epresvnted um 1d one of the great A. LQWERY, Thamhifl J G. RQBEESQN, Markham E' G. mmgws. Mam-a. a lightest PAG E : strong as the i As you get in PAGE FENCES one~half F other makes. more fence strength. 1e lock in PAGE greater protection against l" FENCE. You TH E LOCK IN PAGE rust, better workmanship, Ioticed also that " E M F! R E" F E N c Es. I better appearance, use ire imitating WW!_‘â€" less posts, can you aff0rd is a good recommend for it. to use other fences,even though you could lead others follow. buy them for one-half the price of the iE wire is "COILED." not PAGE? But, really ours cost you little. if any more. 408 prices before placing your order for l: e Gates or Lawn Fence. tandard Trotting and Registered Stallion THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Make 0 Fence of Strength and one or x-eatcst Stat go t 107 MCGILL ST., TORONTO G QUAQANTEE his horse $1,900 and ) ut' the he commencmg “Ce Mr. Jeseph Hill’s farm, lot 25. couce .1 thence to Noble‘um fur night. leinburg for noon, and thence to Igob up ()l'SL'S OX best In Hotel Besides the extra. strength and superior workmanship. PAGE FENCES are dip~ ped in a special white paint.which on top ofthe best ufgalvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire 3 l mush more sighply. Hntvl, OX) Aurora, for noon, and thence to withnuh Chan 3 TmLt‘ing St gliutnn, from U to J! mum, and thence to H Street to Cosgmve’s inndx}, April jot Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, one- third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencing. If cult comes (1r :1 sh char rp< «A we will g0, if The llions on from 1mg to 10, and H / slingtnn guaran- Duke is the con- W i†1‘6- t, where VV'OUd- Ol‘lDE ugh: Hole VI; d AnLiscépth sinn, Black Vanzant & \Vm gmms, twentyâ€"ï¬x- experiencv. A coupon in (we the holder to Free Have just arranged inary Specialty ()0. ing remedies: Sank Puriï¬er. Indigosbinn Spavin Cure, Worm Remedy, Poultry T: Jaw Uurv, Aphmmsm “P Powders, Dian-hm and Culvvs, Leaking Disvase. GLAZIER, GRAINER PAPEPHANGER RESIDENT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER 41-6m quesu' thmns \‘isin 'I‘IHVI 19m}. thl W. H. SHAW, Principal 23. .}. .x. +++++++++++$+++++é+++¢++++ VAUGHAN FARMERS TAKE NQTECE Satisfaction Guam HOMESEEKEBS’ EéS Winnipeg Souris Brandon Moosomin Aroola Estevan Yorkton Regina Moose Jaw June 5th. June 19th. July 3rd. Juiy 17th. For rates to other 1 formation apply to m Agent}, or wrilc to C Passenger Agent. 71 ' 1‘1†All ‘edar Posts for sale. Apply to G. B. NEW’BE withan any hre Studvnts may Limv with Pqnnl spection invited Samar Youge & Gerrard Sts., Tm-unto Seeé. Potatoes 1’ i ll)! m @euï¬rgï¬ 81 2,9 315139513 \anty re st, r-qnipm ruduatcs. ï¬ship will SATUR DA Y, M A Y pl Cec’iar Posts >ENCE, MILL ROAD. SOUTH OF RIUHMOND HILL. COU} the x )w open merges into our rtivs MUNICIPALITY un G0! N G: good torreturn _untl| RETURN FARESZ 3mm ‘ultry 'L‘nmr: Hauling Oi}. Oil, Hoave ‘phmdisiuc: he RICHMOND HILL P. O $32.00 33.60 33.55 34.20 34.59 36.00 35.75 36.00 'I‘ OI hold i0 Notice [Vt 1h JOHN SLINEY Input :hzln d with the Vvtor- to sell the follow- k Tunic and Blond n and Colin Cure, 1) Powders. Unggh Tunic, Lousy De;th ‘ Oi}. Sprain Emu]â€" uve Rglivf. Lump HI( {k for h om-nl] : teachers. Fin- Must, succes>~ful uh in ts Strassburg - Saskatoon - Prince Aibert No. Battlefcrd Hacleod - Calgary - Red Deer - Stettler } Edmonth ' El “We ï¬g 3Aâ€. vague m Pvt 0d are herth r9- rice and gm‘ern Elg mung th and nu“. ink may , Lnuse Den“ Sprain Elm Reliva Lun 1nd Anti-Ste (Em-v fur Cu] 15095 for salt Yams ml Agents hmond Hi1 rinury Sur- >f p1:1ct.icul August 6th. August 20th. Sept. 3rd. zin Mills Sépt. 17m. LEAN 1906‘ Distrii '(mto. Ititlin Adviu H Hall my 111 $30.25 37.25 30.00 39.00 40.00 40.00 01.50 Cults Joint 42.50 an iï¬L t1; +++$+++++++++%+%+++++++%+‘F Paints Mixed Paints . 7 Robertson 5 Pamts ~+++~2~+++++ P+++++++++++++¢ 001 Elgin Mills. Home st City. Terms, $12. GOLDEN CONQCERORâ€"Clyd lion, the property ()1 Francis. will go to Hutel. O'Sullivnu's Cor ry’s Hotel, Fisherx-il stablea lot 32. con. 1, Terms $12. TONY WILKES JR.â€"Ca.n in the property (if Teesnn will go to Mitchell’s H liv:1n's CUI'IIE’IS; Cher Fishervillo. Home stem con. ], Markham. Tox- DUKE 0F YORKâ€"Clydesd; the property of \V. will go through ‘ Bulluntme, Stouï¬â€˜ville Squaw. Thornhill. (lilll Innnd Hill. Hume Stnl r+++++++%+++¢+++++++++++++ Sm PUR THE i0 At RIN( prupertyof \V. \V. Hudgin. will gm through \Vliitthnrul), Bulbâ€)- trne. Sthufl’villv, Victoria Squat-P, ’J‘hm-nhiil, qu'm'i‘lle, Richmond lill. Home stable. Summit House, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. rVILD BILLYwRUHdle’l‘ stallinn. the pi'npm'iy of Eli Shiork. will trnH-l thrnugh Aurora. Kettlehy, King City, Testm), Edge-Ky, Thux-nliill, Uninnvi’lleuVictnrian Square. Hunw stable, Palmer House, Richmmid Hill. Tor-[115$1'2. ’URE GOLDâ€"’l‘mtting stullirzn, [llP pl'nperty of \V. R. Linezwill stand Sqn Hill .XIRD lion $10 :K Aurora. Hume stable anceville. Tex-me, $10. RD HAMILTONâ€"Impox-ra dale, the. property of I Blnngh, will go through Elgin Mills, Victoria Sqw (1011*, Aurora. Tempe King City. Home Stu con. 7, King. Terms. 35] YAL HATTONâ€"Im pt 'I'tt‘d C the propc'rty of Blungh will go to Strange, Ketti market. Aurmn. Oak 'PIN the .N MACQUI the prqu Home stable, Tex Tennis, $10. .IN MACQUBENâ€"Cly lion. the property of Will travel through Ballantrae, East :QUEEX’S On: the properly stand at his ( 1. Vuughad ( y @ubscribc for M rms his niv Iple. Stallion Registe use nd Hill every ‘ «us. $10. : DRUIDâ€"Impmted ‘ property of J. Pnlr id, will stand at; ‘ ll“- AT]: pm ‘19. will g itchurch, l are. Hum Terms. 3 toVictnrin )k,Lansin , Rirhmn 1e stable sdak . ial lnHlSt other-J.†is nnthin cnuld be] pex-ty H( 'will' stand ‘liehmom: Richmond Hill ure- port ll 5 ;1l)‘ King City. ‘empet-ancev my of WIT riilt “IL able. TI rotting-1 Int JEIHCd inr m‘t-y of W Kettleby, I'l‘l:|g( Sara ictm-ia Square. Van L. Temperancm-ille Home. stable, lot 1 oils, paints, vnr. zinc white. glues “191‘ LIBERAL In stable‘. In [gin Mills). AI l, Oak Ridge: rme stable, Kin Imp the prom .‘ston. will q}! Ill t W (‘m 1-\'i]]9. Rh. stable. Sumn Ted-ms $10 2 stallinn, t 71 )l of Tot-son .t to Mitchvll‘s Form-rs; Cher- ‘villo. Hollie 1, Markham. VVhitchurc Gwillimhm' tide, Tempt Vd esduk 1mm \Vt rms $9. lale stallinr \V. Hudgir: \V'hivlmrcl' 9. Victm-i â€" Ciydesdnle Enrnott. will- iClyd h 85 ttlehx‘ {nu-l, U’ my’s 1h able, lnt‘ W1 m: ‘e Stallion, {5 Francis, to]. O’Sul- 1n llitwn‘ th. dgin. \vili h, Bullan- :1 Squaw, Richmond dm:sdu 1 chm SH “IE 1 stnbke Bud fun d esdule, a nd T. Palmer Terms, Ill $10. Blank Rid 1t. Tm: 3111‘ {ughan mes. u ml 3111011 “Hill†ihmn City L‘lll w f.( \cillt Hm HHS 1nd m), my md lit )W