Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 May 1906, p. 5

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,day evening next. ’ programme will be given. iiilimtlfi Ellie RICHMOND HiLL, ONT.. May 24, liiGG “Lowe Anus. Mrs. Brydon has rcturned after-a ten days' visit. in Toronto and Milton. Every-day nerds at; everyâ€"day prices here. Atkinson & Switzer. ._ _ , ___ ..._ _.--_._. Cars will run. north ant ~south, after ' the concert 'l‘liin'sday evr! fi‘iig. Thc High and Public Schools will not open on Friday of this week. l The must of the best, for the moch l bcrc. Atkinson 8.: Switzer. Good hot, dinners and tea Will be. served at both the Presbytvtian and Mt-thodist churn-hrs the 21th of May. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Barker attend- ed the raising at. Mr. \Viu. Ness‘ farm, Dollar, on Tuesday. Tin-3 human. to the first of p Janu- ary, 1907, for 51) cents. Mrs. Gardiner and Miss Vrlma Bry- don, w'conipanii-d by a number of their fliends. spent Saturday with 31 r. and Mrs. J. 11. Brydon. Mi‘. Allwii llaniillnn (if Eigiii Mills, and Miss “Mods of Cari-ville, spent Sunday afteinoon and evening with Mr. Frank Graham. Markham. Good programmc at. the Public School on Empirc Day. Patriotic selections by the. scholars and and ad- diess by Rev. Mr. Grant. Uurpiioes help you to economize. Atkinson (c Switzer. At the annirtl rally of the Toronto Central District of lipw'orth Leagues on \\’edncsdayeveningol'last work Mr. It. Shaw, B. A., \vaselcctt-d First Vice- President. Mr. Hooper, ledger keeper in the Standard Bank, is spending his two \rvrks' holidays at his home in Crono. His place is being supplied by Mr. Hawkshziw of the Markham branch. The track is in excellent condition and everything is ready for the fair. Let. m ery citizen help to make it a git-At success. Do not fail to attend the concert in the evening. Thelastmeebing for the season of the l‘ip‘Ytll'lll League will be on Mon- Au inierwstin;r It is hoped that as many as possible will attend. The Mcriy-Go-Round is l't‘.‘itl_\' foi- business on the fair grounds. The boys and girls are SélYlllg‘ their mom-y for it. and are lookimcr forward too good time. But. be carcful and avoid accidents. The best for you is the best for us. Atkinson & Switzer. An expert from Toronto spent Thursday here and gave the lll't' engine a pretty thoiough oveihauling. It is now hopcd the engine will do good work, and with niucu less labor for the firemen. "vlr. \Villiain R. Suddaby, eldest son of Mr. \V. A. Suddaby, of the lluriay Company. Toronto, and tiaveller for the \Varren Company, dicd suddenly in Seattle. \Vash. Dccwscd was Bl years of age. Just to hand at Atkinson & Swit- zer's the very latest in tams and caps. A barn on the farm of Mr. S. I‘lt’lSO, 3rd Concession of Markham, east of J‘Ilgin Mills. was burned by lightinpr duriniz the storm Thursday. The ten- ant, Mr. \Villiain Bestai-d. lost a team of horses, a calf. a set of harness and most of his implements. Mr. T. Herbert Lennox 0. (7. D. Squadron, Aurora is advertising.r l'oi- recruits to attend the annual drill at Niagaia Camp, fiom June 12 to :21. Applications to he received (ll or be- forc the first of June. Pay for borsc and man from $2.09 to $2.50 a day. Suits that fitâ€"This season‘s styles in. made up from newest goods, and the fit style and price are. three in orn- that, cannot be equalled. Atkinson 8; Switzer. | Large congregations are expcctcd in the Methodist. church next Sunday. l Mr. James L. Hughes. St'iiiui' inspectâ€" or Toronto Public Schools, will preach in tho morning, and Rev. “J. F. “'il- S'ill. D. IL, in the evening. There will be special music by the choir. The Toronto Daily Star gives notiro that on and at'tt-r June 1 The Star will not be sent to any address at $1.00 a ‘ year. In outside places where the rate is now $1.00 the piire will be, raised to $1.50. In towns and viilages whzre tht-re is an evening mail the. paper will be $2.50. 1 l 1t's where you bn‘vATlie shabby fol. low may pay as much t'vr his clotln as the Well di'i’ t-d niai‘. it‘s where to buv that makes the (hilt-renew: why pav the same for a suit that hangs on you when you can buy out: that filr? Atkinson & Switzer. .\1rs. icorg'e t‘owie, with her one V0 Ll‘ old son Jiin left Tuesday morning“r ior a. three mouth visit with her failin‘r. mother, brothers and sisters in Aberdeen. Scotland. They will sail in the Corinthian which plirs hetu‘t‘l-n Montreal and Glasgow. May Mrs. (‘owie and son have a pleasant trip and a safe, return. ,eye salmon, $1.68 per (102. fins. _ kinson -& Sivitzcr. - Sound Division. w‘isit. to this Village on .his \ihiis lll‘l't‘ fsom that date, on tho You'll get quality in buying thetezl money cannot buy anything better: Monarch Brand Fraser River rcd sack eye salmon, $1.68 perdoz. tins: legal Brand Fraser River red sock Atâ€" The lashâ€"spike in the James Bay ‘ Railway was driven Thursday evening, uniting the southein or ’l‘oronto Div- ision with the Northern or Parry The Work of ballast- ing will now he proceeded with, and it is hoped the formal opening of the 3 line betu‘ecn Parr ' Sound and Toron- 3 to will take place on the first of July. MAPLE: The \Vomen's Institute will hold its annual mes-ting at the hoiucof Mrs. John McNaughton, Maple, next Tues- day, at: 2.30. Addresses will be. given by Mrs. A. Kinney, Grand View. and Miss Maddock. Guvlph. Every body wulcome at this mecting. GROUP NO. 7 The following lacrosse teams com- prisi- intermediate Group 7 for lOilii :- Ncwnruket, Aurora, Bradford. Ul'llll:|. and Collingwood. The iiist match. Aurora and Newmarket, will be played at Ncwmarkct on the (lib of June. Soapsâ€"That ever needful :uticle. \Ve carry a huge line of the best makes. “'0 quote- smne of the popu- lar sellers. Infant‘s Delight, 25c. box; Nurseiy Toilt-t Soap. French milled. 25c. box; Silk Skin Soap, 23c. box: '5 four-ounce tablets Pure French Castile Soap, 10c. Atkinson S: Switzer. AT ZION CHURCH Zion E. L. Church, Sherwood. Will have a social gathcring on \VrdneS- day, the (ith of June. There will be :l(l(ll‘(‘s.<r's at 2 p.m.. tea. will be served at l, and an entertainment will be held in the evening. Special sermons. will be preached in thechurrh the previous Sunday. Further notice next week; also see bills. ANOTHER STORE 11-. D. Burgess iris rented the store, and residench at Maple. rccmitly occupied by Mr. Built-y, and is putting in a stock of Dry Goods, Groceries. Bootsand Shoes. Tobacr-os. Cigars. etc.. and purposes opening on or about the first of June. He will also handle in soason Ice Cream and cold drinks. The new proprietor invites. by circular. his friends and patrons to come and see him. HOUSE STRL‘OK The family of Mr. David Benson, on Mr. I. Crosby‘s farm in the north part of the \‘illziqc. received a rather sevcrc shock Thursday afternoon, when lightning struck an elm tree "lose to the hulls". The bolt tinâ€"n went through the roof. riddled a screen door, followed an cave-trougli. and descended into the cistern. The build- ing was insured in the British Ameriâ€" can. and the claim has since becn paid by [llL‘ Agent, Mr. H. A. Nit-hulls. A TIE IN FOOTBALL Six veliitles conveyed our junior football team to Victoria Square Friday pvrning to play a friendly match with the kickers ofonr neighboring village. Play was continued for forty minutes at the cod of which time the score was a tie. 1â€"1. Mr. E. J. Hitchcock refereed the game. and the umpires were. Mr. Holmes Crosby and Mr. W. Lawson. The “ return ” match will be played here at an early date. THE RINK STRUCK The Agricultural Hall was a. victim oi lightning's pranks on Thursday. The bolt struck the ridgeboai-d. cleani (1 off a large Square of shingles, went through the ceiling. follOWt‘d the iron rod on which a lamp hangs, shattered several scat supports. bored through the asphalt floor. and buried itsplf in the earth. It is a wonder the wood- wmk did not take fire as the iron rod through the Ceiling is three quarter inch. and the hole through which it, passes is only an inth in diameter. Tll‘: building is insurr d in the Norwich Union through Ilir. Savage. T0631Axi-“iummks. l Acting on a petition signed by the pupils of the High School, the Chair- manof the Board of Education. on the raroinniendation of two of the three members of the COHHUliLCQLf Management. grautrd a. holiday on Fridav of this week. One member of thc coniinittrc refule to sign. and we. believe he acted wisely. THE LIBER- AL does not object to the holiday, but, we belime that frequent petitions by the, pupils should be ignored. if tho 3 teachers ri-ceminend that an ec- casional holiday hr granti-(l we are sure the lioaid will grant the request. "ml. With all due inspect to the stu- dents we submit that. they ate not the ones to take tlm initiative. L:\\\' OFFICE Mr. J. \V. McDonald, 1%. C, L., LJ . 3,, of the city of Toronto, BJi'i‘istH', l intends making his iii-st piofessional' the secnmli d-iy of June mm. and will continue first and third Saturdays of Pat-h mouth. Mr. McDonald is one of tho‘ "old boys" from our High School, having :zraduotml about eight years ago, and stands as one on the roll (f the many successful youngr nn-n. that this philanthropic institution of ours has "turned out”. Mr..\lcl)on:ild grad- ll‘liPtl from the Law Sclmol at Osgoode llall, “as called to tho Ontario bar in May of last year. and in June last “TH awarded the degrees of B. C. 1...:znil ‘ I,.L.B. by the l‘fili\'('l‘>il}‘ of 'l‘oronâ€"t to. havin}.r taken the plt‘S’:l ibotl courses” leading to those (ngl’t‘tN‘. Academicf ('(illi'svs wt-i-w suppleinvntl-d by prar- tit-a1 studios with the firm of llontozi. l [mun & i‘wnlela-c, of which ho is now a mend-er. LET ALL PULL TOGETHER. There are. no “factions” in thislittle town of ours. This is as it should hc. 3 Every improvement made enhances ' the value of all property in and sur- rounding our town. \Ve should live as one big family. and we believe few towns can show up a more progressive and intellectual family. \Ve have as few “ black sheep " in our place as any flock in the province. \Vhen there is' discord in the family there is little progress. \thii there is a unitxd pull there is little we cannot accomplish. Envy, jealousy and hatred pull us all down. Envy is a canker that gnaws at the heart and makes one sour, dis- gruntled and unhappy. Jealousy makes one unfuirin passingjudgment; hatred does not, pay even from a Sordid point of view. Let us all be friends and pull together and show our neigh- hois what a large and harmonioum family can accomplish in building up a town. The mother of Louis Reil, famous as the leader of Northâ€"west rebels, died Saturday at St. Boniface. Winnipeg. Deceased was 86 years of age. Field Meetings. The Provincial and Dominion Dc- partnienrs of Agriculture are (soâ€"oper- ating in holding a number of meetings for the benefit. of farmers who pro- duce grains, grassses. clovers, etc., for seed purposes. Meetings will be held in the County of York as follows:â€" Thistlctown, Geo. Farr‘s farm, June a. Maplr’, Jas. McNeil‘s farm. June 6. Unionville. R. Trick’s farm, June 8. Locust. llill, Jarvis’ farm. Julie 9. lchthesda. John March‘s farm, June Sutton \Vcst. D. McDonald's farm. June 19. There was a crowd of about 20,000 people at the \Voodbine races. Mr. Joseph Scagram, M. P., won the k ng’s Plate with his 3â€"year-old. Slaughter. There wrrc several accidents in the steeplechase one horse breaking his neck. -.._____ The spectacular scene to be presentcd at this year‘s Exhibition will be “Ivan- hoe,” the great historic romance by Sir \Valtcr Scott. Mr. Hand of the fireworks firm which put on the piece has gone, to England to see the great pageant. to be presented at \Varwick this summer. There will be jousts. tilts. exhibitions of arrow shooting and all the old pageants of the days of English chivalry and a number of Englishmen will be present to take part in tilts? events. Tin hand of thc Second Life Guards will bc here for the Exhibition. MARRIAGES BOYLE â€" Jonxsrm' â€" By Rev. Mr. Tove-ll, Toronto, on May 16. Emma Johnston. Richmond Hill. daughter of L. Johnston, to John E. Hoyle. son of David M. Boyle, Langstafl’. m >,_4.. :. .41.: ._._..,_.» ... .4.,..»,... To succeed these days you ;f must have plenty of grit, cour- ;_ age, strength. How is it with if pale, delicate? Do not forget i' Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You 3 know it makes the blood pure 2 and rich, and builds up the L general health in every way. 5. The chilxlrnn cannotpnsslbly have nonrl liealtl 7 unless the bowon are lll proper condition. Cm- rcctimi consti atlon by giving small laxative ; :. doaeso Ayer’u i'illi.Allvegetablefiugarc‘rated. - -' mdo bv J. O. Aye:- Co., Lowell. Mass. 1’ ‘ Alla manufacturers a! 3 9 HAIR VIOOR. AGUE CURB. :- CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no aeoretll We publlah the formulas of all our medicines. .“ .--.~.-h“3;;5,‘fi.,.,$.xu ;4_1_4¢.v:~ ~ ’ F r Sale or to Let In the Villiage of Sherwood. Fratnc llouse. Stable and [lll('t' quarter arre lot, also Vacant. Frame store. For particulars aply to either John (haddock or Miss Edith (lainpbcll Maple 215' Annetlc Ht. ’l‘oionto J urn-lion Court of Revision Public Biotice l 'l‘thlourt of lit-vision for the \vil- lage of lx'ichnwnd llill. \vill holdits’ first sitting for Lb.- cuiri-nt year out SATURDAY, MAY 26. llltlti, for the purpose of hearing complaints and, apâ€" peals against the assessment ot‘ the said villagn. 5’ l The Court will all. in the (Vtilllilfll (‘hamber on the abort) tl.‘111';tl2utl( ('k in the afternoon and all whom it may concern are requested to gmeru thrur St'lVES accordingly. A. J. HUME, (’leik. Richmond llill. May llllh. Rlbans Tsiniics: at druggistfi. Ripuns Tnbuies cure bad breath. Rioansil‘abules cure flatulcnca. Rinans Ta‘CJlPF cure nausea. Rinaus 'l‘Libiilcs cure dizziness. Rina v.13 Tabules. Good goods Extra Values We know the people of this town and vicinity know what is good, appreciate what is good and want what is good. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND You will not be asked to buy or pestercd with undesired attention. \Ve are proud of our store and our stock and like to have them appreciated. It you wish to buy you will be waited upon promptly and courteously, but don’t think you have to buy because you come in. A genuine Scotch Tweed Suit made to your measure, artistically and everything guaranteed for $15.25. This is special quality. \Vhite Cotton Corset Covers at 15. 20, 25, 35, and 500. White Skirts, at 750.. $100, $1.25. and $1.50 each. 28 inch Ginzhains at 14c. and 17c per yd. 28 inch Fancy Muslins at14c. and 30c. yd. Our prices will please and your apprecia- tion of them will please us. Atkinson & Switzcr May 17, 1903. Richmend lilll Hardware Slate l I Q. BINDER T‘V’INEâ€"Be- sides givmg you 21 good, reliable twine, we r c ....\‘/ ‘2'. have an interesting price. . I TO BUIIJDERSâ€"those building will find it to their interest to get g our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is tip-to-date and reliable. t ’I‘INSRII'I‘EIING â€" Done promptly, done well. Garden Tools; \Vire and “‘ire Fence, Builders" Tools" Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Peerless Machine Oil. :3 a... ,. “é "-“I , J .. fly) .9 m, o. Eat: a? 52:39“ gilltttlitttl Elliott: at @itttttalal Elaplc (In connection with Richmimd Hill ()fllcr.) Business transactml daily between N and 4. Savings Bank l)~partmvnt. Mont-y advanle on sale notes. ll. ll. lltSEii‘lfii’iE. fight. tr

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