WREMILLS I am prepared to do gristing and cho ping.r everyday. All kinds of mill fee and chop on hand. Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour I also keep the celebrated Gladstone Flour One of the best flours for home-made bread and general Iamily use. Try it and be convinced. Also \V‘heat Gems, a choice Breakâ€" . fast Food. 'â€" : I 3 a: Is a question that appeals to all in these busy H. B. SCHMIDT, s , . v‘ “mus. i To the Business Man. the l‘i‘messional Newton BrooK. Man or the \Vorkingmiu, it is a question of ‘ *-â€"â€"n*â€"“â€"‘ vital importance. Strayed Heaters, and ranges Of kinds, Asan ex'cr- 0'1th and economical means # Ol quick lOCOIDOtl'n'l, whether for business, A roan steer strayed from the prem- N ises, lot 51, 1st con. Vaughan (Elgin Mills) on or about the 8th of May. excrcme or recreatlml Reward to any person givmg mfor- _ ' t‘ con '9rnin the above. H ' md mu L (f \Vellman _. - Q Q Elgin Mills P. c I ' M ‘ Lg +.:.++~§v++.io-:.++a+++++++++++++ fl s '. ‘55 o o campaigns. .3. '1 'i' E A GREAT SCHOOL A Cushion Frame Bicycle fitted with ELLIOTT , 5/4"" // / Hygienic Handle Bars, Morrow Coaster TOPGNT ONT. . I Students fron:Britlsh Colum- Brake, and Rainy Day Mud Guards, is an Ideal Mount. bia, Saskatchewan and Mani- ~ K ~ -- â€" .. ., ,, , It' d c 5 th se tr r1] '1‘. ' ‘00“ 1’ METROPOLITAN GROCERY, 1“ †e O ’ 1 e “ 0 “9‘6†9 , toba on the west to New Bruns- before, and those who ride, to ride the more. wick on the cast are in attend- ance this year. Distance is no Next Door North of \V iting Room. . .1 3 Cleveland Silver Ember. ï¬fassey UPâ€"TOâ€"DATE GBOGERIES Perfect Brantford W. .l. ELLIOTT, Principal. hindrance to those who wish to Fresh an e . . . . . , (Cor. Yongeand Alexandersts.) d an. Made 1n (.IUSlllOD 01‘ Ihgld Frame Models. get the best. Our graduates are MMMMMHPM‘Z. BeSt Brands Of canned GOOdS C‘anada Cvcle 8x: ï¬lotor (30.. Limited always successful. Our facili» ties are unsurpassed. Com- Choice variety of “\I k “H \\ 1d, B B. 1 ,, .i i' a 'CI'S O I e 011’ S est leC 65 = GANDIE S O Proprietor, .. _’~vv--â€"~ lege open entire year. Magniï¬â€" cent catalogue free. :‘!"5"§°++'§-++++‘ “24"? +++++ "i"? 4%"? Hui-4 #‘ï¬Ã©-ï¬-‘i'Q-d-é-‘i'i‘ .5. ‘P 4° 4‘ ‘5' 4‘ '1' 4. .§. 4‘ + + mence now. No vacations. Col- Gcneral Ofï¬ces and \Vorks, Toronto Junction, Canada 1 Canada IN STOCK. RICHMOND HILL ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS Capital £1,000,000 A SPECIALTY. T' F' MOMAEQE! Agent Rest)“ ___$l,000.000 Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. For RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY DEPOSITS Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs_ Rubber, r M___ ‘ u n 7" W Received in Savings‘ Bank Depar tired buggies. MELOTTE SEPARATOR New Sewing Machine ment and interest allowed at. _ HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. 1" 3- LUDFORD- Proprietor only ma- Silent, Simple, Easy-Running and chine With Shown S.‘lf-balztncing a bowl. Freu- action and few ball-bear- ings than any other in a- chine on the market. Me- lottc bowl is slnllow and W i d e and opens in the centre so that Automatic throw-off of bolt. Equip- Olll‘ arness every part of ed with ball bearings. Full cqnipnwnt it can he eas- of latest attaclmiL-uts. Machine-s plac- is the best obtainable. AF ily cleaned. ed on trial free. Ollr Prices Square Gear. Over 125,000 in daily use. Machines placcd on week‘s trial free. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money Loancd on Farmers‘ Sale Non-s. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. General Banking Business Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. Money in the long run by investing in a realâ€" ly good article? t; ~. _--_._. For other particulars call at the Bank H. H. LOOSEMORE. are the lowest possible for the quality of the goods. Our horse goods and â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" supplies Will interest ex cry horse own- AGENT. ._ 9. Talking Machines, Records and Needles NOTICE . ALB, Rlchmond Hill The Toronto and 1’ rl: Radial Bothdisc Ev V 7“ 7' 7 r 7“ _â€V7â€"_â€"â€"‘W V, 5 V / Hi 7 7 v‘7_‘ 7†7m VV (Hid ('ylllltlt‘l‘ For Victoria Day y++++++4~++++++e~++++~z~++44-++MM++++++++~H~+~2~+.:-++e-:~~:~~t+~§ amt-cs from d . Slugle Fare 5-00 ur- gnod going May 23rd and 2lth and good to return up to and on May 25th between all points on the Metropoli- tan Division. A late car will leave Nowrnarket for Toronto on May 2’. at 11 p. In. An early car will leave Ncwmarket on May 25 at. 6.15 a. In. for Toronto and intermediate points. A late car will leave Toronto for Newmarket at 11.30 p. m. on the night of May 24. Red Letter Sale In our Red Letter Sale we promise to give our customers VV all l’apers at a big reduction. Every pattern new and up-to-date, ranging in price from I to 500. per roll. And in our furni- ture department we have the greatest values ever offered. See small list below: Bedroom Suites. $13.50 to $45.00. Side Boards, $12.50 to $30.00. Beds, single and double. $2.50 to $10. Kitchen Chairs. 490.. regular TUc. Diningroom Chairs. 50 to 950. regular We. to 81.2.3. Rocking Chairs. $1.23 to $3.50. New \\ illiams Sewing Machine at a bargain. ALSO AGENT FOR KARN PlANOS. ing. Apply CHAS. L. \VILSON. I | I . . Classes in Rudiments, Harmony, AH)“ J- V‘ “gm . .f- mm“ 5“â€â€˜nger' ' i:3-H+++++++++++++++++++++~t++++++-:-+-:«:~+-t~++++~:~++++++-s History, etc. 46â€"3 Richmond' Rocords from 35 cents up. Come and hear [hull]. Scliomberg Si Aurora Railway for Victoria Day SINGLE FARE. good going 23rd and 24th and good to return up to and on May 25. between all stations on the Schomberg and Aurora Railway and the Metropolitan Division. The S. & A. Railway time tablel for the 24th will be as follows: Leave Schomberg. 7 a. m.. 12 noon. 5.45 p. m. and 11 p. In. Return Leave Bond Lake at 8 a. m.. 1 p. m.. 6.45 and 12.15 a. in. (connecting with 11.30 from To- ronto). Easy tri'n on 2.11 W. C. pETï¬ICK, Agent RICHMOND HILL. 1. natural “‘TO B... Pianist lustruction in the Art of Piano Play- A 6 room house on Yonge St rent. +++++++++++++++4~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++oz '++~§'++++-l»+ +vi-M»:-Moi»++++++++++++¢vm~ww++++++++