Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1906, p. 1

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l’T LL -.;:_rv: ,7: v- yewâ€"v.- a‘f‘y'yq‘ newer. It tone: up. invigorairoa. . v3 , § " rill-fins the hairâ€"bulbs. The hair > V .. aafcr. 111i... : falling; O (-4 ., d‘ .. .23 91105.1, ,. fl Test“; 11 2. cantury. Li ., an.“ m- i ".«T - v. . Ethan..- mttzx. - . A G S l.indscy.K U iillie {gitcml ” [S PUBLISHED EVERY w pd “V t H on adswur h L HURSDAY MORNING lindsey. Lawrence & AT THE ! 5353a Panama .2 Puerismmi HOUSE WadSi‘OIthv Baxfistersfiolicitors. Notaries, 8.1:. RICHMOND HILL,ONT. [‘I'lilllt‘ Life Buildings.r {l‘ormcrly Free ‘1‘ . F . 31¢, 31 AH O N. hold Loan mire). Um. Adelaide 6; Victoria Sts., Toronto. EDITOR & Puormm‘on. . . e â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~ WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER, SoLICITon, NOTARY, ETC. 'l‘m‘outo Ofi‘ir-e, 3‘} Richmond St. \Vcst, \Vcslcy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- Unfit}. Maple, Thursday after-non n. Money to loan at, Fch Per Ci-nt (5,2,). Phone Main 2984 BLU'sLNE'ss CARDS. git mat. 73c. W. E. DEAN (Successor to Dr. Lawn-axon) BRiclun 0nd Hill ILENMX S: MORGAN, Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on land audchattel mortgagesat lowest iatcs Auroraofficeâ€"Rcmovcd to the old post (3ch one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarkct officeâ€"Three doors south of the 1; 1st Oilice T HEHBERTLENNUX G ST‘V Monmu Aurora, Newmarkel Mulock, Lee, Milliken 8. Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. 53mm. it. Will. 868283., Dentist. Room 12, I'll Victoria St. Toronto. flest fitting teeth, also rcplating, at lowest prices. Good work. I . DR. H. \Iif. S. \V. Corner King & Yonge Streets, D elitist, TORONTO. ‘ ‘ Private and Trust Funds to loan at (Jor. Carlton and Yonge Sts., lowest current rates. Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nesday of each \vcek. 05cc, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Olfice Hoursâ€"8.730 a. m. to 5 p. m. E. J. VVoods DE NTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont; Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 21. 111.; 1â€"3 p. in. Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH ST. flinton. Dunn & Boultbee Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KlNG ST. 15., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTUN, K. C. HERBERT L. Drxx \V. MULOCK BUULT‘BEF JOHN \VALTER MCDONALD Phono Main 311. Mr. McDonald will br- at THE LIBER- AL Office, Richmond Hill, on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. JAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E {JGIN 31114145 us. TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC, mnmssioumuurnn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. .RJRN R. CAMPBE VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Fllornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i. H. SANDERSUN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL cills by day and night promptly at- tended to. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissiunci, Convcyanccr, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Richlnond. .‘Eâ€"Iill â€" xi @avings ikccount IN THE GETAREG BASE Safe Profitable This Bank’s largo resources cnsurc safcty. Interest, at highest current rate, paid twice a year makes an account profitable. Being withdrawablc without convenient. THE ONTARIO BANK OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE “'EliK. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY Convenient notice makes it "ms... 3., ‘ CHMOND HILL, ON'I‘., THURSDAY, MAY 31, IQOG At Richmond ilill IA Successful Fair DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, " ‘John Slincy. clan of bmsrs, , Lyiu-tt. - Lt'nmn. LARGE ATTENDANCE Althouin the receipts show th-it the crowd at the Fair on the 24th was not as lf‘lgt‘ as it was a year before, never- theless the numbcr that passed through the gates was large. and on the wbolc, probably, Richmond Hill nevcr cnjoyi-d a more successful day. Thc weather was ideal, and the park with its green swards never looked more beautiful than on Thursday last. 'l‘hcspccdlng track was in excellent. condition, and the Wonder is that more fast horses (lid not enter for the, $200 purse offrrcd for the fi ce-l'i'irâ€"all trot. As there was only one cntry in that class the race was abandoned, but Mr. N. \V. Voddcn’s Velma accompanied by a running mate gave a good exhibition of speeding in three heat: which proved intercsting to the spectators. 'l‘ho manang of the ice Cream and candy booths were kcpt busy, and the merryâ€"go-round dida. gool trade. ' The exhibits in most of the depart- ment were creditable. Seldom has a finer display of lmrscs been seen in a show ground outsidc of large cities. There were not. so many entries in the cattle, shot-p and swine departments, but, poultry made a good showing. Besides the ladics’ \voik in the Hall, .\Ir. l’cthick had a collection of graph- ophoncs and sewing machines, Mr. A. G. Savage a Karn piano, Mr. Hulse a. Hcintznian piano, Mr. Hill a cream separator. There was likewise a good display of wagons, buggies, etc., from Trench’s Carriage \Vorks. Thth teams took part in the foot- ball tournament which commenced shortly after 11 o‘clock. The teams were Toronto, Scarboro Heathers and Aurma. The last namcd diew the. bye, and in the first match Toronto dcfcated the Heathers. In the after- ilmm Aurora defcatcd Toronto and won the 5‘22 prize. The Band of the Governor General‘s Body Gunid gave an excellent pro- gramme in the afternoon, and merited the praise cxpresscd by many lovers of good music. The Metropol tan tailxvay gave an which greatly assisted in swelling the croud. The following is thc prize list: IMPORTED DRAUGHT. Stallion aged, Joscph Reynolds, I’almcr & Read. CANADIAN DRAUG HT. Stallion aged, Joseph Tceson, \V. J. Howard. Stallion 2 yrs., Jtisr'pli Bur- nrlt, Robcrt Cox. Stallion 1yr., Rob. (‘ltn Cox, Jos‘eph Burnett. Brood mare, Colin Carin-ion, Robert Cox. Filly or Gelding 3 yrs., John Young. Robert, {itldt-ll. Filly or Gelding 2 yrs., \‘x'm. Vandciburgh, ’l‘. \V. Stcphcns. Filly or Colt I yr., Colin Cameron, Alf. Reaman. Team, \V. J. Howard, Jno. Brillingcr, '1‘. ll. Legge, Special, colt or iilly, 1 yr., by Bal- mano, Alf. Rcainan. Special, horsc, stallion, filly or gelding;r any age, by Balmano. Alf. Reaman. Special, colt. orfilly any age, by Laird Mucqticen, 'IUDEBIL Riddell. GENERAL PURPOSE. Filly or gr-lding,r 3 yrs, Henry Thomas, G. J. Lawric. Filly or geld- incr 2 yrs, Ed. Lynctt, \Vm. Thompâ€" son. Filly or colt 1 yr., Geo. A, Mc- Clure, \Ym. Palmcr. Span of horscs, Malcolm Edwards, I’crcy J. \Vutsun, \Valtcr Buvair. AG RICL'L'I‘URAL. Filly or gclding 3 _\‘r>‘., \Vallact’ Hurst, 'l‘. ll. I.('§:gc. Filly or gelding ‘ 2 yrs, Janics Bakcr, Goo, A. McClure. I Filly orcoltl yr., (ii-o. A. McClure, " 'ltl. Trick, ALA. {:Iiiisuy, Sam McClure. JUDGESâ€"A. llouglu rlv, 0.. F.l{clly. CARRIAGE HORSES. Stallion “gt-d. Palmcr & Road. Slal- lion l yr., J. \Vilson, S. Lt-mnn. Filly or gliding 3 Vl'h‘q \V. Thomas, lid. . Filly or grlding 2 yrs, Filly or gelding 1 yr., Jamcs ‘ Bukci'. excellent service‘ ,gulds, T. \V. Slcphcns. .Cls‘. . FIN ROADSTFZRS. Stallion agt-d, Eli Shim-k. Stallion 1 yr., Stung b’rosq \Valter Bovaii'. lil'UUd mare, R. ’l‘yndall, Stung Bros. ‘ . Filly or guiding 2 yrs-n, \V. J. Ramscy, i , Flank \Yoi lev. ~ Filly or gelding, 1 yr., Stungr Bros., \V. J. Lawric. ‘, BLOOD HORSES. ‘ Stallion 2 yrs., \Vin. \Vashington. CLASS 7â€"IIORSISS. | Single carriago, Frank Boyle, R. " Tyndall, D. & L‘. Kcrswill. Span of C‘il'l‘iuge, H. Davis. Span of Roadster, , Adm-y I’cniicld, S. \Vilkinson, J. Dun- , dovlics, M. C. \\'illinot, Mrs. J. \‘C. ham. Single Roadster, T. H. Slll'lp- shiic. J. W. Holman, ‘Vm. Cosgrove. Saddle horse, Rocklifl'c Linton.(.lharli s Conpcr. Boy rider, Charles Coops-r. Single pony, Harold Kirby, J. H. Brimson, McLean Bros. (t-ecotmnend- ed). Special.gentlcman‘s turnout,VVm. Cusgrovo, .l. \V. llulmun. Specnil, farmcr‘s turnout, T. II. Shropshire, It. Tyndall. J t‘liul-Js~Jas. Torrance, R. T.Soulcs. ' SPEEDING. Opcn trot. or pane, l'. \V. Voddcn (Velma). Farmrr‘s trot or paco, Jno. Carlislc, Robe-rt Ash, J. Morison. JUDGESâ€"T. J. \Voodcock, G. Gobiel. GAMES AND SPORTS. i Fool: race I, mile, E. Palmer, C. Stuart. F0 >1; race 200 yds., \V. Cousins, I'). Palmer, (equal). Foot racc 100 yds.'(under 12), Karl Saigcon, \I III. Patton. Font rare 100 yds. (un- dcr 16), \V. Cousins, (l. Stuart. Foot- ball, Aurora Football Club. CATTLE. l Durham cow, I). & C. Kerswdl, \‘i'm. Palmer. Grade cow, James Mc- Lean, D. & C. Kerswcll. Dairy :mw, James McLean, \Vm. Palmer. Jersey cow, D. & C. Kcrswell, \Vni. Vander- burgh. Holstein cow, Wm. Palmer) (1st and 2nd). Herd uiilch cows, Jas. ‘ McLean. JUDGESâ€"Joseph “'right, \V. H. ; Hammell, J. Brcukcy. ' SHEEP. Cotswold breeding ewes. Wm. ' Thompson (1st and 2nd). Cotswold ram 1 yr., \Vm. Thompson. Cotswold CWPS 1 yr., \Vin. Thompson. Leicester ewes breeding, \V. \Vashington. Southdown ram aged, S. Lemon (lst and 2nd). Soutlidown brooding ewes, S. Lemon. Southdowu ram 1 yin. S. Lemon. Southdown ewes l r., S. Lemon (lst and 2nd). Hampshire. etc.‘ breeding ewes, John Sliney, \V. \Vash-i ingtou. Hampshire, etc, ewe 1 yr., \Vm. Thompson. S\VINE. Beikshire sow, S. Lemon. Berkshire , sow 6 mos, S. Lemon (lst and 2nd); JUDGESâ€"~J. A. Ccrswcll, John Burns. POULTRY. Dark Brahma, Meyer 8: Nighswund- er, G. J. Lawrie. Light Brahma, G. J. Lawrie. Dru-kings, G. J. Lawric. \Vhite Leghorn, G. J. Lawrie. Brown Leghorn, G. J. Lawrie, Meyer-8: Nighs- wander. Buff Leghorn, G. J. Luwrie (1st and 2nd). “'hite Plymouth Rock, G. J. L2LWI‘IE‘. Meyer & Nighswander. l Buff Cochin, G. J. Lawrie (lab and 2nd). Partridge Cochin, G. J. Lawrie, Meyer 8: Nighswandcr. Hamburg, Meyer & Nighswander, G. J. Lawrie. S.lvcr Spangled Hams, G. J. Lawrie (1st; and 2nd). Black Minorca, Gr. J. Luwrie. \Vhitc Minorca, G.J.Lawrie. Poland, G. J. Lawric (lst and 20d). \Yhite \Vyandottc, Gr. J. Lawrie. \Vyandotte any other kind, G. J. Lawric. Langshans, Meyer (8: Nighs-' wander. Oi‘pingtons, G. .l. Lau-rie, Meyer & Nighswandcr. Silkirs, (‘r, J. ‘ Lawrie. Bantam, G. J. Lawrie. Game, G. J. Lawrie (lst and 2nd). Duck and drake, G. J. L:1\\‘[ie(lst and 2nd). Pigeons, G. J. Lawrie. lab- bits, G. J. Lawric, Robert Cox. .lt‘nGEsâ€"T. \V. 'tephcns, T. Hop- per, J. 'l‘. Saigron. FRUITS, ROOTS, ETC. Table apples, Jno. Brillingei-(lst and 2nd). Cooking applcs, Jno. Biillinger (lst and 2nd). Collcction (If potatoes, \Vm. Jones. Early potatocs, 'I‘. \V. Stephens (1st and 2nd). Late potatncs, \Vm. Jones, T. \V. Stephens. Man- Turnips, ’l‘. \V. Stephrus. Carrots, T. \V. Stcph- ens. Canncd fruit, Louisa B. Fishci. Pickles, Louisa .B. Fishci'. Catsup, M. C. \\'illmott. \Vine, Louisa B. Fislim'. JUDGEâ€" Gcorgc Kcith. DAIRY. (AlSocit-ty's prize, .I no. Brillingcr, 'l'. \V. Stcphcns. llomc-inadc broad, ‘ \V. Vandciburgh, ’I‘. \V. Stcmicnaf llonic-nnulc buns, \V. Vandcrl usgli. ‘ JUDGESâ€"(i. ll. Powell, J. E. Fran- l3 ARTS AND LADII‘IS’ \VOR K. Painting in oils, E. AlcVeâ€"‘an, Louisa. B. Fisher. Painting on china, Louisa, B. Fislici, IS. Mchan. l’.'iintingon1 plush, velvet or fclt. E. Mchan. ’uint ing on satin or silk in oil, Louisa. B. Fisher, E. McYean. l’aintingou satin or silk in \Vutcr colors, E. Mc- Vcan. Hand painted pIvaucs, Louisa. B. Fisher, E. IilcVean. Collection of fancy \voik, M. C. \Villmot. Eur broidcry on bolting cloth or muslin, M. C. \Yillmot, Florence “'illmot. . limbroidei y on Cotton or linen, Louisa B. Fisher, .\I. C. \Villmot. Embroid- ery on llllL‘ll. Icllt‘l‘ or monogram, Louisa B. Fishcr, Mrs. J. \V. \Villniot. Roman cmbroidci-y, M. C. \Villmot, E. Mchan. Silk or satin cmbmidcry, Florence \Villmot, .\I. C. \Villmot. Jewrl Hnbroidcry, )1. C. \Villmot, Louisa B. Fisher. Eastern embroid- ery, .\I. C. \Vlllmot,Florence \\'illmot. l Embridcrcd centre piece, M. C. \\'ill-1 mot, Louisa B. Fisher. liuibroidciwl tc‘ontinucd on page I) l , spectfully so The Best Guaranty of Merit ls Open Publicity. Every bottle of Dr. Pierce’s world- famed medicines leavin§the great. labo‘ ratory at Buffalo, N. ., has printed upon Its wrapper all the ingredients cnterin into its composition. This fact. alone paces Dr. Pierce‘s Family Medi- cines in. a class all by themselves. They cannot be classed with patent. or Secret. medicines because they are neither. This is why so many un rejudiced physicians preserihe them an recommend them to their patients. They know what they are composed of, and that. the ingredients are those endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. The further fact that. neither Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, the great stomach tonic, liver invigorator, heart regulator and blood purifier, nor his "Favorite Prescription " for weak, over- worked, broken-down, nervous women, contains any alcohol, also entitles them to a place all by themselves. Manly years ago, Dr. Pierce discovered that c emically pure glycerine, of proper strength, is a. better solvent and preserv- ative of the medicinal principles resid- ing in our indigenous, or native, mediâ€" cinal plants than is alcohol; and, further- more, that it possesses valuable medicinal properties of its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a. most. efficient antiierment. Neither of the above medicines con- tains alcohol, or an, harmful, habit- forming drug, as wil be seen from a. glance at the formula printed on each bottle wrapper. They are safe to use and potcnt to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe the above, non-secre medicines larfiely, but the most intellige it people emp 0 -â€"pcople who won d not think 0 using the ordinary patent. or secret medicines. Every ingredient entering Into the com- position of Dr. Pierce’s medicines has the strongest kind of an endorsement. from leading medical writers of the several schools of practice. No other medicines put up for like purposes has any such profesmbnal endorsement. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con- stipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One “Pellet” is a. gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Drug~ gists sell them, and nothing is “just as good." Easy to take as candy. J Besiâ€" Sortiend Segment At the very best prices eitlic at them Richmond Eili or Maple Station, to C. SOULES or write Apply JESSE WING-ER CARRVILLE, ONT. WRIGHT BROS, Undertakers dz Embalmcrs. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL .A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. .1, II. PI entice, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Goods sold on consignment General Ralee gsoc etc promptly attonded to at reasonable rates Residence Unionville G lt Gouldiug, Newton Urook.agentf0rzbc , above J 'r Suigeon, J h lib-Ewen Maple Weston 81113005: (‘2 NEcEwen, Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Yoik. soicsltteiuiazltoonslmrtestnoticcuud 8. rec..- onahicrutes Patronagesolicited in. (i; move“, License Auo‘aonsor roz'theCountyof Yor , re- 5 your patronage and fi'icn.j‘.;y influence sales intended on the sLortest ncz;-e and at reusenabetutea. P.0.D.d(trcss King Forâ€"Sale or to Let ‘ In the Villizigc of Sherwood, Frni'ie House, Stable and thicc quarter are Inf, also Vacant, Frame storc. A‘ particulars uplv to wither L .. .Lnl ‘Jobn (limlilucliurlliw Edith Campbell 213 Anzwttc St. Toronto Juucti ‘vi Maple

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