THE USE OF THE LEECH THEIR MEDICENAL VIRTUE “"AS ONCE HIGHLY ESTEEMED. Some Druggists Stale That App‘ï¬calion of Leechcs ls Not to Be Re- commended. Lecches are mostly bought by people who have had a blow or fall, causing a blue spot to appear where the blood has congested. They apply leeches to take out the blood from these spots. The best leeches are known as the {Mediterranean leech and come from San Guiguela, Spain. They are about three inches long. with msoft smooth body tapering to each extremity, and are marked with from ninety to’one hundred ï¬ne annulations; their backs are olive green with six rusty red long- itudinal stripes. The ends are termin- ated by suckers. DANGER IN THEIR USE. A peculiar medical law provides that a druggist must not apply a leech. He may sell them to persons, but only a doctor is allowed to apply it. One well- known druggist told The Star that he once applied a leech to an abrasion on u . “Una WW -m, ._ ,. man's forehead, because a doctor could not be got as the hour was late. “After the leech had gorged itself and rolled off the mark left by the leech bled so profusely that it look me over four hours to stop it; and then the man’s face was ten times worse with the marks left by the acids I had to use." ,,,.‘_,_.4 a- :n drop its tail ï¬rst into a narrow bottle, and then invert the bottle over the spot where the leech is supposed to go to work. If it does not attach itself readily a little sweet oil rubbed on the spot will sometimes be effective. The leech near- ly always falls off after it has gorged itself. Some druggists put salt on a leech after it, has been applied to a person, and this makes them sick, and they emit all the blood. This practice is very dangerous, as the leech may have been applied to a person who was suffering from some infectious disease, and no “matter how long after it is applied the second time there is always a danger of blood poisoning. They are very excitable, and may be Iseen stretching their bodies along the ,glass side of the bottle or bowl in which they are kept. At times you may see them writhing excitedly through the The“ favori'léiinelhod employed to in- duce a leech to fasten itself to the part whence the blood is to be drawn is to water, after the tiny animalculae that constitute their diet. They are only fairly good swimmers, but have extra- rordinary vigor. Some druggists state that the applica- tion of leeches is not to be recommend- ed; the cure is almost as bad as the dis- ease. The leech has three small, sharp, tsemi-circular teeth that radiate from a ycentre. They cut deep, and always {leave a scar of the same shape as them- ;selves. On the common leech the mouth where the cutting teeth are found is at {the anterior sucking disc. Just back of tthis, and on the upper side, are ten ’small black spots that serve for eyes. The usual quantity of blood drawn by an javerage leech averages from one drachm -'to half an ounce. It is digested very ,slowly. and after being gorged in this manner, the leech lies for several days 'ibefore it regains its normal size and ap- gpearance. .. . .,‘ -,,,., Leeches possess wonderful power in extending and contracting their bodies. One moment they are stretched out to three inches, the next they are curled up in a tiny ball. THEY LEAVE A SCAR. hunk," and he is dubious about accep'. iting such a coin; but he soon ï¬nds mm, mm notion is incorrect. In the ï¬rst iplace, the hole is made in a workman- tlike manner; it appears to have been west with the coin, and not to have been t'drilled afterwards. The hole has rather aspoill the appearance of the efï¬gy of :King Leopold, but no one is indignant, ‘and the coins pass freelyâ€"for the tour- ?ist ï¬nds that there are many about. il-‘urther, these nickel coins appear to be somewhat larger than the majority of coins of the same value. These coins are for the Congo natives, to be worn ias ornaments, it so required. But they are actual coins, and intended to be used as such; they are made with a'holg -in order to accommodate the natives, who have no clothes worth troubling about, and consequently no pockets, ,They thread the coins on :1 strng and wear them round their necks like a row of heads. V Leeches Hamburg. ‘in Spain, Tourists and others staying in Bel- gium have probably noticed certain nickel coins with a hole drilled neatly through the centre. At ï¬rst the stran- ger naturally thinks that the hole has been pierced by some industrious indi- vidual to pass tlieiime or “to bring to \\'h the x: soup is one 011 pride of the family scientiï¬c‘ study of certain 1'00 digestive orga an m syslcr How ,di NICKEL COINS FOR NATIVES. There are str atem is 0 rbirl are mostly imported from and are also collected largely France, Italy and Hungary. They )n is .1rify many things in this we must shut our eyes,†5: Gibson. “Yes, pa, 1) a of them," chimed in iccumul are ens; mild an many ins [if beneï¬ US€ 3 liver 1 carry from L, and in the the in A handsome monument, consisting of a granite pedestal and a bronze' statue of the late King Ja .13 of Opobo.‘ Niger- ia, will be shipped from Glasgow to Africa next month. The cost of the monument is being defrayed by the King‘s European friends, and also by many of his rela- lives. His son, now King Frederick S. Ja 13 of Opobo. was educated at Glasgow, while his grandson, Prince Eugene S. Ja la, the twelve-year-old son ofï¬he pre- sent'king, is now being educated in un academy in the west of Scotland. The pedestal is being prepared by a Glasgow ï¬rm of sculptors, and the com- mission for the bronze statue was placed in the hands of a London ï¬rm. A British Monument for an Atric Monarch. They date from 136-9. The pensions vary from $125 to $650 a year, and are supplemented by free quarters, in which nine months’ residence out of the twelve is compulsory. Their duties are nomi- nalâ€"attendance in St. George’s Chapel on saints’ days, and at royal weddings and funerals, and supplying a guard of honor when foreign royalties visit Windsor Castle. Many Thanks are due from the proprietors of Weaver's Cemte to friends who have written to tell of the Cemte‘s good word in curing scroiulous humors, scald head and other skin diseases. moon. would Count‘ I heard of a man in couldn‘t raise money ment bonds." Slix What was the reasonâ€: vou see, he didn’t hav The [IVER BROTHERS llMITED, TORONTO EA? 3? WAS? FIRST.â€"Dip the amide to be wasth in a tub of lukewarm water. draw it out on a washboard and rub the scap lighuy over it. Be panicular not to miss soaping all over. THEN roll it in a tight roll, by in the tub under the water, and_ go‘qn the saline way A .L_ "5“. u .. _- “-7 , NEXT â€" Alter soaking the full time rub the clothes lightly out ona wash board, and the dirt will drpp out; tun. the garment In- stde out to get at the seams, but don't yse guy {nq‘re 32:11:11] r icccs have [He soap rubbc ‘on. and [are xoflgd up. ‘ 1A.. Huh... .4 . r Then go away for thirty minutes to one hour and let the "Sun- ligjgf’ goal) Adlo its w k stde out to get at the seams, but don't use any more soap; don‘t scald or boil 1: Iingie piece, and don't wash through two suds. If the waxer gets too diny, pour a Hill: oul_apd‘ add 11‘ 33:030“ L0 any person who gavel! that. Sunlight Soap con- ins any im‘urioua chemicals or any form of adultemtion. Your Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlith Soap if 'yqu ï¬nd any is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow Erisâ€"efï¬féd'ï¬mlmm Military Knights of Windsor are exceedingly ancient institution. date from 1349. The pensions QNQEBQWE directions. TO HARNESS THE STARS. KNIGHTS OF \VINDSOR. n M 1A JA OF OPOBO. REWARD will be paid. Lo any person who ,ch 310 Tl‘ €35â€!!! nan the other day who noney even on Govern- Slimwit: “Indeed! ‘eason ‘3" \Vilfer: “Well, n’t have the bonds." neax‘e 1e I‘d t m m sigh m to mes een b nth the rat xsx 1 they to the 1 days 'ptune. 3 year. W h 3 The latest treatment for the preven- tion of Hay Fever prescribes systema- tic and continued exercise taken in timely advance of the season for the appearance of the complaint. Specialâ€" ists in the disease do not understand its nature. It is not now thought to be a form of catarrh and local appliâ€" cations have been largely abandoned. The theory that it is rheumatism of the mucus membrane is not accepted. A more favored idea attributes the in- ception of Hay Fever to sluggishness cf the liver and bicycle riding is recom- mended to keep this organ in an active and ‘healthy condition. After Hay Fever has arrived, the' sufferer will find nei- ther comfort or relief in bicycling, but systematic and easy wheeling during the preceding months is warranted to greatly modify the severity of an ap- proaching attack, or to entirely prevent 0th ing Master: “You'll ï¬nd when you get your cheque, Mr. Pennink, that I have added $5 a month to your salary. 1 be- lieve you didn’t make a single mistake in your ï¬gures during the entire year." Bookkeeper: “Yes, I did. just one." Master: “What was ‘that Y†Bookkeep- er: “I ï¬gured on a bigger advance." “Do you buy your music by the sheet ‘I†inquired & young lady of the deacon’s daughter. “Oh. no,†she I‘e- plied, “I always wait until Sunday, and then get it by the choir.†“To what do you attribute the Sultan's long life despite his illness ‘3†asked the prominent Turk. “Bad marksmanship principally," answered the Court Physi- cian‘ brusquely. It is the Farmer’s Friend. â€"The fan‘ mer will ï¬nd Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil a potent remedy for wounds or pains in the body or for affections of thel respiratory organs and for household| use generally. He will also ï¬nd it a‘ convenient friend in treating injured‘ horses, cattle, etc., or relieving them when attacked by colds, coughs or any kindred ailments to which they are sub ject. A Great Combination, “Ferrovim †the best tonic is. It should be taken by all invalids, by all who are run down or out of sorts. It builds up, gives new life. Gunï¬ght soap is better than other maps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way, Buy Sunlight Soap and fonnw directinu. i] Worms cause feverishness, moaning and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves’ Worm Extenninator is pleas- ant, sure and effectual. If your drug- gist has none in stock, get him to pro- cure it for you. Not a Nauseating Pill.â€"â€"The excipient of a pill is the substance which eniolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pillis is so compounded as to preserve lher moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in pow- ders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. Thousands of people throughout the country know that the ordinary remedies for pilesâ€"ointments, snfposibories and appliancesâ€"will not cure. The best of chem only bring passing relief. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Reid is a tablet taken internally that removes the cause of Piles, hence the cure is permanent. Every package-sold carries a guarantee with it. It in perfectly harmless to the most» deli- cate constitution. A month’s treatmenc in each packa 6, Sold at $1.00. At any drug store, or he Wilson-Fer Co., Limited, Niagara Falls. Out. 5 Mrs. Clubwoman in the world doesn’ husband a bit." M haps you‘d get a you spent your tim instead of his way My wife is very fond of trout, so the NEW CURE FOR HAY FEVER. .01; day I took V( Did you catch Not until I got THEN HE GOT A GOOD ONE my M037 I’I' voman: “All the lecturing doesn’t seem to improve my it." Mrs. llomebody: “Per- gct along holler, dear, if ur time mending his clothes ‘31 .S “7135. off and anyuï¬n t home.“ went ï¬shing 26% Man Wanted at nce In various parls of the Dominion, a1 whole or spare time agents, to sell 3 high grade stock of hardy and well grown trees and plants. Go-ahcad and energetic men can make a very prom able business of selling this stock, which is well known. Liberal terms and a complete outï¬t. Commission paid week: ly_. Apply at once to E. D. SMITH, PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 m. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugatith in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 2G, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable tor ï¬reproofing Barns. Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges. Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Speciï¬cations to your nearest ofï¬ce for catalogues and prices. w'mmneu. aan. 76 Lombard at. 10mm, 0m. 69 Dundas st. WONG, 0m. 11 Colbome at. OIZUWU, am 423 Sussex at. HOMI'BHI, QUE. 767 Craig St, We carry a London and ca Made in 1 it to 10 feet in 28 LABS UURTAINS Established over a quarter of a. century. “Iflafl Aflifllm DYEING 00.. Ba: 158. Mantras: A woman‘s idea of a model husband is one who takes house cleaning philoâ€" soplu‘cully. than having your com stepped upon? ls there anything more delightful than gelling rid of it? Holloway’s Corn Cure will do it. Try it and bevconvinced. Write your Nearest Offlce.â€"-HEAD OFFICE AND WOBKBâ€"OSHAWA, Ont Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag. M product, so that (he Afr scoured to keep up the ( Is the world’s ivory auc RAPED TRANSIT ma†‘éa‘éécï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©emkééé " $33 353%me Is there anything more apnoying OHENSLLE GyRTmNs “Makers of the “’orlds Best Bicycles.†GENERAL OFFlCE AND WORKS - - TORON Is a question that appeals to all in these busy times. To the Business Man. the Professional Man, or the Workiugman â€" it is a question oi vital importance. A whether [or business, A Cushion Frame Bicycle â€"Morrow (3035th Brake, and Mount. It induces those to ride who ride to ride the more. um I“ kinda of house Hangings. Ilao As an ever THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, Write to us lbouL yours. BILLIARD BALLS. small Beldcrleigh Nurserhzs, Winona, Ontario. " KieplugConstantly at it Bring. Succuh'.’ DVED & CLEAN!!! LIKE NEW. ready and economical means Two canlo an ï¬estas? 3mm! Wm]? Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.BA a G.'I‘.P. Strung soil, 90 per cant. plough land. spring creek, no alou‘kn About 40 miles N.E. of Indian Head. Prune $10.50 1»: acre. Write for map and full particulars. R. PARSONS. 9| Wellesley Street. Toronto. Canada. exercise or recreation. ï¬tted with Hygienic Handle Bars Rainy Day Mud Guards, is an Idea! never rode bciore, and those who 5 months old Rufus Rad Belgian Hares. $2 a) air for 15 days only. They have been bred fol eavy weight and exhibition for mauy‘gems andl cam-mt be duplicated for near twice e moneyI elsewhere. Can ship safely to all parts in th United States or (Emma. Satisfaction guarantee H. C; SWARTVVOUT, Huguenot, Omnge County, New York mwmm The Arnott Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HAIT, and insures natural speech. Pam< phlet, particulars and reference. sent. on request. Address Sold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. N0 DEAD FLlES LYlNï¬ ABOUT THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN, ONTARIO. TEN CENTS PER P. ARCHBALE /~o;,7;w ' §‘. _ -' r q _ Sam RECAWQ u: AND an auspices arm Bums FQR SALE. MI TORONTO JUNCTION. 0! quick locomotion, M!L'I"ON, ONT. 513 NO. 21â€"66. Wilsaa’ s Three hundred times bet. tor than sticky paper. Mb 12174.5(. ‘ACKET FROM W! LSG N: HE com WCWWIBfl. 615 Ponder st.