Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1906, p. 4

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{the fluvial. ‘EICHMOND I'I-ILL. 0N1. May 31, 1906 (Continued rum page I l ., Willmot. Honiton lace, h. McVean, M. C. W'illmot. Point lace. E. Mc- Vean, M. C. \Villmot. Battenbuig lace. Louisa. B. Fisher, E. McVean. Lace collar, Louisa B. Fisher, E. Mc- Vean. Modern lace, M. C. VVillmot, E. McVean. Croehet work. M. C. Willinot, E. McVean. Netting, M.-C. ‘Villmot, E. McVean. Tatting,LouIsa B. Fisher, E. McVean, Queen Anne D-Irning. M. C. “'ilmot. Mrs.J. “f. Willmot. Table mats, Mrs. J. \V. VVillnIot. M. C. W'illmot. Toilet mats, Mrs. J. W. \Villmot, M. C. \Villmot. Outline work, M. C. VVillmot, Mrs. J. W'. \Villmot. Table scarf, M. C. \Vill- mot, Mrs. J. \V. Willmot. Photo frame, Mrs. J. W. \Villmot, Louisa. B. Fisher. Drawing room screen, Louisa. B. Fisher, M. C. VVillmot. Slippers, Louisa B. Fisher, M. 7. VVillmot. “'hisk bolder. Mrs. J. W. \Villruot. M. C. Willmot. Handkerchief holder, M. C. Willlllot, Mrs. J. W. \Villmot. Tea cosy. M. C. \Villmot. Florence ‘Villmot. Pin cushion. M. C. \Vill- mot, Mrs. J. W. Willmot. Sofa cush- ion. M. C. Willmot. Louisa B. Fisher. Five o’clock tea cloth, M. C. Willmot, Louisa B. Fisher. Tray cloth, Mrs. J. W. VVillmot, Louisa B. Fisher. Mantle drape. M. O. \Villmot, Mc- Vean. Fancy drape. M. C. VVIllmot. Hem stitching and drawn work. E. McVean, Louisa B. Fisher. Drawn linen, M. C. VVillmot, E. McVean. Stork collar, Louisa B. Fisher, E. Mc- Vean. Fancy wool knitting, E. Mc- Venn, Louisa. B. Fisher. Piece wm-k uilt. Meyer& Nighswander, Mc- Q’ean. Fancy quilt, M. C. Willmot, E. McVean. Fine hand sewing, Mrs. J. W. VVillmot, E. McVean. Best made garment. Louisa B. Fisher, E. McVean. Collection of postal cards, Meyer 85 Nighswander, Irene Mc- Mahon. Collection of embroiderres, E. McV ean, Mrs. J. W. Willmot. Cpl- lection of netting, E. McVean. Louisa B. Fisher. Collection of lace. M. C. Willmot. E. McVean. Collection of drawn work, Louisa, B. Fisher, E. Mc- Vean. Collection of doylies, Mrs. J. W. Willmott. E. McVean. JUDGESâ€"Misses Ida M. Clark. Al- berta. Heacock. H. H. Wiley, M. E. Ludford. J. Rumble, E. Paterson. H. Linfoot, Mrs. Geo. Leek and Mrs. Geo. Padget. â€"-â€"â€"oo*â€"â€"â€" W. G. d: R. Shirts rnd collars just to hand special styles and values. shirts 75c.. $1.00. $1.25, and $1.45 each. At- kinson & Switzer. Empire Day Celebration at S. S. No. 7, Markham. Empire Day was celebrated Wed< nesday of last week at S. S. No. 7. when four schools, No. 12, No. 4, No. 6 and No. 7, all of Markham, united to give a. programme in keeping with the occasion. These respective schools marched to Hopper-’5 Lane. where they all met, forming a. grand procession, each school having its own flags. and No. 4am] No. 7 had large banners. Despite the hot afternoon the pupils from Nos. 4. 7 and 12 Were on hand at the appointed time and No. 4 pupils deserve special mention having to march the farthest on account of the rain. With banners waving the four schools marched to No. 7 and made quite an inspiring sight indeed. Upon arriving at the school a pro- gramme of patriotic songs, choruses and speeches was rendered. Mr. Jas. Francey acted as chairman and gave a very eloquent address on Canada. Master Coltman gave a very inspiring opening recitation. The history of the Union Jack and its construction was taken up by Mr. E. J. Hitchcock and proved interesting to all. every one saluting the old flag which has so long braved the battle and the breeze. Rev. Mr. Campbell gave a very loyal and interesting address, impressing on his audience the need of all proving themselves Britons and good citizens of the empire. Mr. Geo. Mchguc also dealt forcibly and brief- ly with the same patriotic theme. and Mr. A. D. Bruce gave a very interest- ing history of the races forming the British Nation. Miss Jean Scott re- cited “The King of Old Windsor-Hall" quite acceptably, and Master J. Cos- grove of No. 4 gave a pleasing recita- tion “Mrs. Piper wasa \Vidow.” In~ strurnental music was rendered by Miss Georgie Mustard on the violin accompanied by Mrs. H. Brown on the. autoharp. They were heartily en- cored and very kindly responded. Alter votes of thanks to the speakers and teachers. the National Anthem was sung, led by Mr. C. Sanderson. The ladies then took matters in hand and spread tables on the grass in reg- ular picnic style furnishing all with a very hearty and toothsome lunch. After tea. games were indulged in, the boys from No. 6 defeating the boys of No. 7 in a football match. the score being l-O. A game of Prisoner- Base was also played between sIdes chosen from those prI-Sent. and. after a valorous contestdhe result was a lie. 1 The showers rendered on intermission ‘ necessary duIIng the programme, but i l oliiite. i only for a short time. Altogether this first Empire Day celebration was a success and reflects great credit on of No. 7, for making a commencement of what should be an annual (vent at Victoria Square. Anything that tendsi to foster loyaltv to our great Eurpire should be \veli‘onu d by own yhoi’ly, aul We hope next Empire Day may be even better attended than this one. the teirchersâ€"Miss' Loudy of No. 6. Mr. Nichols of No. 4. . Mr. Klinrk of No. 12. and Mr. Graham . mm “.mnm 7 my .-. V, g _r , ‘ v77 7 I ; m - iii-4'“ ‘ was T01914-FOR gyms, gaps in ism-mass} ‘ M B A R 2:3 "1 L“ “ DRESSMAKING AND 1p ; rquT EVE“ LADlEs'TAlLURINH J,~}A';/ ‘ . g 31;} . ' l” lgl‘ I 'Fhoruhili. (but . IS the cheapest v0.1 -7 ‘ .‘ut'e‘wf . 4‘ ' can 0W Cedar PCSLS Suppose the same length at onut of on‘y $2 a year. C. A. SINCLZXI R, . Fecal ' Wedgl Lock and powerfully built. in every way. gaited trotting horses in America. 2. 10. Routeâ€"~12 Weeks, commencing Monday, April 30th, 1906 MONDAYâ€"He will go to Eglinton Hotel. Eglinton, from 9 to 10, and The first cost may be moreâ€"but the first cost is the onTy cost. Suppose one fence co<is 5w, and lads, say, for 3 years. . cnoc cost; High Carbon Steel \Virc and. lochel with the Isn't the Frost 1h: cheapcxt you run ‘w‘y? Frost Fences are for :. ile bv _ CLUBINE a. PEARSON, - Thornhill JAMES WOODARD. - 25375 Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion HE DUKE is a beautiful seal brown Stallion about 16% hands high, and in stud condinion Weighs about 1,300 pounds. He has trotted a trial in 2.17. 29; seconds. and a 1.58 gait, and it is said, with good handling, he could trot in $1.000 GUARANTEE Any one who will inspect this horse before selecting a sire we will guaran- tee to make them a present of $1,000 and a colt without charge. if The Duke is not just as represented and one of the best bred Trotting Stallions on the con- tinent and one of the greatest Stock Homes on earth. Cedar Posts for min. Apply in (A. ll, NIHVRERY l‘ilgin 31' ills _ 'I‘har fence costs you 55-1 your. $25. hit the Frost Frnccwmcdc of host Lockâ€"lasts for :5 yearsâ€".11 1 cost 46 3’. Search... v 1? Fruit Laskov - I w“, A quantity of Sol-Ii Potatoes fairsale, ' I: “‘ U7“ lot '25, Con. 3, Vaughan. AUI‘OI‘O JOHN s1.1.\‘ICY Icigin Mills 11.0. For Sale Quantity of Seed Potatoes for sale. It. ‘VA LK l Ntl'l'ON Lot 18. coil. 3. Vaughan Mupn- r. 0. To Rent Half of double homo on Centre St. East, Richmond Hill. Fol'inl'mu malion apply to JAMES NEW'TON, Elgin Mills. 4on1 For Sale to ~s-â€"--- r8 House for sale opposite Thornbill r, Post Ofllee. One-quailer of an aI-Ie ‘ of land, 6 rooms, We“, Cistr-rn, fInit trees, etc. Apply H. J. Femvick Eglintou 111‘ Caplin &’ Stodart, Toronto. For Sale Best. wheat belt in the world. Im» proved and unimproved farms for sale- in Milestone district. Country boour ing, safe investment. healthy climate. See samples of grain grown on my farm at office. For Particulars. Address. E D. FOR EST E R Milestone Sask ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER GLAZIER, GRAlNER and PAPEI“HANGER RESIDENCE. MILL ROAD. SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL P. O. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE The Duke is highly finished He is not a pacer but one of the finest quarters in Lil-Gm thence to Golden Lion Hotel, Yonge Street, for noon, and thence to Hognes’ Hotel, Thornhill, from3to~l. thence up Yonge Street to Cosgrm e’s Hotel. Elgin Mills. for night. TUESDAYâ€"He will go to Lemon's Hotel, Aurora. for noon, and thence to Royal Hotel, Newmarket, for night. VVEDNESDAYâ€"He. will go to Mr. King (near Kettlebyl, for noon. and thence to Nobleton for night. go to Kleinburg for noon, and thence to VVOUd- THURSDAYâ€"He will bridge House, \Voodbridge, for night. FRIDAYâ€"He will go to Thistle-town for noon, Hotel. lslington. for night. SATURDAYâ€"He will go to Black Horse Hotel. Toronto. where he will re- main until evening. when he will go to his own stable. 107 McGill Street.where he will remain until Monday morning. $10 Insures a living colt, payable 10 days after mare foals. or dies within that time, no charge will be made. E. R. REYNOLDS, Proprietor 107 MCGILL ST., TORONTO \V. J. LAING in charge Loans made to farmers at five per cent. Art Baking Powder and useful Granite Kettles, Dishes, etc., kettles alone are worth the price 500. at Atkinson & Switzer’s. Idost On Sunday evening last. in the neighborhood of the Methodist church. a Shot Silk Belt, lined with blue. Finder kindly leave at 48-1 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. For Sale Dwr-lling, outbuildings and 16 acres of land for sale in the village of Maple. 'l‘hedwellmg is brick, 25x38. with frame. kitchen and Woods-lied 12x22. stable is 211x26, drive-house 12:11:22. and shed 12x24. of tho best, soil, plenty of water, eon- vonivnt to school, church and post This is a very desirable prop- erty. The property is in first-(lass condition. For further particulars apply to ANDRINV KILLOI'GH 0R J. T. SAIGEON, Maple I). 0. Maple, May 31, 1906. 49.4 f transcribe for THE - LIBERAL the The land contains 16 acres - : FUR l Have just arranged with the Veter- inary Specialty Co. to sell the follow- ing remedies: Stock Tonic and Blood . Purifier. Indigestion and Colic Cure, Joseph HIll’s farm, lot 25. concession 6, Spavin Cure, \Vorm Powders, Cough Remedy. Poultry Tonic. Loose Death Antisceptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- _ sion, Black Oil, Heave Relief. Lump and thence to Islmgton Jaw Cure, Aphordisiac and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval 82: Joint Disease. Vanzant & W'aring. Veterinary Sur- geons. twenty-five years of practical experience. A coupon in every package entitling the holder to Fret- Voter-i1me Alli ire. For sale F. J. PETHICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed If colt comes deformed ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ inurSniing Term now open merges into our Summii Session without any break for holidays. Students may enroll at any time with equal advantage. In- spection invited. (mural Minions Saudi“? \J Yonge é}; Gerrard Sta, Toronto. .a Tax Sale of Lands Municipality of VAUGHAN DISTRICT NO. 2 l The Treasurer of the County of York (under warrant of December 29, 1005, will proceed to sell attire Public Hall. Palmer‘s Blur-k, N. S. Arnold Street, Village of Richmond Hill, on TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1906. at 11.1. m. the following land for arrears of taxes, unless the said arrears and the costs I are sooner paid, viz: B. Part Lot 30. Con. 1, E acre (assess. ed to Henry C. lloughton. ’1‘., and C. ’I‘. \Vhituey, 0.). Taxes, $28.84: ’ Fees and Expenses. $4.63; Total. 19. J. K. MACDONA Ll). ’l‘rI-asurer (‘o. YoIk. 3 ifi__~ q‘ , m w. HEWISON IZAREEEEDEUHEJ‘T i 11011311 PAINTER, I 3' J 7's“ firfiinc The dwolling, buter shop, driving C'La'ulw" H'C'H‘L'r ,Shed and stables. Doing a g md retail " danger. l trade. \\'ill be sold ('lienp. 'lfnot sold ‘ Calls from a distaIICe promptly ++++4+€'++é++++ih+++++++++dor'l'dui-‘i‘ Twenty regular teachers. Fin- est equipment. Most successful I + graduates. .{v i '2‘ ; 3; l". H. SHAW, Principal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ bd-+-i-+++++ 4° due-P++++++~§~+++++++++++M+++ 4‘3 4 _,,, ,. fl. ,, llN'fol'e the first of A pril. \\'ill betorenl. I EEXIx-lleut chance 1111‘ :1 good man. Ap-l lPl." qu W: a‘tended to. l \ 4 ‘\l . i if Richmond 11:11 1’. o. RICSII‘IZNCI‘. RICHMOND 1111.1. : l l ., l 1 ,..-.~.~v .73 .3,.a-â€"~..- In Banking Slioriiand 01‘ Bookkeeping Courses Atthc f3 5353!??? ‘I W \\‘llll'llf1)l 10 yours has taken the lead for ciiiciency and for p05i~ tlons. H Start for a. E Summer Training Open all year. Bay am! night. Gel down to lriisillt’hx now. R.A.Farqnl‘iarson,g_. Y. 111. C. A. Bldg, Toronto Stallion Register. Those getting bills or rard“ at THE LIBERAL Office will ri-r-eix e a free notice during the season as follows»- KNtlt‘liAIJWI ("Innis â€"â€" litiiltlstfi'l'. the properlyof \V. G. Ellis. Hedhml Park, will stand at his own stable. Terms, 5610. TAUi'lNfi Pure-bred Imp. Percheron. the property of Harry Graham, Cari-ville, will be at King City, Temperanreville. Victoria Square, Richmond Hill. Terms, $14. ROVERâ€"Thor:i-brI-d, the property of James \Valker, 'l‘t-slon, will stand at his own stable. TeI ms, $10. FOREST B4)Yâ€"TH'ttlng-ln'ml stallion. the property of J. Palmer and 'l'. lie-ad. Home stable. Victoria. Square. Palmer House, Rich. lnond Hill every Wednesday. Terms, $10. PRINCE DnUiDâ€"Impm ted Clvdesrlal“, the property of J. Palmer and 'l‘. Road, will stand at. the Palmer House, Richmond Hill. Tr'l'ilis, $15. MARQI‘IS or COWAL Imporh-d Clydesdale. the property of D. (1. Steele. will go to Oak Ridges. \Vhitchureh. Ringwrnod. Victoria Square. Home stable. Richmond Hill. Terms,$14. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdale stal< lion, the property of \V. J. “it-lb. will go to Kettleby, Nobleton, Vellore, King City. etc. Home stable, Temperancevile. Terms, $10. CLAN MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdale stallion, the property of \V. J. \Vells, will go toVictoria. Square, Newton Brook. Lansing. Fuirbank, Fisher- ville. Richmond Hill, Vaughan. Home stable, Temperance-ville. Terms. $10. COLIN MACQUEEN~â€"Clydesdale stai. lion, the property of \V. .l. \Vells. will travel through “'bitclmrch, Ballantrae. East Gwillimbury. Aurora. Home stable, Temper- anceville. Terms, $10. LORD HAMILTONâ€"Illlpm-ted Clydes- dale. the property of Legge and Blough. will go through Vaughan, Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Villh dorf, Aurora. 'l'r-mperancmille. King City. Home stable, lot 1. con. 7. King. Terms. $12. ROYAL HA'I'TUNâ€"Ilupnt ted Clydesdale. the property of Blough & Legge, will go to Strange, Kettleby. New- niarket. Aurora, Oak Ridges. Elgin Mills. Home stable. King City. Terms. $12. GOLDEN CONQUERoRâ€"Clydesdale stat lion, the property of Teeson & Francis. will go to Mitchell’s Hotel. O'Sullivan’s Corners; Cher- ry‘s Hotel, Fisherville. Home stable. lot 32. con. 1, Markham. Terms $12. TONY WILKES JR.â€"â€"Cariiage stallion, the property of Tecson d: Francis. will go to Mitchell‘s IIUtel, (YSHL livan's Corners; Cherry's l’ioli‘l, Fisherville. Home stable, lot 3'1. con. 1, Markham. Terms $9. DUKE OF YORKâ€"Clydesdale stallion. the property of \V. \V. Hudgin, will go through Whichurch, Ballantrae, Stoufl'ville, VlCltil‘l.L Square, Thornhill, Cairville, Richâ€" mond Hill. Home Stable, Summit House, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SEIPMATE â€" Cari-in e stallion, the property of \V. V’. Hudgin, will go through “’hitehurch, Ballan~ true, Stouffville, Victoria Square, Thornhill. Carr-ville, Richmond Hill. Home stable, Summit House, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. \VILD BILLYâ€"Roadster stallion, the property of Eli Shierk. will travel through Aurora, Kettleby, King City. Teston. Edgrly. Thornhill. ['niin11\'ille,Victm-ia Square. Home stable. Palmer House, tichlnond Hill. Terms $12. PURE GOLDâ€"JFI-otting ‘stallion. the property of \V. R. Lme, will stand at his own stable. two lots below Maple. Terms $7. MAI‘QL‘EEN’S CHAMPION â€" Clydesdale the property of Joe. Burnett. will stand at his own stable. lot 53.11111. 1. Vaughad (Elgin Mills). Terms $10. EARL GREYâ€"Clydesdale Stallion. lb:- property of A. Iiahmer, Sherwood, will stand at his own " Terms, DICK FYrE~ Trotting: Stallion. llw property of Milton Stone, LansiIIL'T. willstandathison'nstable. Tun». $111. 3 lbs best (‘loansd (-an-anls for 2.1-; I 5 lbs host Figs fIII';.')1-: 7) lbs best (lillt‘i for 25v; 4 packages Jelly for 231-; 4 cans good peas for 25.»; 3 (“mg m” n ’3‘. 25C: 2 can Tomatoes for -51': 1 0'1"!" tin .‘laple Syrup fur L3,“; 1 In.” 5', pk. Golden Syrup fur 254-; ] 11,..xt,v.,'];m_m 'lV‘i' l"'l‘ '13": '3 "ans rod Salmon for 331-, :1t:\ki:z~o11_\' Hwiim-I‘s. -.

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