Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1906, p. 8

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M ETROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Newmarket. GOING NORTH Leave C P R Crossing at6. 11.30 a. m.; 1 30, 2.40. 5.45. 5.40. 8.00 p. m. ’ cave Richmond Hill 8.:0. 10.310. 9.. m.; 12:20 2.20. I3.30, 4.35, 6.30. 8.50 D. m. GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket at 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 9.. in; 2. 3.25 4.15. 6.15. 7.30 pm. Leave Richmond Hill. 7. 8.10, 9.55. 11.55 9.. in: 2.40, 3.55. 4.55, 6.55, 8.10 p. m. POST OFFER NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofiico as follows :â€" MORNING ................ e 09 EVENING...... . MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING ....,.8.30 EVENING 00 N. B.â€"Registered letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. EMPIREl‘flllls I am prepared to do giiisting and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. I Manitoba Patent and A Pastry Flour I also keep the celebrated Gladstone Flour One or“ the best flours for home-made bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. Also Wheat Gems, a choice Break- fast Food.’ ,â€" H. B. SCHMIDT. . Proprietor, Newton BrooK. Strayed A roan steer strayed from the preni- ises, lot 51, lst con. Vaughan (Elgin Mills) on or about the 8th of May. ~ Reward to any person giving infor- mation concerning the above. G. \Vellman Elgiii Mills P. C. _._'_._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"“â€"â€"‘_ 4%?++M++++++++é+++++++++§~ a E A GREAT SCHOOL ELLIOTTfl TORONTO. ONT. Students from British Columâ€" bia, Saskatchewan and Mani- toba on the west to New Bruns- wick on the east. are in attend- ance this year. Distance .is no hindrance to those who Wish to get. the best. Our graduates are always successful. Our faCili- ties are unsurpassed. Com- mence now. No vacations. Col- lege open entire. year. Magnifi- cent catalogue free. W. J. ELLlOTT, Principal. U (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) ++++++++++’2"§"§"§"§“§"§‘+‘2'§"}++Ԥ" STANARB hill 0t Canada RICHMOND HlLL -i-:~M+i~++i~+fi++M++M . °++ +~§v+h++44~+>§~+++++++ i i A v.- o Capital $1,000,000 Rest $1,000 000 DEPOSITS ‘Reccived in Savings’ Bank Depar iiieiit and interest allowed at HIGHEST GURiiENT PLATES. Notice of withdrawal not llk‘CC’S‘ sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money Loancd on Farmers‘ sale notes. Biinik Rom Forms Supplied Free. Genera-l Banking Business Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. n For other particulars call at the Bani. H. H. LQOSEMORE, AGENT. PLEASA NT _iiI_ cw FARM The proprietor of Pleasant View lIei-d Holstein Catlle and Bi-i-edei-of Improved Chester \Vhiie lion's. Lot 29. lst Coii., Vaughan ['I‘horiiliill) has for sale some good young si (H'k. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for service on the pi‘mnises. 1). Li. ii )Lllll‘lllllAM, .‘L’lbl'l'lL’iUl'l sizes and prices. Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, New and second hand. Jacob 85 Son. METROPOLITAN GROCERY, Next Door North of \Vziiting Room. UPâ€"TO-DATE GROCERIE‘S Fresh and Clean. Best Brands of Canned Goods Choice variety of CANDIES IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. tired buggies. “yer Rubber- T. +++¢++$+$+++H*+++ +r+++++m++++i~r+++++M++Jr~h ' Money ly good article? Oin- Elem-noises is the best obtainable. Our 13ricess (‘1' use. EEGDGNALD, Richmond nu: 3++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++e+++e++++++++++i+ Bed iisiter gale In our Red Letter Sale we promise to give our customers V‘Vzill E’apors at a big reduction. Every pattern new and up-to-date, ranging in price from I to 50c. per roll. And in our furni- ture department we have the greatest values over offered. See small list below: iii-alumni Suiti-s. $115.54) to $15.00. Hidi- Boards, $12.50 to $30.00, Buds, single and double, (2.3“ to $11). liilclii-ii t‘liiiirs. »l‘.!c.. regular TUc. Dining-room L‘iiaiis. 5:] to ‘., regular 70c. to SILK). Rocking Chairs. $1.27) in . New \\'illianis Saving Machine at a bargain. ALSO AGENT FOR EARN PIANOS. P. S. A. 2. Siiifii \ 9%.?{0} 3.403.401..g..;..§..;..;..;...:..:..§..§..;..5.;..3..;. ,:_++++afiummmkgfinal"? . . . +++Â¥ B. LU 1)I*‘O£{ I), Proprietor Can’t {on Save in the long run by inn-sting in a real- 111‘? the lowest possible for the quality of the goods. Our horse goods and supplies will interest oi cry horse ownâ€" J. N“? we .i. +‘l‘+€“‘?+‘§‘+’2"’rfl"rvv in:- p c TT+¢7Y+ . - . 1"} ,1 ‘4 . .1..;. .3. .i. p" tr... J. 3. J4 .3. o . .;. a. Is a question that appeals to all in these busy times. To the Busmcss Man, the Professional Man or the \Vorkingm in, it is a question of vital importance. As an ever-reidv and economical means of quick locomotion, whether for business, exercise or recreation The Bicycle has No Goinpetitor A Cushion Frame Bicycle fitted with Hygienic Handle Bars, Morrow Coaster Brake, and Rainy Day Mud Guards, is an Ideal Mount. It induces those to ride who never rode before, and those who ride, to ride the more. Cleveland Silver Ribbon Massey Perfect Branti‘ord Made in Cushion or Rigid Frame Models. Canada Cycle «1%: Elotor (30., Limited 71 “Makers of the \\ orld's Best Bicycles General Offices and \Vorks, Toronto Junction, Canada :35. r. Iiicid’dfidi‘i, Agent i For RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY P7,, ,,,_.._L H , ELL, _. MELOTTE SEPARATOR New Williams Sewmg Machine Only ina~ chine \vitli SL‘lf-lnllziliuilig bowl. Freer action and few ball-hear- ings than any other in .‘l.- cliine on the market. illo- lutte bowl is shallow and W i d e :L n (1 opens in the centre so that Automatic throwâ€"off of lush. qu’nâ€" evciy part of ad with ball bearings. Full (‘Qlllplll“ll , it can be oas- of latest altacliinciits. Machines plac- ily cleaned. ed on trial free. Square Gear. Over 125,090 in daily use. Machines placed on week's trial free. SllL'lli, Simple, Easy-Running and Strong. a nr Talking Machines, Records and Needles Both disc. and cylinder Prices {min 3.00 up. Records from 3.3 cents up. Come and hear illl'lll. 1:215 ' Cl'ili.‘ “l‘.'t," (,1) "i'_ Y“ Fray: rv g. l i ” n “ M W. C. lfi’iliiiibl'i, Agent l l‘llt‘lidliifillllllili. l _ ___________-_._.., i “k‘ ’ .L. . . , L .A , , To Ben :I I + Earns i. â€"- A (5 room linuw on Yoiigi‘ StiwL. Instruction in the Art of l’iaiio Pl;in Apply ing. ; (‘lassvs lll li‘uliincnis, lIai-nioiiy, History, etc. i. uni Niimil 2.1mm J. \Vl'lglit iii-3 lilt'llllilvli‘l Iii": .‘,\‘

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