Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1906, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 0111s by day and night promptly at- tended to. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Best fitting teeth, onvusn prices I. H. SANDERS-0N, VETERINARY SURGEON AT THE LI'BEEM PfiLE‘TING & PU-EUSHlNG HO RIOHHOND HILL,0NI‘. \Vill hb Ha. H. W. ANDERSON, This Bank's largo lesources ensure safety. Interest, at highest current 11110. paid twice a year makes an nccnunt pt'ufituhle. Being Witlldl'zn‘»'uble without notice makes; it Convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K Convenient Office hours: Tuesdays, 8 ~â€"S_p. m. Profitable Safe 81mm 12 VOL. XXVIII. D13 E. J. ‘V4 DENTIST, (luv:- Carlton and Yonge 8125., Toronto Vill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesduy of each week. @3308, .next (1001- nurth of Stzmd- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 '(L. m. to 5 p. m. Toronto Offi D. A. RADC RICHLlOND HILI VETERINARY SURGEON, T‘hornhill. 1} i011 lllORl(l 1-1 11 ll E55 561 figwmis A “ Quiz \J‘R. \V. E. DEAN 'ancis Block 351 per (Successor to Dr. Lawmsou) DB. WM. 365.1? I)eutisl; SIN‘ESS CARDS. SDAY MORE. INS .DI 121 Victoria St. Toronto PUBLISHED EVER Y Wteriuezry 31c. MAI-ION, you. 8: Pnomumon anuum,1n an ‘(Iienl co, 450 CHURCH ST‘ , THORNHILL, Ont fluvial. OPEN I nezai also replating, at Good Work. LIFFE, MANAGER, KING? CITY EVERY DAY OF THE “'EEI' INCORPORATED 1857 Wm”: WM OOdS ERS. A Savings Account: advanccj GNTARIG BANK OUSE ll] Ric ooumssxoxEnm THE ENG}! COURT OF JUSTICE. &c. Issuer of marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTA RY PUBLIC, JAS. N E‘VVTON [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 1481??? BIIIJLS RE- lifts FY. Mr. McDonald will be- at THE LIBER- AL Office, Richmond Hill. on the lst ind 3rd Saturday of each month. Oumn Newmarket p 15% orfice I‘ HERBERT LENNOX Mule-3k, Lee, Milli} Clark 20 Money to loan onl Private and Trust Funds to loan lowest current rates. Iowosc rates Aurora ofl‘iceâ€"Remox ed to $11 LENNUX & MORG BARRIS \ H. A;. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC W Ridout \Vniskurt Pho no Mair “mix! "J KINGLST‘ ‘RANK DEN: HERBE \V. 1 Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Commissioner, Convoyancer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. lonw L‘ hold L< NATIONéL TRUST. CHAMBERS DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, Ill] “7. Com and “quvc 1N NUX & MORGAN Barristers and solicitors. st, “793 THE Barristers Lindsey. Lawretc W adsworth. HOWS Barristers, Snlicturs, Etc RTP‘ WILLIAM COOK HUIIV Mild hmond Hill it!) I, Thursday afterlan to qum at Five Per C UCHMOND HILL, ON'I‘., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1.906 ulsvyJi C Tl Tistex‘s. Solicitors, Etc m Blri ‘ctoria, ERT,L. DUNN MULOCK B01 JOHN VVALTE Bank 7 H fliesâ€"Three dcors south of the Ofliro, 33 R loy Buildings 1 Hill Uifil' ummrsmwwam‘ u afivc 1r r King & Yunge Streets TORONTO, 5U Solicitors. Notaries, 8:0 Aurora. mud and chattel mn 0\ed tn the old post Oflica usi'r of the entrance to the Pfimal. Idir TORONTO, Canada . ITOR, NOTARY. ET( G S'IV MORGAN (funnel 1y :. Addaide Vnx-nnto. Richmond St Essen LTBEF R MCDONALD Phone Main 2984 » Standard ux'duy after- Auxâ€"“market trials, Unity; in S)! rrtga gesat Free at ner, E "Hnm'( \Villie las Re 1 Junior lII.â€"Jimm I ley Hoover, Gertrud Hunt. Senior {ILâ€"Issac D Ida Scholl, Reuben Finley. Junim-II.â€"Juhn M Number on x ance 34. Phonic Classâ€"George Finley. Percy _Sch¢;ll, Russell Boynton, Luella Finley, ’Elmer Homer. The following had no mistakes in spelling for the monthzâ€"Gertmde Nelson, Clara Cosgrove, Ethel Schell, Elsie Hoover. The following were present every d:1y:â€"H;u-old Smith, Charlie Hoover, \Vesley Hoover, Reuben Homer, \Villie Homer, Fred Cosgrovp. I Cl “’esle Bukt‘l’ 1V. Class.â€"Clnm Cosgrove, Harold Smith, Gertrude Nelson, Charles Hoov- er, John Cosgi-ove, Charles Conner. Senior III.â€"â€"â€"Elsie Hoover. Maggie Baker, Carrie \Villiams, Ralph Wil- liams, Ralph Baker3 Phyllis Clark. Junior 111.TJlllllllle Cosgrove, \Ves- The following is the report for month of May with names in order of merit. Specinl~301hs Brown Sugar, $1.00; 6 lbs. Prunes, 25c.; 6lhs. Figs, 25c.; 3 cans good Salmon, 2512.; Tilsnns Pre- miumOatvs, ; Vim, 2fux' 25c. Naught- on Brus., Elgin Mills. The speeches were-interspersed with musical selectinm, and a most pleas- ant evening was spent together. , President, Mrs. Mai-’tin; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. (Ken) \Vilson; Recording Secretary, Mrs Saige‘on; Cot-respond. ing. Mrs. Byaui; Treasurer“ Mrs. Graddock: Organist, Mis. Keys. The Ladies” Aid and \V. M. S. coni- hine-d raist $34.15. The society is in a flourishing con- dition. , ‘ Mesw's Kirby. Conmiissioiwr, and wife. '1‘. Cousins and wife and J. T. Saigmn and wife \‘isitcd the Inclus- trial Home at Newinarketon Saturday, June 2nd. They found everything 'was kept in good order and the prem- ises were exceptionally clvau. They speak in the highest terms of the keeper Mi. Armitagr. and the matron, Mis. Armitage, who showed them every kindness during their visit of the institution. Vaughan Lodge No. 54, A.F.& A.M., met. Tuesday evening. The occasion was tho annual Visit of the D. D. G. M. Afterthe business of the lodge was transacted, the \V. BL, \V. Bro. J. B. McLean, invited all to a hanquct held 'in the lower part of the hall. A large numlwr was present from Richmond Hill, Thoiuhill, \Voodhridge, Toronto Junction, Weston, King and other places. Owing to illness in Mr. Mc- Lk-an’s home. \V. Bro. Leeds Richard- son occupicd the chair at the banquet, ‘ a pleasant feature of which was the presence of many ladies. The spread was of superior ('XCt‘lleliCP, strawber- ries and cream. and ice crt‘amlioing among the (leliracies. The usual toasts were proposed, and good speeches xvi-re given by the D. D.G.I\I.. R. \Vor. Bro. E. M. Carlton; R. \V. Bro. H. A. Nit-hulls, A. J. Anderson. Mayor Smith of Toronto Junction: Rev. Mr. \Vilson, Maple; \Villoughhv, Looscmore, Shaw, Bailey. Kc} s,Sedgc- worth and others. Amongst thuse who have signed three year contracts for new tele- phones here- are the Standard Bank and MI'. J. '1‘. Pollock. Mr. Burgess is also thinking of placing one in his stm-e. The \V. M. Society of Maple met in lthe Vestry of the church on May 10'. The following officers were duly (1193:th fox-.the ensuing your:â€" (nus for trmwlling. Quite a number of the monthly meeting Institute at the ho McNaughton. Senn- distnlwe gave addre: close tea wassei rod; was elected president year. future. Anniversary sermons in the Lutheran Church Rev. Jew. E. \‘v'ilsnn in and Rm. \V. G. Back in Thc sidmmlks in [he very had condition, I hoards buing lnosv, muk (nus for Unveiling. Mr. D. Burgvs Cream pnl'lnr in store. It. was “'1 nrday evening. On Saturday *mwtch' Was play? King City Lezuns l (I) 0. The ufiic'm-s of bath Schunl a) t' l qughtun. Sewn-:11 ladies fmm a wee gave addresses, and at, the 3 tea wassm rm}: Mrs. J. H. Kirby elected president for the ensuing S. S. No. 4, Markhfi picnic to cbell V‘UQm-n', J ebel- Mc( x-ner, Fre â€"Issac Nigh, Emin Pond; Reuben Hornet, Mary Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.’.’ thnse who have signed contracts for new tele- am the Standard Bank the Iféme of Mls. Fink <0, ll] McUague, EEthel Schell Dagny, Ervie 3d Cosgrrive. hns npond an Ice- Cnum-ctiuu with his 11 patronized lust Sat- 9(1 Uosgrnve. Average attend-I Th 9 Mvthodist Suh- ing :uj'ungemvnts held m the near ‘osgrove Cecil Finley: Gordon Read, 59$ ladies attendvd »f the \Vnnu-n’s were preached on Sunme by the manning the evening. ‘illztgo are in a many nf the mg it, dangeh 1m. 1 Maple mar m va (Jon- 1, Ruth 3 Hunt, .» Dung- Pearl meUWIH USS On Sunday, June 17, Rev. “'95 Dean, 0f Toronto, will preach anniv sm‘y sermons at 2.30 and 7 pm. Sn will be snug by Master qu-ry Hunt assisted by the Victoria Square 1 chefitm. A general invitation is 1 tended to'ail. The Victoria Square Methodist S. S. will celebrate their SilverAnniversary on Saturday, the 16th of June. At 2 o’clock there will he a football tourna- ment for Junior teams for a cash prize of $2.75, This will be followed by a. football tournzunent for senior teams, for a prize of $13.75. League teams are barred from the contest. The Markham Bzmd will be present both afternon and. evening. Tea served from 4 to 8. o’clock. Refreshment booths on the grounds. In the even- ing an excellent, entertainment will be ‘ ivenhy first-class talent, assisted by tie band. Among the entertainers arezâ€" Master Hurry Hunter, Boy Soloist of Bond Street Anglican Church, Toronto; Miss Annie Car- ruthers, of \Vhithy Ladies College, Elocntionist; Miss Laura. Humphreys of Pine Grove, Elocutionist; Master Theo. Cuyler, Boy Elocutionist, Beth- esda. ByJawâ€"Tn regulate the finance. the Tuwnship of king. received it : .eml wading and passed. On motion, council adjourned meet-(1t, Harris Hotel, Schomherg, Saturday June 30th. Some ten appeals to have dogs struck off the rolls wexo sustajned as also one appeal by councillor Burns, to have dog placed ml the 1-011. Non-manâ€"Dencnmâ€"Tlmb the assess- ment runs as revised be now passed by this court and certyiflied by the clerk as pa“ed. u “N ‘9‘» u \tuo high, assessmer to $400. Robert Gullaugher appealed to he assessed as owner, appeal not sustain- ed. \Vm. Hoover ses_s_ed t,o_n high, Alex. Duvv‘ifs,'a;3} sessed to high, (H mint reduced $200 v ,, -.. .. m $2.00 be given for cutting hill between luts 5 and 6, in rear of con! (5L kuuwn us O'Bl'ien’s Hill. Deaconâ€"Buinsâ€"That this council do now resolve itself into a Court of Revision as per notices on the several complaints of the assessment rolls of this municipality. The appeal ( f \Vm. Linton as having no land in the Township was sus» mined. Norm:lnrMcMiu-chy~Thnb the fol- lowing persons he paid 5 value for she-(«p killed by (logs:~Juhn Edward $3.67, Thos. \me $5.34. Norman-â€"Mcl\lurchyâ€"That cunncill- m-s Dvacun and Norman. be and are hereby authorized to repair or rebuild culvelt at lot 33, con. 10. I MGMul'chyâ€"Bui'nsâ€"Thata grant of McMurchy,â€" Burns â€" That, \Vm. t\Villiams he paid the sum of $100.00 on account, for the manufacture of tile. N(vnuanâ€"-Bm'nsâ€"â€"Thab the clerk in- troduce u Bylaw at next regular meeting of this council to fix a time for payment of taxes, and to charge a. p91 carnage 0:» all unpaid taxes at such a (latex. McMnl-chyL-Noz-mnnâ€"Jl‘hat the pot- ition of John Rogers he received, and that the clerk be instructed to have the necessary Byâ€"laws prepared and prr-pex' nutices posted and pnhhshed. ’ _ _ , ............ , Normanâ€"MCMurchyâ€"ThatLheclerk order from the \Vilkinson Company, 20 scrapers to he delivered at King Stadium esszn-y. ‘ ' f N0rman-â€"McMurchy â€" That Thos. ‘ Knake be appointed mud overseer in T Div. 3, (Jun. 10, in lieu of Wm. T.‘ McCuLcheon. wronglyappoinbed being in another Divisinn. Arch Mitchell, repairs to road.. 2 88 Thus Ellison, building wire fence on new road, L & S. . . . . . . . . . 84 00 Ninrmanâ€"Deuconâ€"Thut the reeve and councillors, Bums, Norman and McMurchy he a cmmnittee to examine the roadway at luts 12, Con. 4, and orders such repairs_ as they think nec- The above cnuncxl met at Kettlehy. Saturday, May 26th. Members all present. The minutes of last regular and adjourned meeting read and cnnfirmul. § The cmmcil in committee of the whole nn bills. Mr. Deacon in the chair when the fulluwing bills were passed and ordered to he paid :â€" Jnseph Billings, munth Sul:ny.$33 33 Julm McCeu-mll, repairs to cul- vert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Rank Hughey, repairs toscraper 3 71» Jnhn Thompson, repairs to road 4 50 wny. J. S. Jenkiné. pus'taéo, lé Bert Mable-y. [ loise of Stone. .. 5 \Vm. Ough & Sun, 1 spade . . . . . . 1 Patrick Kenofeck, repairs to Fund, Con. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 12 \Vm. Rniney, repairs to culrprt. 2 Harry Rolling, xcpails m culvert} John Cook, repairs to culvert. . . 1 Arch Mitchell, repairs to road.. 2 Th M. Gilllmm appealed of Whitby Ladiés Cull nist; Miss Lam-n. Humph. Grove, Elocutiunist; Mn â€"â€"â€"~.OO-â€"â€"__. Victoria Square King Council appealed as being as- preu} not sustained. rippeuled as beingflasâ€" m1 hangings, assess- RS RSSE‘SSF “"95 I (A V grant of it 3:11 Solos 011 ()0 71 50 055 in History, let-c. License Auctioneer forms County or Ypr' , re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sLortest notice and at reusenghemtes. P. O.a.ddress King Instruction Licensed Auqtjonsm- sales “mended to on s ouablemtes Patrox J T Suigeon. 3 I; McE§ver M31116 Weston Saigeon a: NIcEwcn. Licensed AuctioneeL In): the Co Goods sold on consignmnt Gel atoc etc vromptiy attended to rates» Residence Unionville G R Gouldmg. mamâ€"oi above " RICHMOND HILL 8; THORNHILL JESSE WINGER Apply to c. SOULES or Eiflhmond Hill 01' Biwle Station..- At the very best prices either‘ at It is as easy to be well as illâ€"and much more comfortabler Constipation is the cause of many forms of illness. Dr. Pierce’i‘Pleasant. Pellets cure _co_nstipa- tion. They' airé’fifiy"s‘déafidatéfi‘géfi- ules. One little "Peliet" is a entle axa- tivq,_ two a ugle cathartic._ Aldgalers in medicines sell them. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist A glance at the printed formula on each bottle will show that no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs enter into Dr. Piqce‘s medicines, they being wholly compounded of glyceric extracts of the roots of native, American forest plants. These are best and, safest for the cure of most lingering, chronic dis- eases. Dr., R. V. Pierce can be consulted FREE, by addressing him at Bufl'alo, N. Y.. and all communications are re garded at sacredly confidential. Dr. Fierce feels that he can afl'ord to take the alflicted into his full confidence and lay all the ingredients of his mediâ€" cines freely before them because these ingredients are such as are endorsed and most strongly praised by scores of the most eminent medical writers as cures for the diseases for which these mediâ€" cines are recommended. Therefore, the afflicted do not have to rely alone upon Dr. Pierce’s recommendation as to the curative value of his medicines for cer- tain cqsily recognized diseases. Each bottle of the above medicines bears upon its wrapper a badge of hon- esty in the full list of ingredients comâ€" R‘osing itâ€"minuzd in plain English. his frank and open publicity places these medicines in a class all by them- seLvas, and isa'ne best guaranty of their merits. 7 They cannot be classed as patent nor secret medicines for they are neither ~13cingnof known composition. Standing outiin bold relief all, almze. and as a conspicuous example of open, !rank and honest dealing with the sick and afflicted, are Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription for weak, over-worked, de- bilitated, nervous, “ run-down,” pain- racked .tmmon, and Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, the famous remedy for weak stomach, indigestion, or dysm pepsia torpid liver, or biliousness, all catarrhal affections whether of the stomach, bowels, kidnefis, bladder, nasal passages, throat, bronc ia or other mu- cous assages, also as an eflective remedy for a] diseases arising from thin, watery or impure blood, as scrofulous and skin afiections. arge ndertakcrs a: Embnlmcrs. Best Pemlmfif Cement, WRIGHT BRO S They Stand Alone. stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. CARRVJLLE;.ONT. D. G. BLOI'GH, J. ll. Prentice, [Single copies, 3 cts. nsfirs fort-he Countyof York )onshorteatnotictand a. ran atronagesolicited hp Art of 'ihg. gumsm~ Qenerél E5115 Wflte Brook. agent for £1 ed to at reasonable Piano Phu‘ any of VYozk H'mUl] \' No, 49

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