' From tho prmnises, Int Vaughan on May 233'. m auï¬ \vhxto t\\'u-ymu--(\lu s‘u Reward to any person giving mabmn concernng above. 49- J P. Trumpuur fur medicine sup- plied Edward Braithi-wuitu from Jun. 10th to April ls‘. 1906 $890. and Mrs. 'Bmit-li- wuiiu$51f0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I’. A. Frvemun openiningvulvm‘Ls and slim'olling snow in 1905‘ .. \V. U. Pilky in repairing on (Jun. 11. opposite int 3mm] impairing culvert (m Shuth Townline. . .. Nighâ€"Hngeimanâ€"That, Mr. ‘Pudgvt, be u cmnmissimu-r in ex; into the complaints nf M 1-. Dnucn Mr. \Vinch have what work he ( necessary done on sideline hPt has ~1-5 and 16 also on s<cond ( C=|l'l‘il‘d Hagen-manâ€"Lnppâ€"That Mr. P. be cmmni-ssinm 1' in u Ilium-(ion H. B. Schmidt. in vxpvnding 9,1 :1 tuwulinv between Markham and Townships.-â€"(‘;u-|-ii-d. Lappâ€"Hugerman~Tlmi J. B. . son he commissiunm- t0 have opened out on 9th cum. along fX‘t hits 17 and 18,â€"Curl'iotl. .Next 1m-eting,Jmm 16, at 10 :1. .nuxl, meeting. JUNO 10, at [U :1. 111. WWW“ “'.‘t'lP[Z)h “3'3?â€ka A J. h; 35:; 31-: 4‘4 , ;. ï¬- I~ lfth-l‘f’, m E’ï¬diluced $410m-Jmï¬es Russvll, 1-9- l ‘-'-$l0(): *Jdlm Duncan, reduced ï¬ï¬‚lï¬$ï¬l Alcomln-nc, loducod $400; 1» lulu-rt Gm), reduced $100. ‘ anpâ€"PadgetVâ€"Tlml the assessment ’ 'olls fur the yew-19015, as ï¬nally xvvis» ‘ 911.? by 't-he' Court of Revisivu, he and ‘ Elw same are hu'eby cuntirmed.~Cux-- - rial. Hagvrmanâ€"Lapp~Tl‘mt, the council . give u grant, of $150,10 be expendcd (In Hagerman’s Hill on (5th comâ€"(lm-ried Nighâ€"Padgetâ€"thrnt the mnver be appointed uonnuissioner tn put in cul- Hu-t behveen lots 30 and 31, con 6‘ â€"Cul-1-i9d. Nighâ€"Pudgvt That the sum 01 $125 he granted to improve North Townline, on condilinn that, \tht- church grant, a like munnutâ€"«Uul'ried. Luppâ€"‘Hugm-nmnâ€"Thut Mr. Nigh he ('(nnmissinut-r to examine walm course uppnsite Int 2], (1m. 6. and tn lake what action he may deem neces- urnâ€"Carried. Padgetâ€"Nighâ€"l‘hnt the treasurer pay .103. Birenchzud, per John Dun- 'cm1. the smm mf $6. for clearing om (Itch between Int/54.5 and 16, con. 1. â€"C:u-ried. . Hagen-mnnâ€"Lapp AThutz the Conn- (‘fl dtwand now l‘vsolve itself into a (hurt ‘of Revisiun, to hear appeals against assessmean of 1903.â€"-U:Lr1‘ied. ’l‘he'fnllowéng changes were made:â€" Fl'od..-‘R:1Ltle‘s assvssnsenb luwe-x-od {if-1'5}: “I‘Lg-RuHuovw, dag‘struck off; GHQ“ M49111; dag struck off; E. R. il'ï¬a-mus; "ESLJTHHCk uif. \Vest Huh“: "'3‘?" THI’h-flm 51%)., reducle to $3.31)“; L‘rï¬id FL'edmwd $150; E. A. Sloane; ca-L‘éééd 8‘20“; R. S. & J. A. ’I‘huu‘tsmz; I‘éï¬uced $100; Slumt \Vil- Jnx:'dismissor1; thhusdu & Stouifvillf‘ "i‘vlephone C0.. struck off; Maxkhzun Whigkpx-ing Telephone (70., struck off; Iii-1": 1§3honnsum struck OH; “'11:. Rus- # E'Neduced $4003‘Jm1ras Russell, 1-9- I A. B. 'Goulson, meph Grove, declin- ing tn act as road m‘erseers; James B my Railwth Company, re. interest on taxes. ‘ Council met May 26. at 11 a. um. All "HIE members prpsonb. vae Slater in the chair. Minuts-s ’(175 last; meeting road and conï¬rmed. Communications were received from the fullowing:â€"~D0uald R. Benton, Clerk of Pickering Township, re. grunt ‘on E:le Townlinc; \V. A. Ulmk, Ulm-k York Township, re. grant; on Sun's}; Townline; W. John Spring, r9. rent of pasture nn roadway; \V. G. Buyn- tou, Eli Hmn‘m, Hugh Canning. James Maxwell, Fred. Elliott, R. G. ancy. Geo.- Robinsun, G. P.1Reid, @112 (iiith (7) RICHMOND HILL. 02m. Jam.- 7. 1905 MARK HAM TOWNSHH’ COUNCIL. A. w. STEPHENSON Strayed. xppâ€"-Th:}t “'11:. Pudgvt 'L- wtou n Ilium-Lion with ‘xpmrxding gumt (m one Ii 3. John- 9 ditch front of :auune an and doems' ‘tween con.â€" i nfor York 1390 140 19C All PAGE xx crimped. Wire. which though it costs you but little more, is ï¬fty per cent. (50%) stronger than wire inother fences. The lightest PAGE fence is as strong as the heaviest Of ’Other makes. Notice the lock in PAGE “EMPIRE†FENCE. You may have noticed also that others are. imitattng it. That is a. good recc “’here we lead others f0 When you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife is not necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and‘strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use j a high carbon steel i Insures a living cult, payable 10 days uftm or dies within that time, no charge will be \V. J. LAING in change thence tn Guiden Lion Univ). Yunge Street, for nmu‘ Hotel, Thm-nhill, from 3 t0 4, thence up Yunge Sum Elgin Mills. fur night. TUESDAY-â€"He will go to Lemon's Hotel, Aurora, Royal Hotvl. Newmarku-t, for night. \VEDNESDAYâ€"He will g0 to Mr. Joseph'Hill's fzi King (near Kettlehy), for noon, and thence anNliliietm THURSDA Yâ€"Hc will go tn Kloinln‘n’g for mom}, hridgv House. “'oodhridgv, fmnnightz FlaIDAYâ€"He will gu'tuThisLlemwn for noon, «3] Hotel. lslingtmi.l fur night. SATURDAY-â€"He will go to Black Horse ’Hhtr‘l. To main until evmiing. when he will go Ln hismvn stable, he will remain until Monday mornigg.‘ Any one Who will insth this hm-se hefnro seler‘ting tee to make them a present uf $1.000 and :n Pnlt wirhuut, not just; :13 reprew‘nted muimxe n!" the host bred T11)le tineut and one uf the greatest Stock Hurst's on earth. v HE DUKE is a beautiful smzl ln-mvn Stallion ulnmb 16% hands hi stud condiniun wuighs aln-ut 1,300 puuuda The Dukv la higl and pmverfully built in (Wm-y way. He is [wt :1 pucm- hut mm < guited Ll'nLLing hnrsvs in Anwrica. Hv has tl'ultvd :t trial in 2.17. $95 seconds. and u 1.58 gainâ€"mud it is said. wiLh gum} handling, he I: $1009 GUARANTEE Routeâ€"12 \Veeks, commencing Monda}, 1000 MONDAYâ€""IQ will go to E2 Get pr Loans made tn farmers at, ï¬ve p91 Whoa! LoEI L. LOWERY, Thornhill . GVROBINSOE, Markham 5' G. ANDREWSMELMG: Standard Trotting and Registered Stal} ire is Ilittle. if any more. boforg placing your order for Fence Gates orLawn Fence. CLUBINE z. PEARSON, - Thornm‘ii C. A. SINCLAIR, - - Laskav JAMES WOODRRD, - Afl’mra And rememberâ€"should FROST FENCES g: mechanical defects or \xorkmansh'p i - {hay are repaired, free of Chan THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST recommend for it ‘5 follow. ".COILED." 107 MCGILL ST., EYE‘IOLES, Proprietor gum Eglintnn HntoL Eglinton. frnuzwg Hole}, Yunge Street, for mum; and thence tnv4. thence up Yuuge Stu-Ht t0 (:0ng THE LOCK IN PAGE “EMPIRE†FENCES. ack Hm-se 'Hntvl. 'Porrmtn, \leex-e'hé- will 1'9;- u to his-own stable, 107 McGill Su-eetnvhw'e Fence y third by Our prkn-x‘ior bis: {cncé in‘ the maké’ (he arms :4 man can take adv Here's the wav W‘s; éasv‘ f0 As you get invPAGF. FENCES acne-half more fence strength, greater protection against IN PAGE rust, better workmanship, F E N C ES.~ ~ better appearance, use 1855 posts, can you afford to use other fences, even though you could buy ~them for one-half the price of the .9; But, really ours cost 3/92: ,,r v v -y..- u. Salvalnlauls, wul lcxlgUIEH the life of wire for years. And, also, this Besidesvthe extra. strength and superim' workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in a. special white paint,which on top ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen u... 131‘. 4r .7) r ivc' pet Nht. d TORONTO cent. Apply to Mr. Luing. m;er foals, made. nu due Oct rd 'â€"One yaw FROST FENCES Owing to thé great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, onet third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencing. whivte coating makes wire much more sightly. eu-m, asy t]: If cult comes deformed d thence- to Islingtun an flu-night 'nt for ca )l‘ l sire we will :lmrgv, if The :Stallxons nu 1 1e! mldmg noon, .uzd'thence to UK thence to \Vond 3 high, :1 highly ï¬t me of tin- only as much as the y farmcr and stock- 3e ml Ir April 30th, concession my a r)"1.0; and (1 H1! tm-s’ G‘s hulel, aid within 60 gunran' Duke ix the con- [mt c Frost HI it ishw im 'wugc 7 T HE H) due T L U)( U†iI'( Tax 8% {‘ï¬ivelling. uuthuiidings :md 16 arm's Hand fur salt- in the village 0f Maple. Thedwollmg is brick, 25x28, with frame kitcle and woudshed 12x32, =st-‘zrhle is 20x26, drive-house 12x22. and shed 12x24. The-Jami contains 16 :lCi‘US of the best; soiL “plenty of. water, cun- venient tn schonl. churchand post Ofï¬ce. This is u very desirable pl’np- city. The pi'uperty is in fix-stvcluss (:uniiitinn. For further particulars apply to Maple, »M HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier, Grains? aim Paper- ‘Hanger. Cans from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL (’AUGHAN USTRECT N0! 2 48-4 1‘; W. H.’-‘$ï¬AW, Principal y‘. +++++++£~§4’+'WW++H+++++ {-Jré‘é W. HEÂ¥VE$ON ik ilmry '5 Eng rum Puriï¬er 8pm in Rum-(1y A mism-l and Dis §++++++++++++++++++++++++§ ESDAY, JI following l; 85:; the suit snmwl‘ paid L’m't Lot 3‘}; ed to He-m" RE flï¬m 5:3 uh 502°51'90‘ t' GLAZIER, G PAPEI“I: farm at ( Address. lflekf. wheat, heâ€, i1 prm ed and unimpr in Milvstmm district ing, safe investment ED. BER-C H HOUSE/PAINTER l \V' TWenLy I-ogulnl est equipuwnt. graduates. ‘UU FARMERS TAKE NGTECE without any break fur Students nmy enroll Lime- with vquul :uhanl spection invited. A Yngo & @rszm'a éï¬xménwï¬ e ESIDEHCE, MILL ROAD. SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL. coupe hmdm '~1‘ sale 1‘. “’1 I'If 49 nznnt & W s. twontv- ISAZU “(HY Sill!) «In ‘1! ANDREW I. T. SAIG xy 31, 1906. pth For Sale Mun 1111 ll) In t0 on Gum-"nu 1‘1 Expenst 1nd fm F91†Sale irenuud St l l"! \‘iz n nr‘rges RICHMOND HILL P. 0‘ MACDONALD, TIT'EISUI'K'I‘ Cu. Y t0 mlt in the ,Ilitv _( ‘HANGER Ivar-1191's. Fm- Must snccesxful TI '01 the Count-y of of Deuemhul‘ 29, ell at, the Public . N. S. Arnold hmond Hill, on 1906. at 11:». m. 11-1-e-nrs (1f taxes, 13 and the costs RAINIER and n 11' h( hu fa?! ed f Ill» into our ‘01) Mn [11L &S ‘OUGH 0R Ill] world n ms f4 {AL (assess $28.84 Total rWn 1km: Ago: rclimat ir} HE [1| St. East. I matinn app lg-in'Mills Terms, $8. DICK FYFEâ€" Trotting Stall pmperty of Miltnn Sto‘ng, yx'illstal1dzntllis own stuhk $10. EARL GREYâ€"Clydr proportyof A. I «will shun! at M; MACQI ll] ’J‘hnmhil}, ’ Can-v Hill. Home stable Oak Ridges. Torr \VILD BILLYâ€"Roadst property of Eli Sh thl-uugh Anrm'n. City, Testm), Ed‘ Uninnvillu.Victmi DUKE OF YORKâ€"Clydesdale stallion. the property of \V. \V. Hudgin, will go through “‘hiohurch, Bullan’tme, Smufl‘ville, Victoria Squaw, Thm-nhill, Gent-ville. Rich- mond Hill. llni'ue Stable. Summit Housv, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SHIPMATE â€" Carriage stallion, the property of W. \V. Hudgin, will go through “'hitchm-ul), Bullzm< line, Stnul’fvillv, Victoria Square. dnrf. Anmm, Temporancmille, King lily. Home stable, lot 1, con. 7, King. Terms. 5512. ROYAL HATTONâ€"Impnrted Ulg.«'de§dlxie, the property of Blough & Large. will go to Strange, KL-ttlvby, ew- max-ket, Aurora, Oak Ridges, Elgin Mills. Home stable, King City. Terms, $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdule stal- lion, the property of Teesnn & Francis. will go to Mitchell’s Hotel. O'Sullivnn’s Unmet-s; Cher- ry’s Hotel, Fisher-ville. Home stable. lot 32. con. 1, Markham. Terms $12. TONY \VILKEs JR.â€"~Camiage stallion. thek pl'npm-ty (If ’l‘vesnn & Francis, will go to Mitchell’s Hwte‘l, O‘Sul- Half 'of double house '. East. Richmond Hill atAinqrapply to JAMES ville, Rirhmnï¬d Hi Home stable, TH) Tm ms, $10. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Cly« lion. the property of Will travel through Ballantrae, East Aux-0m. Home sta anceville. Terms, $1 LORD HAMILTONâ€"Impo dale, the property 0 Blmlgh, will go thmu Elgiu MiHs, Victoria MARQI PRINCI Tempe-m n Riuhmmu ROVERâ€"Thu! Jame-s \V: at his uwl KNOCK Those getting LIBERAL Ofï¬ce notice during th [)1 n b stable Hill. Summer - In Banki: will go to Mitchell‘s l’lutt‘l, O‘Sul- Evan's Cm'nexs; Cherty’s Hotel. Fisl‘lerville. Home stable, lot 32, con. 1, Markham. Terms $9. {E OF YORKâ€"Clydesdale stallion. the property of \V. \V. Hudgin, will go through “‘hiohurch, Bullan’tme, Smufl‘ville, Victoria he property of Jns. Bux-né tnnd at his mm sta‘hlo, lot , Vuughnd (Elgin Mills). AI tht Clydesdale, the) proper-l Stoe-lv. will go to O \Vhitchurch. Ringwoo Square. Homo stable, Hill. Terms, $14. RD MACQUEEN Clyde lion, the property 0f \“ will gr: to Kettlehy, Vellm-e, King City, 9‘ stable, Temperancevile stahh $10. b‘qun) nmnd IL mo, Ezllmer House, Richmond ll. I‘m-ms $12. GOLDâ€"Trotting swam. the rpm-ty of W. R. Line, willstand hismvn stable. two lots below p19. Terms $7. BEN‘S CHAMPION â€" Clvdesdnle )CRALUE Urle property Hf \\' Park. will stzn MACQUEENâ€" e property of To Rent Stallion Reg {â€"Clydosdule Stallion. the yof A. Lu‘hmer, Sherwood, m‘d at his own stable. Lansing Rithmnu stable, l}, Mrrville. Richmond um stable. Snnnninuuse, 263. Terms $10. Yâ€"Roadster stallion, the m ncevil, mu] Hill \vill $10 (1 re Hill n Stable Hllm hm Shiork will trav‘t-l :I. Kettlehy, King Edge 1y. Thornhill. tmiuSqunre. Home * House, Richmond i I. Hctm‘m Square, Van.- zL, Temporancmi110, Home stable, 10L 1, Terms. 5512. Impnrted Clyde§dÂ¥xia of Blough & Legge, {'ill vilk Imp.r ‘Il “H VAI p11 lll Fmi n i n g Shorihand Ir ing Courses W S m 123835} Shillilm â€"- Clydesdale Burnett. will 5W nortm't Ciydes of Leggy and mesh Vaughan. 1 Square, Van.- mpemncm i119, stable, 10L 1. wood, \xr'tvrm hle, Richmond mpez lllt 1! Hill Fur infor- NE\VTON, rte (Md \V. J. \VoHs “'hilchurch Gxx'illimhmy Me, Temper ‘m'm [)1‘1’d I’Ju 1mm; :1 m1 Ellis. Bn-dfm-r' s own stable. 404:, f‘ “’9! s inn, My Ln using *. Terms J. VVOMP, NoMotnn. ' Home Tums, His, will Nowtnn :, Fiï¬hvru r’uughan. mcevillo. Impm-U of I). ( 32, ('0 n . Fem x5: stall $10. stall in: -, “it stdu Rid ntrc (-hx-I'rm “S hu Shil- 1 l‘(‘£ the l1