Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jun 1906, p. 5

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There was a: of the Fair Inst Ulztss Siong B for luUUdJfi‘dl ‘econd pr" .68 per (102.; Monarch salmon ed Sockey, $1.68 per (102. nnut, [my better salmon Lha lkinsun & Switzet’. {She \V. M. S. will 111001; at the home the president. Mrs. Andrew Nwwton, ursdny evening. June 7th at 7.30. -s. Wright will give a report. of the mch meeLiJLgrheld‘iust, week in"l‘uâ€" [0. The ladies of the congregation will ive an Ice Cream Social on the hurch lawn at Hendford, on Saturday vening of this week. the 9th of June. lverybody.welcmm-. ‘ _4 tins good pens for 250.; 3 [ins good (mm for 2515.; 2 tins Quakvl' tumuuws fur 256:5 impurtcd kippcwd henng ixi round tins, 10c. Alkillsvn 8: Switzer. IHI'S -Dr. J. H. Widdifield, Sheriff of thg; inunty nf Yul-k, died at his z-osidenué, 'ox-ontu, of Apuploxy, Sunday mum- 1g. Interment; at, his oh] home. Newâ€" ;afl'kct on Tuesday. "l‘he cause of the burning of th: “'uudhl-idge Agricultural and Bun- queLting Hall is still a. mystery. Thv lnss is said to be $3,000, insux-nnoe u... nun 3onts and Shoesâ€"Boys solid leather nts size 3 and 4 only, 650. per pair. 1100112». nxfnrds, size 4, 50¢. per pair. fl x-ens’ Kid and Pebble Button ’ts, size 10 a great snap. Naugth .s._. Elgin Mills. . Maedunald of Mark ham, was in the leg while stinlling in his en. The Dr. went to the hospital, Ito, and had the. bullet extracted. i'kham boy is responsible for the out. He was firing at a bird from ear. of his father’s msidonce, and ul'se‘ “didn‘t, know the DI‘. was .” Shuntng iu villugvs is ‘tL diu1~ Spl'flCtiL‘fi‘. $5000. [Mix Armand Samng started meduy m a. business trip in Connection with he Confederation Life Aswciatinn. My: RfShaw, Plincipnl nf how], will prexide this 31 partmentul exams in Am E. Cuman of the New um 1100} will preside here. ‘iIe Fire Bg-igade-jrxave dovided‘to )9 name of Thomas Hiram Lloyd, Newmarket Jawyer, was stricken 1 the rr‘i’lls 0f the, Lzuv Suciety day morning. The act was pox-- ed by direction of 011in Justice diLh in Single Cum-L at, Osgunde feim m-XL an excursiull to Niagara Falls (m sally. June They will go by r of St. Catharine's, the same route ast‘yeal‘. a \‘ery delightful trip, ‘bher .pm-Lieulm's later. Rognl 5311111011, finest path’s z sugax 1“ stock of he 10 "hml Bx-u (111.1“ tins, tended Muudny fan 8. v (m Suturd A: 311 )0 11). 1mg: d; r Meetin,‘ mun-ow 1: dit inn l‘éigin 1w iiiwmai. Ml \V ,u'v's The S \\' Hint Anrom d( Iy m a hull are was 4â€" Uonfcderulinn Life As<nciat.i()n. 111 work between Noz-ih Bay and an. Mr. and Mrs. \\’. A l‘l' Sunday in ’L‘ux‘un rs. Fmka Sullium. hivisim VI urduy Extra Ility (ML 1h. AU IN Thur UCHMUND HILL, 0N1. J1 P \V )llll (Isâ€"Burl“ white Tu , Elgin Mi ntntiv Building . new 5 at, A (i put 11’ yellow 20 ll): mmml 1 . will Syn In nrl hand nm' fur sale. :‘host Canadian refim‘d Mill’s extra granulated. [low Pm-is Lump and ) lbs. fruit or pnwdered extra granulated, $4.40 . Atkiusnn & Switzer. m q u Thomas Hiram Lloyd, :szyor, was stricken of Law Suciety A.“ "dl'é hl. iros‘ innuy tkinsnn Heated Newmnrkvb gue lucmssc made n (‘I'l‘Ol' in the prize [is Lweek. [n the Emulva ‘ou nail meet llil aliwhvut, ‘ Turnip se( urns in Aurora. Mr. the New market High HS: 5th nu “L lit? Jud we u-(I nf at. 4 u wm uwot ML ' the humeof j Emu-rand k ll qnn {den mven‘ first. prim) Rubvrt Tyndall nv'iv’ mnslm‘z, 1w lnnnmuings, he & Swilzvr’s. of the I Li ALLA ? and Mr Ige, An 130 meet in I ;=. lh.: extr oxlm quality l'iC( Swilzm'. A Sanderson spent, mzn with Mr. and de Sockev. 10¢ E-‘.l‘, m night (H'H elm-k. in the 1011, fine-st Money than this. the High 11' at 1h:- education to UH“. gum] 5': up in 5 1h. . Atkinson “’Nhiuk and :ippuillti‘d nudist cun- nu Toronto xL Monday , Yr-Iluw Nangbton Monday ng here TH- kindly here on R est: e :{t m, ‘ Stella Murphy Randall Page. Juan l‘npper.. ! Ne lie Brown ‘ Lloyd Smiles l Otto .lzunes , . 'Gludys Leng . J‘JVE’I‘O H an n‘ [{G‘l'hr Ray k Edna. Ella C VIII ll| Jnseph Elfinttr; Holmes Gmsb) \Valser Scott . Douglass (200p Arthur Bull .. Flussie James. Mal-i9] Brydon Ethel McNigghtm) Maude Hk-hu‘kayA H Foster Hicksnn .... Irving; Perry . . . . ‘ . . Archie Palmer .. .. §tunrb Head . . . . . . . The 1906 (‘l‘( Liem-ge Topper Adeiin. \Viuch. Nora McMahon . . Marguerite Boyle OIL-ls. Hopper . . . Mm-LonGibsuu .. Erling Gihsr. n. . . . Hazel \Velsh . . . . . Hazel Smith. . . Jesfle Morgan .. . Fred Campbell Laura Rich :4 1-dsou Edward Pulmm- . Donald Atkinson Mulwl Byalm . . . . . Alnmdw Uluhme Chm 0".1 Ada Milne .. .. .. Georgie Brown A. Clarence Kimwe. \Vultor Frisby . . . Garnet Dickinson Elmore Remuan . Lorne Perkins . . . “mum [L'uulalll takes the cmintI-y and the, gun-rmnem to task in an :1: tide (-‘nLith-d “Art and tho T;11~1'ifi",” which is mainly a pmtvst against the duty on sculpture- Mr. MCCI‘E‘de continues his story of the early days «1“ the Fedeml Government. It will thus hgdfievn that the menu can] is lengphly aud'i'al-ie‘d, Alex. McConng Expel able. "The New ank withitsillustrufi< feature. The Si McUllmg, \V. A. \Yhitnkm- :llje " Arnold Hunhain :1 ml the, gun-rm ylie Carleton JUNE CANADIAN MAGAZINE The June Canadian Magazine is enr lwllislwd with photugraplm and Llarw- Engs of the San Franciscn fire and with pictures of Prince Arthur’s visit, to Canada. Prufessm' Unlmnan's articlg‘ m1 “ Earthquakes and Volranic Erupt- ions” is exhaustive and scholarly and should attract aunntion just at [his time. Frederick Dolman‘s article on SirJolm Millais’ art and art methods is Well illustrated article ()ll " An sz-don 1 Unsgmve. } \Vntson y Hagelnmn Calhoun m1 Murgan ,iSLll] Muhnn. ,1 I" start till 2L (1 Tho mutt-h w; fine kicking side sum-ed :1 01' starting a pleasuntnvss called fur rem 890111011 Lu \vi: the nmpiws .' Savage I'E‘ft‘l‘f‘. HI EPOR’I‘ OF HIGH SCHOOL FOR \ MAY. FORM IV mted and with [If and encl his the Same. ('mnmute at paid; for em wagon (u- p slt-nd (If $3. burg Tin-r with shun SUI) and M rs Our sh than at, newer lu-l than at ‘ hover lwtt piousr‘ Wm buy this dulr purpose runnilng :m excursinn to St. ()uthnrinvs on Tuesday, 19m inst. ’l‘irkets ft-nm Thm-uhill $1.00: \Villuw- (L119, 95. Special curs leave Thnruhill at (5.55 a. m. steamer Garden City leavvs Yunge St \\’ha1'f\ut, 8 o’clock. )1 Hal-hing | i) Jiickl Mn! Hislnp Kelly . nbun . :1 ch th frionds‘ m-Pd Lhe in ible cullplv o. ‘ - same. Instvnd (If heng uhl‘ nmute at 75 Ct-nts at (1:1y,\~$l mm, d: foreach day’s Work will) t4- gnn m- plungh. is nlluwm mi of $3, and $3 f0: driver, h l curt instead of $2.50. Form h 1'0an u\'m~$vu|"\\'us allowed 7 ( the pL‘l-fvnnnnce (if the dutie nflico; umv he is nlluwvd 15 c‘ homa A day’s wqu now con: F instead of 8 hum-s. ,, .m “nun New Ynl‘k Season of Drum ts illustrations, fun!) :ln'exévlle e. The slm-ies by Hallie mg, \V. A. Fraser. and Hm-m hx T} onco in M 1'. \\'( pmyl-‘(l [no “111nm” mutt-h our junior team. Play did not, till 2L qumtex- to (light, u‘con-k. nnLr-h was interesting, and some kicking was donm but m-il‘hvr con-9d :1 game between the time mtng and dark. A little un; lntlwss ()z'mn-wd thrungh nu~ fur remarks by spectators who L1 Lu wish to decide pnints fur mpiws and I'i‘fl’r‘f’". Mr. A. G. "c I'E‘ft‘l‘fl‘d the match, and Mr. annl: and Mr. E. J. Hitchcock us umpires. 311's. RU Nil):qu .anns 10 [hp u'ld 33‘s! zhnr, the (5011!“ hunges in the nine. Inste-nd uhme hmm (m S Were- N“ (If uinity [1‘ HM Swil-z dull 5'1 FORM I I ,3 .b IN “49 "-C XCL FORM 11 I )I hy w. uity 5 work “'11” Imam, luugh. $3.50 is HHUWPd in- k and $3 for driver, horse stead of $2.50. Formerly wrsccr‘wus allowed 7 days ’vxmnnce (if the duties l-f mv he is alluwvd 15 cents a day’s wmk now consists of 8 hours. Square L‘, nut; 'L‘HIIgioI-s" is very [mt-1’s second urtu \'l‘l7’1'lu' LABOR 10‘ was 116 «went; '3 the m‘vvl' é ‘3 g‘uMIm wedding of‘ Mr. [mt “'uts‘nh and Mr. mu] t \Vatsun was crlohmted nf the former at: Kle‘in- Ilurdny afternoon lust. W5 l‘l‘ldliW‘S plvst‘nt who and neighlmns, 200 in u”, »spiL.-ulity uf the LWU ven- ':15 never more cmanetO ‘st‘nt Limeâ€"values “wire the (h'sil‘r' and t‘l‘fmt, to ww-I' stmngor. Yuu cnn gouds such as families in ['1' Mini, tn lwttm- advant- : a. 2yu‘lu-re else. Atkinâ€" IN FOOTBA LI. 'mvnship having Fcngpm-ence of \Villm'. self, .1 r msqu having gone ;ystum of dung stut- uuril have mndo sov- hu bylaw gn_v\'m'ning m] uf being able to nts u (hum-$1 must he 696 660 6152 463 401 340 551 5-11 526 ms E 6.) 486 GUI TOTAL . .400 30 299 IUU 703 ($05 juniux Friday l'vumn' 448 410 405 5U5 494 452 ’1 518 6,17 330 303 )8 . and He ionully the co 353 351 375 :19 (m "A" is vex-y rend. football evening fl‘mun grind. ‘untI-y in an 70' 69 70 (50 (:4 70 7U 75 50 | 50 41 41 40 43 47 37 36 4G UH 'nt ' Thursday, June 14th, auctfon‘s stock, implements etc; on lot 30 1. Markham, the property of Hard. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Ten months. JuH‘Py-mmm A-mnrm Rina ns Tabules: at druggistsfi Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules oure flatulence. Rinans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Rinans 'I‘abules. £15311!) Tabulm: for Snnr.nfnmm Ge‘f-tive gal}: Pal-t ILâ€"Hilda E Bertie Baker, Isaac Nearly every- one likes a fine hairdressing. Something to make the hair more manage- ‘able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same'time, a regular hair-food.‘ Well-fedhair willbestrongmnd ‘ will remain where it belorzgsw on the; head, not on zhcAcomb! Junim- IV.â€"Henry Gordon, Vera Remna n. Seninx-III.â€"Lloyd V‘ mun Bmves, Desszn I Riddoll. Junior IILâ€"Leigh Harrison. Chm-lie Bow dm-hurg, Edna Fisher. Senior ILâ€"Percy H Poole, Lily Evans. Lyle Junior ILâ€"Arthur Page. Howard Baker, 1 Senior IV,â€" lnnd, Eila I Opal Stewart and Sanderson, was appoint Lenivw the owners of proper snmh side of Celxtrv street; e :L vie-w tn uhtaining land for pose of widening said stree mittee L0 report at nmzr “mm Glassâ€"Snndvi‘iouâ€"That the inSchL: 01- he instructed Lu nntify all persuné \th are in the habit of throwing waste water and other refuse upon the. streets of the \‘illngv, that they must at “lice cease to do 50.218, in \ iow of the hut Weather, the practice is a menu“) In public healthâ€"Carried. On motion, a committee, consisting (vflhe wave and councillors Nichan Sandelsonâ€"Glassâ€"That t1 instrurtvd to have hills pr distributed. notifying the H her village tu cut, the noxi: in from nf their premises, pr 4 Edw. VIL, Chap. 27, sec lied. Councillor Sand By-l:uv N0. 206, L0 4 and treusnl-H' to hn‘ Standard Bank to peuditul-e. The I) first, svvunj and thi passvd. On motion structed tn procur Inch lile. The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “Sold for over sixty years.” Gutth $14.12 Rum}; A letter was rend cinl Long Distance which m: action Wu: than the fullmx'ingnm (’d to be paidzâ€"G. A or, et.c.. 351,50; L. In her, $14.09; \V. engine, 9043.; The E 00., packing, $2.80 Council met, in the Uouncii‘Gbamimr on Tuesday, June 5. The reeve and Councillors Sanderson and Glass were present. Minutes of last. meeting read and confirmed. ’ MCLEANâ€"On M :13 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. . McLEANâ€"~On May t0 Mr. aner‘S. J. B Pearl Silvem . . . . . . Maggie Blaiu . . . . . Edna McHair l . . . . Marjorie Boyle. . .. Luella Johnston . Irene Mal-sh . . . . . . Mabel Vanda-lung Maud “‘atsnn .... Hm-ry Naughmn . Rwy Flnok . . . . . _ . . Olive Morgan . . l . . Osmr Smith . . . . . . l Alvx. \Villiums . . .. Bevarll-y \ankel‘ 4 Cmsie Hill. . . . . l Perry Grice .‘ l . . . . Pm-cy Hill . . . . . . . . Maud Bhll . . . . . . . . l Zellzl Bull . . . . . . . . . . Harold Mnrphy.... VVilEn-d Redditt . A . a ,Tabuleaz ransom-Sig Sale Register. ul-e. The hy-luw was lead a (wqu and third time and finally I. On motion the clerk was in- ed to procure one hundred 15 r *"n ‘eve and cmmmllrws Nlcholls Kim-snm, was appointed to in- the owners of property on the 1., J n . CONCORD SCHOOL vmcumg said street. (fian report at next meeting. A. J. HUME, Clerk i, u.«., .4 .. AuAAh§ 1s, Helen \I’Vhite. Hilda EllisI Austin Baker VILLAGE COUNCIL. . repmring chu 00.. 1‘1 ‘1 O' " l“ arhe Buwes, Mlllxe :' Sandm-son introduced 206, to authorize the reevv ‘1' to borrow $300 from the tank to meet; current ex- Percy Harrison, Ernie ans. Lyle Murphy. Art-bur Bywes, Hazel Lloyd \Vhitmoro, Nur- Desszu Poole, Edward esse t man, Ont-ice Hen 14y Bowes, I rene mifying the l'vsidents of cut, the noxious weeds fr premises, pursuant tn Chap. 27, sec. 2.â€" ar- etc; on lot: 30, (ion. property of \Vm. o‘clock. Terms ‘5 mice, Auctioneer. )1] May 30. infant J. B. McLean of In; hill_s printedflgu‘xfi rend from the DEATHS . ru» trv _sh'§eft}' lwi Lh llSSfiIhzlL the clerk he BIRTHS Bu ken ce Telephone Cf». on was taken. On m0; accounts were order- A. McDuunld, lent!» Innes, & Sons. lum- > Mugm‘, wm-k on Beat-(injure Belting 80; Canada Steam ng fire engine, $10; , x‘ubbex boots, etc.. y 28. at Maple, 011‘ B. McLean. a-son. Ghdys' Fishéi' Wes, Mary Gul- Estella “'itty“, “8'9, Euston 231 582 682 581 611 thvnpup. l son of Maple, zm- rovi 63 gamma $13313: 11f? '(Efimamgzz Easiness twansacted daily..beb Savings Bank Department. Money advanced an Salanute ’J‘INSDII'FI‘IING â€" Done promptly, done well. T0 BUIIJDERSâ€"Those building W111 find it to their interest to get our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. sides givmg you- a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. Richmanfi Hm Hardware Siam Garden Tools; “\Vire am? “We Fence; ‘ ’uints, Oils and Varmshes, Peerless Matchix Afidnwn £2 Swim? Made=t0=measure Suits Such as Atkinson 8: Switzer Offer W110 Wear Stylish Ties The Ladies Admire Men BIN_DEI{ 'EVV’IN '1] connection with Rich . SMILES H. H. [QESEWEH Ewen?! Will make to your measure a gen- uine Scotch Tweed Suit, perfect in every particular for $15.24. are the right thing in style, quality finish and price. and pedéct fitfing shims, coHars,propercuflé,andfar ‘Ybung genflemen wfllzflw just Who are careful‘ in their attire who pay particular attention to their smefiier articles of the toiletâ€"those between. 10 10nd Hill (313109.) 1D and fancy vests. ne shirts, modem BLIy :ays find “$91

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