Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money Lonnod on Farmers‘ Sale hon-s. Blank [Vole Forms Supplied Free. Genexal Banking Business Transacted. BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. Received in Savings’ Bank Depar ment and interest allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. RED BMK Sandersonâ€"Niclmllsâ€"Thab the As- sessment Roll he now passed as ï¬nally revised and amended, thiitithe clerk he and is hereby instructed to certify to the same, and that the said assess- ment roll shall be valid and binding rm all pan-tins concerned, notwithstand- ing any defect. or error committed in or with regal d Lherfln. Winnipeg Sour-is Brandon Mansomin Arabia Estnvau } Yorkton Regina Moose Jaw June 6th, June 19th. July 3rd, July 17th, Sandersonâ€"Tren(~h-â€"That the name of Edward Denton. which was inadâ€" ivertantly omitted by the assessor, be adde tn the I'Oâ€.‘-(}Hl‘l‘i(‘d. ‘0': other particulars call at the Bank For rates to other points and complete in- formation apply to nearestC‘auadinn Paciï¬c Agent, or write to C. B. FOSTER. District Passenger Agent. 71 Yonge St.. Toronto. Trenchâ€"Niel]OHSâ€"That the assess- ment on the said property be reduce-d to $3,500, which, including the Busi- n"ss Tax, mukos :1 total assessment of $4,375.â€"Czu1'icd. V Sandersonâ€"NichollséThat the Rev. \V. G. Smith's name be struck 01f the l'ull.â€"Czu'ri(-d. Three appeals were made. by R. B. MuNam ‘Wm. 0'. Salvage and \V. G. Smith, respectively. Mr. MeNuii-, he- lng present, was heard in reference to the assessment of his properties on Mill and Lin-as streets. Nichollsâ€"Sundcrsnnâ€"Thnt the us- sessment of Mr. McNair’s property on Mill street he unultered.â€"0zu~ried+ Sandei-son~â€"â€"’1‘rench¢â€"’I‘hat the as- sessed value of Mr. McNaix’s property on Lucas street he reduced to $350.00. â€"â€"C;n‘x-ied. Mr. Wm. Savage appealed against the assessment of lhe hotel property occupied by him, on the ground that, under present conditions, the property is not, worth as much as it formenly HOMESEEKERS’ mcuasmns Pursuant to public notice the Court, of Revision met, in the Council Cham- ber (.11 Saturday, May 26, at 2 p. m., to hear and determine appeals against. the village assessment. and to other- wise revise the assessment roll. Mem- bers present: M essr-s. Crosby, Sander- son, Trench and Nicholls. Members 5 Ibscribe-d the usual oath and proceed- 93 hp business with Mr. Crosby in the 6 :ur. â€" Three apgenls_were made. by}; A GREAT SCHOOL '9 TORONTO. ONT. Capital Bess ELS‘ 01' Can ad a RICHMOND HILL H. H. LOOSEMORE. COURT OF REVISION. good to return until August 6th. " “ August 20th. “ “ Sept. 8rd. " " Sept. 17th. egzll RETURN FARESZ $32.00 83.50 33.55 34.20 34.50 35.00 35.75 33.00 Strassburg - Saskatoon - Prince Albert No. Battleford llacleod - Calgary - Red Deer - Stettler Edmonton a1 $1,000,000 251000000 DEPEEITS GOING: A. J. HUME. Clerk. AGENT. $36.25 42.50 37.25 38.00 39.00 GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill +19. 0 a . \~~+++++++++++++++++yzw++esw Heaters, angel ran as of all kinsï¬s, Slzes and 1311063. New and second hand. §++++++++++++ IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of'Boots and Shocs. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. ’1‘. B. LUI)E‘()IRDV 131'01n'iet0r METROPOLITAN GROCERY, UP-TO-DATE GBOCERIES In our Red Letter Sale we promise to give our customers VVall I)apers at a big reduction. Every pattern new and up-to-date, ranging in price from I to 50c. per roll. And in our fumi- ture department we have the greatest values ever offered. See small list below: Best Brands of Canned Gaodsy 38d Lemar? gale: Bedroom Suites. $1350 to $45.00. Side Boards, $12.50 tn $30.00. Beds, single and double, $2.50 to 8310.. Kitchen Chairs, 49c.. I‘vgulur 70c. Dining-room Chairs. 50 to 950., regular 700. to $1 Racking Chairs. $1.25 tn $3.50. New \V‘illiums Sewing Machine at a bargain. ALSO AGENT FOR KARN PIANOS. W P. A. A. A. A. SAVAGE Next Door North oi Waiting Room. 85 Son. GANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. are the lowest possible for the quality of the goods. Our horse goods and supplies will interest m my horse own- or. $19444-++++++++++++éï¬++?’ is the best obtainable. ()lu- 1)l'iOQS in the long run by. investing in a real 1y good article? ()lu' Ii :u'ncss Can’t {on Save Money ++++H Ninety-six acres, part of lot 2 con. Vaughan, between Mapl Tostnn. Good spring creek, aubbuildings‘. in ï¬rst (-luss shape ‘ Apply ‘tn aim ‘ ily cleune Square Gear. Over 125,000 in dailyluse. Machines plucml (m week's trial free. Cleveland Silver Ribbon Massey? Perfect Brantferd 2 Made in Cushion or Rigid Frame Models. ‘ ’Canad‘a Cycle ï¬le Blotor' (30., Limited “Makers of the \\ orld’s Best Bicycles†General Ofï¬ces and \Vorks, Toronto Jimction, Canada»- The @3de mg Camggg‘flma‘ MELOTTE SERARATOR Farm for Sale 49-; of Quick CXCICISC OI' recreatlon 1‘83 question that times. It induces those to ride who never rode before, and those who ride, to ride the more. Hygienic Handle Brake, and Rainy Ideal‘ Mount. For RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY T. F. MGMAHGN, Agent DAVID MAR \VOOD Cookstown Talking‘Machina-ï¬â€˜, Records and Needles importance As an ever-1 or the \Vor ushion Only ma- chine with self-balancing bowl. Freu- action :1 nd few ball-hear- ings than any o t h e 1- m n.- chine on the market. Me- lntte bowl is shallow and w i d e :L n (1 opens in the centre so that every part of it can be eas- ily cleaned. mm n‘lngmln , 5L1] and good idV rame H‘. Bars, M Day Mud House for sale opposite Thornhill Post Ofï¬ce. One-quarter of an acre of land. 6 rooms, well, Cistem, fruit trees, etc. 1nd W. C. PETï¬iCK, Agent Automatic throw-off of bolt. Equip- ed with hull bearings. Full equipment of latest attachments. Machines plnc» ed on trial free. Ma 11 . New Williams Sewing Machine Silent, Simple. Easy-Running and Strong. stoa ether COUO RICHMOND HILI ()I’FOW For Sale Caplin & Stodart, Toronto JLIEII‘US ‘R. J. Fenwick Eglinto: questrc ï¬tted wit] these )If 11 means business, oaste )U Come and Both disr ‘md cylinder 6411‘ 5 cents up. ices :cords f 1'01 00 up. them from