USEEXL PRIHHHS V53L.XXVIII [:1 PUBLISHEvaqu 'EH URS‘DAY MORNING 03115 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 83315 ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest; prices. Good work. cxlls by day and night prompts} tended to. J. H. SA? Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a. 11).; 1â€"8 p. m. Big. H. W. Will be ‘Ewï¬ E‘U’H’N R. CAMPBELL, Room 1 VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND BILL .151 per annum, in advance.) I)r- Ii. J. V‘Voods ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"$.30 :L. m. to 5 p. m DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. ME £2 Iiumï¬o Ofï¬-JL‘, 450 CHURCH 81‘. Richxuo {ad 1% ill Ofï¬ce, next dmn‘ m D Safe Proï¬table . Interest. at. highest cum-out mte, paid twice a. Convement year makes an uccuunt prufitahle. Being withdrawuble without notice makes it Convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Fhornhill. Cur. (Successor t1) Dr. Lawrason) 33.. Wfï¬, WEEKS. Dentist. n 12, 12% Victoria St. Toronto R. \V. E. DEAN Pamrms & PUEHSHWG HGUSE RIOHMOND HILL.0NI‘. Carlton and Ynnge Sts., Town to in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesday of each week. Deuï¬sé, A. RADGLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY KTOR M ï¬ttzz‘izmrg N‘ESE’: CARDS. BEI‘dicM. ‘dfgenml. GMAEGN ROPBIETOB NDERSDN. INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE “'EEK. A N rth 0f Stand- EERSON, This Bank‘s lar e lesources ensure safety. 3 A ï¬avings Account IN THE GETAREQ BANK 79 A G 9 Linda W Bidont .Va..x5\vnx't-b Home Life h-Iild me Richmond Hill Bank Bmlding, evox uunn. LENNOX & MORGAN Money to JAS. NEW/TON NATIONAL. TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. Dry): W. MULOCK BOULTBEF JOHN \VAL’I‘ER MCDONALD HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFH ‘E. NOTARY PUBLIC, ISSUER MARRIAGE LIEEESES, E {JG-EN 311141433 Richmond Hill Maple Danton, Dunn & Boultbe DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, H. A, NICHOLLS N TARY PUBLIC 'urnn Barristers b . musey. \V. Comer King & Ynnge Streets Santa-{ms : Off ‘onzmissiunex, Insurance: WILLIAM COOK Bu ‘ Bm-Listers, Snlicturs and Iowe GDEWESIOHBB IN THE ‘hm-sday aftm'nunn. loan at, Five Par Cunt (5%) 2. Seat istox‘s, Solici tm‘s, Etc. Ofï¬ce :,Solicitors. Notaries, 8.1. Building (f(ll'n)Pll_V Free Bldg). Cm. Adelaide. «‘3: Mia. $151., Tumnm. TORONTO. :eâ€"Three docaa swath of Trth Funds tu loan at st current rates. Lee, Millikan Clark “[7: Essentials, Unity; in NomEss-méials, A urom Buildings Lawreme sworth, and Solicitors. mun, NOTARY, ETC Conveyanoor, etc. Fire and Life. Lit G 81‘? Mom; Ofï¬cu, Standard ~y Saturday after Richmond St; Phone Main 2964 , Etc. Newmetket 3 | La :m' (37:13am: | Imvil q: 'lho Municipal Council mot at, the Township Hall, Tuesday, June 12. 1210;111:913 all present, Reeve Boyle in the chair. Minutes of lust meeting 10nd and adnptcd. ‘ « lots l and {6‘ cum] Jncnh Eyer & Son, wire and fencing . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jos. Espvy. puttmg in culvert .. John thlzxnd, drawing tile and making culverts ... . . . . . . ‘ . Jas. Nicol, 3 cr-dur pasts, .. \V . M Julm Gray, é:QWi't' pipz A?th Jit‘la! a, Jns. O’Connor, new frame on planer and swat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Jesse \Vingor, for culw-rt Lilo, .. 51 ' «‘5. McClure. drawing? rave], iank, and fixing n-ic ge at Hiershasid ï¬xing; culvert (m sideitnxd. intvs 5 Maxis v . . . . . . a ‘ John McGiHivmy. putting in culvert on sidunmd opposite lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . 7 Dugnld Mu!ntyre,d1~:1wing sewer pipv fi'mn \Voodhridgo . . . . . 2 Juhn McGillivmy. drawing sew- er pipe from “'uodbridge 2 John McGillin-ny, operating grader . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . V . . . 6 Juhn Unwrap repair‘s to road grader . . . i . . i . , . . . . . . . . . . . l {ï¬x-Mel Drawn on 6th Cum, Lots 5 & Thos. Rmvnti-ee . . . . . . . . . . ....$13 Hy. Smmn. sr. i . . . . . . . . , . . . . 15 Ken. Stevenson . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 15 B'thur-r‘ima. . . . . . . . . V . . , . . . 15 tht. Banlee , . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Jus. Neal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Geo. Gurdon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 VS]. SU’X‘QDSUD . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 John Buwnti'eev . ., . . . . . . . . . . . 15 John KeSSack . . . . . . . . . . r . i . . . . . 6 Morrison, 4 duysvin pit . . . . , . ‘ï¬hosBrownlev, levelling . . . . . Thus. Rowntree, teaming .. .. . John Rowntroe, teaming . . . . . . 'Roht. Morrison. work (-1: mad .. Thus. RuwmI-ee, temning and plowing ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Jnhn Smith. work on Rider's sidemad .. . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . John Rilwlaud, 8% days operatâ€" ing gnu er. . . .. . . . . . .. , . . . . . John Rilwlzmd, 3% days “pm-a ihg gnu er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Yonge Street Account. B. Grady, 8 dzlys’ wm'k . . . . , . A. Grady, 2.; days with team T. Burnett, 2g “ “ B. Siiuey, 1 “ “ G. NAWbm-yflé “ “ 1). Uluhiuo, 1 “ “ J. Murphy, 1 “ " M. Wilson. 1 “ " 1L Burnett, 1 “ “ F. Grady, l " “ G. Douglas. _1 “ “ vacl Road Near Kleinlmrg. John Tran. drawing gravel and 2.1, (luys’ work . . . . . , . . . . .. . .311 00 Laruis.._1.&.g:|x-, drawing gravel and 2011115. in pit. . . . . . 16-51: Roht. Train, drawing grau'ol. . . . 2 62 Thus. Croft, drawing gravel (i 60 Alex. Cameron, 41mins in pit . . 56 .Ins. Neal, :witzuvjnggravyl . . . . . . 2 19) Geo. Cooper, building break- 7 05 Water . . . . . . 7 00 Chas. Manning. tram on grader. 3 00 R. & ’1‘. Ketfm; hauling material 4th con. .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ‘. 242;) Devinsâ€"Cnmemnâ€"Tlmt the Trans- urer pay the following general ac- counts:â€" Ed. Brown. printing 200 copies 'l‘rensurer‘s accounts, « and, notices re. Shaver, Road . . .. $43 25 Ed. \V. Brown, advertising 1‘9. Shaver Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ()0 Ed. Brown,ad\'ert,ising 1-e.dunip- ing rnhhish on roads†.. .l.. 50 T. F. Mc;\l:ih(m,pl-inting and ad- vvrtising .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 7,3 Byâ€"luw 817 was read a first and sve- Ond time authorizing the closingund stunning up of that poxtion of the garlic highway running over and ucrosslhe east, halves of lots 11, 12, and 13 in the 8th concession of Vaughan, known as "The Shaver load.†Mr. Grant was heard on behalf of the Council. Mr. Smith for Mrs. Thompson, Mr. (Iowan for the C.P.l1‘., and Mr. Geo. Elliott on his own he». half. After (liscuszing the question the CQmeil passed the following reso- Indian:â€" A large crowd is expected at the annual picnic and sports at Victoria Square Sutuyday of this week. Football matches Twill be g; feature of the ufterngoz), Firstâ€"class talent. including the Minimum; Band, has been secured for the concert in the evening to he presided over by Rev. '1‘. Campbell. the circuit. supeiinL tendent. Rev. “‘esley Dean of Town: tn, will preach annivm'sarv sermuna the following day at 2.30 and 7 p.1n. vainsâ€"Lnnglmuse-Thnt the third reading of by-luw to close The Shaver Road 1):: laid over till the next, meet- ing (:f the Council, July 10. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL grade: ma ~~Lmtghuuso --- Tbat UM "r 3we instructed m. pay the fol mad amounts:â€" (‘1'. H‘Duiz's at Mill Road. ABC ad, (3 duys ope raï¬ng 10 lulu 1's drawing Liberty ; 10 00 $4 0 3 00 1 50 3 ()0 3 ()0 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 2 8t} 00 00 00 00 ()0 00 00 6( ) 00 fl The hundreth anniversary of Zion E. Luau-run Church, Vaughan town- ship. un \Vc-dncsday, June (1, went off in guod style. 0n the previous Sun- day at, both servicesâ€"morning and PVOlIlng~th chm-ch was ï¬lled to the (1mm Rl-v. J. “'ilsnn of Maple, plCfl'vad in the morning and Rev. “J. Bad; in the evening. Both gm:t'c- mm: did their best. Un \Vcdnesdav afternoon the social gathering lye-gun, with Rev. J. \Vilsmx in the chair, and Revs. Peter Campbell, \V. Back, N. with Rev. J. V’i'ilsun in the CHHlI‘,‘EUld Ri-VS. Peter Campbell, \V. Buck, N. Hill and J. (‘rflllllittllllk‘l on the plat- form. The parsonage lawn was nicely decorated with green arches (lf spruce, pine and cedar, tents were erected for in: cream and ladies’ bazaar, and a. larger tent of Pike 3L On. of Toronto \vns used for the multitude \vhz) par- .touk (if the, well-prepared repzisLund tea. Rev..(}. L. \Visswnvssm- began by giving an outline of the historical facts lu-ginning with the year 1795, whu-n Nicholas Cuber and Jacob Fish- er, his hmlllei-lin-liuv. came tn the virgin forest, «if this old and beautiful township of Vaughan. In 1806 follow- ed: Julin Jael-ilLK‘effL-r and his family, the Stungs, the Murrays, Peternmus, the Oslei-s and many others, who united as an Evangelical Lutheran )ungregutinn. From 1806 to 1819 their pastors mine. from the old Lu- theran settlement in Markham. From 1819 to 1:527 then- old pastor from Somerset County. Pennsylvania, serv- ed them. From 1829 to 1839 various pastors preached to them at. intervals. Among them was Rev. Mayerhofer, rector of the English Church. In 1550 Rev. Diehl Came, 1853 Rev. Fish- lnn-n, who sen ed 26 years, after him followed Revs. Duck, McLaughlin. Dunlap, Lemh, Hilty, and the. present, pusgol'. ‘ Division Cmirt was held here Salim;- day, Mr. \Vm. Cuok acting as judge. Of nine cases on the list only thy-9e I were hoard, the miners being :idimu-m-d ‘ to next coui-t owing to the absence of cmmsolx \Vushmgton; 1's Hawthorneâ€"Plain- tiff sued for the price of a dog sold to ldefe-ml-(mt, $5, and $4 for the keep of in pup. Judgment for plaintiff with The (-vening programme was direct- ed with luv. Dr. Gilmonr, of T0- ronLo, in the chair; the Laskuy Band, who pluyrd splendidly, interspersed the Sulus of Miss Manley and Miss Edith Keï¬â€™er, who perfnrmed their parts beautifully. Dr. Carmichael spoke humorously and to the paint. l‘he WeaLhol' was ideal, the attention and behaviour of 50 many people ru- mzu-kuhle, and tho sociability refresh- ing. The entire day was a success. That pastors and members of the sister cliurchus were so well represented was gratifying to nlL Gm! speed and, another hundred years to the Zion Evangelical Lnthez'un Church. Every vne in this community ought to secure the beautiful souvenir ut‘ the centen- nial as a. keepsake fur the coming gen eralinn. This Church was. 100 years ago, the place where the fowfan'ners' of other churches wurshippml till they found their own. The present begun in the past, and the past, is the foundation of the fululeâ€"this makes history. On Thursday of last week there passed away at Hope, Mrs. J2me Nixâ€" un, l-vlict of the late \Vm, Nixnn. llhe deceusvd was in her ninetietlg. ywm- and had lived nn the farm Wham; she (lli'd. fur Se’venty years. She was. predeceased by her husband in the year 1856. and ie survived by three daughters, Mars. Howe-j 01‘ Hope, Mrs. J. (haddock, Maple. and Mrs. A. (lur- lvy,Anrum. Mrs. Nixon lived a beauti- ful christian life, and in suffering was always cheerful and happy. She was greatly loved :llld respected by every- one who knew her, and her memory and influence will long live in the hem-Ls of tho friends she, has left he- biml. Tho funeral tuck place nn Silt- nrduy. and was largely amended. A beautiful wreath from the congregaâ€" tion, one from the grandchildren and u. slwnf frum Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nixon, were among Lho flnml tributes. ()nmmnuion rim-vices were llelgl,ix;,St. Andrew’s church. on Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. W. “7006 and family lvft last week for the North-\Vost, win-re Mr. \Voud has taken up land west of Edmonton. A return fontlmll‘mntch was played at King Cty, on Saturday evening. but m-ither team scored. Rapper vs McCuulâ€" Judgment summons $10.07. Defendant ordered to pay $2 a munth. 7a mphell vs Ringerâ€"Promissory note $12. Mr. J. \V. McDonald acted for plaintiff. Judgment; in full wiLh coats. costs The next sitting of the court will be on Friday, the 5th of October. in all things, Charity.†Division Coarriv Sherwood Mame I At the very best pr i at ii‘hat the loading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools 0! practice endorse and recommend, in the stron est terms possible, each and every. ingre lent entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for the cure otiwcak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or blliousnoss chronic bowel reflections, and all catarrhal diseases of Whatever region, name or nature. It is also a speciï¬c remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec- tions and their resultanm, as bronchial, throat and lung diseases (except cons;an tion) accompanied with severe coughs. is is not so Food for acute colds and coughs, but for ingering. or chronic cases it is especially cï¬icacious in producingâ€- fectcures. ItcontainsBlack Cherry rk, Golden Seal'root, Bloodroot, Stone root, Mandrake root and Queen’s rootâ€"all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such ,aninent. medical writers and teachers as- Proi. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Golf. lege; Prof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.; Prof. Finle Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben- nett Med. ollege, Chicago; Prof. John King, VI. D., late of Cincinnati; Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D. late of Cincin- nati; Prof. EdwinM. ’Hale M. D., at Ilahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and Scores of others equally eminent in their! several schoolsiqf practice. The "Golden Mflfk‘al Discovery " is the only medicine put. up for sale through dmggists for like purposesk that. has an such rofcssixmal endorsementâ€"wort more t_ an any n11:1g‘t39r_ pf oydj‘nagy test;- $355127" 66én"i$€b'liés{{ 6f ’its'rérmula. on the bottLeAwrappglf is 136 post possible ,. n-_ Aiarge stock of Funeral Furnishings, kept at both places. READ AND YOU WILL LEARN guaranty of its merits. A glance at this nblished formula, will show that“Goldenl ,iedir-al Discovery " contains no poison- ous or hazminnagents and no alcoholâ€" chemically pure, triple-reï¬ned glycerine being used instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjectionable and besides is a. most useful ingredient in the cure of all stom- ach as well as bronchial. throat. and lung affections. There is the highest, medical authority for its use in all such cases. The "Discover "is a concentrated glyc- eric extract 0 native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. . .,,‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the Ceunty of Yolk Goods sold on cunsignment Genera] Sales 31:00 etc pyomptly attendedtc at. reasonable xahea Kesulauce Unionvilzg Richmoné Hi1}. OE Elaple Simian Apply to C. SOULES write JESSE VIENGER “G R Gouldmg, Newton Brock, agent for the above J†'1‘ Saigeou Mztp License Auctioneer tor thaCouncy of Y0!" . re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attpnded on the sLortesf. notice and at. reasonabetatcs. P. 0.35dreas King RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL ngeusefl Auctioneers for the County of York Salemtwndedboonshortestuoticeand a row Aouablemtee Patronagesolicited A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its ingre- dients mailed free on r nest Addresa Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buï¬alo, . Y. Lnstmctk Clussrs in Hxstm-y, etc. Underlnkca‘s é: EmbalnH-rs. Beg: ng‘timï¬ Semem J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist WRIGHT BROS, Snugcon a: McEwen . [Single copies, 3 cts. CARR VILLE, ONT. .l, H. P: cruise. pie ‘11 V D. G. BLOUGH, the Art. of Piano Play- ing. .dimonts ICES e1 J I: McEwen Weston Ha rmon Y 1116f OI