Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jun 1906, p. 4

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‘fii‘fiflfig. iIt’is to be hoped the good "oilil‘dxpie set‘ by' the‘ citizens Of New- I’rI‘ru'lwt; and Aurora will be followed 1 by every town throughout the series ‘ of league gel mes. féliGfiEd-at least endeavor to set a "éxample ‘ for justice and fair ‘sav, to jeer at the visiting team, no matter how well they may handle ‘their sticks, and to hurl vulgar ' epithets afthc referee an‘d' fim‘ph‘es if the rulifi'gs of those officials do not ‘nieev‘with the approval of the home sgltapbmars. ‘An‘il thefjcering is too '(if'wni'idvfilflfi‘idf-in not only by the ‘snizilli'EiEQ‘bflé-i‘by those of maturei‘ Fyeafi'S: l3i"?is.s"‘;1‘ue cn‘th’usiasbic sup» :‘p‘ortéx‘é‘ 5i "ihe visiting; team very “frequently offend in the same way, but the‘home players and citizens . Mrs. H. Dewshury of Seattle. spent a few dnvs at, Mrs. Nathan Chapman's and called on friends at, Richmond Hill and other places. Wang“ WVP. are pleased to hear that Mr. David JnuleS’is able to pox-form the duties of superintendent, of the Sunday School once more. Apples seem ‘10 he a scarce artich- 34 his time of the year. but. u sweet» apple may he scefx around the uuigb bul'huod at; times. 1V Class â€"'â€"Ax‘thur Cooper. Free- mzm Barker has been absent through sickness. Senior lII~â€"Ida Barker, Norman Brodie. SUI! W0”. Marv Cooper, Percy Bison. Preston Elsou, Jim-tor l’uttcrsnn, Viola ()uld we“. JE‘SSik' Lily. Honol- R(~l|.â€"â€"Jrssiv Lily. Hector Patterson. VViliEu \‘Vrllmun, Mary Cooper, Nellie Pibsun. Detective John Murray. Chief Inv specter of the Ontario CI iminal Inves- tigation. died at his x-nsidence in Tm‘nu- ‘to. Tuesday evening from a stroke of paralysis. Deceased was 65 years of The following is the I‘Ppurt for the ll|(_1!‘)_tl19f May. _ Junior lllâ€"Clvllund Caldwell. Elias Ellinttq Ethel Caldwell, Dawxd Hislup, Eu’umn Barker. Il Glassâ€"Mm y Cooper, Gladys Helm- l'ny. Hattie Brodie has been absent through sickness. Seniur PL. ll. â€"7 “falter Hislop, Murray \Vellmgm. V‘i'illin “'ellman. J unim'Pt. lIâ€"l’roshm Elson. Tommie Fountain. Beckie Fountain. Percy Elsnn, Elsie Hurt. Rhoda Barker. Sir Hector Langevin. once :1 great (‘nuservntive loader in Quebec. and mm of the “Futhnrs of Confederation" died on Monday, llt‘u inst. du kn ".v a good thing when 139 struck oil, but. not an inch more than tho people who have made :1 nvw roof, out, of an old our. by simpiy routing it with our Elastic Ge-nmub Pitch. If your roof is in nved of l'e-puir, now is the Lime to do Lhis kind of work. \‘y'x‘ilu for our fl‘l‘t‘ expvxt advice. also for our pamphlets, which gives usefu! information. $116 meat Annual Examsion It; is a credit to Newmarkct to be able to give such 'a rcpoi't. The 11116 in many towns is, we are sorry to Under the 3mm County CLEAN SPORTS The Express-Herald in reporting the réce’nt lacrosse match played» in Newmarket between Aurora anfl' th‘a‘ home team, which is said to be the fastest and best match ever played in mm: town. says: "‘The game was particularly free from roughness and from jcering remarks so frequently “heard amovng the crowd against the @layers and the referee." Elm fiih’smi. RICHMOND HILL. B Class A C]:ass.â€"Nolii 30-4 W } John D. Reckefeiier S. S. No.3, Markham. N ews N ones. Langst-afi. ’L. H. e‘fl'zilter Hislop, “mgm. W'illic “'ellman. IIâ€"Prosmn Elsun. Tmmuie Beckie Fountain. l’ercv Hurt. Rhoda Barker. ' Jessie Lily, Hector Patter- Pitson, Viola Cald- pm‘, Percy Elson, Jim-tiny Patterson, B§r..‘June 14. 1906 Queen 01'1- ion N ‘ C0. St. “W. l m), (In *u (:2) m. Any one W110 \viil impact this horse before seler‘tipg n tee to make them a present of $11)”) and :L (suit wiLImub c not- just, as represvmed and 0110 of the- hvst bred Trotting tiuent and one of the greatest Stack. Hm ‘05 on earth, ' HE DUKE is 3. beautiful 9m] ln~mvn Stallion about 13.5 ham} stud cnndiuion \vuighs almut 1,301) pnlhld“. The Ditk'e i5 and powerfully built in every way. He is nota pacer 1mm gained trotting humans in Azm-rica. He has trotted w trial in L. 295 seconds. and a 1.5 ‘ gait, and it is said, \v'L‘Ll‘zvgnutI handling, Insurvs a living Colt, payable 10 days after man-e, 01 dies within that time, no charge will be made “I I. LAI'NG- in 011.1ng Loans made Ln farmers at five per cent. Apply to MT. Luing g . xx :35”? ‘Vhen you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot necessarily" the best. Now there is just as much di‘fl'ere‘nte in the quality‘and strength of steel in fence wire as v . there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel wire. which though it costs you but little more, is fifty per cent. (59%) stronger than wire in ‘othér fences.» Thefightest PAGE fence is as strong as the heaviest‘ of other makES. A Notice the lock in PAGE “EMPIRE” FENCE. ’You ma "have noticed'aisotha't I "EMPIRE' o ers are imitating â€"_ it. That’iga good recommend for it. “'11-ch we lead others follow. Ail PAGE wire -is “‘COILED." not @A:E‘?EN$% E. E. EEYNOLES, “’Pyagwieter wage Loch Get prices bé‘ffir‘e 'fi-onl The lateral! of a sz‘t thoroughly galvanizedâ€"(h: lzoo pauudj. to r A. LGWERY, Thomhm at. G. ROBINSON, Mazkhafi E' G. ANDREWS, Maple $£QGC§ GUARfiNTEE Standard Trot The stays are No And the two air ‘1?th bra:':s‘ 931“! We art so sure:- H F‘rosl \Vire 1“: CLUfiENE a. PEARSON, - c. A. smatmm, . . mess mamas, »- THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST _( Frost Fences Are Etrong All figzicsdnd 7emy lat/ml 107 MCGILL ST” TOR-ONTO THE LOCK IN PAG‘E “EMPIRE-- FENCES. ting and Registered Stanim‘s Fame arc Hig‘ 53 7’23: brukcn until u": 21:: Besides the extra. strength and‘ superior workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip’ pe'd int specfial whit‘e’paint, which on top ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire a V mugh more siglxply. Kb 9 wirc‘ I | _ As you get in PAGE FENCES one-half more fence” strength, greater- pr-‘otecticfh against IN PAG‘E ruse, befter workmanship, FENCES; l b‘efier appearance, us: less posts, Can you afford to use other ferfcbs,>even though you could buy them for'onc-half the price of we PAGE? But: really ours cost yes. little, “any more. r 408 r Reade Gate: or Lawn Fence. m If 5 It: High Carbon No. 9 Hard' Sfccl Coiiml \Virg we selectipg :1 Sir? w ult wiLImub ulnu-grr fizfit and ire'qt tbzgt Thornhiii ‘mskav Aurora Owing to‘ the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, one- third less posts are re~ quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencing. If cfiit chmes' (reformed 57/4 lax-gm: if- The Stallions uu 3gbn51fy. '13}:sz from X900 to @l‘aié‘h, mud in highiy finf‘shed me of NW finest 17. quaril‘rs in he could not in guaran- lmke‘ i. the con- 56¢?! ml RESXDEN( 0F .' ile Powders, mud Calves, i)iSl‘£lEP. . an’ia n f & gemxé', ' twvn vxperia-m'v. 813m in R vmedy sinn. J;va ++++++++++¢++ 4i â€"Cvm in: Glazier, Grains? 2:115. Paper- Hanger. Ds’VL-ifé‘i‘g, nuthuiklings and 18 :H‘I't‘S of land fur sulv in Hm vii-lug? 05 Maple. The dwelling is brick. with frame kitchen and wuodshed 12x22, stuhle is 20x26, drive-house 12x22. and shed 12112;."5-1. ,lzmd cuntuins 16 acres (If the host soil, plenty of watex, cunâ€" Veniunt to 8011001. church and post Office. This is u very desirable- prup- city. The. px-uperty is in first-class (mndititm; “Fm- t'urthel- p211LiCulnl‘S apply to _-.\~«»..vv $71 r v 1.!T4‘YY :xr) The frame stable shed I 'l‘lie 'I‘masun-r of the (’0 York (under Wain-am, of Dbl-4) 1903. will prucovdln sell at, th Hall, Palmer’s Blt-ck, N. Strvet. Village of Richmond TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1906. :i‘ the following land for an rmrs unless the said :nrreuisandi are snmwr paid, viz: E. l)i\l't Lot 3|). Gun. 1. 3" acre e-d In llvnry G. Huugiiton U. ’1‘. \Vhitmxy, 0.). Tuxw Fill-R and Expenses. $4.6 RESIDENCE. W. H. SHAW, Principal +++ +++ +++€°++++fi+++~i~§+w++ ” ' ANDREW KLLLUUGH on, J. '1‘. SAIGEON, Maple P. 0. anlP, May 31, ms. 45“ Tax Sale 0f Lmfis TI W. HEWéE Rvmedy, Hull”)! '1' Llnlisofptip [firjglhpg VAUGHAN DESTRICT N0. 2 FRIDAY, 0C Cans from a driSfii‘che promptly attended to. ESIDENCE. IHCIIMOND HIL Butter :u‘i‘ just arrange 'y Speciuity Cu remedies: Sim ifim-. Indigestin Black Can-v, A ‘n\VdP1’S, in I \'(-s, 8:119 FfiE'flER xt Sitting uf D'i'V , County of York in the Com-t1). EC H UH um Municipality of mencing at 10 a J. 'K.‘ MACDONALD. phm Din MILL HMON anger! wr F. MOM A HOE ++++ :m "3%: T183 1rd ill-var . ON! m ‘nnfi W: «x I 7A ‘rvu (Jul? 3 Naval :xclwrs. mt, sncce SCI‘GI 6...; . I nu a.“ in. .5 E‘ 11' 1'" Li J 6 isiori , will be h‘do‘. 00m, mu‘s Of (a) md the CL County of ><:mnl)+-z' 20, , the Pnhlir- S. Arnold nd Hill, on 4.6.3; Total, 3937 1559 Ymk Joint 1906 n15: Hi1] h‘nx lid dnrl'. Alll'nl‘a. ’l'empm-anemxuv, Eing‘ City. Home stable, lot 1, ‘ cm), 7, King. Tex-ms. $12. ROYAL HATroxâ€"fm put ted Clydesdnl’é’. the [,rnpex-ty‘bf Blongh '& Leggo, will gu to Strange, Kettleby. Ne-w- ~mm'ket. Aux-ma, Oak Ridges, Elgin'Mills, Home stable, King City. Terms, $12. GOLDEN CONQIYERORâ€"Cl"§k55ill(’ stal- M A6 con. 1, Markham. Terms $9. DUKE OF Y01tK~GIydesdule stallion. the property nf \V. W’. Hndgin, will go through \Vhit-liln‘ch, Bullantrne, Smutfvilb, "‘Victm-i.» Squm 9. Thm-nhill, Cm évllle. Rich- mund Hill. Hnui’e Stable. Summit, House, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SHIPMATE â€"â€" Carriage stallion. the pl-opei-ty-of'VV. \V. Hudgin, will go tln'uugh \Vhiti-hurcli, Bulimi- trae, Stnufi'ville, Victoria SqllilI‘P, ~'flmrnhill, (Yum-\ille, Richnmnd Hill. Ilmzw stable. Summit Huusv,~ Ouk Ridges. Terms $10. \VILD Am-ui‘m. am-Pviiln LORD HAMJ dale, the Bluuzh. Half of dou’nle' house on St. East, Richmond Hill. '5 matinnanply 1,0 JAMES NF Elgin Mills. , ' 4 EARL GREY~Clydvy proper! y of A.‘ L:.. will stand at I Terms, 368'. ICK Tht ‘LDEN CONQUERORâ€"leéejfl:xlv stal- ‘iion, ‘ ’vhe - prmperty of Tot-son k ‘ancis. will go to Mitchell’s Hotel. O‘Sullivan’s Cm'nors; Chor- ry’s Hotel, Fisherville. Home stable. lot 32. cm). 1, Markham. Tel-ms $12. ’ NY “Tums JR.-‘finrniuge Slallinn, t‘lw property of 'l‘vesnn & Franvis, will gm to Mitt-lwli's Hutt‘l, ()‘Sul- llvnn’s CUI‘llt‘lS; Cherly‘s Hotel, Fislwrville. Home stable. lot, 32, con. l, Markham. Terms $9. Hill. Hump stable. mummn mouse,- Onk Ridges. Terms $10. LD BILLYâ€"Roadster stallion, he property of Eli Shierk. will travel flirting!!- Am‘m'a, Kettll-liy, King City, Tostun, Edgtly, Thornhill, Unilm\‘ill+I,Victmi:I.S(1u;ii-e. Home stable, Palmer 1101159, Richmond ‘Iill. Terms $12. {E GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion". fhe property (if \V. R. Line, will stand n1; his own stublv, two lots below Maple. Terms $7. ssQUEEx‘s CHAMPIGN â€"- Clydesdale 'the propm-ty (if .109. Burnett; will stand at. his own stable, lot Slum. LVzmglmd (Elgiu Mills). TellHS Elgi dud" the Elm viiln Hun will prnperty} will stafiu $1”. Stailio Hunt MM thp the pump ;h. wiII gr Mills, Vi Itting Office To Rea, P} h‘ “me Terms, EExâ€"Cly :1 Register. )Nâ€" I'm [fitting ‘ Staniun, 'litnn StmngLnn Keitflehy, g5 City. vi )cmncevile Vdosdnle Stallion. t] L.‘ Luhuwr, Shel‘\\‘00( at his own stub-11 will 11 SL" -50n awry \Ve JAMES NEW 40â€"! 'Ul' rt y [hr 01 it?! 1mg}; Vaughan ia Square, Vm ‘empm-ancm'ilh 3 Stable, 10L ] lydPsd Hi! "\Vhilchuz'ch Gwinimhm'y able, ’J‘vw-per 10. .rtex’f 1' Clyfles 1le H. d osd t'u'bie'. Ter ’1 Clvdvsdnlv IIUEI' and '1 rH‘ Mu LEB‘J‘ J. \Vvlls, stor. Hm Bvdfm d 'n stable. Hg (‘in I Squun U l) icmum |()\' "myth-9- ggv and :u‘lghzm. re, Van- "cm-i110, *, lot 1, at THE u {we Vict npm'tt-d f I). U. 11 T l'. y 1346mm, Hmm Tm ms. msi “1-12: 1t» tan Rich stal- 1H! (Ill 'tro

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