'Eow 4,2,. in? Qï¬â€˜ ‘hcumexo HILL, 0mm. June H. 1916 E1()() :5. i195:- \Vr- don’t, expect to get everyhody's patronage but we try todr‘é‘t’i'tcit. A‘t "kit-son A; Switzer. The VV. 0. T. U. will mth at Mrs. » 3(‘3itzer‘s next Tuesday eVi-ning at'LBi). illllp-‘n'tfllll business. ' Miss Nora Muimnhy of Oi-illia. is are: a visit with liergrand parents, ind Mrs. Trefy. The right thing. at the right prire. til) the right time. Atkinson & Bwitzer. Miss .lenn Boyle left yesterday to spend a week or ten (l.r)’5 with rrla- LIWJS .‘It \Vr-liund. Mrs. and Miss Storey have been spendingr the past Week with friends in Toronto. â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_".’J. 4â€". Mr. Mr Mrs. li)oug_:liarty, Toronto, spent over Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. \\'arien l'lewisnn. There is no loss so serious to us its not to phase a customer. AtkinSoii at Swi t zer. Mr. and Mrs. W". Eâ€.- (w‘ai-diner spent 'm'cr Sunday wil h the latit-r’s parents, Mr. and M rs. J. H. liiydoli. iii-iser ‘v'r-lrna and Delilah Brydo‘n =<9pf1iit a few days last week \vith Mrs. 'Jas. Bi yiloii. l.oy.!tou ii. Mr. \V. H. i‘ogsley returned Tues (my from Inc" I Head in the North- \\'est whore 5r» spent six weeks on the Pugsley farm. \Vo do not pu-ipiid to know it all but all \Y‘.‘ Lines: is at your service. Atkinson 6: SWKRZ-S' 1'. “The York (‘ourï¬r Councillors, their wins and fririidâ€". riijoycd a trip to Niagara Fall»: To ‘2‘.lrly as guests of \\'.-:r-den JtiilliSIr»ii. Mi. John Molt’ié "Rfmht U‘II days. u, is l: other ielatiws 'l‘harsday. ii-zios, Chicago. 1.:- irt‘r‘vlltrj and here Hint returned The Board of Education has ap- pointed Mr. R. T. Andrews as asso- einie examiner for the entrance exam- irrations. You may ï¬nd our prices elsewhei 0, but not for our qualities. You may ï¬nd our qualities elsewhere but not at our prices. Atkiii’son S; Switzer. King on City will have aCi\ ic Holiday, Monday. the 2nd of July. All kinds of sports during the afternoon .' and concert in the evening. Mr. and Mrs \V. E. \\'ilcy and family of Ncwmarkrt spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. \Viiey. and Mrs. Ii. H. Hopper and daughter spent; ‘etierliiecday evening of last Week at a very pretty wedding at 55 Marlborough Ave., Toronto. Special. 30 lbs, Brown Sugar, $1.00; 21b, good Tea. 25c; 6 lbs, Prunes, 25; 6 lbs. Figs, 25c; 2 packages Vim, 25. Naughton Bi-0s., Elgiii Mitts. Mr. Hooper, junior clerk in he Standard Bank, has been transferred to Orono. His place here has been "ï¬lled by'Mr. J. E. Hilty of Harristori. Mr. W'n). L. Trench has passed successfully his third year’s examinâ€" ations at the university, Toronto, taking ï¬rst-class honors in philosophy. The best XXX \Vhite ‘Vltle Vinc- gar, 30c. gallon: Extra quaiin canned .‘i’cas, 4 tins for 23c; Extra (Torn. 3 tins for 25c; Kippered Herring. round this 100. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss Clara Homing and her friends, Miss Muriel BX‘YCIUH and Miss Eva Hill. met a picnic party from Hamilton “’cd‘nesdav morning and spent the day with them at Centre island. A large umnber of cavalry men passed through Richmond Hill Tues- day on their way to Toronto to take the boat for their annual drill Niagara. Boots and Shoesâ€"Stylish lip-to-date. boots for men. Bargains in men’s boots and oxford sizes, ï¬â€"arid 7, in licys3and 4. Naughtou Bros, lilgii'. Mills. We are pleased to be. able to state that Mr. Jeri-y Smith who had been conï¬ned to his bed for inanyflyecks is regaining his strength, and “as able to be down stairs for a short time Tuesday. ..A heavy storm passed over this place Friday evening. Rain came down iii tor rents. there was a driving wind, and the‘iaiuAtas accompanied : {)1} Sunday ' by thunder and lightning. about noon rain came, again. accomâ€" panied by hail. Fortunatrly the darn- age done was slight. "in ETEE’T‘A 1. 3A meeting of the Board of Educa- tion was called for l p.rn. List Monday, but it was nearly 6 o'clock before a' .ouorunrcould be gotl-aogei‘ricx'. Several .- theiiiliers of the board Il£:\ egi own care less about attending the meetings. The law distinctly suites that a trustee can be disqualiï¬ed if he absents himself from meetings three months in succession. The trouble seems to be that the. trier-tings are called for 4 o‘r-lru-k,hut it is understood that any time brfore 5 will answer the purpose. Sui-Ir a rule ivould demoralâ€" izc airy public body. Eihti‘tii. it ‘1 monthly » The Village (ioiiiicil has had bills destroying noxious Weeds. Ever-y owner or occupant of land is respon- sible for the Weeds opposite piemiso-s to thr- centre of the. road. Every person interested should see thatrthc‘werda are cut and dwtflwv‘l at the =l'ript'l' lime. and not wait to be i'r‘iriimicd by the inspector, "‘1‘. H19 ï¬rst draft of ministers made .ly the stationing rmninittee of the Melbodlst Conference, the following may be rneniioned :vâ€" Richmond Hill. A. P. Brace, BIL; Newton “Hulk and ‘ \Yill-dealu‘ '1‘. Campbell: l‘lglinton. N. “\~'('ll\\‘(i(lil: Davisville. Newton I'Iill; Thor nliill. Geo. McKinley: Maple. JUS. 3 IC. \Vii~;ori. Young men are to bcscnt I I'm Richmond llili and Maple. l _ i The Sunday Schools of Trinity '(Tlmrch. Thoinhill. and St. Mary's (ililll'l‘ll. llirliniond 'l‘iiil. have arrang- ' ed for an L'Xrui-siou 10 Bond Lake, on Saturday, the Jillzh of June. Special cars \vill lvavr- 'I'lioinhiil at 10.30 a.m. Tickets from Thoriihill. 33z-eirls; Rich- mond Hill, 2†cents; children from icither place 15 rents. .FNr-urslmiists are requested to time their baskets With them. ATTENDING Tllli‘ SYNOD Rev. John Gibson, rector of St. Mary's and Trinity churches, is attend- ing the animal Synod in Toronto this week. Mr. “'in. Flirt-y is the lay delegate from St. Mary’s, and Messrs, T. 5. Cook and \Vill’red Hall from Trinity. It Was expected that an assistant bishop would be elected for the Diocese of Toronto, but owing to the “Pt: ssity of some changes in the truism govrrniiig such matters. the election has been postponed till fall. l DIED IN TORONTO Miss Maggie May Johnston, 17 years of age, youngest daughter of Mr‘. Lorenzo Johnston, died in Toronto on Monday. ' he funeral took plzree from the home of lirr brother-iu-law. Mr. \\'in. Martin, yrsicrday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The rririaiiis had been brought here Tuesday evening and internrvnt took place in the village cemetery yesterday afternoon. LA‘WN TENNIS The Tennis Club Inc! at the. home of .\Iis. \‘v'riglrt Monday evening when the ' following ofï¬cers \vrre elected :â€"Hon. President. Mr. I. Crosby: President, Miss lï¬. Switzer: Viceâ€"President. Miss I5. Pulllié'l‘:SL‘C)‘.>TI‘I‘;IS.. . ir.J. Morgan. Unnnnittec â€" Mrs. Dean, Miss L. \Vright, Mr. Loosr-nioie, Mr. H. San- derson. As the, club are arranging for a tournament those Wishing to join are requested to Irrnd in their names to the secretary. The fees, $1. for gentlemen, and 50 cents for ladies. TAT ZION CHURCH A most inter-(siting gathering met at iZion Church on the Newton Brook and \\'illowdale circuit. on Thursday evr ning last. It Was a circuit rally of Epwr-ith Leaguers. The church has not seen as many League-rs in it be- fore in its history. On the platform Were Rev. .A.. 1’. Bruce, B. I). and Presidan J. 1?. Gouldiug, of Newton Brook. The events were given h' Miss Ley, Miss Risebrough, Fran Keltie, ex-president Breakey, \V. Scrace, president of E. L. and others. The Zion young people served refresh- ments at the clore. Everyone believes it will be a great inspiration to young people‘s Work on the circuit. BARN AND STABLES BURNED The barn.stable and driveshcdin con- nection with Ilie Summit House, Oak Ridges, owned by Mr. Jesse Hudgin, was destroyed by ï¬re about half past ten Saturday night. The ï¬re origin- ated in the north end of the building. and as the wind was in the southeast the flames made slower progress than if the wind had been in the opposite. ,directir n. The. shed was separated ‘from the role] merely by a narrow driveway, but by hard work on the part of the inmates and the neighbors who gathered, the‘slreci was sawed and chopped in two and dragged away, and the hotel was saved. most of the harness and other articles were also saved. The cause of the ï¬re is a mystery. There was no insurance. Mi. lludgin has given the contract to Mr. .lcS‘se \Vinger to replace the, for- mer barn and stable with a cement building. FIREMEN‘S EXCURSION ' The Fire Brigade have completed all ; arrangements for an excursion to j Niagara Falls on Tuesday, the 26th of iJuur. Reeve Crosby has proclaimed ithat date a Civic Holiday for this municipality. and :1 general outing is expected. Electric cars :will leave 1 Bond Lake at 6 a:ui.. and Richmond ‘dlillat 6:13. Steamer leaves Yonge St. i \thif at 8 run. The trip from St. l Uathariiies will be made over the i l , electric railway through a delightful section of country. Returning, the party will leave Queen Victoria Park a! 5.15, arriving in Toronto at 9.30. ; Fare for round trip from Bond Lake. and all poiirts on Yonge Street $1.40; children 75 cents. From Toronto : $51.01), children 50 cents. Those who accompanied the cxeursionisls last 'yr-rrr report a most enjoyable time. ; llvciybtd; whoeaushould take the trip on the 236th inst. DEIHCIITâ€"E-D Sharon Lodge, No. 97. Alida" I\I., dedicated its new ball at Quceiisville to l“:‘(’r‘lll:r.\‘()lll‘.\'; on Saturday of last week. winâ€"r soiircrtcveirtyâ€"tivc masons fiozn Toronto and neighboring lodges Were present. The interesting cere- mony was performed by Grand Lodge with M. \V. Bro. Hugh Murray. Grand i A l Secretary acting :is Ul'ulltl Master. goodly number of Giand Lodge ofï¬cers w: re present aiid the ceremony was peil‘oiincd in ample form. I. \V. Bro. .Nicholls‘, V. \V. ,Bro. .Newton, The horses, rigs, ' printed notifying residents in regard ; INK?!" and Phillills 1‘?Pl‘059l1u‘d Bid" to their duty in cutting down and "Wild Lng“ “f this “Hugâ€- i ms 1 pared 'SPRthiANi) SUMMER Sale at 2.30 p.111. J. Auctioneer. W. Bro. .‘cwb‘eri‘, afitl Bron..- Eamon. The Inni- quet was served in the basement of the Methodist Church. and was pro- by the Ladies Aid of that church. and the good things pro- vide would have done credit to the King Edward of 'l‘oronto. The breth- ren from Toronto and along the line of the Metropolitan were conveyed to Newrnarkct by special car and from thence journeyed through a beautiful farming,Ir country by busses to Queens- ville. Everyone spoke in the highest manner of the, hospitality of our northern brethren. SPORTS The Junior 0. L. A. Talngnos (it Newniarket on Saturday defeated the , Junior Shamrocks of TorontoJantion by 5 to in wleaguc game. At the Island - on Teeuniselis of Shamrocks after a hard foughtgauie. The score was 5 to 4. Saturday the. Toronto defeatcd the ’Ehr- 'l.‘o_rorito lacrosse team juurney- J N] to Montreal on Saturday and defeated tho home. team by a score of 5â€"3. . - n. ..-.-.-._._-. .n» .-........« g..-..-;..-... . s.‘.-,â€"._.:-u..:..-.. 5. i try, air} xeéme? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: “going. going, i g-o-n-e ! " Stop the auction certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts L the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for 5 it's nature’s way. The best: kmd ORE testimonial-L I ‘t: “ Sold for over sixty years.†‘ A :0 manulbotumrn of ‘ SARSAPAIULLA. y PILLS. .E CHERRY PECI'ORAL. v - V.» ï¬rm»... 1...: --â€",.â€"_-..:. Pasture Pasture to lot at reasonable rates. Ail accidents at the risk of the owner of stock. Jul}. MORTSON 50-1 Bond Lake Found. A lined rubber knee rugr on Yoiige St... South, Richmond Hill. "he owner may have same by proving property and paying for this adver- tiseinent. Apply at H. A. NICHOLLS ,. NOTICE \Vhen in need of rough or dressed lumber, mouldings. shingles, doors, etc.. we can supply your need. TEE W. BOOTH LUMBER CO. LIMITED 0. P. R. Tracks & Summcrhill Ave. 503 mos. North Toronto My Stock oi \Voolens for is now complete comprising Black and Blue “"015th Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, ‘ ()vercoating, etc. Best quality. ’ Low prices A. .J. HUME, i Tailor, Richmond Hiil l Sale Register. SATURDAY. June. 30. -Au.:tion sale of valuable far-id. property near York i Mills, East York, ‘ 10'.) acres. the l property of. the late ’l'lios. Breed! H.‘ Prentice, 4‘ l _ . i Subscribe/“for i lTHE -- LIBERAL . Wash .Eabrics Suggestive of the season and the latest styles. Inexpensive, Yet Serviceable These run in the new shadesâ€"bright and pretty. Ginghams, Females, Bimities Numerous weaves and great varie- ties. In these lines we positively lead all competitors. They’re not cheap goods; we have no cheap goods, however low our prices may be. Black Worsted Black Cheviot Just to handâ€"Some very ï¬ne black Worsteds and Chevims. We will make to your measure in first-class style and perfect .ï¬t, and extra- quality Black Worsted Suit for $17.65 and a very fine Black Chev- iot for $18.50. Men’s Fine Straw Hats very special values. Atkinson & vaitzer June 14, 1006. "‘5 CW its on a. ' Ric liiiitiiil Hill aiiiiaia this BINDEEï¬ TVVINEâ€"Be- sides givrng you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. TO BUIIJDERSiâ€"Those .5 building will ï¬nd it to their interest to get our priceson nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. T‘INSDII'I‘l-IING â€" Done promptly, done well. .Gardeu‘Tools: “fire and ‘Virz‘ Fence. Builders“ Tools’ Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Peerless Machine Oil. c.scusus i s :1 éttiit iii @iiiiiiiiii aple ==(in connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) l Business trarisactud daily between 10 and 4. Savings Bank Department. Mumâ€: advanced on sale notes. ' i. ii. mutant. igeni. mâ€" _b"‘