Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jun 1906, p. 1

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VOL. XXVIII. THURSDAY MORNING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charng to me. "DR. We‘fi. fififiERS. Dentist. Room 12. 12L Victoria St. Toz‘cnt‘ Best fitting teeth. also replnting, lowest prices. Good work. AT THE ESERAL PRINTING d PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL-,ONT. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, calls by day and night promptly at tended to. i‘. F. McMAHON. DB. H. W Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 1â€"8 p. m. W'ill be 131a E. J. \Voods DENTIST, 95 I per annum, in advance.] Cor. Carlton and Ynnge Sts., Toronto 7i“ be in Richmond Hill on ‘Ved- nesday of each week. Otfice, next dour nnrth of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. it Toronto Ofiice. 450 CHURCH ST. Safe 1} ichanond Iiill DR. \V. E. DEAN Profitable . Interest. at highest current rate, paid twice a convenlent year makes an account. profitable. Being withdrawable Without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K 'mncis Block, THORNIIILL, Ont. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. (Successor to Dr. Lawmson) D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY We IS PUBLISHED EVERY Enxros 8: Paoramron. I. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, ctcriuaz’y "g?! ‘dimt mum. INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE “'EEK. This Bank‘s large lESOUl‘CeS ensure safety. A Savings Account IN THE GNTAREG BAEK I]! W Rid out. Wadsworth a Barristers and Solicitors. Mouev to loan on land audchattel mortgages“ lowesc rates Auroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post 0330.: one door west of the entrance to the Ontano Bunk Newmarket ofiiceâ€"Three doors south of the postorfice T EEBDEBTLENNOX G STV MORGAN LENNOX & MORGAN WILLIAM L‘UUK BARRZSTER, SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tm-nntn Office, 33 Richmond St. \Vvst, \Vesloy Buildings. Richmond Hill Office, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- norm. Barristezsfiolicitors. Notaries, 8m. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg). Cm”. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. Tor-on to. Mulock, Lee, Iinlliken Clark Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to 1mm at, Five Per ( JAS. NE\VTON NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2) KING ST. 13., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON, K. O. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF ‘ JOHN \VALTER MCDONALD COMMISSIONER IN '1'!!! max CQURT OF JUSTICE.&¢. Issuer sf Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. r. McDonald will be atTBE LIBER- A Office, Richmond Hill, on the 15!; and 3rd Saturday of each month. M L NOTARY PUBLIC S. \V. Comer King & Yunge Su-ee'ts Richmond Hill ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BEITJLS Phono Main 311 ‘rivabe and Trust; Funds to loan at lowest current rates. i S Lindsey Barristers. Sulicitm’s, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Cnnveyancexf, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. Linds DI. 'E‘EE Pfi‘17 ntan. Dunn & Boult‘nee Barristers, Snlictnrs, Etc «VILLIAI‘JI COOK TORONTO. adS‘fv Aurora, . Lawrence & dsworth, {0ND IHLL, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE :21, 1906 Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” STV MORGAN Phone Main 298-! “er Cent (5?; . Standard lay after- :Newmarket The Silver Anniversary of the Methodist S. 8., on Saturday WM 11 decide success, although the weather was threaiening in the morning, the afternoon was all thatcould he desired. The football tournament in the after- nmm was witnessed by a large crowd and gave entire satisfaction to the on- luokers. All the game-3 was devoid of roughness and the visiting teams as well as the home. Lenin should be con- gratulated on their gentlemanly con- duct. The quality of ball played was swift, and full of brilliant plays. In the juniur series Uashel vs Victoria, Royals Juniors the Rnyals cliuclie-d the prize 1 to 0. Personals Many of the former residents of the Square availed themselves of the iuppnrmnily of visiting their friends i and acquaintances. me l‘omntoâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hingston and family, Mr. Ernest Manna, Mr. E. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs, Graham and son, and Mrs. Stella Bx'ulnwell. The souior‘svx-ies brought out teams from Aurora, Vandmf, Shamrocks of of Gwen River. Heathers Uf Agincom't, and the Victoria Royals. In the thaw Shamrovks were matched against. Victoria, Royals, Vundorf against Heathers, and Aurora: the bye. Shulnl'UCkS vs V'ctorin. Royals proved a very interesting and exuiLing game uf hall. Every inch of gI-onn was stubbornly contested, Green River scoring in second half. \Vith one minute of play loft Victm‘iu Royals evened up in half a minute when about, an hour was required to settle matters the Shamrocks succeeding in scoring the winning goal. This was the longest and hardest, match of the afternoon. Heather-s vs Vandm-f furnished good ball, but, were not, so long in deciding which should be Victms. Heathers proved too swnft for their oppunents of two years ago by scm-lng 4 E0 'l‘hen was pluycd a swift and excit- ing game. The Shamrocks kept Aurora. going and scored on a penalty. Again and again both teal ms attacked each other’s goals but no other goals \Vere scored. Score 1â€"9. 1!: the finals Shamrocks V's Heathers the. excitement was intense, both tea ms playing as for dear life. But despite a. brave defence the Shamrocks plucked the Heathers tn the tune of 2â€"â€" U, securing the prize of $13.75. .-V .- v.â€" ‘ In [bye drawvwh'ich folleed Sham- rocks were pitted againrt Aurora, Heathers securingithe hyg The evening entertainment; was en- jnyed by a, large audience. Rev. Mr. Dunn of Toronto proved a. capital chaiimzm and gave a short and inter- esting speech. Miss Annie Czu-i-uthers of Whitby was well received and gave two pleasing and well-chosen numbers. Musu-r Hurry Hunter of Toronto delighted his hearers and was heartily (mum-ed. Master- Hurry has a. very swoet, and pmveiful voice for his age and will nu doubt he hean from in the future as one of Toronto's best, singers. Master Then. Cuylor of Brthesdzi pmvod a clever little enter- tainer, his selections being well chosen. The enterfaiument committee should feel satisfied, as to the result of their efforts having secured such excellent talent for the occasion. All the other cmnmittees are to be congratulated as well on the pPl‘fEC‘t arrangement of matters under their charge. Proceedsâ€"226.53. 'The refgrees, 'M r. \Vm. McKay and Mr. E. J. Hitchcock gaw entire satis- faction to the respectiye teams. v Meésrs Harry Spnng and Geo. Hanna of Ringwood took in the party and spent Sunday with Mr. A5, Jennings. 7 Miss M. Frisby of Aurora. was the guest of Mrs. T. Frisb_v._ Mal'khum Band rendered sweet music and everyone cmnmented on the fine quality of the music. The Band also played stumble selections during the evening exercises. 9 "ME, W.‘ wenmnn a'nd Miss Hattie VVL-llman of Richmond Hill agent Sat. urgipy and _S_unday E'ith frien s‘. A “ Looking this “'uy ” and the Victoria Square Orchestra also gave a selection and played during the song service. At 7 p,m. Rev Mr. Dean preached from the text 2 kingg 2. 21, and gave 21 vepy instructive discourse to an appreciative audiencv, impressed the thought that it is necessary to go to the source of bad habits and other evils to makeupeivmaiwntcule. Masterflunter sun “ Nearer my Home” and the OXK'EESU'R again rendered a selection 3194) taking part; in the song service. On Sunday the 18th at, 2.30 Rev. \Vesley Dean addressed the. schuhu-s of the Sunday School from Luke 2. 52. Mr. Dean spnke of the Wonderful discoveries oi the age but said he had made a wmiderful discovery during his short visit; and calling on Master Han-y Hunter- to come to Lhe platform proceded to illustrate his discovery in the buy life as represents-d by Master Han . Advice was given the young haw {p grow up goud christian citizens in favm- with God and man. Master Hgn-y Hunterjung very beautifully Victoria Square Ont We are sorry to learn that Mr. H. 0. Klinck is laid up with an attack of typhoid. Mr. um! Mrs. Ben Carvpr of Mount Jny canw over to enjoy the anniver- sary. Also Mr. J. H. Tx-udg: on a. (1 Miss Nellie Trudgeun. Frnm East ’J‘orontu' Mr. and Mrs. L. Carver. Mr. Louie Nichols and Mr. Herbie Bnyntun zue suffering from attacks of M\_13pp3. Good clean football was played by all the teams. The uncher frnm Cashel was very propm- y penalized. \Vlmn the Victoria Royals captain collided with the Shaun-nicks goal kepper thme was a shaking of homes and nearly :1 smashing of teeth. Aurora got the. byeuin the first. draw and the guud-bye in the second. “'hat‘s the matter with Hughie. :md Charle and Davie and Oscar and Jimmy? The girls from the Rixer reply in chorusâ€"They‘re all right. ml The l‘nntvrs fmm'the RIVZI‘ were assisted by the Band. \Vlmt. niled Bert, Fer-rim ? is nearly as hard to answer 2L3 How old is Ann? The Shamrock ran all over the Heather. Ga ptain Art of Vundorf was so fond of flip football that he hugged it and in his glee forgot, Where the goal was cugse'qyyntly a score. \Vhen it, was: apparent Cnshel was defeated John performed the (huge-1- nns and difficult, feat of turning 8. hand spring. The‘VictO'I-ia Juniors did themselves pi and. The Methodist. Sunday School Will hold :1 picnic next Saturday afternoon on the football grounds. They expect to be joined by the schools from Hope nnd Concord. Tea, will be served on Mr. James Oliver’s lawn, and a pleas- ant time is expected. The nmrriage of Mr. W. Johnson of Maple and Miss Adzt Powloy of Gait, took place in that town on \Vedues- day of last week. The young couple arrived home on Friday evening and are receiving congratulations. All of our general stores are doing a. rushing husmess, and the ice-cream parlor is well patl-(jnized. h A number- ff'uln here intend takinga. trip to the West in July. ..-.. .- .. . Mr. '1‘. F. McMahon’and family, and Miss McMahon of Richmond Hill Spent Sunday at Mr. J. T. Suigeuu's. Last Thursday a. petition of over 1,200 residents of North York was pre, sented to the council asking the members to re-open the question of Lhe resignation of Mr. A. B. Davidson, P. S. Inspector. investigate the charges against him, and if not proven to have him reappointed. The pe- tition was strongly supported by Mr. \Vm. Rennie. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Harvev and other teachers on behalf of the North York Teachers' Associa- tion; and by Mayor Roadhouse, T. H. Hrunton, A. E. \Viddifield, L. 0’. Jack- son and others of Ncwmaaket. all of whom spoke on Mr. Davidson’s behalf expressing their convictions that he was an efficient inspector and an esteemed citizen. The petition was signed by 99 out of 104 teachers in the inspector-ate. The speakers expressed their belief that the council had acted with too much haste in January Inst, and urged the members to recmmider what they had tone. It was explained that, Mr. Davidson had resigned in View of the fact that his dismissal was imminent. The council in committee of the whole decided to get; the advice of their solicitor as to Lhe legality of re-opiming the case. Acting Solicitor Baird gar-c his opinion that. as another inspector had been appointed and N. bv-lzm' )asscd, the council’s hands were tird, ’ hr Inatter was then dropped. The report of the inspector for North York showed it total of eighty-six public schools and 104 teachers. Estimates fur the present year were presented to the Council by the Treas- urer at the meeting on Saturday. They show a requirement of $35,057.76 for general purposes. $7,699.38 for the Industrial Home. and $4.859 for Court House debentures. It was also reported that the County Treasurer will need a temporary loan of $10,000 to meet current expenses. This is in addition to the $10,000 already provid- ed. It was decided. to increase the salary of the high constable from $100 to $300. Lieuc. T. H. Lenno: asked for and obtained an increase of cents a day during camp to the‘ pay hf the members of the Gnvernor-Geueral's Budy Guard resident. in York County. Ttie motion to donate $13,0UU in the General Hospital will be refeI-x-ul to the electors 0n the first of Junualy. Corner Kicks and Throw-in‘s. York County Council. Mame We refer to that boon to weak, nervous, auflering women known as Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription. Dr. John F‘er one of the Editorial Stat! of Tm; Mum-Io MEDICAL szmw says of Unicorn root (Helmvias Dioioa whioh Is one of the chief ingredients of t e “Fa- vorite Prescriptipn " : "A remedy wfimh unmany acts as a uter- lno invigorazor ‘ ‘ ‘ makes for normal acâ€" tivity of the entire reproductive system." He continues "in Helonias we have a medica- ment which more fully answers the abovn purposes mmmmawim which lam. mde. In the {treatment of diseases pe- culiu mAwgmen iv._ in seidqm thug a case is , “H‘hd seen which does not present some indication for this remedial agent” Dr. Fyie further says: “The fol owing are among the leading indlcazionsior elonias (Unicorn root). Pain or aching in the back. with leneorrhoea; ntonic (weak) conditions or the reproductive organs of women. mental depression and ir ritubiiii-y. associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women. constant. sensation of heat in the region or the kidâ€" ney ; menorrhagin (flooding). due to a week'- en condition of the reproductive system: nmenorrha‘a (suppressed or absent, monthly periods). arising from or accompanying an Ibnormal condition of the digestive organs md anaemic (thin blood) habit: dragging sensations in the extreme lower pan of the ebgomen." p .u A _L__- ____A_.__.. Wingers’s Concrete Culvert Tile Price List Being made from the best pnrtland cement and gravel selected or screened Ln be specially suitable for tile mak- ing. and strongly proportioned with cenwnb. They may be said to he prac- tically indestructible {as they set almost, as hard as: stone itself). and aa they cost about the same price as .1 Wood culvert. and will outlast any number of them, it is plainly apparent that thm-e must he an Immense saving in the long run in buying an articlH that, does nut require to be constantly rcnewud. Licensed Mmfiouoers for the Com Snles drendedto on shortestnotice‘ Iouable rates Patronage solicite 9 ineh tile, 30¢. per foot, or 3‘5v. eaci u u 43c. u u u Luv) n 16 H ‘1 N I. H- 1-",!) Is 2‘) u n SOC. n u 16 $3.”) H 24 u u u u u 3) u Tile meawre, 2 ft. 6 in. over , will lay 2 ft. 4 in). uf bridge 01 work, 2 in. being taken of l)_passing (Iver each other. Six lengths of tile lay a. cuh long (the aver:ng culvert, wid All prices computed over n1. 6 in). Branch em Woodbridg Franks, ngan. Address all co ugxnunica Lion: l. and ' .- :lvex-t : tllgvi 14 fr‘ 1z 2ft. J. w. Licensed Auctioneer for the CGIUL‘. of Yuzk Goods sold on consignment Gene; halea ‘ atoc etc promptly amended to u.‘ susonume rates Residence Quichvilie "kgâ€"VI! Gouldmg, Nuwton Brook»; at for Lbs above J '1‘ Sump; vamw. If more or less of the above symptoms are presont, no invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, one of the leading ingredi- ents of which is Unicorn root, or Helonias and the medical properties of which 13. most faithfully represents. These tile are made specially for cul veil; purposqs. A large stock of Funeral Fu kept at. both places 01 Golden Seal root, another prominenfi Ingredient of " Favorite Prescriftion,’ Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., 0 Ben- nett. Medical College, Chicago, says: “It is an important remedy in disorders of the womb. In all catar‘rhtfl conditions ‘ ‘ ‘ and general enteeblemenrt, it is useful.“ RICHMOND HlLL & THO ’Pr'ot. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says o_f Golden rgot: ” v: v: "u", -__, . I'In relation to its general efl'ects on the system. than is nu medicine in use about which there L9 such gamut Momma; 0109mm. It is unwasle regarded as 010 tonic useful in all debilitated states." "P1611 Bartholow, M. D. of Jefferson Medical College, says 9! Goidgn Seal : r "Véflfiifilé lzi'dten'ne hemorrhage, monor- rbagla. (flooding) and congestive dysmenoh rhoea (painful mgnstrq 3:131: ).” "61:. fiééé’s Favorite Prescription faitho full represents all the above named in: gr ients and cures the diseases for which they are recommended. Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients. Underlakers & Embu Jesse V34an ‘1‘ CARRVILLFZ, ONT “Maple Snlgeon a: 1103‘!” WRIGHT BRO [Single copies, 3 cts. JD PRICES OF TILE J. ll. PI entice. v of York McEwwz anon {HILL ishing wers.

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