A warm 'Eebate occurred at the 'E‘orouto Methodist Conference Satur- (Emfi’ x-:‘:noi‘i‘xing over the clause in the 11‘?" 2Liquor License Act making a Rflmï¬-‘ï¬fths vote necessary to carry 1.‘b’cir'l 'dption. Strong objection was fuaken to the clause by many of 'the delegates. The daily papers ‘z‘eport Rev T. Campbell as follow :â€" ‘“I have in my heart a dread that the whiskey element is behind this proposition- et the Whitney Government. I prophesy that in ‘five years we will be back to whiskey. County Councillor, W. H. Pugaley is freely spoken of as a. likely suc- cessor to the late Sherriif Widdiï¬eld. The appointment would be a most popular one, and Mr. I’ugsley would ï¬ll the ofï¬ce with dignity and honor. The ofï¬ce requires a man of ability and good judgment, and we are sure ‘iilie Government will make no mis- take if tile appointment be given to MT. Pugsley. No one who knows the Premier will be surprised that Sir Wilfred Laurier took the proper and digniï¬ed course when a few days ago, a 'motion was made in Parliament to censure Mr. Cinqmars. The latter is a young Frenchman who used some very strong and unparliament- arv language towards Hon. Mr. Foster in La Presse newspaper. It is to be regretted that a large number of Liberal members took the view that Mr. Foster, who frequently indulges in cutting language when dealing with political opponents, was not entitled to the protection of the House. The reporter was cheered when summoned to the Bar of the House, several of the members referred to the incident as something only to be laughed at, but the Premier maintained that Mr. Cinq~ mans had passed the bounds of reasonable criticism,and consequently supported the vote of censure. 'The provincial License Depart- ment has received the report of the "analysis of so-called regal beer sold in “3% (ff/ohmic mining dis’tric‘t as a ibxn'p’eï¬ï¬‚‘ï¬Ã© beverage, several bottles of whieâ€™ï¬ Were sent to the depart- ment smue time ago. The report "says the iiqu contains more than 32‘ £2 m‘ cent. of proof Spirits izi‘i'i'o‘ï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©i ‘éh‘c 112w, and the sale of ‘tiie 'iiéï¬flï¬ WW1 ‘t‘h‘éi‘éfox‘e be stopped. I haven't seen a drunken man in Richmond Hill since the ï¬rst of May, and yet had the present act been 'in force we would not have had local option.†Juxiim- IV.â€"â€"Gladys Ball, Emma Chapman. Alice Page. Senior [ILâ€"Robbie Lowery. Junior [ILâ€"Ilene Chapman, Lizzie Rankin. @112 “’Ffliheml. Sonim‘lV.Entrance.â€"Haunah Chap 1mm, Lavinia Rankin, Hexhie Luesby. Senior IV. â€" Garland Langstafl', Emily Rankin, hiyrgle \Veldrick. Senior I[.â€"â€"Nellie Page. Joseph Ire- lmjd. Nathan (Phaptlmg. A, Junior ILâ€"Amy Ball. Stewart Page, Viulet Caseloy. We‘lï¬ngtou Munkman Senior Part. ILâ€"Kabhlecu Rankin, Dennis \‘Vhibe. Purl; I.â€"Donnier l)rur§. Elva-“’eldâ€" rick. Enid-Drury. Johnnie Rankin. Senior Part I.â€"-Lornie W'eldxick. Basselljluykngu, genr'gi9_}axlg§t_,zlff_. The Tesbou Methodist Ohm-ch pur- pose holdiug their Sunday Schnnl anniâ€" versary on- the 24th: and 27th inst. On Sunday. 211th. speciul Sermons will be preached by Rev. O. I). “’iswwaunsw at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Wed- nesday. 27th. a strawberry festival will be held in the. church grounds from 4 to 6 o'clock. Tea will be foL lowed by addresses-b7 .Revs. Buck. ‘Visswaesser. \Vilsuu. Campbell and others. Music will be furnisht‘d by Laskay Union Brass lmnd, recitations by Miss Campbell of Sherwood, and songs by Mr. J. McCamlnP. Chair lu be taken by Dr. Gilmour. Tickets :35 and 15 cents. Mr. J. E. Hodgann has resigned the position of High School Inspector and Mr. H. B. Spotton succevds to the appointment. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. . CDNCORD SCHOOL. Teston J um: 21, 1906 Sale Register. SATURDAY, June 30. -Auction sale I of valuable farm prop Tty near York :Mills. East; York, 100 acres, the : mperby of the late Thus. Breen. Is at 2.30 p.111. J. H. Prentice, : Auctioneer. Any one who will inspect this horse before selpcting a sire- we will gum-an- tee to make them a present of $1,000 and a cult wit/hunt charge. if The Duke is not just as represented and one of the best. bred Trotting Stallions nu the cou- tineut, and one of the greatest Stock Horses on earth. .._.u._. _.-..._, “v TUESDAYâ€"He will go to Lemon‘s Hotel, Aurora, for noon, and thence to Royal Hotel. Newmarket, for night. VVEDNESDAYâ€"He will go to Mr. Joseph Hill’s farm. int 21'). concession 6. King (near Kettlebyl. for noon. and thence to NolIlL-Lun fur night. THURSDAYâ€"He will go In Kleinlmrg for noun, and thence it) Vs’oml- bridge House, “’oodln-idge, for night. FRIDAYâ€"He will gu to Thistlemwn for noon, and thence to Islingtun Hotel. lslingttm. for night. SATURDAYâ€"He will go to Black Horse Hotel. Tm‘nntu, where he will l‘P- main until evening. when he will go to his own Si/ilhit‘, 107 McGill Streetnvhere he will remain until Monday morning. $10 Insures a living colt, payable 1!) days after mare foals. If COIL comes deformed or dies within that time, n?» charge will be made. Routeâ€"12 \Veeks, commencing Monda}, April 30th, 1906 MONDAYâ€"He willgnto Eglinton Hotel. Eglintnn. frnm 9 to 1‘), and thence to Golden Lion Hotel, Yong? Street. for noon. and lhvnce tn Hughes†Hobel.Tho1-nhill, f1-0m3bu 4. [hence up Yonge Street to Unsgmw's Hotel. Elgin Mills. f(:1;ni_g.ht~. V .._--__,..-_ A n A v . vv . u a r , ,1 LL ",A A. W. J. LAING in change Loans made tn farmers at ï¬ve per cent. Apply to Mr. Lai knew a good thing when he struck uil, but not an inch more than the penple who have made a new roof, out. of an old one. by simply coating it with our Elastic Cement, Pitch. If your roof is in meal of repair. now‘ is the time to 60 “this kind of Work. \Vrite fur our free expert advice, also for our pamphlets, which gives useful information. DO IT NOW DOMINION CEMENT PAINT CO. I 72 Queen St} EV. 50-4 Toronto, Can. Vilnnl Sum-lspeg Brandon Imomm [It-ooh Estevan Yorkton Regina moose Jaw HflMESEEKERS' GOING: June _§tb. good tq‘return ‘gntil fuguth 3t} June 19th. July 3rd. July 11th. For rates to other points and complete In- formation apgly to neareabCanadian Paciï¬c Agent, or wrlte to C. B. FOSTER, District Passenger Agent, 71 Yonge St... Toronto. E. R. REYNOLDS, Proprieter John D. Rockefeller $1.000 GUARANTEE Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion RETURN FARES.’ - $32.00 Strasshurg - 33.60 salkatom - 33.65 Much Albert 84.20 No. Battka 34.50 hale“ - agary - ' 35"†Red Deer - - 85.15 Stettler - 85.00 Edmonton ' 107 MCGILL ST.. TORONTO Ruéufl 20th. Sept. 3rd. Sept. 17th. 31.25 41.50 £2.50 C. P. R. Tracks 55 Summethill Ave. | 50â€"3 mus. North Toronto SPRING AND SUMMER “'hen in need of rough or: dressed lumber. mouldings, s‘ningivs, doors, etc. we can supply your need. THE W. BOOTH LUMBER CO. LIMITED A lined rubbm knee mg on Yonge St. South, Rlchmond Hill. The ownor may have same lay prnvmg pmpr-rty and paying for this when tiseuueut. Black and Blue VVoxsted Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatlng, etc. My Stock of Woolens for Best quality. A. J. HUME, is now complete comprising Tailor, Richmond Hill NOTICE App!y at Found H. A. NICHOLLS Low prices .ui ug. GLAZIE ED. BEECH HOLSE PAINTER 41-611) and Uu Dim-use V'nnz: expel W. H EW é SQ N HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Graine'r and. Paper- Hang-er. ++~;« + an + W. H. S'riAW, Principal ++++++$++++¢+++++++++++++ Dwelling, outbuildingsnnd 16 acres nf land fur sale in the village QfAMaprlej. The dwelling is brick. 25x28, with frame kitchen and wondshvd 12x22, smble is 20x26, drive-house 12x22. and shed 12x21. The land contains 16 acres of the best soil. plenty of water, cun- venicut tn schonl. church and post, ofï¬ce. This is u very desirable pran- eity. The property is in first-class conditiuu. For further particulars apply to . nvvxv‘ï¬â€˜iv Yrrr r AIYIVYY 1\n Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Maple, May 31, 1908‘ The Next Sitting of Division Court for “No. 3,'Cuunty of York. will be held in the Court Room. Tax; Sale of Lands The Treasurpr of the County of York (undel- wen-rant of December 29, 1905, will proceed tn sell at the Public Hall, Palmer's Block, N. S. Arnold Street, Village of Richmond Hill, on TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1906. at, 113. m. the following land for arrears of luxvs, unless the said “meals and the costs are sooner paid, viz: E. Part Lot 30. Gun. 1, :2 acre (assess- ed to Henry C. Houghton. T., and C. '1‘. \‘Vhituey, 0.). Taxes. $38.94; Fees and Expenses. $4.65; Total, $33.49. - MEET. Emma RICHMOND HILL “91;- FRIDAY, OCT. 5, x906 VAUGHAN DISTRICT NO. 2 +++++++++%+++++++++++++++ Szxtisfa 48-4 Twenty regular ranchers est oquipxuent. Most sue graduates. {genital ‘ï¬urï¬iusaï¬ @a'iirge Yong? & Ger 'm-d Slam, anontu. Cummencinq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Half of double house on Centre ySt. Ewt, Richmond Hill. Furinfor- ' _ mat/10:1 apply to JAMES NEWTON, Bu-‘ter Paper at the Liberal ï¬ï¬lce :Elgin Mills. 1404f. mt, & twvn L.‘ .é‘EREï¬E )0! ANDREW KILLOUGH 0R J. '1‘. SAIGEUN, Maple 13: o; ‘52ng 38§Séï¬Â§i Fer Sale m Municipality of J. K. MACDONALD. mm ,Gmm lâ€"‘HANG NULL RDA D. S( IIMOND IllLL. n m ‘l‘ges into our Mï¬â€˜? l\'( in THH Treasurer Co. York. 41:. 1'01: holidays. emnll at any adxunmgc. In» um )ND HILL him»; n-s ptol-innry 's uf p! m WEE 'Vfl'ï¬â€˜i 1H enti gents ud Hill 'Hl- ful 1nd 48% ’f “I .11 Those getting bills or c:u-ds at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬crl \viH receiw‘ n fl"‘(.‘ notice during the season as fulluwsz~ TAIL FOREST Read. _ L Square. ] mund Hill Terms, $10. PRINCE DRUID« the prom-H; Head, will Hnuse, Ric} KNOCKALOE CHIEF pruperty ('1' Vi. 3mv ELHUU ill] “15 UWIl SL'CLUN‘, [UL UJ‘CUH: lshgfauglmd (Elgin Mills). Terms EARL GREYâ€"Clydesdale Stallion. the pro erty of A. Lahmer. Sllel'WUnd, -wil stand at his own stable. Terms. $8. DICK FYFEâ€" Trotting Stallion, the property of Milton Stoug. Lansing, will stand at his own stable. Terms, $ 10. nus, $10 Staliion R To Rent ure~hrud ~1mpmted Clydpsd y of J. Palmer and stand at the Pa]: bnmnd Hill. TL'I' Ill -d Imp. I of Harry KSEEELC‘T. G. Ellis. J at his own msn 'm ( Bl'd st;sz l’l'nH ('it)‘ l'lllb’ 1nd w Ill ‘H