‘Ve willmuke to your measure in ï¬rst-class styleâ€"everything about it .ï¬rst-(‘lassâ€"a ï¬ne black ChPVint suit 'fnl- $18.25, the quality that is uslmlly sold for $25.00 a suit. and will he very pleased to measure you. Atkinsun & Switzex‘. Citizens living in the vivinity nf Que Pm‘k complain about the [unfunny ' Nd‘goueral bad languugu indulgud By the lust draft, of the Stntimxing (‘unmlitbve,-Re~\'. Thus. Uumphull goes 1.“ Islingrm) for the nnxt twin. and RCV. F. C. Kenn tru Nv‘wtnn Brook and “'illowdnle circuit. Nu nthox- changes Were made in the Toronto District. A family gathering was held at the home of Mrs. Storey, Tuesday, that- day being Mrs. Storey’s birthday. Mr. ‘r. R. Storey was present fi'nln Brock- tmx. Mass., with other relatives from vanlm and other places. The \Voman’s Missionary Society of Victoria Square- intend hnldmg :1 Strawberry Festival and Ice Cl-mun social (m the church lawn. Monday, July 2nd, to which tlw public are cur- dially imitvd to attend. Fraser River 19d sockeye salmon, Regal Brand, $1.68 pe-r duz. tim; Mom arch Bran (111., $1.64 per duz. tins; better sulmun cummt he obtained at any price; try it, and be convinced. Atkinson 8: Switzer. The town ln-H will ring at 5 o’clm'k Tnc-sday muruingsn tlmL-citiznns whu pm-pnse juining’ the ï¬remen (m the-iv oxuursiun tn 'Ningm-a Full-s will not (H‘QISIEPP. Tiékot‘gvumy he had from any ’memlwr nf the committee. ‘C’ummunion service will be held in the Preshyu-rian Church next Sunday. On Friday evening, Jun-4 22, nt b‘ o’clock a spminl sermon will in- px-(‘aéhed by Rev. Dr. Gih'uy, pastm'uf "allege St. Preshytvx-izm Chmch, .Tomnto. Pineapple, shredded or whole, can- ned at place of growth,151-.pex-Lin; round tins impnrted kippered herring, 109.: Maple Syrup, quart. tins, 25c. Alkinson & Switzer. The High School will hnld their annual picnic at) Luke “'ilcox tn- mom-ow (Friday). Vans will leave the school about. 1 o‘clcck. Ex»pupiis are invited. SPhe Entx-ance Exsuninntions will commence in the High Schnol \Ved- m-sduy mm'ninp: nf next wwk. and will Continue \Vcdnesdsy, Thursday and Friday. Nine Inu-S good laundry soap for 250.; La Vie‘rge pure Custih- soap in; H). (ukoS, 13 for 250.; lnfahts’ Delight, [091- lmx; ï¬mst numvry toilet Sump, HSC. pm- but. Atkinson & Switzvr. > Miss Preston. Colgmd‘e, Splf‘nt a few (Buys wish hr-r sister here this Week. Their father also visited bi‘i‘c on Mon- d .1 y. MP. and ':-s. D. <Hill luff, Friday et'o‘i‘ring to spend over Sunday wilh relatives in Buffalo, and enjoyed :l. trip to Niagara. Falls. Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P. for (‘vntre Ym-k. attende the Srm-hm-o Old Boys‘ Reunion an Agiucourt (:71 Saturday Inst. Rev. Father Tr’efy of St; Basil’s ('hnpvl. ’i‘m-nnm, has lwon appointed one nf the new huard of gun-nuns for that Pun incial University. F. 'McDunuM. L Bunk. Shiut'f‘.‘i! with Mr. Gen. 3. . Grmmhs an". little daughtvrs (If Newmmkvt :u-o ~\pmuling the “'Pt'k at Fuuldvn Lodgv, thr' guests uf Mrs. anwn. I’ll}: C 1 a , 9. "ifth a N 1'. and Mrs Miss May Krick of n fmv days last weel McMuhun and family Mrs. P spvml a 1 (‘19vvlnn Mrs. D. Slurng spent :1 fun; duj Week at the hump (If Mr. R. A.Tl sun, Prmriml 0f the Humiltm‘ lt-giule Institute. Hunts and Shopsâ€"Ladis‘s’ m-nnelhl slippers. a snap: nwu’s working hunts, thc- hesL \‘quv to In: Ind. Nnughton Bursa, Elgiu Mills. An :udvertisomz‘nt on another page gives tln' changos in the Metropolitan 'l‘imu Table; beginning m-xt Monday, 25th inst. mew Dunlap x.._. Mills. A lit-gulm' Qunrtmiy Mending ('nm't Richmond, A. O. F. 3v?“ he 1 Friday evening of this ï¬nal. chaxnxn HILL, On, June: 3E2: @iï¬mï¬ Mr. :1 'nu’I‘I-(‘n lï¬n's ï¬rm. Yh'pw. Tot-mm). ev'k with Mr. and Mrs Pm :Ith ("5.119. I M". L. E. Fi’ 14¢?)(3 AX‘EU‘. and Mrs. James Strung and n (ff Saskatchmvun, me sppnd- few Weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Bit-ynk‘ ‘ftir saleâ€"4906 mnk'ï¬. lives. Nzunghton B o=., Elgin . G. Savage loft yesterday h) ‘e-w weeks Mt 1101- old huuw in L1, Ohio. Krick of Dunnvme last week with Ml. ndrews of Miami. Mam. l. time with hwr‘pm-ents. . \Vilvy. A quantity ughtun Bros fund; Teller, and Mr. F. I x-dgorkm-pm', Standard . .5». spent over Sunduy . McDonald. few days last R. A.Thmnp- spending at pnt't 3 toes Mills. spent 1906 “PM ith (1f The ï¬rst coach on the James Bay ~llailway passed through Richmond Hill frmn Toronto last, Thursday arrirjng in Beaverton in the evening. Tho’trip was made in less than three hours some time having been taken up inspecting the work. The road is bal- lasted for a considerable distance smith uvaa\'01-tun.and the ofï¬cials found the road in a \cry satisfactory conditlun. The contrarttus who are building the road to Parry Sound are pushing the work very rapidly. The road pruni- isrs tn be a boon to tourists affm-ding then: amply anunnumdufoa and quii k transit to the many beautiful lakes in‘ the north part of the Province. IL is lhuught now that the road will not be invl'ull operation before 13th of August. Messrs Mackenzie til Mann have orderâ€" rd magniï¬cii-nt couchesforseriicc out of Turuiitn. Thc duin papers of Baaméktun, M:ms.. gave- an inlviesting account of 41 cmn- plimvntzuy dinner give-n by the ï¬rm of Sun-«y and 00., In their enipluyes, (m the evening of the 215: of May. Lit wasthv swnnd annual party given by the ï¬n†and has been made an annual institution as :1 Sort of birthday uhsurvum-e on the birthday of Mr. (‘rharlvs R. Stm-ey. of the ï¬lm, and formerly a Richman Hill hwy. The yup-st. cnmprisiug a splendid menu‘ was much unjnyed. and Mr. tin-mar}â€" Jeffersnn fnuLhall team came down Friday evening and played a frienle game-with Richluoud‘i‘iill in the park. There was svme good play on both sides, but; the. longgrass made combin- aliun play difï¬cult, When time was called the score stood 1-0 in favor of the home team, Frank Lyons Having scored on a penalty kick. The um- pirvs were Messrs R. Palmer and L. Scales, and Mr. W. Trench refereed the match. The teams lined up as follows: TIMl (I gave an :plimvnt o‘f Stun Richmond Hill D. Atkinson ( F. Burnett R. Gmldt‘ } B Next 'J‘uvsdny being Richmond Hill's Civic Holiday, all places (If busi- ness will le cl wed, and those who r. - main at home will duumless haveaquiet time. The ï¬remen's excursion tn Niagara Falls will hn- wall attended nut only by citizens of this place but many frmn Bnnd Lake, Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Heudfurd. Patterson. Thm-nlxill and uthex- points along Yonge Street. Each Pei-son when purchasng ticket will he presented with a nv‘ab‘badge. Cars leave Bond Lake at 6 o‘clock, and Richmond Hill at (5.15. A new telephone has been inst-ï¬lled at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. This makes 26 phones on the private line embracing Richmond Hill. Maple. Elgin Mills. Oak Ridges, Lulu- \'\'ilcnx, Victoria Squurennd omen places. $EE‘LB‘m- AL wilth pleasvd t‘i’) receix'e items 0f news or orders fur printing or adver- tising over the phmw. Please ring us up at, any tim '. No charge un-r the private line. 7 principally evening g-u think he h This, indeeé in business Svnding u thanking I and gh ing art-€105 wit Fuur cans gum] quality pens ful- 250.; 3 cans gond corn for 25s.: 2 cans Quaker tomatoes for 25m; 6 lbs. lwst ï¬gs fm"2.3c.; 6 Hm. lwst dates for 25<-.; 3 lbs. best 1'}: mm fm~23c.; 3 !hs. best Cleallvd cum-ants fvl'25CJ 6 lbs. gunfl‘ rice for 250.; 2 cams guod salmon for 25a; 4 cans British Columbia Hex-rings for 250. Atkinson 8:. Switzer. “’9 hmvo rvm-ived a neat, pamphiot issurd by 31655119. Elsom & Kirby; Areal estate agents. Armstmng, 13.0. The littlu hunk givvs a gnud description of the fruit lands in the Okmmgan Valley, mmr the main line of th(- 0. P. R. The winters there are said Ln he idea-11. [he equal to that of Culi- fnrnin. and £110 suil us good as “lull in Manitoba. The inst named member nf the firm is MIX. Roy Kirby, son of County Ct-uncillm- Kirby of Vaughan. thumgh m-un U†\V ilcux. mlurnud pY‘nlmMy 'zuno d.- sugars n lump sugn extra. gm Twenty The teachers. “mums and scholars of the Presbyterian in MM 111 Schwn! n nd a. number of outside friondx, enjoyed a plcexszmt afternoon but Sutludav :11; Luke “'ilcnx, the occasion being their annual drive and picnic. “'9†ï¬lled vans left hen-e about 1 ()‘chu-k. the numher lacing much 1mg?!" thnn fur a mnnhm- of years past. Boating and uthcr annhements were indulgcdi n, and refl (shun-“ts were smved towards Lhe close of the afternuun. sugar fur $1.00: this is extra: nice fm table use. Extra groom-y sugar, 1‘50le. for $1.00. Atkinson (v, Swine]: Mr. I \Vimpenn Band y \ Halfs ffnpper } Newton 1 Graham I \Vulsuu Fox-wards Grady 1 Lyons J Full sL COM PHI )1 E- "FA RY DINNER '(IllI‘ 5 very JAM ES BAY RA [L‘VAY FOOTBALL MATCH. rw’ds Richardson who has been IPSS fur-11 yank-s in Maple is u (-ilcniur to his customers .9; Lin-m for past patronage, mg :1 large list of many useful with which Ins store is ï¬lled. Lh wk of hm: Canadian reï¬ned n hand. Rodpzlth’s Paris :11', fruit, 01' powdered sugar, nulan sugar, yellmv sugar. pounds fruit, or powdered {HS s Frmu Curl-ville passed ‘ Villiage Monday fox-9- ’ir way to picnic ut Lakp he or two (If the loads ï¬e earlv. and the othersâ€" ived lmuw some time the 1W. Goal J. Cmmé'y , f H. Sanderson BaCLS Tapper (13- 9er 110 small boys in tbvir Yet no nne seems to .uthnrity to interfere. a bad state of affairs. 1.]. Gmdy V. Jnnvs . ‘J. Jones JT. Gamble , \V. Hallig‘ l J. Phillips J effersnn av at : their ï¬lled . the .gd n $+++++++++++++++++++++++++ : AGREATSCHOOL 3 QM“+++44%-+.+-i-.~:2+.-:«-:‘::~r;, MM did not escape with mere thanks. He was presented by the clerks with a handsome shower bouquet ofAmL-rican beauty roses. He also received a May- buskeb in which was a. birthday cake. and a card accompanying the gift announced that it, was frmn the clerks of the alteration department, and but-e the wish: “May every (luv bring greater success than yesterday." In~ scribed on the cake was " C. R. Sturey â€"m:my happy retains of the day." 'l'he'gnests an the table numbered 29. and the occasion was Lhoruughly en- joyed by Mr. Storey and his clerks. Rev. R. N. Burns (If Bramptiun was elected President and Rev. Isaac Conch of Toruntu Secretary uf the '1‘01-unm x:"tï¬()di5t Cunfereï¬ve. Monddy, June lRLh, 1906. ï¬xividkï¬v '0? 1119 lute Gun. Barnard, formerly of There a Ayef’s‘ hair. V ‘linnr I Sir 'Wllliam Mulock is to be ad- ministrator of the PM» ince of Ontario [qr ï¬ve weeks fx‘nm July IOLh. when THE LIBERAL has succeeded in com- pleting an arrangement by which every person taking advantage of our offer will secure a rent, treat in read- ing matter. The amin Herald and \Vcckly Star of Montreal has lately entered into a syndicate with a few others of the leading papers of England and America by which they have secured, aha cost of $150,000 twelve. new stories by twelve of the woi'ltl’s best authors, and they are. to appear in the Family Herald before they are issued in book form. Each story is completed in a month, making twelve ('Omplt‘te stories, that would cost. eighteen dollais in book form, in- side. the, year. It is certainly one of the greatest feats in modern journal- ism, and only the strongest. news- papers could take the risk of the immense expenditure. \V;e have made. arrangements to offer THE LIB- ERAL and the. Family Herald and \Veekly Star until January lst, 1907, {or the sum of seventyâ€"ï¬wcents. and it that time those taking advantage of 'tizzcéoï¬er will secure at least six of the Compch stories, not counting the many other interesting features of the Family Herald and their own local paper. To present readers of THE LIBERAL. we offer the Family Herald for the balance of the year for only Forty cents. - LieuthnL-Govu'uor (Milk is on leavp. Richmund Hill. Suhsvx-iptions should be sent to THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. A handsomely Illustrated weekly I .arzest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. $3 a 1451:» {9311' pogtha. 5!. Sold by all_ pewsdgglerg. j/ J ELPIOTT “ORGNTO. ONT. \â€"/ "i‘aiérifé iéiéif EEFSu h'iu'u‘ï¬ï¬ sé'FCBl'YeBEfve :pecjalnottce, wltpout. "9:739 in [kg ‘ TRADE MARKS ) DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS :10. Anyone sending a akeich and descriglion may quickly usual-Lain our opinion free w ether an invention is probnbiy pnlentubie. Communicm Mama strictly confldenï¬inL Handbook on Patents 59.131. frag. Qigea! ripencytfoiaecuring‘pmeutq. MUM &__cd§é€f?%°%i"5:7ï¬Ã©w}urk {if}; So 729 Dime Hair There are four verses. Verseii. Ayer’s "Hair Vigor stops falling Hair. Verse 2. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes .the, scalp healthy,end.keeps ‘it so. It is a regular hair-food; this is the real secret of its won- derful success. The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" 7“ Sold for over sixty years." BAgzxAHpâ€"At Detmit. Mich, Students frum Bï¬tish Colum- Mu, SAskat‘chuwgm mud Mani- tnhal on the \vesbztn "New Bruns- wivk on the east are in attend- :mce this year. Distance is‘no hindrance to those who wish to get the best. Our graduates are always snccesdul. Our facili- tws :II-e unsurpassed. Cum- uwur‘e now. No vacations. Cul- Iege open entire year. Iagniï¬- cent catalogue free. Sï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã© Emma“. 13:11th (ï¬lial. 625 1“ Si... ‘VushlI-n-zt'oh'. 15. CI (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) A GREAT TREAT. News Notes. . J. ELL!0TT. Principal. DEATHS ï¬tmdarï¬ 321111: nf aple Business-transacted daily between 10 and 4‘ Savings Bank Department. Money udvusced; on sale notes. Garden Tools; \Vire and \Vire Fence. Buildm-s’ Tools’ Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Peea‘l-ess flue-him: 0Q. 'PINSL‘II'I‘HING ~â€" Done promptly, done well. CPO BUIIJDERSâ€"Those building W111 ï¬nd it to their interest to get our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. sides givmg you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. Gingham, Perca‘les, Dimities Black Worsted Black Cheviot Atkimsm} & Switzer Richmus‘aiï¬ 5'55" Hardware Stare Inexpensive, Yet Serviceabie Wash Fabrics Men’s Fine Straw Hats BINIJER TVVINEâ€"Be- C. gflULES (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) Just to handâ€"Some very ï¬ne black VVorsteds and Cheviots. We will make to your measure in ï¬rst-class style and perfect ï¬t, and extra- quality Black Worsted Suit for $17.65 and a very ï¬ne Black Chev- iot for $18.50. Numerous weaves and great varie- ties. In these lines we positively lead all competitors. They're not cheap goods; we have no cheap goods, however low our prices may be. very special values. These run in the new shadesâ€"bright and pretty. ’ezggestive of the season and the latest styles. E13. ï¬. LGBSEMBRE. ï¬gem. June 14, 1906. aaaï¬a ‘5’)