Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1906, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Riahmond Hill charged to me. galls by day and night; promptiy at- tended to. AT THE U3ERM PRINTING <2 PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHAIONDHILLONI‘. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSDN, DB. Wffi. BUGEHS. 1)entis L. Room 1'3. 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. '1‘ . F . M c. M A H O N. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY. TH URSDAY MORNING Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Offica hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 a. m ;â€"S p. m. VOL. XXVIII. Da. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, Will be VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL 1%? egg Dr. E. J. “food; DENTIST, Ofice Hoursâ€"8.30 {L- m. to 5 p. m Safe Profitable . Interest. at highest, current rate. puidfi twice a CQflVenlent year makes air, account profitable. Being withdrawuble without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K Tux-onto Office, 450 CHURCH STA $1 per annum, in advance.] (6 Cur. Carlton and Ynnge Sts.. Toronto ili be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesdzly of each week. Office, next (1001' north of Stand- ard Bank. liiclunond Hill DR. \V. E. DEAN VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY B USINE S S CARDS (Successor to Dr. Lawn-ason) Y‘s. WU SDITOB (213° emiua ry “1g: mm. flcutnl. 4 I! (“3x I“: “v um INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. BOPRXE’I'OR This Bun’k’s large lesources Ensure safety. A Savings Account IN THE GNTAREO BANK m.; HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG’IN EIIIJLS Richmond Hill JAS. N EVVTON NOTA RY PUBLIC. COMMISEIONEB IN THE Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan onlund audchatbel mortgages at lowcsa rates Auroranmce~nemoved to the old post omca one door west of the entrance to the Outanu Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the sztoflice T HERBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Aurora. Newmarket LENNOX & MORGAN A G S Lindsey}: G (2‘ F Lawrence BARIIISTER, SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. 'l‘m-nnm Offire, 33 Richmond St. vast, \Vnsioy Buildings. Richmond Hill Uffive, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after noon. Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark Phone Main 811. Mr. McDonald will he at THE LIBER’ AL Ofiice, Richmond Hill, on the lst. and 3rd Saturday of each month. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTox, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. M ULOCK BOUL’I‘BEF‘ JOHN WALTER MCDONALD W ltidout, Wadsworth Barristersfiolicitcrs. Notaries, 8m. Homo Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg.). Um. Adelaide & Victoria. 818.. Tnumto. Mane. Thursday afternoon. Money to [mm at, Five Per Cent (5;) Private and Trust, Funds to loan at lowest current, rates. Danton, Dunn & Boultbee H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, Commissioner, Insurance: \V. Uomm- King & Ynngc Streets Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth, 1V1. 'EBI E P‘Y. RICHMOND HILL. ON"., THURSDAY, JUNE '38, 1.906 Bu n-istcxs. Solicitors. Etc Barristers, Snlivlnrs, Etc. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. Emu. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Cnnveyancer, etc. Fire a nd Life, Phone 51191112984 Newmarket CANADA’S FIRST PARLIAMENT. Too few of the citizens of Canada are: familiar with the: stirring days of mu- first Federal Parliamentâ€"days in which hope and doubt held notable conflict. An eye-witness nf these scenes tells. in the July Canadian Magazine. of the {anions duel between Tnpper :md Hume on the flour of the Hunse. uvei' (he pi'opects (if the new Confederation. VVlu-n Tnpper, a mere stripling, appeared first on the Cinn- hex-land (N. S.) hustlngs against the great Nm‘u Scntian lender, than in his prime. Mr. Howe remarked tn ,2; friend, “That, [my will give us trnnble yet." Years afterwards they met on the floor of the Ottawa. House in that famous first, session and Hnwe’s pre- diction was fulfilled. In the same de- bate D’Arcy McGee made one of his famous speeches and Mr. Mch'endy quotes several eloquent passages. Mr. E. J. Cousins, Mrs. G. Loveys, Mrs. Sturgeon and Miss Kinsingvr. of Toronto came up last; Saturday and spent the day with Mrs. 1‘. Uuusins. Mâ€"iss Edith Campth (11‘ Toronto Junction is spending a. \Vl‘ffk with friends here. Rev, Mr. Galbrwny of Tm-onto, is to be the junim- pastor on Maple circuit, for next year. Mr. J. "1‘. and Miss Daisy Suigonn are away on a week's Visit to friends in Dljiythl]; h A The Blessings of “Local Option’ While playing football at Teston, Mr. Harvey Jackson had his knee in- jured. and he will not be able to use it for some time. Tun lung lame "bars" ahagrhcd wealth From (mm- (iclightful homes, Destroying happiness and health, And every jny hemnnhs: Oh sad the \vuiH whvre’ux- the trail Of the, foul serpent, CUIIH’S. The Sabbath School picnic which was pnstnned frum Saturday lill Monday, was well attended. There wex-g a number of races and game-s, and a pleasant afternopn was spent. Tho hmtlm" team played at Testnn on Monday evening oflust week. The result was a. tie, the scum being 1 to 1. They defeated the team from Rich- mond Hill on Thursday evening by a score “1' 2 to 1. ng many thankful hearts there Sn safe from the revolling sight, 0f drunken lunacy; No fear in passing by at night, Nul' shock to decency; Nu fighting brawls, whore justice culls In vain, for harmony. Nu weeping wife will o'er "gain, Seek for her husband tin-re; Nor will she ask of tlwm in vain, Tu listen m her prayer, To 59“ no drink. his suul to sink To regions of dvspuir. Nu mnrking laugh o‘er greet her ear; Nu threats of course abuse: Nor sound of wailing on tho air, \Vhpn taunting they refuse: “I'lnile hid away frnm sunlight, my Her spouse liesâ€"where they choose. Nu mother’s boy, or father's pride \Vill lit‘ inveigled thin-e; Nor kneeling fox-m her bed beside. In agunizing prayer, For God to shield His arm to wield And snatch him from the snare. The chains are snapping fur and near. And thankful songs arise: The tyrant trcmhles in his fear, AghzisLl to hear the cries "Duwn with the bar." the shouts of war, That echu through Lhe skies. Our streets, how quit-t they have been; Victoria Day as Well; Nu sad iuehriute sights were seen, Nu cause for shame t0 tell, N0 hideous sound as homewurd bound; Nu riutings to quell. No doubt that very many wrongs Are perpetrated yet; But, absent. are the guzzling throngs That few can e’t-r forget. God pity those who wuuld oppose, The happy change negret. Oh. who with heart humane could fail I‘u pray our land might be Released from wrongs that all hewail, Frmn haxâ€"woms. hencefoth free; ‘V hen lust for gold, will cease to hold Om: lule in slavery. In many towns (0-day, \Vheroin the liqmnutn-uding Has lust its power to 5 my Tn he nn rum-v. zm apt-n dmvr \\'I)erc umny go astray. N0 starving children to lament Their drunken father’s shame; Nor blush to feel the odium meant \thn others speak his n:um-; Fur hnpe hns come to e\ cry hmue, And gleldness fills the same. â€"(MRS.) P. L. GRANT. Richmond Hill, June 21, 1906. Mame 211‘ an L1) 0 4 cans good peas" for 250.; 3 cans good corn for 25c.; 2 cans Quaker tb- umtnes fox 250.; 1 can of pine apple. either whole or. sliced. l5c.; 1 Hum! tin Imported Kippex-ed Herring, JUc. Atkinson 3: Switzer.‘ Reeve Slatgr was authorized to pur- chase {- steel turnpike shovels for the use of Lbs municipality. ' Cuuncillox‘ l’udget was appointed a. committee to inquire into the re- quest of Mr. Newbv‘x-y re. ditching on 2nd can. nppn'siLe lot, 54, and if neces- sayy have thditch opened ' Councillor Hagerun‘m and R. Camp- bell were u polumd commissioners tin superinten the expenditule of $100 in the construction of new sidewalks in Uniunville. lot 14, con. 3‘ .... 4 25 F, Bliss. repairs to road planer. . 2 00 F, SLephensnn, lowering water in pond, 2 days . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Sawyer & Massey, repairs to grader A . . . . . r . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 Higgins 3k Douglas, re. “Rodger-5’ Estate" Hull rent , . . . . . . . 4 00 J. Mnnkhouse. mzrtm-irl for side~ walk, Mount Juy . . . . . . . . . . 40 54 R. (hunphel! was appointed commun- tee tn expend balance of the Commuta- tion money due in Div, No. 3. where deemed necessary. ’l‘hé following general accounts Wax-e ordered to he paid:â€" \V. _1\I‘c_K_rilI. rgpuiring culvert, A very wetty Wedding was solemn- ized in Al Saints (Jinn-ch 0n \Veilnes- (lay, June 20. at 2.30 p.m. when Jean Sti'uthers Gillies, daughter of Jaums Gillies nf King, was married to Herbert, Stanley Smelser, of the 6 11 Con. nf King. The ceremony w s perfm'merl by llev. Francis Dean ‘n the presence of :1 large nnenher of peuplt'. Miss Montgomery piesidednt the organ. The church wus prt-tti‘y de.-ur:1!cd with flowers and evergreen 8 The lll'idl‘ lnoked lm-ely in a gown i f white pnint d’vsprit with trimmings of baby ribbon, and wore veil md orange blosmms. Miss Beryl Phillips us bridesmaid and Miss Jenn Phillips as flower-girl, both looked charming in white silk and carried baskets of rusvs. Mr. Ubns. Mulloy supported the groom. Aftei the ceremony, H e Wedding breakfast, was served at tie rvsidonce of the. bride’s father. The bride’s going away gown was blue silk with white serge coat. Extensive preparations are being mmle fur the celebration of the sixth annual civic hulldny on July 2. A good time is promised for afternoon and evening. Councillor Nigh was appointed to represent, the interests uf the munici- pulity in negotiations in reference to a. watvi‘cnux-se on the premises of \V. H. Meyer, lots ‘ and 21. con. 6, on Sutlu‘duy, June 23rd. Councillor Hagerman was appointed a. committee to opfin ditch (apposite Int 23, con. 5. liev. Gm. \anker has been appoint- ml to King Circuit. Rev. Newton Hill goes to Davisville. There will be farewell Sf‘l'VlCQS in the methodist church on Sunday evening. consisting of song service and farewell sermon. The annual Public School picnic for King City schnolfi'avill take place at Luke VViICnx on Friday afternoon. Mr. Hurry Flenry has been made manager of the Ontario Bank in King. Professor \Vm. Jackson died vex-y suddenly on VVodnesday afternoon. The funeral took place on Friday from the? residence of Dr. Burns. - Cummunicutions were read from Higgins & Douglas re. Jobu Rodgers’ account; Dr. VVatSun, re. account. against the late Edward Bz‘aitbwaiw; Frank A. Rees‘xr. Albert, Hunt and ing grade:- .. . . W. A. Noble. 1 day ()pelating grader . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Ralph Fx'isby, 6 days operating stone crusher with engine . . R. Fx-ishy, 4 days operating crusher . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 men repairing crusher . . . J. Culvert. repairing crusher. . . . Fred Ball, raking stunes into centre of road, 4th and 5th C0". . . . . . . . . . â€" . . . . _ . . . . . Jnu. Allen, filling in washout on 5th con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The fnllmving gran-l accnunts ordered to In- paid:â€" P. 0. Read, I“ yds . . . . . . . . , . . S Jns. VVullac-c, 80 yds. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Quamtz. 25 yds. . . . . . . . . . . J. D. Nam-055:, 4 yds. stone UVBI'SECI‘S. The following general accounts were passed and ordered to be paid:â€" Silas Lunau, 2 days operating _ > h The regular monthly meeting of Markham Township Council was held on May 16. All the members were present, Reeve Slater in the chair. . n n ’o grader . . . . . . ‘ . . . . ‘ . . . . . 1 \V. Hood, 1% days upemting grader . . . . . R. J. Cunningham, 4dnys “peatâ€" as. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Gleason, declining to act us wad King City $30 40 8 ()0 $400 3 75 were 200 309 Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York Salemttended 1.0 on shorteatuotirrand q, Tel}. aonable “has Patrppage solicits; ' J T Bzigeon. J K E Maple We: Saigcon dc McEw en. Licensed Auctioneer (or the County of Your Goods sold on consignment Gem-m1 name stoc qtc promptiy amended so A reaaouaula rates Residauce Uninuville G‘ R Gouldmg, waton Brook‘ agent for the above A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at boph places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIL L A}! prices cmfiputed over all (viz 2ft. 6 in). Brunch at; \Voodbx'idge, J. \V. Franks, agent. ‘ Address all communications to . Six iéngtixs of tile lay a. culvert 14 ft. lungjthg: uveragP culycl-n widthfl These tile are made specially for cul- vert, purposes. Being made from the lN‘St pnrtlnnfl cement, and gravel selects-(l nr servant-d Lu be specially suitable fur tile. mak- ing, and slrungly proportioned with Cement. They may he said {n he px-nu ticnlly indestructible (as they set almost as hard as stone itself). and as they cost about the. same price as a. Wood (culvert. and will outlast any numlwr 0f them, it, is plainly apparent, that there must. he an Immense saving in the lung run in buying an article that does nut require to be constantly reuewud. Wingers’s Concrete Culvert Tiic Price List kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid-- my troubles. If you take this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is invi 0- rating to the brain and nerves. 'lhu weak. nervous. run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from. is usually the effect of poisons in the blood; it is often indicated by plim lee or boils a. pear-in on the skin, 1. e ace becomes t in an the feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce’s “Discovery " cures all blood humors as well as being a. tonic that. makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that, contains neither alcohol nor harmful habitâ€"forming drugs, and the only one, every ingredient of which has the profes~ sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Some of these endorsements are published in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any addrest free, on receipt of re nest therefor by letter or pasta. card, a dressed to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. It tells just what Dr. Pierce’s medicines are made of. It is a. trite saying that. no man In stronger than his Stomach. Dr. Plerce’9 Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomachâ€"puts it. in shape to make plxre, rich bloodâ€"pews _the liver apd The " Words of Praise ” {or the sewer 1 ingredients of which Dr. Pierw’s me i~ cines are com sad, by leaders in all the several schoo s of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the “Golden Medical Discovery" is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called “testiâ€" monials " so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Bear in mind that the “ Golden Medical Discovery " has THE BADGE or HONESTY on every bottle wrapper, in a. full list 0! lie ingredients. Dr. Pierce’s great thonsand-page illus- trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free. paper-bound. for 31 one» cent sum , or cloth-bound for 50 stamp”. Address 1'. Plea-co as abova. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, invigorate the liver and reg“ late stomach and bowels. Undertakers ck Embulmen'fi. Jesse ‘ ’inger CARRVILLE, ONT. WRIGHT BROS, A Trite Saying. [Single copies, 3 cts. J. ll. Pl entice PRICES OF TILE J K MCF wen Wanton

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