0m- Sbreot Commissioner has mado a. great, change on our sidewalks. so that, pedestrians cam nuw travel on them with safety, and our villiage may now be classed :13 a ï¬rst race (murmur resort, for those who wish to enjoy :1 pure healthy atmosphere. Mr. Burt Lee bus hem) transferw-d from the Bank of Toronto to the brunch bank atAqunu n ll,LLL..-â€"~ urcompnhying him. Full VVbeac is changing its color and will snon be rvady [or the sickle. The other crups are lunking well, (he latte shuwel-s have improved their appearance. The fruit Cl‘up appears to be a failure. Tender vines and plums were nearly all killed during last, winter. The Tory party. at Toronto is still at work removing uld ()ï¬'lciuls frnm «Alice and making room for their friends, cuner-y Lu bFlLlSh law. "Tlux new evangelism " is the latest ' ‘ ' 7 LL.- Ala] "Thu new evangelism " Is the lum‘su ftlfl in the religious system in the old land. Would it, not be wise Ln have u t-oumlisaiun appointed to decide as to which ul‘ the dim-rent, sects is founded on truth. Whnt God said to Gain still bulda hue. "lf thou docst Well. «lmlt Lbnu nut he accepted. and if Hmu dm-st not Well sin Iieth at the dour." And also the answer of the hex-ilw. “Hem- 0 Israel the Lord." "Our God is one Lnrd." He alone is M‘m'lhy (If all worship. ‘ I _ __ _ , A “A. \n I" up, \u uu "\,'|vul But today we slmï¬'sing Jesus shall reign. etc. Mr. A. P. Muclean ( (30.. Patel-borough. made to the pug-rug! Imme, August 4. DANG EROUS ACCI D EN '1‘. Mr. William Ridden. son of Mr. Riddell. tenant on the Arnold Fax-m. had an almost, miraculous escape from death on Munday. He was hauling a load nf binder lwinefrum the station for Mr. H. A. Nicholls. and. when coming down the hill this side of the 3rd concession line. part of tho load slid forward. baking Mr. Ridden with it. He thinks he fell across the tongue of the Wagon. and after a time man- aged to get free from the Inn-see which were running furiously. The homes continued to run “ll stopped by strik- ing against Mr. John Sheardown's coal wagon. going the smne way. Mr. Riddell was pretty badly bruise-d and scratched ubuub the bend and face. His wounds Were dressed and he is how improving. Those who witnessed the run-a-way are at, A loss to know how the victim of the accident escap- ed as well as he did. Rxcauouo HILL. ‘f++++§+%é++++++++++++++++ 5H-+++-H'+ €°¥+W+W Students from British Colum- bia. Saskatchewan and Mani~ tolm on the west to New Bruns- wick on the cast are in attend- unce this year. Distance is no hindrance to those who Wish to get the twat. 0m- gmduates are always successful. Our facili- hm hm unsurpassed. Cour meuoe now. No vacations. Cub loge open entire year. Magniï¬- Ccut catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. (Oar. Yongo and Alexander Bts.) 3++++++++¥¥H++++++++++++L m um “MM 3112 mm. TORONTO. ON 1‘. Mount; Pleasant 4‘ GREAT SCHOOL PRIZE LIST Elude?!“ r of Mupthe'xï¬s ONT.. June 28. 1906 short visit his family he issued over the Schmnlwrg 8: Aurora Railway guod gain June 29m and 30th and July 2nd, 1m returning up to and on July 3rd. AI. knew a good thing when he struck oil. but not an inch mnre than the penpie who have made a new roof, out of an old one. by simply coating it with our Elastic Cement Pitch. If your roof is in neod of repair. now is the time to do this kind of Work. Write for our free expert advice. also for uur pmnphlcts. which gives useful information. DO IT NOW DOMINION CEMENT PAINT CO. 72 Queen St. \‘V.~ l A LATE CAR will leaveNuwmarkPL on July 2nd at 10.31) p. m. for Toronto and intermediute points. EXTRA TRIPS will he run on the Schomberg and Aural-n. Railway lea v- ing Schomberg at 11.15 p. m. and ar- riving at Bond Lake at l p. m.. and leaving Schumherg at ll.l.3 p. m. and connecting with 11.00 p. m. Czu‘ from Toronto. A LATE CAR will 1:» July 2nd (Dominion Dz! for Newmarket and points. Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FARE between all points on “19.3101,- ropolitzm Division, grmd going June 29th and 300}! and July 2nd. and good to return up to and on July 31-11. A LATE CAR will leave Turunti) on July 2nd (Dominion Day) Ht» ll p. m. for Newmarket 11nd interuwdinle SATURDAY. June 30. “Auction sale of valuable farm ploperty near York Mills. East; YUI‘k, 100 IlCl‘t‘S‘. the Ernperty of the late Th vs. Bxeen. ale at, 2.30 p.m. J. H. Plentice, Au :tioueer. THE DUKE is a beautiful seal brown Stallion about 16; hands high. and in stud condiniun wvlghs about 1,300 pounds. The Duke is highly ï¬nished and powerfully built in every way. He is not a pacer but one of the ï¬nest ggited trotting horses in America. He has trotted a. trial in 2.17. quarters in 5 seconds. and a 1.58 gait, and it is said, wiLh good handling. he could trot in $1.000 GUARANTEE Any one who will inspect this horse before selecting a sire we will uamn- tee to make them a present of 551.000 and u colt Without charge, if The uke is not. just as represvnted and one of the best bred Trotting Stallions ou the conv Linent and one of the greatest Stock Horses on earth. Routeâ€"12 \Veeks, commencing Monday, April 30th, 1906 MONDAYâ€"He willgoto Eglinton Hntel. Eglinton, from 9 to 10, and thence to Golden Linn Hotel, Yonge Street. for norm. and thence to Hughes’ Hotel,Thm-nhill. frmu3 m4. thence up Yonge Street, to Oosgrove's Hotel, Elgin Mina. fur night. TUESDAYâ€"He will go to Lemon's Hotel, Aurora, for noon, and thence to Royal Hotel. N0wmar5et, f9}- night.__ . . vu.... . I A nu _,,A--,.:A.. t! JW’EDNESDAYâ€"He will go to Mr. Joseph Hill‘s farm. lot 25. concession 6, King (mmr KPttleby). for mum. and thence to Nuhletnn for night. THURSDAYâ€"He will go to Kleinburg fur mum. and thence to VVoud- hr“ 9 House, “"oodhl'idge, for night. §RIDA\'â€"â€"He will go to Thistletown for noon. and thence to Islington Hotel. lslington. for night. SATURDAYâ€"He will go to Black Horse Hon-l. Toronto, where he will re- nmin until evening. when he will go to his own stable, 107 McGill StI-cetvnvhe-re he will remain until Monday morning. SCHOMBERG & AURORA RAIL- \VAY. TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE wi Insurcs a living cnlt, payable 10 days after mm‘e foals. If cult comes deformed; 01 dies within that time, no charge will be made. “I. Jt LAING in chmge Loans made t0 farmers at ï¬ve pm; cent, Apply to. Mm. Laiugr. 50-4 Dominion Day John D. Rockefelier E. R. REYNOLDS, Proprietor SINGLE FARE FOR Sale Register. W. H. MOORE. M 25375 Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion Toronto, Can. 107‘ MCGILL ST., TORONTO ma gel SPRING AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxstcd Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy 'l.‘rouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. A lined rubber knee rug on Yong“ St., South. Richmond Hill. The ownvr “my have same by prm'mg property and paying for this adver- tisement. \thn in need of rough or dressed lumber. mouldings. shingles. doors. etc., we can supply your need. THE W. BOOTH LUMBER C0. LXMXTED C. P. 1". Tracks &Summorhill Ave. 50-3 mos. North Toronto Best quality My Stock of \Voolens for Taiior. Richmend Hill . J. HUME, NOTICE Apply at Found H. A. NICHOLLS Low prices GLAZIER, GRAINER PAPEl-‘HANGER RESIDENCE. MILL ROA D. S( OI" HIUHMON D HILL. 41-6111 RIC H MON I) 11] Li Puriï¬er. Indigr-sticm :1 Spavin Ulll‘t‘, \Vurm i Remedy. Poultry Tun? Antisct-ptic Hmling Oi Sim), Black Oil, Hozu' Jaw Curr, Aphmdisiac ile Puwdex's, Dim-mom nnd Unlvvs, Leaking Disliaso. Vanznnt 8; \Vnring. ‘ goons. twentyï¬ve ye; vxpm-iencv. mm ing A coupon in m the holder to F11 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paperâ€" Hanger. wp.'r~:-z-+~:~t-+~:« ++++~4 E @mtml Eémeï¬ (ï¬alicg9 i TORONTO w. H. SHAW, Principai +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. W. HEWISGN Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Dwelling. outbuildings and 16 acres of land for sale in the \jllzxgg ofAMuplg. The dwplling is brick. 25x28. with frame kitchen and woods-th 12x22, stable is 20x26, drive-house 12x22. and shed l2x2i. The land contains 16 acres of the best soil. plenty of water. con- venient to school. church and push oï¬ice. This is a very desirable prop- exty. The property is in ï¬rst-class Condition. For further particulars apply to . nvvxnï¬l‘V VV‘II' v AYY{\YT [\D ; RECHMOND HILL _0N_ EFRIDAY, OCT. 5, Maple, May 31, 1906. Tax Sale of Lands FARMERS“: TAKE Eï¬i‘mlï¬ 3D. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER The Treasurer of the County of York (under warrant of December 29, 1905, will prucced to sell at the Public Hall, Palmer's Block, N. S. Arnold Street, Village of Richmond Hill, on TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1906. at 11 u. m. the following land for m-I-vursnf taxes, unless the said m-rems emd the costs are sooner paid. viz: E. Part Lot 30. (1mm. 1, § acre (assess- ed to _l~_lem-y C. Houghtmi. '1‘., and Ann n1 VAUGHAN DISTRICT NO. The Next Sitting of Division Court fox N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. DIVISION - BIIIIIII} Satisfactinn Guaranteed QUE SPEEEAE. SEWER TigÃ©ï¬ should interest every schnlzn‘ who is anxious to succeed, and who does rï¬â€˜Yt Want to waste 10 or 12 weeksrin a holiday. “Write us for pmticuhu's. 48-4 ave just arranged with thu Vr-tor- 'y Spvcinlty ()0. tr) sell the f(.llmv- remedies: Stuck Tonic and mad iï¬er. Indigestion and (:ulic Cure. \‘in )lu-e, \Vurm Powders. Cough .mdv. Pmlhrv Tunic. 1.01180 09:41.11 mater Paper at the Liberal Office C. T. \Vhitney, 0.). "Taxes. $28.81; Fees and Expenses. $4.63; Total, $33.49. ' J. K. MACDONALD. L4 Treasurer Co. York. )nmnmncinm at, 1&3" m. '1’. F., MCMAHON CLERK ANDREW KILLOUGH 0R J. T. SAIGEON. Maple 1:. 0; For Sale The Municipality of J. PETH [( o( Gcnvml Agents of Richmond Hill lll tel 5, 1906 out Unlts Joint mm ivicc 484, f TAI KNOCKALOE {ll-open; Canfvillo, w Temperancm Richmond H ROVERâ€"Jl‘hm‘n-li James \Vulk at his own st FOREST BOYâ€"T t_he propel-{y Square. Palmer House, Kiri:- mund Hill evrry \‘r’edncstlay. Tin-ms, SSH). PRINCE l>1:t'i1,)â€"Iinpmtml ClePSliille'. the prt-pvrt)’ of J. Palmer and 'l‘. lit-ml, will slaml at the Palmer House, Richmond Hill. Terms, $l5. MARQUIS 0F (IOWAL â€"â€" Importvd Clydesdale, the property of l). 0. Steele, will go to Oak Ridges. W’liitchurrh, Bingâ€"wood. Victoria Squaw. Home stable, Richmond Hill. Terms. $14. LAIRD MACQUEExâ€"Clydesdn1e stai- lion, the property of W. J. \Vt'lls, will go to Kettlehy, Nobleton, Vellnre, King City. etc. Home. stable, Temperancevile. Tunis. $11). CLAN MACQUEENâ€"Ulydesdale stallion. the property of W. J. \Vells, will go thictoria Square. Newton Brook, Lansing, Faithank, Fisher- ville. Richmond Hill, Vaughan. Home stable, Toniperanceville. Tex ms, $10. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdalc stal- lion, the property of W. J. W'i-lls, will travel through VVhitclnu-ch. Ballantrae. East Gwillimhur)‘. Aurora. Home stable, Tellipt'l‘~ anrevillo. Terms, $10. LORD HAMILTONâ€"1mported Clydesâ€" dale, the property of Legge and Blmxgli. will go through Vaughan. Elgin Mills. Victoria Square, Van- dnrf, Aurora. Temperancmille, Kingr (lily. Home stable, lot 1, con. 7, King. Terms. $12. ROYAL HATTONâ€"Impul‘tetl Clydesdale, the property of Blough 8: Legge. will go to Strange, Kettleby, New- inarket. Aurora, Oak Ridges, Elgin Mills. Home stable, King City. Terms, $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdule stal- lion, the property of Teesnn 6:: Francis, will go to Mitchell‘s Hotel. O‘Sullivan’s Corners; Chel" ry’s Hotel, Fisherville. Home stable. lot 32. con. 1, Markham. Terms $12. TONY WILKES JR.â€" .aniage stallion, the property of Teesnn 86 Francis, will go to Mitchell‘s Hotel, O’Sul- livan’s Corners; Cherry's Hotel, Fisher-ville. Home stable. lot 32, con. 1, Markham. Terms $9; DUKE 0F YORKâ€"Clydesdale stallion. the property of \V. W. Hudgin, will go through Whichurch, Ballantme, Stouï¬'ville, Victoria Squat e. Thoruhill, Cairville. Rich- mond Hill. Home Stable, Summit, House. Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SHIPMATE -â€" Carriage stallion. the property of W. W. Hudgin, will go through VVhitchurclt, Bullan- trae. Stoul‘fville, Victoria Square. Thornhill. Uarrville, Richmond Hill. Home stable, Summit. House, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. \VILD BILLYâ€"Roadster stallion, the property of Eli Shierk. will travel through AllPOl'IJJ‘Kel/tliily. Iging City,oTesfnn, Edge-ly, Thornbill. Uninnville,Victm-in Square. Home stable, Palmer House, Richmond Hill. Terms $12. PURE GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion, the property of W. R. Line, will stand at his own stable, two lots below Maple. Terms $7. MACQUEEN’S CHAMPION â€" Clydesdale the property of Jos. Burnett. will stand at his own stable. lot 522.com. lganughad (Elgin Mills). Terms . 0. EARL GREYâ€"Clydesdnle Stallion. the, pl'operlyof A. L'Lhmer. Sherwood, will stand at his own stable. Terms. $8. DICK FYFEâ€" Trotting Stallion. the property uf MiltnnSLong, Lansing, gill stand uthis own stable. Terms. 1â€. IBI THE - LIBERAL [ht Subscribe tor Eamon Register. fin ; $10 'uw n91 qune stable, Victoria Palmer House, Rich- Hill every \Vedntmdzay. 1HIEF f \V. Hill. -h1’-ed Imp ty of liar will he at ‘rntti 11g of J. l Ind It} Victoria Square, Terms, $14». the prnpcrty of sston, will stand Terms, $10. Rnadstm‘. t‘n Ellis‘ Brdfm- nis own stnhh n-y 1mm- :m rds vi H Pt‘lChPI‘IH‘, 7 Graham, King City, «in Square, 'UHUWS Him) Tn ‘ frve than