Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1906, p. 5

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i it flf’ -VWJ-‘r/ Eultu‘dtown flit. m is, it e I". (5 (3‘ A T; S" . Mrs. (luncrnn and daughter of Montreui sp-nt the past War-k at Dr. lungsfiu 3. Aurora. Lacrosse tram \Vas defeated in Aurora yesterday by Bradford by a. score (ti 3 102. Special quality coffee, ground fresh. 301-. lb. and 401:. lb.; green coli’ce, tat. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Sidney Hoyle hris tnlton :1 posi- tion tl!‘ junior clerk in theb‘tundurd Hank lmic. Mr. and Mrs. Guidner Velma Hiydon spent Sunday " Spruce Lawn." Miss Muriel Brydon lrt't. Monday to spend part. of her holidays in Lloyd- iu‘fl'll. Mr. Ba] 1(- Ne“ lull left ’l‘nesduy fora roupleof Weeks‘ \‘isitat l‘lannlton,Uay- uga. and Bull‘alo. A quantity of lumber has been delivered lJvI'“ for the ronstnmdinn of the James Bay Railway station. The mail car leaves the (I. P. R. (.‘I'I'Sfill'lg each morning at 8 o’clock, nrri\i::;z at liiclnnnnd Hill at 8.43. llvv. T. Campbell will preach his Methodist furrow-ll sermon in the church next Sunday evening. Mr. A.G.I’. Lawrence spout Sat urday afternoon in the village and called on a number of old f1 lends. Mr. and Mrs. l“. H. Kilkpatiiek and two childri-n spent. over Sunday With Mr. and M rs. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Moddie spent Mnnda y and Tuesday with friends at Nobletou and vicinity. ii idgerow, Dixon A: Lyttlc AAX \\'hite \Vinc Vinegar. 30:. per Impel- i:l.l gallon; Pure English Malt Vinegar, 75c. per gallon. Atkinson 8: Switzer. ‘7 V. Mrs. James Brvdnn and little daughter Marie and Mr Fred Amey of ‘ were the guests of Mr. nhn Brydon over Sunday. Mr. George Campbell leaves on Sat- uxday for Port, Arthur, where he has accepted a position in the Ontario Bank. Miss Nora McMahon. a pupil of Miss M. Trench, has passed the Junior Examination at, the Toronto Consciâ€" vatory of music. John Bull Pickles, pint bottles, 10c.; Davies’ sweet. pickles, 15c. per bottle; prepared mustaid in large glass tum- blers, 8c. each. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss Olive Mortson, a pupil of Miss Alexena Mortsou. A. T. U. M, passed with honors the Primary Examination at the Toronto Conservatory of music. Mr. R. Shaw and Mr. It. T. Andrews have been appointed Associate Exam- iners at, the Departmental Examin- ations. Mr. Wm. Wright, real estjiâ€"te agent tat Regina, has returned after a short visit with his mother. Mrs. \Villiam Vyright, above Elgin Mills. \Ve quote for best quality fruit jars, imperial Pints,63c. doz.; \Vine Quart-s, 700. doz.; Imperial Quarts, 80c. doz.; \Vinc Half-gallons, 950. doz.: Jar Rub- bers, 4&6. doz. Atkinson & Switzer. R; v. Thos. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell are spending a few days in Port. Hope. M r. Campbell officiated at the marriage of a niece, Miss Vivien McMaster. Mr. C. Sonics while assisting in putting :11] iron roof on a building at Mr. Baker’s. Gormlcy, got a. full of about‘ 14 feet, and was pretty badly shaken up. A scaffold gave way, causing the accident. Mr. Leeds Richardson of Maple, has just received a car load of the “Plym~ outh" binder twine, and is now pre- pared to fill all orders already received or that may be received within the next few days. The. W. C. T. U. will meet. at. Mr. J. H. Sander-son’s next Tuesday evening at 7.30. The flower mission pro- gramme will be taken 11 ), and an in- teresting time is expecte . Red Sockeye Fraser Rivcr Salmon, Regal Brand and Monarch Brand, $1.68 per doz. tins; money cannot buV better quality than these two brands. . Atkinson & Switzer. The Weekly Globe and Farmer including the Illustrated Mag- azine Section will be sent to any address for the balance of this year, and all of next year for $1.00. scriptith taken at the Liberal Office. Mr. John Hart a few days ago sold desdale three~year-old gray mare to Mr. Albert Quantz of Lupig~ . r. Quantz has now one of the best three- hia Ciy staff. The price paid was $300. year-olds in the township. Our aimâ€"is to make» this the best We want it to be \Ve do not store in Ontario. the pride of this vicinity. expect. to do this withone fell swoop, but. grow to itâ€"grow up to yourde- mood and grow in your confidence. \Ve guarantee one hundred cents’ worth for every dollar. Switzcr. thritfinxnilir.1., 0x12. June 28, mm; ' and Miss at Canada Sub- Atkinson & l “9‘1 Mt (‘m'it leaves or. Tuesday of - lth \\'E'('li for a trip to tin-old country. I H" 8"” With Rev. Dr. Millignn and l Pl'l““ll"ll (lot dun of Queen‘s University I 511111 Will be absent about two month.”- l Mr. 1). A. Radclime liumager (if the Ontario Bunk in Aurora, is to he ; tiuvsferrrd to a new branch of the 3.5”an bank recently opened in the Town of Smith Toronto. Mr. J. \Villis will stilet‘é't’l Mr. Radclifi‘n as manager at Aurora, A change has been made in the Met- ropolitan Time Table since last week. By consulting Htht rtisrment on another page it will be seen that a car ‘lt-nves Newmarket cvriy day at 1.30 I p. 111., instead of 3.30 as was utht’rtisâ€" l ed last week. I‘Ilgin \iilb: junior kickers came. down on shanks horses Thursday evening I and played a friendly match with the Hill juniors. By the time darkness Set in neitln-rside had scored. HI'LllllI match after the first crop of hay is (11?. . liedpath‘s extra granulated sugar, in 100 lb. bags, $1.45: licdputh’s pow- deicd or fruit sugar, :20 lbs. for $1; this is special and extra nice for table use; a very fine sample of grocely sugar, 30 lbs. tor $1.00. Atkinsondz Switzu‘. After next. Sunday the Methodist ministets will repair to their new appointments. Rev. A. P. Bruce, B. l)., superintendent, and Rev. Mr. Irwin, junior pastor, will be in their places hereon Sunday, the 81-h ofJnly. Mr. ("virulent of Newton Brook, has been appointed by the, Toronto Con- ference in charge of the South River Mission in the North Bay District. Mr. (‘lcnicnt is a free speaker, and an exeellent worker, and should make a success in the new field. ’ here will be single fare on the Metropolitan Railway for Dominion Day. l‘iekl-ls good gningJune 29th and limb, and July 2nd. and mod to return up to and onJuly ate car will leave Toronto July 2, at 11 p. m., and Newmarket at 10.30 p. m. Sec adv. on another page. Ilev. \V. G. Smith preached his last, sermon as pastor of the methodist church last Sunday evening. Mr. Smith's work will be taken next Sun- day by Mr. \Vill Trench who will preach in Richmond Hill in the morn- ing, Patterson in the afternoon and Victoria Square in the evening. An enjoyable time was spent. by teachers, students and friends at the annual picnic of the Richmond Hill High School last Friday, though the afternoon was somewhat showery. There were three vans well filled. Boating Was a feature of the afternoon and e\ euing. The Rev. Mr. Grant was in Hamil- ton oi'. Monday attending a meeting of the committee on the distribution of probationers. The General Assembly at its recentmeeting in London appoint- ed Mr.Grant Chairman of this commit.- t-ee in place of Rev. Dr. Torrance, Guelph, who resigned. Mrs. Harry Pritchard, daughter of the late Richard \‘anderburgh, died at her home in Toronto on \Vednes- day of last week. The remains were brought here by private car Friday and interred in the village cemetery. The deceaSed‘s pastor and Rev. J. A. Grant. officiated at the grave. GARDEN PARTY A garden party under the auspices of the. \V.U.T.U. will be held in the lawns of Messrs J. Sanderson and G. Deri y on Saturday evening, the 7th of July. Ice Cream and cake will be serVed, and :1 good musical programme will be given. SUAIM ER SCHOOL A splendid opportunity is offered by the Central Business College of Toron- to, under the Principaishi ) of Mr. W. H. Shaw. Chairman of he Toronto Board of Education to Teachers and others to combine profit. with pleasure during-the long summer holidays. See advertisement in this issue. Chief Justice Meredith has quashed the local option try-law which has been in force in Pickering Township since the first of May. The judge held that the promoters of the by-Iuw were guilty of bribery and corruption, and gave judgment accordingly. It is said that the judge‘s dicision will be appealed against. THE DELIâ€"NEATORMFOR JULY. The midsummer fashions With a wealth of illustrations in color and in biack-amehite are. attractively ort- ruyed in The Delineator for ulv. Helen Berkeley-Loyd tell how the Summer girl will be frocked and fur- bciowed. and the Dress of Paris is discussed by M. Edouard La Fontuine, i one of the best-known critcs in Paris. The Firt’men's Exr union to Niagara Falls on Tuesday. Richmond Hill’s Civic Holiday, was enjoyed by all who took the trip. Two curs left here 1 about 6.15, the party numbering about 175. men, women and children. The .wuather was ptrfect and the sail 'across the lake was delightful. The‘, 3excmsionists arrived home about Iii after a very pleasant day with- I out a mishap. The many friends of Mr. Robert. lFarquhat-son. formerly principal of the High School, will be pleased to1 know that he is in charge of the British Gimadian Business College, Bank of! Commerce Building, cor. Bloor and; Y'onge Streets. and formerly known‘ as the Toronto-Business College. Mr. ' Fitmuiiaison.placed 200 young people in p isitlons~ during the time~ he hae~ Ilse city.. You should examine the line Black Cheviot that we offer in stylish suits for $18.35, and we will be very pleased to have your order for a suit. Atkin- son & Switzer. Mi. Alex. Muir, Principal of Glad- stone-Avenue School, Toronto, died suddenly of heart failure Tuesday night shortly after 11 o‘clock, aged 72. yems. After teaching Mr. Muir returned home in the eveningin the best of health, and felt no uneasiness until preparing to retire to bed about 11 o'clock. Deceased was known all overtime Dominion as the author of “The Maple Leaf." FIRE AT THORNI‘IlliL. The. Quecn‘s Hotel, sheds and stables, Thornbill, were burned to the ground about 1.30 o‘clock Monday morning. The. lire was first discovered by Mr. McClure of \Ynodbiidge, who was driving north. The tenants, Mr. and M rs. \Vorvell and their four children, barely escaped with their lives. Three horses were burned to death, and the tenant lost most of his furniture. It is said there was no insurance. OUR CRFAMERY. The now crt'amery on Arnold strcct erected by Messrs. Hopkins dc Sun on the site of the old building which was burned last winter, is Well worth a visit. by interested persons. It is built of cement with mica roof, and is prac- tically fireproof. The vats, testers, separators, etc., are up-to-date, and fl. large business is being done. The manager, Mr. Fred. Lynett, ships every day most of the cream to the City by Metro )olitan Railway. the cream afterwards finding its way into the ice cream parlors. A. F. & A. M. The following officers were installed in Richmond Lodge Monday evening, R. \V. Bro. H. A. Nirhollsacting nsinâ€" stalling officer :â€"â€" I. I’. M., D. Hill. \V. M., T. A. Lamon. S. \V., \\'. A. \Vright. J. \V., \V. H. Legge. Chap, A. L. Skeelc. Tl‘t‘.l$., A. Moodie. Secy., H. A. Nicholls. S. I)., O. Hopper. J. D.. R. Shaw. S. 8., F. Helmkay. J. S., A. G. Savage. D. of (3., II. H. Loosemore. i. G., R. T. Andrews. Tyler. G. Cowie. Sick Committeeâ€"P. G. Savage, T. Newton, G. Lock, Gen. Purposes Committerâ€"T. F. McMahon, II. F. Hopper, 14‘. McCon- “why. bHall Committeeâ€"H. A. Nicholls, A. Mnodie, T. Trench. Bro. Lamon was appointed Grand Lodge representathc, and Bro. T. Newton, Proxy. The lodge “called off” during July and August. BIRTHS MEEKâ€"At Victoria Square, June 13, the wife of Mr. Bert Meek, a son. NICHOLSâ€"At Victoria Square, June 22. the wife of Mr. Ross Nichols, a Son. BURNSâ€"On the 2nd of Vaughan, on June 24, the wife of \Villiain Burns, a $0". KIRKLAND â€" In Richmond Thursday morning, June 28, the wile of Mi. Stephen Kirkland, a daughter. DEATHS BOYLEâ€"At Langstat’f, on Thursday, June 21, 1906, Maria Chapman. wife of David M. Boyle, aged 46 years. Funeral Saturday at 2 p. m., Thornhill cemetery. to Don’t have a falling out with ' :- your hair. It mightleavc you! .I Then what? That would mean 5' ' thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! ~' You can easily do it with Aycr’s Hair Vigor. It is something more than : simple hair dress- . lng. It is a hair medicine, a - hair tonic, a hair food. Tho belt kind 0! a testimonialâ€" “ Bold tor over sixty yous.” -- I. . . In . m * , smmtu. --,I PILLS. CHEM! PICTOIAL For Sale The following articles are offered for sale at the parsonage. 2 Buggies, one nearly new. A very nod cutter. A secon hand stove. A coal oil stove. A Patterson cutting box. A goat skin robe. One set of harness. A glass cupboard. An extension table, walnut. A scythe, and several other articles. As- Mr. iampbeiil is {moving some. distance and does not need these things, he offers them for sale'at’any I Call and examine! themuny day before the ith ofiJulyr reasonable price. Him? Wash Fabrics Suggestive of the season and the latest styles. Inexpensive, Yet Serviceable These run in the new shadesâ€"bright and pretty. Ginghams, Percales, Dimities Numerous weaves and great varie- ties. In these lines we positively lead all competitors. They’re not cheap goods; we have no cheap goods, however low our prices may be. Black Worsted Black Cheviot Just to handâ€"Some very fine black Worsteds and Cheviots. We will make to your measure in first-class style and perfect fit, and extra- quality Black Worsted Suit for $17.65 and a very fine Black Chev- iot for $18.50. Men’s Fine Straw Hats very special values. Atkinson 6: vaitzer June 14, 1906. Richmond Hill Hardware Store Seasonable Goods PARIS GREENâ€"Ours is guaranteed pure and strong and when used in one of our Sprayers means certain death. Our screen doors and windows besides beâ€" ing beautifully designed are a. sure safeguard against flies. A complete stock ofscythes, coal oil stoves, ovens, sprinklers, churns, milk cans, grind stones, etc., always on hand. At reduced pricesâ€"a tew remaining lawn mowers. fitamlart final: of Manila Maple (In connection with Richmond Hill Office.) Business transacted daily between 10 and 4. Savings Bank Dspm‘traent. : 1 Money advanced on sale notes. H. H. LOOSEMORE. Agent; â€"

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