Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jun 1906, p. 7

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IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NE\VS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. V Frofiiétehling an egg, value 2d., nine years ago, a man has just been sum- moned at Wycompe County Police Court. , no”: 6;§_1,00Q .or 61 per a‘cre. ' HTms-ien I-IousefHarLs, which was con- verled into a royal palace by Henry NHL, is being offered for sale. H General Lord Methuen, in the course 0! an address at the Army Temperance lAssoeialion. said he had tried total ab- stinence himself lately for three months, and he found at the end of that time in playing racquels his eye was better and his wind also. ' Furnish Many Facts .About Early In- habitants of Island. There has just been published by the Royal Irish Academy a bulky report on ithe result of three years' exploration work among the caves of County Clare. 1N0 fewer than 70,000 specimens of bones were forwarded in parcels to the Dublin Museum for identification. Each of these panels were carefully labelledV hearing in number corresponding with a map of ,the cave giving the exact position and depth from the surface at which the speâ€" rcnnens were obtained. The bulk of the imateria] collected consisted of bones of tvarious animals, including man, and these throw an interesting light on the ‘old-time fauna of Ireland. Among the more important mammalian remains In ere bones of brown bear, wolf, Arctic fox, Arctic lemming, lrish elk, red deer, reindeer, ox, and wild bear. Ornamenk belonging to theearly Christian era‘ including a gold bracelet, bronze pin and buckle, show that these same caves were used, at least tempor- arily, by much later generations (f men. Artificially fractured bones of the Irish elk and reindeer show that these animals were hunted, at any rate. hy the earliest human inhabitants of the is- land; but they probably were soon ex- terminated. Wolves, however. survived until comparatively recent times. The exact date of their final extermination l5 not known, but they existed in the great Iorcsts on the borders of \X'icklow and Carlow as late as the year I700. and it is supposed that they finally became ex- tinct about 1776. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commencial World. 'Thére‘arc MSW four Septuagenarian judges on the English Bench: r "aâ€"" At a wedding presentation at Norwich, vthe head of the firm was presented with a gift [mm the manager and staff oi ‘1weniy~eight employees. The staff rep- resented 760 years of service, an average of over twenty-six years each. After being lost for some time, a. cheque for £208, sent by a London stock- broker to a firm in Merthyr Tydvil, was recently discovered in a rubbish heap. A thrush’s nest built under a railway carriage has been disc0vcred at Tori-ing- ton (Devon) Station. The carriage had been in daily use between Torr'mglon and Exoter for a fortnight. One egg was ‘found in the nest. HEYâ€"115dâ€" vto- V inns/"5’s: coslé. Defendant went through the South African cam‘ xpaign. . ‘v -,u. ' One rather surprising discovery is "that the bones of the wild cat, which occurred in some numbers, belonged not to the European. but to an African species, known as the Caffre cat (Felis scream). The larger of these caves furnished dwelling places for prehistoric men, for arrowheads and other imple- ments of flint and bone, as well as bronze omaments, have been recovered, many in a perfect state of preservation; and these were associated with human remains. From the form of the bones of the ankle joint it would appear that these skeletons represent the remains of people who habitually assumed a squat- ting posture, as is done by many savage races toâ€"day. Charcoal and burnt stones afford further evidence as to the use of these caves. The London Metropolitan Water Board sued a number of customers for payment of water rates in the Weslmin- star County Court, among the defend- ants being a Fish. Gudgeon. Haddock, 'Hullplke, Ponder, Eddie, Wells, Leakey, ,and Pipe. Borem : “The lamp seems to be 3 out‘ Miss Cutling.” Miss Cut-iing pressing a yawn): “Yes; it. seems more considerate than some people V'Ijheflpnpulartion of Greater London is ANCIENT IRISH CAVES. to be going (sup- to be Nestling in a frame of beautifully “coded shores lies a series of beautiful lakes 145 miles north of the city of To- ronto, Ontario, and known as the “Lake of Bays Region.” A chain of seven lakes studded with lovely islands, with ho- tels throughout the district and a good steamboat service to all points attracts the tourist. angler and sportsman. Just the out-of-theâ€"way sort of place to vis- it during the summer months. For all particulars and free illustrated publica] tion apply to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway‘s Corn Cure. It rm- moves all kind of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. To Know is To Prevent. â€" It the min- ers who work in cold water most of the day would rub their feet and legs with Dr. 'I‘homas' Eclectric 011 they would escape muscular rheumatism and rem der their nelher limbs proof against the ill effects of exposure to the cold. Those selling out for mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a. supply before slat-Ling. Lieutenant: “Who‘s the idiot that told you to leave that pile of rubbish in front of headquarters 'I" Recruit: “IL was the colonel, sir." Lieutenant: "Very well, leave it there; but your leave will be stopped for four days for calling the colonel an idiot." If, as the poem says. a room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts‘ what is a board fence hung with circus posters? They Never Knew Failure.â€" Careful observation of the effects of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills has shown that they act immediately on the diseased organs of the system and stimulate them to heal- thy action. There may be cases 'n which the disease has been long seat- ed and does not easily yield to medi- cine, but even in such cases these pills have been known to bring relief when all other so-called remedies have failed. 'l‘hese assertions can be substantiated by many who have used the Pills, and medical men speak highly of their qual- ihes. No person should go from home with- cut a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dy- sentery Cordial in their possession, as change of water, cooking, climate, etc., frequently brings on summer complaint, and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, which of- tentimes saves great suffering and fre- quently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a widespread repu- tation for affording prompt relief from all. summer complaints. Little Sarahâ€"0h, in the house! I stu on the bedpost and Yes, Indeed, “biog Vvéill tell," when blotch», and incrustations mark the skin. Weaver‘s Cerate and Wjeavor’sfiyrup make short work of 2.11 blood Proud Mother: “No; we must be very careful to give him a nice one, because there will be so many named after him when he is Premier." It. is surprising how many really good people there are in this wicked worldâ€"â€" it one can take their word for it. Beck (despondently) : “I said some!hing my wife didn't like and she hasn’t spoken to me for two days.” Peck (eagerly): “Can you remember what it was you said 7" in} skin tmublés, Friend : “Haven't you named the baby yet. 7" risk newâ€"urea and ultimz 1y it had I were imm proved u Shaping s tic prohzc which inf: mngnt map 19mm mn otzm- mp1, but is best when used in tho Sunlight way, Bay Sunlight Soap and follow dimtinns. Mrican Game Hunmrs Now Run 3 Deadly Risk. cord. 'l'nesc- minute bul terrible organ- isms are carried and distributed by the bile of a species of tsetse fly. This ter- ror has appeared in Uganda only within the last year or two, having made its way along the river systems from me west coast of Africa. Yet. during the first two years of its appearance in first, lwo Uganda no inhabitants “Who is that man with your mother?’ “That ain’t a man; that’s Iather.” THE KlLLARNEY OF AMERICA. A“'FUL SLEEPING SICKNESS NOBODY IN PARTICULAR. infests the blood ar These m?nute bul t1 years of its appearance in less than 30,000 of the native have fallen victims. Lt 1h? ‘kness SUSPICIOL‘S. CAREFUL \V n posed t! it has pa! here’s burglars k my chewing gun) I can’t find it] ‘ause‘ mt Europeans recently been was wrong. d by a parasi- ‘Pfi’pflnflsflmefl nd the spinal " rrible organ- thin 3 its the the Strange and Curious Things in Foreign . Lands. “An amusing scene was witnessed in the fourth magistrate’s court the other day," says the Straits Times oi Singa- pore. “A Javanese was arraigned on a charge of theft. As the man entered the dock, he threw on the ground a hen’s egg and then commenced to chew some ‘sereh.’ This was supposed to work a spell on the magistrate and cause him to discharge the accused. Unfortunate- ly for the schemes of the Javanese, he was seen by the Malay constable in charge of him. This Malay seized the Javanese by the throat and choked him until he spat up the ‘sereh’ and so broke the spell. The case was postponed." A correspondent of the Pckin and Tientsin Times writes :â€"“I asked a friendly Chinaman the other day why he was burning some books he had been reading. His reply was that they were the old-fashioned sort, and should they be found later in his possession he would be rrgarded by the new school as one who did not sympathize with the new regime. This, you see, is turning the tables the other way. A few years ago to be seen with anything foreign was dangerous." was dangerous." A large white swan recently killed a young woman in Geneva, Switzerland, One wintry day the girl was crossing :1 bridge in that city when the swan. driven headlong by the gale, collided with her. The great bird’s beak struck the young woman in the ear. Her injur- ies were so severe that she died three days later. The Preacher: "I hope you never lie about your business." The Merchant: “Neverâ€"but I have a very optimistic "ad writer." A Purely Vegetable Pill. ~Parmclee’s Vegetable Pills are compounded from roots, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving tone to the system whether enfeebled by ov- erwork or deranged through excess in living. They require no testimonial. Their excellent qualities are well known to all those who have used them and they commend themselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliousness who are in quest of a beneficial medicine. Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ill-health. One great cause of disease in children is worms. Re- move them with Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator. It never fails. “Young man,‘ said Spooner’s fa- ther, “I want you to know that I always close up the house and turn out all “Indeed ?” replied Mr. Nervy; don’t bother toâ€"night, sir. 1’1] 31 that for you.” ' One of the first explorers of the inter- ior of South Africa was William Cotton Oswell, a noted hunter and a friend rt Livingstone, to whom he rendered im- portant aid. In his biography the fol- lowing story was given from one of his African letters: _ An incident highly cred- itable to Kamr womanhood occurred just as we reached Mabotse. The women, as is their custom. were working in the fields, for they hoe, and the men sew. A young man standing by the edge of the bush, was chatting with them. A limlCSs sprang on him, and was carry- ing him off, when one of the women ran after him. caught her by the tail and was dragged for some distance. Hampered bl: the man in her mouth and the wo- man behind her, she slackened her pace, whereupon her assailant straddled over her back and hit her across the nose and head with a heavy, short-handled hoe until she dropped her prey and slunk “They say his wife is a good house keeper.” “Yes, she kept his house all right when he failed last spring. But of course he had to put it in her name." lights at, 19 o’clock.” “Did you say your husband was out looking for work?” “No; I believe hé’s out looking at work. There are some men digging a cellar down at the cor~ ner, and he doesn’t seem able to get any further." If You are Nervous and irritable take “ Femvim,” the great nerve and blood tonic; you will be a. new person by the time you have used a bottle. All dealem real Intel CI‘OC‘ A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Raid â€"the only certain cure for every form of Piles. George Cook, St. Thomas, Ont. , writes :~ “ Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Roid cured me of a. very bad case of Piles of over ten years' standing. I had tried everything but got» no pernnnent cure till I used Hem-Raid. I had Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered everything. Ointments and local treatments failed, but Dr. Leouhsrdt’s Hem-Reid cured me perfectly.” Iutcly cerium, madam! I shot the crocodile myself." Customer: “It looks ralher soiled." Dealer : Naturally, madam. That is where it struck lhe ground when it tumbled out of the H‘em~Roi'd is a tablet taken internally which removes the cause of Piles. $1.00, all druggists, or The Wilson-Fer C0,, Lim- ited, Niagara. Falls, Ont. 7 KAFF IR AROUND THE “’ORLD. mer: “Are you sure that this ~ocndne-skin ?” Dealer: “Ab: certain, madam! I shot 1 EMPLOYED ANOTHER HELPING HER PA 31800 FILE CUBE HOUSEKEEPER WOMAN'S COU RAGE arvy; “well, I’ll attend to Doctor Jensen, chief of the Swiss bureau of superintendence over the milk industry, says that it is a common error to suppose that milk submitted for a considerable time to a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit is better {or nourishment than that boiled for a short time. When the heating is prolonged the alteration in the valuable proportion of the milk begins as low as 100 de- grees, but with quick heating it does not begin below 110 degrees. Tuberculosis bacilli are destroyed by heating to 150 degrees for five minutes, and such heat- ing does not alter the properties of the milk. Doctor Jensen advises that the pasteurization of milk be done in the home, and but shortly before the milk is used, (care being taken not to go above the temperature necessary to kill the pathogenic germs. Explaining gets to be a chronic habit with some people. worm-"a1 gatefi. Eran. PEDIAR‘S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 n. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation aL a tune, and is gunnmieed true and straight to size. We carry a 600 ion stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order isreceived. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22. 20. 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and GaJvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. Write your Nearest Office.â€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAVVA, 0n! Largest makers of Sheet Mela] Building Materials under the British Flag. 0m. 0m mmmu, mi. 423 Sussex st. 11 Colborne st. [0300;], um. 69 Dundas st, Wiflmflfifl. ML 76 Lombard st, Anmreul, ONE. 707 Craig St. 1; F606 PTO ducts W LEAVE 30 T060 Ml U ES RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP THE gUNLEGHT m WAY are economical as well as good. You 6911'! payfor booeor grist}: when you buy them. Nothing gas into a Lbby can but dean. lean. wefl-uoked meat dun is ready» at. Libby's Boneless Chicken with Mayonnaise Dresing makes a quick salad. yet IS delicious a on'eas you ever aha. It is all chicken, and all good chickenâ€"mouly white ml. Ubby's Products are lime and trouble and money-mvmâ€"and tipped“: sfixnulalon. EFFECTS OF HEAT ON MILK RINSE WELL THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, " Keeping Everlastingly at It Brings Success." in Wegmm fianada Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, GEE. & G.T.P. Strong soil, 90 per cent. plouwh land, spri amok, no slough About 40 miles N.E. of Indian Head. 135m $10.50 per mm White for map and {all particulars. R. PARSONS. ox Wellesley Street. Toronto. Can-1:. E3511“! ABEEBIGAH DYEIEZG 09. warm If a woman’s credit is good at a dry goods store she never argues about the price. (Manning and Curling and KM Glenn duvet Th. unboume MJoporot (headpiece!- Sold by all Dmgglsfs and General Store! and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM FEATHER DYElNG THE ,No real need to buy the more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGHTâ€"Tum oz FOLfR GAS ers m om;â€" FOR TRY A ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON. ONT. A BUSHEL OF FLIES Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason For this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals â€"indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt/removing properv ties of soap that is nothing but soap. lEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (Follow directions). Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED ELSE Prime White by the dealer from Wham on buy Sun]! ht Soap if you nd any cause or complaint. éfi f A Wifiaan’ S Llam 821. Ecaaem Sarnia a Pwme 3L any. .- For Sale by Deaiers queen Lamp ISSUE NO. 26â€"06. a: Cm BM. 80., t ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KIE. ’) BEAUTIFUL LIGHT VGECGHVHM. 615 Fender st. LIMITED tomato. x55

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