c..- ...~.,4-t\l‘ $I per annum, in advance] mm 'w::e:::::~aummm W‘mmvjagi‘m‘ 1 (’3 [End domg nothing to . . , 4 g“! *3, “E {‘30 women 1136 tit-jet, homo; . . ‘ 3 3 ii lug-iv 13+ 1' 1" ~ '0.- ’ v-v g E . ‘ Lâ€" 4 All--1. . LEE}: Vegetable. .enewer. You tare w}: , 'o and get more at the st ""7 ‘3 ' ...- “ ellle @drwi IS PUBLISH-ELIEVEIRY THURSDAY NEORNING ' AT THE LlBE-RAL Plllillliiizi (l PUBLlSHlNG HJUSE RIGEIVIONDHILL,ONT. "l" . F . Mc- M A II C N, E urrozc & Paoeuxuren. ’) , I h V A (l S Mindy).ny C (s r; if ll-wvrauce ' V Phone MainflQSl W lildout “In, lsu‘orth Lmdsey. Lawrence 8/, W adsworth, Barristersï¬olicitcrs, Ila-twice, llc. Home Life Buildingr (fornuurly Free hold Loan Bldg). (,‘m. Adelaide 6.: Victoria Sis†Toronto. Witiilu codii ‘ ! a - A p " 3 GUINESS C -'~"D’:" BARRIRTER, SoLu'rroR, NOTARY. ETC. ~â€"~ -â€"» 7“ ~_ " '7 ~~ i jgntlf'UKl‘lgil ‘C‘ï¬â€˜lre. 317‘ Richmond St. W \ . W s leswy Buildings. (Ã©ï¬ ï¬lial. Richmond Hill Ullire, Standard .__ . fl _ h __'__ Bank Building, every Saturday after x ““ noon. I) ‘17. E. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ,. J Money to loan at Five Per Cent (5/2.). (Successor to Dr. Lawrasonl ' r, v , Q - ea MOR G a ll , Barristers :usd Solicitors. Monev to loan on land and matte! mortgagesat lowest rates Auroraofï¬ce~Remmeo it; Um old pom. Ollie-.1 one d-wr west of the entrance to the Ontario Dunk Newzuuxhet ofï¬ceâ€"Three (luGl‘S south of the p lst odice . 'I‘ HERBERT Lsxnox G SrV MORGAN lurorn. heumsrket Al J LL 0w: , g. 1 . .H Lee, l.llll1..cn £4. Clam Barrieters. Solicitors, Etc. DOM'INION BANK CHAMBERS, l S. \V. Corner King & Yougc Streets, Rich 2111 0nd £1 i ll I) entis a, Room 12, 11% Victoria, St. Best ï¬tting tee th, lowest prices. Toronto. also replating, at Good work. .99.. “H2 WT ANDERSON, Dentist, TOROATO' Private and Trust Funds to loan at Cor. CM'ltoh and Yonge Sts.. lowest current rates. Toronto "Vill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved- nosday of each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Brruk. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"$.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. E. J. VVoods DENTIST, Phono Main 3n. Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Mr. McDonald will hr, at THE LIBER_ Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesda .S’ 8*†._ '. AL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, on the lst .mâ€"S p. m. 3 d m ’ and 3rd Saturday of each month. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST. 1% N lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E EJGIN 311343433; 1; P l Danton, Dunn 8; Bï¬uitbde Barristers. Soliclors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2-0 KING S". E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. (Y. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULooK lion/rum? J OHN \VALTER MCDONALD \â€" lizlrrllssu'y JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERlNARY SURGEON, Thornhii‘ll. Calls by telephone from' Richmo Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDEHSDN, varaamav SURGEON RICHMOND HILL calls by day and night promptly at- I tended to. reg. ’EElE FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC, ODKHISSIOREBIN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. nd ' ' Issuer ofMarmage Llcenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ‘H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Convoyancer, etc. ' Insuraimc: Fire and Life. A ï¬avimgs £1000 taint IN THE GETAREQ BANK Safe Proï¬table This Bank’s large resources ensure safety. Interest, at highest cuereul. rate, paid twice a. year makes an account profitable. Being wilhdruwuble without notice makes convenient. THE oNrARro BANK OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE \VEEK. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY m Convenient it I Richmond. Hill - ~‘ peonle. farm of Mr. D. llouer. Maple Dominion Day passed off veryquirt- ly llo-rc. 'l'hvre was the Inual number of visitors. and runny of the young took in ille Celebration at, Veloic. The foollmll team played ‘lhcre against, 'l'rs‘lah [mm and won by lgoul to 0. Rev. Mr. Iii'rlvix‘ou Church, Toronto will of St. Giles" prem-l) anniu'râ€" surf sermons in St. Andrew‘s (‘iluirh . next Sunday morning and ex e-niog. Mr. 1‘). ll. l'Illinll. of Toronto spent last Humidor will: frirnds here. “1‘ and Mr. \V. 'l'. lloluumu. hit on Tues- (lay for a trip lo the Nul'i l1 \Vosf. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Campbell and (laughter Kat“. of Fe] gusai v spending the work at the home of M1. T. ll. lv'e ys. Rt‘\‘.l\ll’. Galloway. llm juni r pus‘or, uill {ll‘i‘ï¬ll'll in the Methodist church Sunday morning. The luly muting of Maple “'ummls' lusliluto will lm held on July lllh at the u~u:xl llour2.f\'€l p n... at. lhe home (rf‘l‘ilN'. .las. Kirby. This rum-liugis to ariange a programme for a year. Ladies are all \\'(‘i('(‘lll’3 to our meetings. _ "â€"7 ‘â€"- «‘uâ€"Hâ€" Gormley A pleasant event funk place on VV-Alllvbdnv, .lum-Zi. 1986, at ll.e resi- dence of Mrs. A. Slit-liar. “hen her youngest. daughter, Maiwl Maud. was united in marriage to Mr. \Vm. French of Toronto. The (-ei-cumny was performed by lit-v. F. l‘Ill‘olt in the presence of about Gl gin-sis. Some of the was s were from a didâ€" auceâ€"Mrs. Dr. Smith of l)un<l;is, Mr. (‘arr of lr’iltshurg. l’a. and others After the nuplial rkl‘ml was duly lie-d the (ruinpullv adjourde to the dining room where ample justice was (lone lo the good things provided. Mr. and French left Slouï¬â€˜ville on 1hr evening train for Mariposa. After a short \ isit they will more to Toronto, their fulurc home. The town of "\‘v'est Gormley†is growing spare. Mr. I). \V‘. Heise has built himself :1 line residence, adjoin- ing the railway; how he is busy build- ing another amoss the road on the Much specu- lation is xiile as to who the future occupants will be. A Coal. wood, and lumber yard will he, opens-d by Mr. D. \V. l-leise on the completion of the iailway. Some express doubts whether the R. R. Station will mater- ialize, but it seems a sure. proposition to the majority. “The Independent Phone Co.†have extended their line up the third to Mr. Geo. Hilts place, as be is selling large quantities of strawberries it will greatly facilitate his business. â€"â€"-â€"â€".o°â€"â€"-â€"- S. 5 N9. 4- VAUGHAN The following is the school report for June. Names in 01er of merit. IV Class.â€"â€"Chus. lloover, Clara Cos- grove, Harold Smith, Ger! rude Nelson, Chas. Conner, John Cosgrore. Senior Illâ€"Grammar (Max. 100)â€" Maggie 13:: her, 95, Elsie Hoover, 8", Rolph \Villiams, 84, llolph Baker, 73, ' \Villiums. GU, Phyllis Clark, \ -. nil'h. Carrie (absent). Junior IlI. â€"Gramm:ir (Max. 100)â€" JHHH‘S (.‘osgrove, 97, \Vesley Hoover, 80, Pearl Hunt, 48, Gertie Cosgrove, 46. Senior II. ~Ianuc Nigh, Reuben llorner, Emily Pond, Ida Schell, Mary Finley. Junior II.â€"Arithn'letic (Max. 100)â€" Ruth Hoover, 100. John McCague, 100, Ethel Schell, 100, Ervie lluut, 100, Elsie Donor, 90, Eva Conner, ill), \‘Villie llorner, 8i), Bessie Finley, 80, Fred Cosgrovc, 80, Douglas Read, 70, liebrs Mchgue. 60, Cecil Finley (absent). I Classâ€"George Read, Gordon Road, John Bestard, “'esley Schell, Ross Baker. Phonic jlaesâ€"George Finley, Percy Sr-hell, Russell Boyntou, Luella Finley, Elmer I'lorner. School was closed 9 days. The following Were present every day that school was held â€" Chas. . H0o\'er, Chris. Conner, John UHFO‘I‘DVC b 7 Carrie \Villiams, Maggie Baker, “’05- lcy Homer. Pearl Hunt. Elsie Donor, Bessie Finley, George Finley, George lie-ad, Gordon Road, Russell lioyntou. A\crage attendance for month Ill. Average attendance for last six months, 31. ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"~oo¢-â€"â€"â€"-â€" MAPLE “'ON Maple football-team came out Fridav evening anal played the “return†match with the. local team. The visitors won by a score of 1â€"0. Play started at 8 o‘clock, and lasted just 33 ' ; minutes. Mr. Hugh MrMillian refereed ithe match and Messrs. Matthewson and Mr. Frank Hopperneled as umpires. The game was interesting. butsurpri e was expressed by many onloookers that two football teams composed of young men could not meet each other earlier in the evening, and give an exhibition worth going to see. It seems absurd to start a tootbnll match at 8 o'clock at night. Public School Promotions. The following is the report of the promotion examinations of Richmond ‘llill l’uhlic Selltml. The names ap- ,poar in order of llll'l'lt. The Iruurs ifollowrd by We. indicate that those pupils have failed on (-110 Subject, but lwill lw allowed a trial in tlichighi-r . (-l::.~<s:~»~ .lllllll‘l‘ l‘v'. to Senior lV.â€"G. Derry, (‘mx‘I-n lu‘. Markiv, K. Inlirs, S. loddill. l. Eli-liny l'(‘L‘., Al. Doyle rrc., Ml. lliddrll roe. , St-ilior- lll. to Junior IV.»~-C. llill, lll. McL‘mmghy, L. lulu-s, L. Hill. ll. Hlepllz-usou, A. Stephenson, N. Boyle, M. Murkic, II. Palton. Junior 111. to Senior “Ian. Sloan, 0.1).xi'ling, ll. Grant, 3. All-(lounglq, ll. Kers‘wili. l5. llopper, N. Morkic, l‘l. l’alnr'r. A. lovlv, I“ Hanson, V. Hanna, ll. lliloy, (1}. Bull rr(:., L. llill l!‘(‘., Al. Bowen, (l. BaSsingwaite rec., WV. Naughron rec. dil, (‘. Ul'('(llll, (Al. Harding. 0. Lud- foid, (l. Cmvie, l). Soules, F.1(iley, H. Ilassiugwultl‘. and .‘I. \Vright equal, G. IC. Stephenson, B. .‘wlullnn, I. \Valdvr, ilardinfr. H. Nucleic, Redditt, l. M. Palmer, E. .‘llorts'on. M c- G. B. ll:1uling.N. McCouaghy, B. Rauâ€" <om, ll. Darling, L. Stephvumn. M. Hill. C. Grant. If. Pethir'k, V. Smith, ll, Ill-neon, (’1. llerron, S. Ransom rcc., .l. Keiswill l(‘C. ~00>. High School Promotion Examinations The following pupils have been suc- cessful in passing their promotion ex- :mï¬uutiomâ€" Form II. to Form Ill. â€"â€"- Nellie Brown. Maude, lirlmkuy, Flossie Elhvl McNaughton. Jean Topper, Arthur B-ill. Holmes Crosby, Douglas Cooper, \\'ylie Carlton..loseph Elliott, ()lto Janr-s, Irving Perry, Archie Palmer, Fred Page, Randall Page, lilovd Soules, \Valtcr Scott, Stuart, Read, Fo-.t.er llirkson. Form I. to Form 11. â€" Marjorie Boyle, Maggie Blair), Ella Cosgrove, Ada Calhoun, I‘Idua Gordan, Cassie Hill, Iluunah Hislop, Luella Johnston, Clive Morgan, Norma Morgan, Edna. B'erair. Irene. Marsh, Pearl Silver, Mabel Vanderburgh, Eva, VVatsou, Maud \‘Vatson, Roy Boynton, Everett Cox, Roy Flook, Perry Grice. Percy Hagennun, Percy Hill, Harold Mur- phy, Clurkson McDonald, Harry Naughton, Oscar Smith, Beverley \Valker. Alex. Vv'illiams, Herbert Kel- ly, “'ilfrid Redditt. 0 S. S. No. 3, Markham. The following is the classification since the promotion exams. held June 27, 28 and 20. Marks required to pass were 35 per cent. on each subject and 50 per cent. on the total; honors 75 per cent:â€" Senior IV.â€"Arthur Cooper, 56%. Junior IV. â€" Norman Brodie, 79% (honors); Ida. Barker, 61%. Senior ULâ€"Elias Elliott, 73% (hon- orsl; Clelland Caldwell, 6735’; David Hislop, 597°; Ethel Caldwell, 53%; Elm ma Barker. 57%. Junior III.â€"Hattie Brodie, 66%; Mary Cooper, 60,2; Gladys Helmkay, 60%. Junior ILâ€"Murray VVellman, 66%; Walter Hislop. 63%. Senior Part-Secondâ€"VVillie VVell- man. - Junior Part-Secondâ€"Preston Elson, Elsie Hart. Percy Elsou. Tommie Fountain, Beckie Fountain, Rhoda. Barker. Senior I.~Jcssie Lily, Hector Put- terson. Junior I.~â€"Viola Caldwell. Nellie Pitson. Maudie Hart, Freddie lieu- l'icks, Rosa Henricks, Percy Caldwell. 'â€"â€"‘0 SPORTS Montreal defeated the Toronto lacâ€" rosse team at RoSr-dnle Monday by a score of 57â€"4. The victors tied the score two minutes before time was up, and scored the deciding goal a minute later. The score at the close of the lacrosse match between Cornwall and the Tecumsehs on Dominion Day was 9 to 3 in favor of the former. The Young Torontos defeated the \Voodhridge lacrosse team on the 2nd of July in ‘Voodhridge by 6â€"5 in a. league, game. The \Vorld reporter states that at threeâ€"quarters time the Voodbridge crowd ran on the ï¬eld and mobbed Mitchell, the Young To« routo Goal-Keeper. The Toronto Junction Shamrocks i defeated Aurora in an exhibition game of lacrosse held in the cricket ï¬eld in Aurora on Dominion my. The score was 8â€"2. The Argonauts of Toronto beat lllr First Trinity crew in the first heat for the Grand Challenge by one length. They also won the second heat but :lust the third. James, Gladvs Legge, Stella Murphy, ' Senior 11. to Junior lll.â€"R. ued-‘ .luuior II. to Senior ll.â€"F. Brrdin Robinson, ‘ Part“. to .lunior II.~H. L’owon,‘ l | ,1 fossional. endorsementâ€"WM OPEN PUBLKL’ITY THE BEST GUï¬Rï¬NT‘Y 0F MERIT. When the maker of a. medicine, sold through druggists for family use, takes his atients fully into his conï¬dence b fran ly and fearlessl publishing broa. ' cast as well as on l q bottle wrappers, a. full list of all its ingredients in plain English, this action on his part ls the best possible evidence that he ls not afraid to have the search li ht of inves- tigation turned full upon is formula, and that it will bear the fullest scrutiny and the most thorough investigation. Dr. Picrce’s Favorite Prescription for the cure of the weaknesses, periodical pains and functional derangements of the or- gans distinctly feminine, is the only medi- clue put up for sale through druggists for woman’s special use the maker of which is not afraid to wire his patients into his full conï¬dence by such open and honest publicity. ' A glance at the published ingredients on each bottle wrapper, will Show that it is made wholly from native, American, medicinal roots. that it contains no poi- sonous or habitâ€"forming drugs, no nar- cotics and no alcoholâ€"pure. triple-reï¬ned glyceriue, of proper strength being used instead of the commonly employed alco- hol, both for extracting and preserving the active medicinal properties found in the roots of the American forest plants employed. It is the only medicine for women’s pecular diseases, sold by drug- gists, that does not contain a large per- centage of alcohol. which is in the long run so harmnt to woman’s delicate, nervâ€" ous system. Now. glycerine is perfectly harm ess, and serves a. valuable'purpose by possessing intrinsic value all its own, and besides it enhances the curative effect of the other ingredients entering into the "Favorite Prescription." Some of the ablest medical writers and teachers endorse these views and praise all the several ingredients of which "Fa.- vorlte Prescription" is composedâ€"rec- ommending them for the cure of the very same diseases for which this worldâ€" famed medicine is advised. No other medicine for women has anti such proâ€" more than any number of ordinary testimonials. If interested, send name and address to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his little book of extracts from the works of eminent medical writers and teachers endorsing the several Ingredients and telling 'ust what Dr. Pierce’s medicines are ma 0 of. It’s free for the asking. #96 #96 $§+¢¢¢¢¢¢§$Qi¢9§§§7§ ¢¢§¢§§¢¢§¢+¢+§¢¢¢¢¢9469699 (I AGENT FOR D e ering Far m Implements and for London Mutual - and British America Fire Insurance Companies â€" l and Home Life As- surance Go. To get rates or quotations for any of these costs you nothing. N- J. GLASS . RICHMOND HILL P. O. +¢¢4 ##ewwwoooewwwow ¢'¢¢¢§¢6¢§¢¢¢6$¢VO¢¢69569¢9 (Indenakcrs a: Elnbulmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. "ETâ€"1:155:03}. n :5 .2, EH. Prentice, Licen'led Auctioneer for the County of York Goods Sold on condlgnmeut General 5116: stoo etc promptly attended to in. radiocale rates Residence Unjouville G R Uroulurug, Newton Brock,u;;oui for the above J T Suigeon, J R’Mvaeu Mupl a \\ eszon Suigeon at; RicEwcn. Licenwexl Auctioneers: for the Countyp.‘ Yorl'. Salesmtzende'lcoonshorteatnotircunu a ma. sonable rates Patronage solicited D. G. BLOCGKI, Lica Auctioneer foz'theCountyof Yor", re- spaqm. 3‘ a-llivits your patronage and friendly in ï¬ueuus soles attended on the shortest notice and at zeasonabemtes. P. 0. address ng