Aurora, has been I York County, in 31 late Dr. Widdiï¬eld. 60 years of age, ar Aurora for the past he has been an activ Mr. F. T. Daville, mayor of Aurora, has been made sheriff for York County, in succession to the late Dr. Widdiï¬eld. Mr. Daville is 60 years of age. and has livod in Aurora for the past 27 years, where he has been an active and prominent citizmi. He was formerly a presi- dent of the tanncrs' section of the Board of Trade, president of the North York Conservative Association, master of 7 Rising Sun Masonic Lodge, and president of the local lodge of the Sons of England Benev- olent Society. Mr. Dawille has always been popular in Aurora. and other parts of North York where he is well known. Mr. C. Reynolds, Whitcvalc, on behalf of the Temperance Alliance of Pickering Township, states em- phatically in The World of 28th hit. that an article in The World on the previous Friday wds misleading and not according to facts. The World article stated that in givingjudg- mcnt quashing the local option by- law Chief JuStice Meredith had cast reflection on'the methods of the tem- perance people in the contest. Mr. leynolds states positively that such was not the case, and says: “The judge cxonerates completely and un- emiiyoczilly the temperance people from any wrongdoing or blame in them tter whatever." If The World Wishes to be fair to the temperance people in Pickering it will look up the address of the judge to the court, and give the facts to the public. ' The daily papers in referring to the'death of the late William Hendry of Hamilton, for several years presi- dent of the Ontario Jockey Club, ina'kcthe assertion that although he won a good deal of money on the turf he‘was never known to bet a dollar on a horse race. He was a genuine sportsman, he loved horses and took great pleasure in speeding, and the sport he enjoyed whether it brought him ï¬nancial gain or not. RICI It is also said that he could win modestly or lose cheerfully, and these ate good tests of a man's disposition. Such a record might well put to shame many who class themselves as true sportsmen. The public admire a. man of the stamp of the late Mr. H‘ehdlfy. but they have much less regard for those who enjoy a race or a. lacrosse match only when they win oroxpeet to win a money consider- or 0x1 ation. in appï¬nting a 1’:- to .ee to the em" The Ontario Government’s Policy in appointing a. Provincial Inspector to to the enforcement of local option in municiwlities where tl‘e by-law is in force, is generally ap- proved. If local inspectors were alive to their duties 3 special inspector .to 10tk after the local inspectors would notbe necessaly. But it is well known that many of the local inspectors are not in sympathy with local option, and tlterefore close their eyes to much which they should see. A weak point in the former Govern- ment was the selection of license in- spectors and license commissioners. And we fail to see any improvement under the new regime. Wherein lies the fault ‘? The tem- believe the pu p!acing the b1 the temperam endeavor to when appoint: But by all acc nspector is ‘ight place. cm {ICC {MON hamesv lover: p HILL. Ohm. 2| 1‘ ‘ make the tmeuts are, ‘ mounts Mr. . Lie. the 1er “.1 111 3 on the shoulders of people who should lke themselves felt Lbs are, to be made. ts Mr. John Ayerst ï¬le new provincial n02“ July 5, 1906 DO WGI um 11 The team to blarm var. \Vi Building operations are progressing rapidly in our village. J. D.- 'l'hyxéon who intends retiring from farming is building on the site of the brick huiol which was burned some years ago: his father, the late Richard Thextmi, owned the same lot. Abram Webster who has been a Missionary in the North \Vest for sometime past has returned to Ontario to Work asumissionary north of Havo- lock. He made it flying visit to the home of J. McLean, Equ on his return from conference to his ï¬eld of labor. He is a retired farmer whose home has been in Mariposa‘, one of the best townships in Ontario. W'e wish him success on his home mission work amongst the rocks and fun-ow lands of that; rough region of Ontario. T. \V. MuLEnn, Teacher at, Mt Pleasant. has returned from Builn where he was appointed to go by School Inspector as examiner uf pupils of the public school there. In the absence of the-Rev. VVhit‘lnw the pi-cshytorizm pulpit occupied by a Mr. McQuudv. A student Dr. Keith, of 0:119 visits mu- villuge on Tuesday and day of each week. Thu'e is a ope-hing for n got-d doctm- lu-re. Several visitors from Torontr spending their holidays here \x amongst the rocks and furrow lands of thth rough region of Ontario. T. \V. McLean, Teacher at Mount Pleasant. has returned from Builubom Where he was appointed to go by the School Inspector as examiner uf the pupils of the public school there. In the absence of the - Rev. Mr. VVhitluw the pi-cshytorizm pulpit was occupied by a Mr. McQuudv. A student Dr. Keith, of Omemoo, visits our village on Tuesday and Fri- day of each week. Thu'e is a good opening for n got-d doctur hm‘e. Several visitors from Toronto are spending their holidays here where they can vnjoy life in alnracingaix-fi've from all ï¬nuting germs, whom God in His greatness and His goodness can be seen at this season of the year in the growing crops. which promise an abundant harvest. To do gene walling; Good peteut personzn Pasture to All accidents of stock. 50-4 tinent tee E'Ul E outeâ€" 12' Week ()l» U insul \V. J. LAING in chm Butter Paper at the “30d HE DU ('13 i 5! ud cnndi Any one wnn will inspect this horse bcfm‘e select? to make them 2!, pn-senb of $1.000 and :1 cult wiihn just as represvnwd and one (If the host bred Tmi mt and one of the greatest. Stock Horses on earth. Girl MONDAYâ€"He will go we In Gulden Linll H 2(1): l‘ii DUKE is a beautiful Id cnndininn Weighs >werfuily built in o Lmtting horses in Ax mds. and a 1.58 gait, Hnuso, \Ynodhrid iDAYâ€"He will g lsling‘mn. for nigl TURDAY~H9 w a living: colt, payable 10 days after In: within that Limo, no charge will be m J. B. MORTSON Luans made to farmers at ï¬x- &&9§W Standard Trotti $1.060 GUARANTEE ESDA Y- KPtlleby let at reasunnlle rates. at the risk of the owner :nâ€"mng tin uut M RSISWITZER Richmond Hill asture Wanted ral hmwmvnrk, Wages paid to a APRIEISL“ 'â€"â€"-He will ; r), fur non: He will gu night. le will go to Black Horse. H when he will gm to his own Monday mm-niug. Bond Lake Liberal C ffice I? |u\n\. e - Rev. Mr. 1 pulpit was :10. of Omemoo, flay and Fri- -e is a guud 107 MCGILL ST., T( Lnd rm, and thence to Nnhl: gu tn Kleinhurg for no: for night. u Thistletmvu for noon S, commencn‘ 1906 Ill COD] ng and Registered Stallion brown is t 1.300 n zlil Wu 3 mon ht. nee y. - He is not a pacer but. «me He has trotted a trial in 2.17, Said, with good handling, he A lined x-ubbet knee. 1' St.. South, Blchmond ()‘an‘l‘ Indy have SHINE pmpel'ty and paying fl tisement. n Hotel. Street, f up Yong 5 Hotel, A umra, SPEvEENG ANS SUMMER is now complete comprising 31ack and V, Bite \Vmsted Twins. Sc’btch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices \Vl My Stock of VVoolcns for 111 tel. Eglinton. from -t,, for noon, and the mute Street to Cos a. J. HUEVQE, Taiicr. Richmond Hi3] Si \ k» ‘k; for noun, )RO ut. BOOTH LUMBER C0. LL“ 1d NOTICE YUM mnuiumgs, sunny :m supply your ne n need Appiy NTO T1 ut Monday, April 30th, ng a sire we will gum-aw ut charge, if The Duke ls ting Stallions on the con- Dike ll 11y to Mr. Lait reprieter s & Summm North anO‘ ( ll m, lot :25. coucc for night. and thence to )l' 110 thence colt, comes deform; 3U shi m m 9 to 10, and monce t0 Hughes" usgmve’s Hotel, “2h =. Gull Hill. Tl byr pr-n‘vn' high, and in gth finished 3 of the ï¬nest , quartors in : cuuld trot in Hus ()1 )nt to hill ] thence to H OLI , 1 o'nge lhe slim: TED ssk (,wln Au \Vood 9d ++++++++++++++ tiemm AnLiSL w. E. SHAW, Principal .'. ++++++++++++++++++++++++4 W Sati Vaughan Ce azier, Gram TUESDAY, JULY. The next meeting 0! t1 pauth oiVLuEJ VIA Winnipeg Souris Brandon Hoosomin Arcoia Estevan} Yorkton Regina Moose Jaw June Bï¬h. June 19th. July 7336‘. Jury 17th. For rates to other point formation uppiy to ueares Agent. or write to C. 13. Passenger Agent, 71 You: LXZII HOUSE NORTH WEST IDE Eï¬ï¬ï¬gaï¬â€œ \Vrite us for pm ticulzu weeks in frc )m-l Fer Sa 9 tlie Town Hall, Vollor 'll intere 3‘53?» R ETU R N FAR ES: - $32.00 Slrasshurg » 33.50 Saskatoon - 33.55 Prince “Ebert 34.28 No. Battlefcrd 84.50 Macleod - _ Calgary - 35% Red Deer - 35.75 Stettler 1 38.00 Edmcnton} ‘ GOING: gnod to return until Augu HI hm and m :25, drive-h‘ The land m soil. plenty BERCE not TORONTO. attended to. ‘1} ut )i‘npt’l‘tvy ir Fur furth iual )REVV K SAIGE( l. 1906. a distance 213m: building: in Lhe \' is brink 0i RICHMON 3210a a. ran AmuN I‘H 1?: PVG‘I‘Y nt to (r1111 TO THE until August “ August “ Sept. ‘ Sept. ‘1"? ‘ost’R. Di St.. Tux-on H] 7P1 YIN M :1 romptly of 151‘ held email. 1 lllt u‘t *lH when)†HILI 1908 £36.25 41.3.50 41.50 42.50 20th. 3rd. 17th. Di ‘Of IIII L1H StH'L VVhit $l( the p: Brnok lir (1 E] do Ann-or. moovi D L p) Hi If)! )11) In. S 111) scrib o for his 5p1£ l1 )1 he will ll“ “"111 \l [‘1 H h H S‘ Honu H 1d [h H) DE in 111‘ )ugh 15b ()l m Stong, \vn stub] his IBERAL {l I'nl‘ Stzlllit own tulliun Clyd‘ melt mpOI-tod :f D. U. Ton \Vvlls, ale-ton, Home I‘ux ms, 11101 tmzia. n, t m n nsi ng. Tel-ma: esdale below S