Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1906, p. 7

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Sunlight Soap ‘Bank Premises account. The notes in circulation amount to $3,984,050, an increase of about $300,000 over 1905. Deposits at call amount to $1,349,169.99, while deposits subject to notice total $2,834,055.89. The total assets, how- ever aggregate $9,541,955.27, and of this $9,526,486.54 are immediately avail- able. The capital stock is $6.000,000;the rest fund $3,600,000. or over 50 per cent. 01 the bank’s capital. The surplus pro- fits carried forward this year after pay- ment of dividends and addition to rest fund and ofiicers’ pension hind amount to $74.596.19. The payment of quarter- ly dividends, beginning with the current financial year, was decided upon. These facts and figures, when care- fully analyzed, show conservative, though progressive, up-todate manage- ment. One important indication, in particular, of the confidence of the "depositing public in this institution is ,the very marked increase of deposits \over last year. It seems that the in- rease was general throughout the year, nd was not the result of any large in- dividual deposits, and, therefore, show special and uniform progress in this department. I The fortyâ€"second annual meeting of the Shareholders of the Merchants‘ Bank of Canada was held in Montreat on the ltwentieth instant. This institution has gun eminent board of directors and has rnumbered among its officers some of ‘Cnnada’s greatest business men. An table directorate like this undoubtedly tinlluences a bank's business, and this ‘iact is probably in a measure respon- ‘sible for the splendid accumulation of a nest fund of more than three and a half ‘millions and a remarkably large propor- tion of assets immediately available. These two points mean great strength from the depositors’ standpoint and should be carefully investigated and " ompared when considering a bank for eposit purposes. F‘VPVU‘" l’“-r'~-~- ‘: The Merchants” Bank in the year just Closed earned in net profits about three- quarters of a million, and carried forâ€" ward two hundred thousand dollars of this to the rest fund. One hundred thousand dollars was written off the Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is has: when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow dilectxons Mr. E. F. Hebden has been acting general manager for the past year. and the very satisfactory position of the bank in this year's statement made his permanent appointment as generalman- nger a foregone conclusion. It is safe to say that Mr. Hebden will carry out the safe principles and the large con- servative development of this old estab lished institution. Fatherâ€"“Sarah, I don't like that. fel- low who comes here to see you.” Sarah -â€"“I don‘t see why not. pa. I‘m sure he bears the impress of a gentleman." Father (wriggling his foot)â€""lf he comes here he‘ll bear the impress of another gentleman." There are at least five towns besides London where a special department of beaks for the blind is kept up in con- nection with the free library. These are Liverpool, Birmingham, Penzzmce, Ply- mouth and Wick. Liverpool, one of the oldest and most up-toâ€"date of all our free libraries, so far back as 1857 recog- nized the need of the blind for good literature, and has devoted a fair share of her 200.000 volumes to these people, so shut. off from many sources of plea- sure. BANK'S VERY STRONG SIIO\\’ING. Tm: WALKING PARSON. BOOKS FOR THE BLIND A Champion and Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such complaints while teething, and as this period of their lives is the most critical, mothers should not be without a bottle of Dr. .1. D. Kellogg‘s Dysentery/Cordial. This medicine is a specific for such com- plaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used it. The proprie- tios claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer complaint. uFfieézine,” hé said, was a powder sold to preserve meat like cold storage. He admitted that it might keep meals from spoiling, but it was injurious to health, being composed of sulphite of soda and red coal tar- dye. He who fights and runs away may live to fight another dayâ€"or draw a pension, so they say. If you are fond of fishing, canocing, camping or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A iisli and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with 1.200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attrac- tions that Nature can bestow. Magni- ficent canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above sea-level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place for ayoung man to put in his summer holidays. An interesting and profusely illustrated de- scriptive publication telling you all about it sent free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toron- to, Ont. Customer (after ten minutes’ chewing in vain)â€"“Waiter, what’s this?" Waiter â€"Beef, sir." Customerâ€"“Well, I’ve heard of the iron horse and the brazen calf, but I never came across the indiu- rubber cow before.” Mistress (soliloquizing): "I’m afraid this hat‘s rather out of date." Maid: "Oh, no, mum. It’s quite fashionable. Cook has just. bought one exactly like it.” It Has Many Offices. â€" Before the German soldier starts on a long marcn he rubs his feet with tallow, for his first care is to keep his feet in good con- dition. If he knew that Dr. Thomas’ Ec- ltCtl‘iC Oil would be of much better ser- vice he would throw away his tallow and pack a few bottles of the Oil in his knapsack. There is nothing like it. Cne trial of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please you. Burglar Bent on Murder Relcms an! Aids the Victim. A case has been reported to the police in which the pleading of a girl of 11 softened the heart of a burglar bent on murder at Creteil, France. Mme. Ballet and the girl, who is her niece, were awakened by an Unusual noise and were alarmed to see a man stride into their room. The woman screamed and the burglar gripped her by the throat and struck her with a knife, The terrified child tell at the burglar’s feet. iinploring him to spare her aunt’s The terrified feet. imploring lile. Sunlight Soap in better than other soaps, but is best when used in ‘he Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and {allow direction; The man lhereupcn sat on the edge of their bed and told them he had been forced to turn burglar because he could not get honest employment. He assur- ed Mme Rollet and her niece that no harm should befall them if they kept quiet while two of his friends below collected the “swag.” dollected the "swag." The burglar then got the water basin and carefully washed the blood from Mme. Rollet's wound. He applied band- ages and with a bow left the room and went. away with his companions. YOU DRINK SA\VDUST. YOUR SUMMER OUTING. CHILD SAVES “'OMAN. of Pure Food Ingredients lloncst W'cights. BRITISH AMERICAN memo. CARPET DYEING “A munina. Thll I: n noeclalcy with the A We. Speedy. and Positive Cum Thesafest. Best BLISTER ever used. Taken the pince of all linamema {or mild or severe action. Remove: all Bunches or Biemishes from Horses Ind Cattle, SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY 0R FIRING. Mpossiblew produce scar orblemtsh Ever bottle sold in warranted to give satisfaction Price 1.50 per bome. Sold by druggists. or sent by exprens. charges paid. with fun directions for its use. Bend for descriptive circulars. The l.swrenco.Williap-ngjo.. Tomnto. Ont. Horse Gwnersrfllse An End to Bilious Headache. â€"â€" Bili- ousness, which is caused by excessive bile in the stomach, has a marked ef- fect upon the nerves, and often inani- fests itself by severe headacnes. This is the most distressing headache one can have. There are headaches from cold, from fever, and from other causes, but the most excruciating of all is the bilious headache. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills will cure itr-cure it almost im- mediately. It will disappear as soon as the Pills operate. There is nothing sur- Miss Gabbleâ€"“And she accused me 31' retailing gossip about, the neighbor'- hood.“ Miss Sharpeâ€"“The idea!” Miss Gabbleâ€"“Posilively insulting, isn’tshe?" Miss Sharpeâ€"“Yes; Ior you’re really a wholesaler." om‘c. they could very mi strength. Try it. Week and Pale wemen toolishly keep an way when by the use of "Ferrovim, " the best. |tonic. they gum-(“l very quickly recover their health‘ “Does your wife take any interest in current politics?" asked the earnest, wo- man. “Naw,” replied Mr. Farmon, “she don’t. But it it’s current jelly or our- lant pie, why, I believe she could tell you more {hings about ’em than you ever dreamt of.” land mnlonilrl by post. and we no sure Lo 1011!] Min" Iol ‘30. Montreal. (Kingston Man tells how he Suffered and ' How he was Released. ‘ rFor years a martyr,” is how Chas. H. Powell of 105 Raglan Street, Kingston, begins hi: story. “A martyr to chronic constipation, but now I am free from it. and all through the use of Dr. Leonhudt'n Anti-Pill. ” CHAS. H. Powsu. Many who are now suffering from this complaint will be ghd to learn from Mr. Powell’s story that, than ‘is hope for the most stubborn case. He continues: “I was induced to try Ami- Pill by reading the testimony of some one who had been cured of constipation by it. Ihad suffered for eighteen years and had taken tons of at.qu recommended as cum but. which made me worse rather than better. Doabora told me there was no our: for me.” Dr. Imnhudt'a Anti-Pill is for sale by all Druggists or by The \Vilson-Fyle Co., ‘ Limited. Niagara Falls, Out. Mr. Powell will verify every word of these statements. 503 1‘ in the {reatment of bilious headache. MARTYRDUM DESCRIBED MNUGHT REWARD wi I be paid to an -- pcrson who proves d1: Sunlight Soap contains an injurious chemicals or an fomx of adultcration. and Cleaning. Thll II n Ipeclalty with the IF you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old/Fashioned way. 5‘ On". la: la rhu- v'rlo respond pron-My Benn \ uni 33 mad man aim lmxin. Lou '- ulna. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. , The highest and man nightly addition in Denve'z :i furnishing I perfect vitw of Pike} Peak-ad flu V Rocky Mounniu for I disumv of 75 mile. a Ovulao'fi-§,Wuhinflton ParL Au Hal spot. Sthrbokung‘Wuhmgton Park. An man I g Lots 25x125 Feet for $135 Washington Heights "In-u; u u, h'béhi. ‘J an“. .m ya! u r... “a 554m THE CENTURY LOAN AND TRUST CO. Th Cut-n Building u n n Dunn (In) M m hut yin-r17 lo all in Davy. vriu n i equally good with hard WE ARE LAYING OUT A NEW ADDITION HIS EVENING IN. Caustic B asam GOMBAULT’S Dunn Cobain é“: .n ply-m. m “a full (ilk mud. $5 REWARD wm ' be paid to any pcrson who proves dist Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulmration. md or soft water. Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow directions) Lever Brothora Limited, Toronto Why, Johnny, what are you doing pushing the cat on to Mr. Nicefello in that fashion? "-E’ifiéviold me to stay in the parlor and keep Tab on him while he was here. A Pleasant Medicine. â€" There are some pills which have no other purpose evidently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient. adding to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminishing them. one might as well swallow some corrosive material. Pur- melee’s Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious property. they are easy to take, are not unpleas- ant to the taste, and their action is mild. and. soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the t dyspeptic. Corrugated. Iron. You advertise a h0melike . (HI 811' ab t ’01“ place, do you HON" ESked ihe Luebt. “1 do,” replied the hotel-man. “You advertise that speCial effort is made to give a home atmosphere to the dining-room, don’t you?" “Yes, sir." “Then how is that I have eaten four meals here and at none of them has any- one told me that the cook is going to unit, that the milkman is cheating us, that the Browns just must keep their rog out of the flower beds, and that I can't expect my dinner to be satisfac- tory ii I do not get home in time tor it?" Hikeâ€"£5? 3171}; Ontario mar; : nd tori uae firm of TudhaiaEcEr’i-ige CBS; Eliaâ€"lieu; merly Treasurer of the Province 0 Ontario Orillia. DANIEL Sim son, an., M.R., Mmaging JOHN FLET‘I‘, an.. Viceâ€"President, Hood Director, Co alt, Out. of the firm of Flatt. Lowndoe B 00., Dir- JOSEPH COLUMBUS. Esqu Explorer, ectar of Ontario Bank. Emile bury Cnt. SOLICITORSâ€"Clark, McPherIon, Campbe a jaw“, Toronto. The force of men now developing the Columbus Mine near Giroux Lake, not far from the famous Drummond. Foster, Jacobs and others in Coleman Township, have now a vein six feet with better ore than ever before. it is about a foregone conclusion that this mine will soon sur- prise the world. On account of low capitalization, l have very liulesfock left f‘ur sale at $1.00 per share, as it is only a question of short time when the stock may advance to $5.00 or over. Send at once for full particu- larsur mail your order with marked cheque or express order to the order of DANIEL SIMPSON, P. 0. Box 129, Cobalt, Ont. Stock sold on the instalment plan. LANDS mm. Run. 76 Lombard st, l0flfl0fl, 0m. 69 Dundns 5L HOHHGUI. UUB. OHUWU, 0H1 IOIONOMI. 767 Craig St. 423 Sussex st. 11 Colborne st. PEDLAR‘S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 In. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a tune, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. N _ . -_ . A.. m ., -A; Hoyt. RICHARD 154mm gm; Pr mpg“, my E§ TU1_)I_]0_F_’E, 2:31,, MILE, guy! 91 -V. _.°... . __- We carry a 600 ton stock in Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order isreceived. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 2,0, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable {or fireprooling Barns. Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is. water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. Wineâ€"“Well, there's one thing about Risington, he’s always ready to comers ms (aultsf’ Soweâ€"‘Nansensel Why he's always bragging about. being an. made.‘ “0: 0mm may an 11.". COBALT-The World’s Richest Silver Mining Gamp ertc your Nearest Officesâ€"HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, Ont Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build mg Materials under the British Flag. KEPT TAB ON HIM. BROKEN PROMISE Authorized Capital Stock, $450,500. Shares 81 each. BO KRD OF DIRECTORS: THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, THE COLUMBUS COBALT SILVER C0,, Limited. " Keeping Evetlastlnzly at it Bring; Succesn." In Western Canada lands in Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railway, C.P.B. a G.T.P. Strong soil, 90pm com. plough land, sprigs creek, l0 dough; About 40 miles NE. of Indian Head. co 310.50 per MIL Write for map md lull particulars. R. PARSONS. 9| Welleucy Street. Toronto. Can-d1. “Casey do be a great Ioighter." “He is mot. Yisterday he walked tin moiles to lick 11 mon." “An’ did he walk back, too 7” “No; he was carried back." Weak and Pale Women toolishly keep this way when by the use of “Fen-ovim,” the best tonic, they could very quickly racovor their health and strength. Try it. He: “I asked the doctor what I should take to remove the redness of my nose." She: “And what did he say ?” He: “He said, "fake nothing for six Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Holloway’s Corn Cure; it is effectual every tnne. Get a boLUe at once and be happy. “He 5 monms The man who thinks he is a wit should talk into a phonographâ€"and then be made to listen. m cams mmum FROM ARCHDALE WILSON‘ Your money refunded by the dealer From whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. VMCDUVBI,B.G. 61.5 Pondh at

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