Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jul 1906, p. 8

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“7ednesday and Saturday evenings a, late cur leaves C. P. R. Crossing fur Newnmrket and intelmediute points at 11.30 p. m. * luncelled on each \Vednesday and Saturday. i*Leave ORR. Crossing at 11.30 p.m. on \Vednesdzlys and Saturdays. JrUanect with Suhomberg 6; Aurora Railway. EXTRA SERVICE ON ALL HOLIDAYS.- \V. H. MQQRE, Manager 10.01 4 . 00. 9.15. 1015*. Newuuu-lze 9.30. 10.30. J Bond L: 9.00, 1000‘ 0.00. 7.00, Auroral 3.30, 7.30, 9.5 Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPGLITAN DWlSiON Change in Time Tame Beginning June 25th, 1906 GOING NORTH H). 9.411 Bond I Richmond Hill A. M. 6.40, 8.10. L10, 11.10. P. M. 1.10, 2.10. 3.10, 10. 8.10. 10.10. Thornhill A. M. 6.50. 8.20. 9.20. 40 GU“. York Mills P 15, 11.15. P. Newmm-kc ‘50. 10.30. I 20. 10.20. York Mills P‘ Gla )‘5. 935*. Ricluuon C. P. R. Crossing(Tm-onto)‘J A. M. 6.00, 7.00. 2100+. 9.01). ‘ M. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, 5.00. 0100+ :U h 7.1 A urm I am p1 epaI-ed to do glisting and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. Manitoba Patent ,5, 8.15. 9.15 Thoruhil] A 3-5. P. M. I TifLBElEejh 0 U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elgmfls O S -â€"Meets second and fouxth Wednesfluy R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of 83.111 month Firq Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every mnuch Public Tuesday Epwor Anyo‘ quickly inventh apecjal 1} A handsomely illustrated weekiy Largest 05r- culation of any scientific _nurnal. Terms, $3 a year: four months. $1. So «1 by all newsdealcrs. sun!“ 0 rs- -“n A- _. Flam Vault WEE flags: 'ne of the best flours for home-nmde read and general fumin use. Try it 1d he convinced. Also VVheezt Gems, a choice Breakâ€" M Anyone sending a sketch and description may ulckly ascertain our opinion free wuether an wentlon is )n'obabEy patentable. Communica- ions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents ant free. Oldest agency for securing patents, Patents taken 1. rough Munn .5: Co. receive pedal notice, without; charge in the_ t Food <3 10.40, 11.40. P. M. ] 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. P. R. Cruising A. i , 11.00, 12.00. P. 6.00, 8.00, 9.00. 11.00. Eéfizlfitice, without, charge in the Scieaeséféc Emmcm 11.4 & BQISEiErcadu-ay Brunch Omce. L125 F SL. Tam lkt‘ Junction A. M. 6‘ 10.55. P. M. 12.55, 1. ake Junction A. M . P. M. 12.00, 2.00 9.0U, 10.00". Village Directory. M. 1.20 dstone Flour A. M. 7.15. 8.15, 9.15. 10 15, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, 6.15, ’T GOING SOUTH. ‘ket A. M. 6.00. :1 Hill A. M P. M. 1.45, iéigdeâ€"â€"Méé§s evoii' Monday I’. M. 12‘ 30, 10.30" strv Flour ) Lmop the celebrated M 1'8 ry Arrive. A. M M. 1.13, 6.10. 7.40. 40, 1.40, 2.40 and Newton BrooK. Q: tTâ€"TNTTnm 35, A. M. 7.10. M. 1.40, 2.40‘ Proprietor, 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Reading Roomâ€" Open 30+. 2. 30. .813 r‘ 9 N10 on; >10, 0D. leave 11.00 8.00, 9.00 3.00: 6.40; 9‘90 9‘ 9' V4.00? GEQ. PJECDGNALD, REESE 9 +¢b+++++++++++++++++ achmery Hardware 0:“ all Ema}; Timsmithmg pmmm 1y attamgsfi; m WE KEEP IN STOCK Fenland Gemem 311M632 Twine Dealing: Eadzfivasémg Splendid assortment of Boots ar Livery in connection. Good horses and tired buggies. dent 00. Also Mercantile Fire Co. Western Norwich Union York Mutual Confederation Life Ass’n London Guarantee 85 A METRGPQLI‘EAN GEGGERY, UPâ€"TO-DATE GBOC Best Brands of Canned Geods CANDIES - IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DR A SPECIALTY. Next Door North of W'aiting ioom. New Williams Sewing Mac! And Karn Pianos Furniture, Paint Painters’ Supplies LUE) 171) I? I}. 131% AGENT F0? Mw-z-M-z- +++vz-+++++‘z~++++ Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. amts E33031. are the lowest p of the goods. supplies will iutx er. is the best in thel ()ur E3n'ice Our El 51:01:05 Ga, . ni; 250-13. test 6 *ogn‘ieior gimég COI- Rubber. the quality goods and horse own- m 9m: 1 C ++++++~1 $3.00 a 5 Studi Njoin-59 in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase One‘s Vocabulary. The Art of Com orsatizm. Should and \Vunld: How to use them. Pronunciations (Century Dictionary). Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. \Vhat to say and What Not to Say. Course in Letter-\Vriting 21nd Punctu- ation. Alphabecic list. (if Abbreviations. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEV-37135) TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPfliNE TURCK BAKER. Editor. Rfipans Tabules cure constipa Ripans Tabmes. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach Ripans Tabules cure nausea. June 11. 1903 KP {NTERESTING Coal and W'ood Dehvered Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTIOI‘ fills Throshors’ Goal 011 11:! nd. ‘ouu LEVER‘Y Square Gear. Ovc Partial contents for this (5333mm MELOTTE SEPARATOR flic RICHL’TOI‘ID “DES {1052131025 vrssfi: @j‘m 00A $52!? 3W all“?! fa $32 INSTRUCTHT WTTJ', Only ma- chine with self-humming ho w I. From- actimx and few hull-hear- I] EYES! Month. gives useful inf DO IT DOMINION ()1 knew a good thing when nil, but not am inch 1mm people who have made ;1 out of an old one, by simpl; with our Elastic Cement; your roof is in need of) 504 ++++é$+++++$++°§~P++~§0§u§+++++ For other pal-tic 2&1» Hour-3y REE-3:5 Leceived in ment and New W i wards and Né There is nothir nothing could be Robert-son’s Palms Paint MU» Our star-k .nf shvs, whiting May, alabasti kesn BANK Of ()51 Canada RICHMOND HILL John D. Rockefelier 10.111, Sim} Sél/l'y. \Vritt l tri r Leann! k! moles. arms may; 5*}. Qifiéfiii Erin! othel Richmon 5 {Hams ‘nequalled {or [‘ NO\V EMENT PAINT C0 ;tic Co in nee to (h fur um" free expert om' pamphlets. whu-h )rmation. (h! SUE; InCilSUl‘é germs 5%? a; CQSEMORE, AGENT. 111a rs in 1111 Hill Q1199!) St. \V. Toronto, ('le simply coating it wont; Pitch. If Id nf l‘r‘pnir. nmv ) this kind uf mmmiity :, paints, v c white. gll‘ tinsâ€"fun, L in SLOOODOO $1,000 000 111 at the Bank 15;] n k Illuwed in?! M {Sines 1t l‘ll Farmm's‘ K New Free. Efii‘é nt n9 yable to 1% stnu nts n “H Dopar X'Ol gent from If 1m

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