mam PRINTING & PUBLISHING RICHEJONDEIILLflNT. VOL. XXIX. THURSDAY NEORNING i‘. F. McMAHON, Best; ï¬tting teeth. £1150 replacing, lowust, prices. Good work. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. \Vill h JOHN R, CAMPBELL, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. OEï¬ce hours: Tuesdays, 8-â€"~12 a. 11: 4â€"8 p. m. calls by day and night promptly tended to. J. H. SANDERSD $1 per annum, in 21dvance.] R-mm 12. 124 Victoria, St. Toronto. (t V l)râ€" E. J. \Voods DENTIST, Cur. Carlton and Ynnge Sts.‘, Toronto (ill be in Richmnnd Hill on \Ved nesday of each woek. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 m. to 5 p. m. E} 3011 “1011(1 E1 ill DR. \V. E. DEAN Toronto Ofï¬ce, 450 QHUBC H ST‘ BUSINESS CARDS. Safe Proï¬table - Interest. at. highvst cull-out rate, pnid twice :1 convenlent your makes an account profitable. Being Wilhdrawuhle without, notice makes it convenient. THE'ONTARIO BANK (Summssm- t-n Dr. Lrlwrasnn) VETERINARY SURGEON, ETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL genial. 5mg. $93553 «- eme gihmi D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY [S PUBLISHED EVERY H. W. ANDERSON Dentist, imam ï¬gsés 'E‘hornhill. anon J: Pnovnmron {)1311tisa, 2‘53! ‘dimt wctcrimwy AT THE ENCORPORATED 1857, OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE \VEEK. This Bank’s large lesoumos ensure safety. A Savings Account IN THE H GU-SE EET‘ARIO BANK I!) at A G S LindsoyJi G Gr (3 F huvmuce W Rklout Wausworth Homo Life Building (fmnwrly Free hold Luau Bldg.), Um. Adelaide «SS Victoria 3513.. Tmmnn. BARRISTER, SOLXCITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. 33 Richmond St. \Vvsi, \‘.'vs]9_\‘ Buildings. Hichmxxnd Hill Ofï¬ce. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- U00â€. LEN Mouev to loan on land andsbn-Lte‘. mortgagesac lowest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Homox‘ed to the old post afich one door west of the onnauce to the Outanu Bunk Newmazket oï¬iceâ€"Three dean aouch of the p )5: mike T Hzmzxmn' Lanox G S'rV MORGAN Aurora. :x‘ ewxunrkct Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark S. \V. Corner King & Yunge Streets, Private and Trust Funds tn loan lnwest current I‘HN‘S. Barristers, Snlif‘turs, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KIN G ST. 13., TORONTO, Canada. FEAE'JK BENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF JOHN WALTER MCDONALD Pbono Main 311. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG‘IN 311141493 NOTARY PUBLIC, ooumusxoxnnmrnx HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Mr. McDonald will he at, THE LIBER- AL Ofï¬CP, Richmond Hill, on the let and 3rd Saturday of each month. Richmond Hill Y's-L Sun-c m scents! We publiih ‘c, A (hr lummla‘! a! all our ruch 'ncs. Low 51' bowels heaith. ~_“-â€"â€"â€"vï¬â€""ii" 3' , 5' “Are: your bowcls regular:J health. Then keep your 11".»cr2uxve and your bowels regular by taking small laxative dosrs of Aycr's Pails. ll Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Barristers. Snlicit<,,.~, lite. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, indsey. Lawrence 24 w adsworth, “Va-“Wm†Barristersjolicitors. Notaries, Sire. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC AS. N EVVTON INNOX & MORGAN Barristers and Solirlmrs. Commissioner, Insurance: IpIo, Thm'sdJy afternoon. y to 1mm at, Five Per Cent RECHMOND HILL, OX'l‘., THURSDAY, JULY 1’2, 1.906 DI. 'fEEl<‘Y. WILLIAM COOK Eur bowc'l'siirégular?†He that action of the is absolutely esscmiai to a! all our medicines. Law ~11. Mann: 5 TO RONTO. 33ml. I22 Essewééals, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in wilt/tings, Charity.†Convoyancm‘. etc. Fire and Life. Phone Main 2984 at Anniversary services “'l‘l‘P held at St. Andrvw’s church on Sunday lust. Rev. Mr. Hm-llisnn (If Tm-nnln, preach- od huth morning and evening, but at the latter svrvicu the cnngregubiun was “my smull owing to the stmm. Mr. GPâ€. Elder sang a solo at the m‘vniug SPBVEC-(v‘. Mr. A. 0‘ Smith nE Huntsvilh-, has routed thv hwusv and smu- lnlvly own- ed by E. G. Andwu's, and will carry ml the tuiluring business then). He mow-d in with his fumin x-n Mnnduy. Rev. Ms. E. \Vilssm and fumilvhuvu gone to spend their unenciunat Shanty Dominion day was highly Pé‘l'e'lll’lltk'd " hPl'e nu July 2m], thme being nearly two thousand pimple pl‘l‘St‘llt, the games were all \VL‘ll ouncestml, nimw and ten cmnpvling in every racv, over (me hundred (lullars living paid in prizes. The Uniun (‘m‘net Band of Laskay uudm- the lvadvrshipnf Mr. A. ‘Uarloy of Sllnlrge‘ was present :lllLl rendered splendid music for the after- noon, and Stiles Orchestra of Kettlelry furnished music fur the platform afternoon and eveving till the w» snuL’ hnux's. The (Inuit match was keenly contested, farmer Ruhh of Vellure winning ï¬rst prize, Ell. Marwnod 2nd. Gen. Taggart 3rd. The twu teams unnpoting in the fontlmll were Maple and Testunâ€"Tvstnu heng defeat-ed by a score of 1â€"0. After the ganm Was over Testun had their hall slnlvn from them. The parties are well known in hnth Tmton and Vt-lltu-e buys and Valli-re Spm'Ls Committee will pmse- cute the guilty partics if hall is nub returned at UHL‘L‘. Miss Laura Richardson is sgwnding part, of her vacation with 1144- friend, Miss Glam Hm-ning, at Anmstvr. The Presbytorian Sundn y Selmnl held ifs annual picnic on the church grounds on \Ve-dm sdny. The Epwurlh lmnguo has boon clus- od for [he munths (4' July and August. Miss 1‘). lx’ivhnidmn of Highland Cree-k, and Mix‘s l‘l. Byum of Suintï¬eld, 111‘? home fur the holidays. Mr. quwy .luckmn. who was hurt WhllP playing familial], is ahle to be zummd with thv aid of crutches. Mrs. J. T. Suige-rm is spending a couple of \th‘kS with friends at Tm-nmre. Met, at Hru'x'is’ Hotel. Schmnherg, on Saturday Juw: 30, 1906. All the mem- lwggpresenktv. Bilis and accounts amounting to over $2,287 were ordgrefi to be paid. Thé following resolutions Wei-e pass- 9d:â€" - McMurchyâ€"Burnsâ€"That the follow. ing persons be paid the sums apposite their respective names fnl‘ the erection of wire fence on the highwayâ€"JV. E. Hanlon, $4.00; A. G. Ross, $6.72; P. Shanks, $1.28. McMurnhyâ€"Deaconâ€"Thnt the,’ fol- lowing sheep claims he paid being § value of sameâ€"v.1. Edwards; $10.00; Jzunes Unulter. $12.00. Norman â€" Burns â€"â€" That, ï¬â€˜hnmns Cnnnun be paid the sum of $1be01' road allowance across lot, 30, con. 2, being n‘ continuation of unzdw-ly know as the Gamble mad, he to fur- nishdeed and pay all costs of convey- unving. ‘ Norman â€" McMurchy â€" That, Mr. Norman and Mr. Deacon be and are hereby authorized .to have H. steel superstructure ervcted m er the strea m in Schombcxg opposite R. L. Graham’s ofï¬ce. McMurchyâ€"Bums-â€"That 0y be granted the sum of gravelliu Lloydtuwn marl Llehy an $5U.‘J0 to Mr. l. Burnsâ€"«D:acunrâ€"Thut the sum of $30.00 be granted [0 H. U. \Vo‘uh to gravel a pnrtiun ufsideline, lots 25 and 26. can. 4. Deacon â€" Burns â€"- Tth Herbert, Norman â€" Bums â€"â€" That when this; council adjuurns this day lb stands adjourned until Saturday, July 7. then In meet at VVhyte’s Hotel, Bradford, at 16.30 a. 111.. [0 deal with a hy-law pl-uposing to close certain streets of Amsteldnm, and other business. 1(lbh' can. Deacon â€" Burns â€" That Herbert Lennard be granted the privilege of renuwing his fence to enclose gravel pit, 10b 29, can. 8. 7 The ‘nox't' yegumr meeting of the council will he held at, Phillips‘ Hotel, King City, July 28. Correspondence in yesterday’s Wm-ld slonS that, lot 13. ton. 3, Markham, has been in pussesï¬nn of the Elsnn family since the year 1803. In that year Juhn Elsnn was: granted a. deed of the furâ€) by the emwn. His son, Harry. hum in 1797, was the next owner. The latter’s son Joseph fol- lowed, residing (m the place 71 years till his death. The prpsent nccu aut is Arthur. H. sun of Joseph. L is claimed that qu-rv was the ï¬rst white child born in Markham Township. King Council Vellore me xguo 11:13 boon clus- xt'July and August. dmn of nghlnnd Byu m of Suintï¬eld, 1 (.150!) was: granted 5! the emwn. His 1797, was the next 5 son Joseph ful- It Mr. Hugh- >f $50.00 for (1 near Ket- 1)nggan ful- The Board held its monthly meeting Friday afLe-rnmm. Membels pl-Psvntâ€"G. McDonald (chairman) J. Switzerr (Secretary) M. Naughton, A. Newton. G. Reddilt’. J. Puulin. \V. Russell, F. McConughy, A. \Vl'ight. Minutes of last mutating rend and adopied. The following acmn to he paid :â€"â€"'I‘. F. entrance examination Depurtnu-ntul suppiie Suhtml $1.93; High Sn The following cm read: From Mr. asking that his szi] 11);.ki11g it $700. F asking that his sul mnking it. $1000. In Mr. Andl-ews’ nut; that, his salary this yual' $50, so was take-n. Redditt-\Vr-ight-Th:xt. Mr. Shaw’: salary be misrd to $1,000 as requested (Ru-mud. Switze1'â€"â€"Nunghtonâ€"â€"ThattheUniun Schnnl Sew-Linn be assessed for $1,450 for Public Schnol pm-puses.â€"C;nFried. MeUnnughyâ€"Puulinâ€"â€"'l‘hut. the vi!- lage be assessed for $300 for High B'ernnughyâ€"Piulihâ€"Thut the vi!- lage be assessed for $300 for High School purposes.~Can-ied. Nuughtnnâ€"Newtonâ€"Thnt the chair- man and the secretary be appninted a. cmmnittvo to ar-t, “ith the Village (muuciIVI-e. a change in the time table (mat/he Mctrnpulitnn Railwayâ€"Car- x-w . THE REASON \VH Y \‘v'e have uften been askedâ€"â€";md this is doubtless the experience nf ull pub- lishers ut weekly newspapersâ€"by deâ€" inqnent suhscrilwl \\ hy wukeepnnscnd- inc; TUE LIBERAL after the subscrip- tlhl] duti- expires. Every weekly news- paper in towns of this size are forced tn do this. Shnuld We. stop subscrip- tll‘lls when time expires nine times out. of ten the subscriber would give us a “calling dawn†for insinuating that, his credit, was not. good. Rather than tr) cast a reflection against the honesty (if u subscriber to pay a. small (lchtv, it, is next, to u necessity fm a; hnme paper to continue sending the paper after the time has expired. It is not necessary for the city dailies or weeklies to follow this rule, as their subscribers live Mt a distance and are not personal friends as is the case with a, majority of our subscribers. Our subscribers should deem it a." hourâ€: to know that We do not, dnuht their intvgrity and crmtinue to send them the paper after their time has expired. Should any (lesixe their paper discon- tinued they should notify us and remit to date if they have not, already done so. A sudden death occurred in ’I‘hnrn= hill Saturday morning, when Mr. Caleb Ludford. one of the oldest resi- dents of the village. passed away in his 77Lh year. DecPased was in the City the day befure, apparently in guud health, and ate a hearty dinner. Heart trnulilp seems to have been the cause of death. Mr. Ludl'urd had lived the greater part, of his life in Thorn- hill where he currivd (m the work of a. hm-ness-nmker. HE‘ is survived by twodanghtersâ€"Mrs. J. E. Francis and Miss Mary Ludford-buth of Thom- hill. and one sun, who is in ()nlifnrnia. The funerle on Monday \vus largely attended. Boots and Shoes. A snap in gin-ls boots sizes 10, 11 and 13 to clearâ€"get a. pair r f our waterproof hunts for men. Naugth Burs†Elgiu Mills. Nearly 2,000 penple gathered in Aurora. lust Thursduv afternoon to witness the lucmsse gzuue betweml Aux-0m and Newunrker. A couple of weeks previous, thu Aurora. team de- feutwl NeWmm-ket 0n the grounds of the latter by 5 10 4, but last, Thursday the Tulagoos got satisl‘: ¢tinn by scur- ing 11 goals to their nppmwnts‘ 2. The game was clreun,‘ though exciting. game was clean, Lhmxgh exciting. But from the ï¬rst itcuuld be seen that Newmarket had cmne to win. The players treated each other like gentle- men. and the Spectators though en- Lhusinslic acth in a creditable man- nvr. The referee, Mr. Anderson, gave gund satisfaction and had occasion to send (unly two 01- three Inn) to “It; fence. others :dceivvd money from contract, (yrs to which they were not, entitled. Last, Saturday the Tecumsehs defeat ed the Toronto lacrosse team by 7 [U 5 Montreal defeated the Shaun-(mks M 10 to 6, and in the Intermedian C. l. A. Toronto Junction defeated Brunt A. Toronto fun] by 12 t The an'd BOARD OF EDUCATION AU RVORA VS. NEVVMARKET. SU DD EN DEATH. ; Rig-[i Svhoul $2.15. ing cummunicatinns N ews N ones. uliourned. R. T. Andrew . my be raised $53!), mm Mr. R; Shaw, my be raised $100, case it was pointed haul been increased no further action n ts were on] “.N‘d McMahon. for s Supplies._$812§: $12.44; 1 uhlit Nervomness and sleeplessness are ns~ ually due to the fact. that. the nerves are not fed on properly nourishing blood: they are summed nerves. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, rich blood, and thereby she nerves are properly nourished and all the organs of the body are run as smoothly as machinâ€" ery which runs in oil. In this way you feel clean, strong and strenuousâ€"you are tpned up and invigorated, and you are good for a. whole lot, of physical or mental work. Best. of all, the strength and in- crease in yigalitypmd health. are lasting. AGENT FGR The trouble with most. tonics and mea- icines which have a large, booming sale for a short. time, is that they are largely composed of alcohol holding the drugs in solution. This alcohol shrinksu thered blood corpuscles, and in the ong run greatly injures the system. One may feel exhilarated and better for the time being. get. in the end weakened and with vitality ecreased. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol. Every bottle of it bears upon its wrap er The Badge of Hmwst'y. in a, full list. 0 all its several ingredients. For the dmggist to offer you something he claims is "just as good " is to insult your intelligence :v“). n... Euuu .0 w .. ..... J“- ...__.__=,_,_,, Every ingredient entering into the worldâ€"famed "Golden Medical Discovery †has the unanimous approval and endorse- ment of the leading medical authorities of all the several schools of practice. No other medicine sold throu h druggists for lilge‘purposee has‘ tarry snc endorsement. “2- __..b.... u n...- Tlxe "Golden Medical Discovery" not only produces all the good effects to be obtained from the use of Golden Seal root, in all stomach, liver and bowel troubles, as in dyspepsia, biliousness, conâ€" stipation, ulceration of stomach and bowels and kindred ailments, but the Golden Seal root used in its compound- ing is greatly enhanced in its curative ac- tion by other ingredients such as Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot, Man- drake root and chemically pure tripleâ€" reï¬ned glycerinec‘ , 1143:-»1 A 3.45,“. )- Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless ? §¢§§§¢ §¢§§¢¢¢OQ§¢¢¢Q§§§QQ O QQQQQO90¢§¢§§¢§¢§§§9¢49¢+0 D e ering Far m Implements l cuucu I; w. ..... “Th ommon Sense Medical Adviser," is sent free in paper covers on recei t of 31 one-cent stamps to pay the cost 0 cus- toms and mailing only. For 50 stamps the clothâ€"bound volume will be sent. Ad- dress Dr. R.r V;_Pierce, B‘ugalo, N. Y. London Mutual ï¬i-érég’svl'flééfséï¬t’ Pellets 'cure con- stipation, biliousness and headache. British America Fire Insupance Compames Home Life As- surance Go. To get rates or quotations. for any of these costs you nothing. ï¬Â§Â§9¢¢¢+6¢9¢¢ $¢v¢§¢¢+¢¢9¢0 Licensed Auctioneer [01'th County of York Goods sold on consignment Genera.) HaleP stoc etc promptly attended to at reasonable rates Residence Unionville G R Gouldmg, Newton Breakagenl forum above RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL J '1‘ Saigeon RICHMOND HILL P. O. §§¢4 ¢§§¢099¢¢¢§§¢¢¢#§§§§§ 9 Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Sales “tended ‘m on shortestnotim and a. tea. sousble rates Patronage solicited License Auctioneer (or the County 0! Y3): pancfully and a your patronage and [1m ufluanne 33193wttr-u-iedou the 5L011ver=t I Undertake-11's «t Embalmors, arg N.J.GLASS [Single copies, 3 cts. WRIGHT B estockof Funeral Furnishings kept LLB both places. Saigeonn a: McEw I). G“ BLOCGH, and for and and BROS n the bLorter-t nu 0. address King J 11 McEwen Weston No In) friendly