Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1906, p. 2

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In the cities of Burma, where the na- tives have been long in contact with Europeans, says the author .of “Burns, Painted and Described." they have lost. some of their traditional politeness: but in the country districts old-school court- esy is still the custom. An English gentleman who had bought a new pony was trying him out on a Burman road, when the animal bolted, and ran at top speed down a narrow road. In the way ahead was a native cart. in which was a family|party out holiday making. The pony dashed into the back of the cart, threw his rider into the midst of the merrymakers. and severely injured the Barman who was driving. Before the Englishman had an opportu- nity to explain his unexpected on- slaught the Burman picked himself up and bowed low. “My lord. my lord," he said. apologeti- cally. “the cart should not, have been there." “Here!” roared the old lawyer to his son, studying law with him; "you told me you had read this work on Evidence and yet the leaves are not cut.” “Used X-rays." yawned the versatile son; and the father chuckled with delight as he thought what a lawyer the boy would make. Children who are Pale and peovisb want 50mg- thiug that will make good rich blood; there Is nothing to equal “Ferrovim” for this purpose. Mothers. be sure to get a botda. You can always make a satisfactory deal with an honest manâ€"unlesa you ,are in the dishonest class. An old lady‘ who was in the habit ot saying after any event that she had fore told it \vas,one day “sold” by her hus- band, who had got tired of her eternal “I told you so I" Rushing into the house, he dropped into a chair, raised his hands and exclaimed: “Oh, my dear. what do you think? The old cow has gone and eaten the grindstonel" “I told you so! I told you so !" was the reply. “You always let it stand out of doors." Sanitary Inspector Hodrick submith to Commissioner Whaan his analysis of conditions in iho Libby. McNeil] Si Libby plant. He found “with reforence to aenoml conditions. that the floors. halls. siairs. tables. etc. are kept clean" and “that the entire department-view- ed from our sinndpoinf~ was in a satâ€" isfactory condition. All \vorkmoms are light, and have good ventilation." Manufacturers' Association and Sani- tary Inspector 50 Report. The following extracts from reports of the National Manufacturers‘ Assocm- lion and inspector llcdrick, Sanitary In- spector oi the City of Chicago retutethe Sensational charges made against the canned meat packers: Our investigation oi the Canned and Potted Meat part of the packing indus- try showed that the methods used make the use of preservatives unnecessary. and indicated that no preservatives or artificial coloring is now used by the Canned Meat packer. The meat is first partially cooked in large kettles, then the fat and bone is trimmed off and the meat packed into Sunlight Soap Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow diffections POT’I‘ED MEAT NOT PRESERVED. THE POLITE BURMAN dashed into the back of the his rider into the midst of nkcrs, and severely injured who was driving. :nglishman had an opportu- lnin his unexpected on- Burmnn picked himself un no preservatives 01' now used by the rom reports zrs' Associa- Sanilary In- 20 refute the taire, Pari: wife who 11 husband hm a foolish it plac “I have tried in any more.” Father and Mofllor [Impond tn Pl ings and Are Reconciled, No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg‘s Dysentery Cor- dial ready for use. It corrects all loose- ness of the bowels promptly and caus. es a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be. coming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. PEACEFUL AND SOOTHING. “You shall endeavor to control your self. Your violent temper has a bad cl [act on your heart. Get out into thl open air. Try the peaceful and solh ing effects of a good baseball game." “Thrée times I tried to kill the pire.” A BROAD STATEMENT. Dr. Leonhardl's Hemâ€"lloid will cure any case of Piles. This slalement is made without 'cmy qualifications. 1 It is in the form of a tablet. It is llie only pile remedy used mlor- nally. It is impossible to cure an esmlilicml tomes, injeclions 01‘ outward app A $1,000 guaranlee with every age of Dr. Leonllardl‘s Hem-Re $1.00, all dealers. or The Wils¢ Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont “I suppose,” said the timid young man. “when you recall what a hand- some mtm your first husband was. you wouldn‘t consider me for a minute?“ “Oh, yes, I would,” replied the widow. instantly; “but I wouldn’t consider you for a second." Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but had he hunted in the “Temagami” region he would have been a mightier one. Nimrod hunted for glory. but Temagamians hunt for game. Those Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago. were our greatest benefactors. The children of these In- dians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, and if you go to Team- gaini this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students who camp in summer along the Temaganii lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System. For in- formation and beautiful descriptive publication sent free apply to J. D. Mc- Donald, Union Station, 'l‘oronto., Ont. he Ofl‘lce Boy : “\\'n1 What name shall I Visitor : “Herr hause ." Office Boy: “on pronounce all that. end of the week. “Huh!” “Den de best lucky man till foot de groom cat’E fool." Always a Good Friend. â€" In health and happiness we need no friends. but when pain and pmslmiion come we look for friendly aid from sympalhctic hands. These hands can sorve us no better than in rubbing in Dr. Thomas” Eclectric Oil, for when me Oil is ‘n lhe pain is out. It has brought relief to thousands who without it would be in- deed friendless. Worms derange the Mother Graves' Worm [ ranges worms and giv suflerer. It only costs it and be convinced. “Well til! arler hed dat him as still more confidence of hi pl'csonl at his christening sent at, the banquet given his coming of age. 1 am pr day, and I trust I riay be present at his funeral." Tl 01d Gent (prams air at lhc wedding .r- the bridegroo ill more contiden Why not?" Dat was Deed 1L ' Well, wl Dal‘s hal THE GREAT NORTH COI'N'I'IH‘ was $1,000 guara of Dr. Leon )0. all dealer Limited, Nia Iooi 511's! s impossible to cure an of Piles with ointment , injections or outward bride ak a ‘uchin CHILD BRINGS PEACE \vh halv Den de preach lucky man?" he kinder puffed de ceremony en (1 the bill dc groan“ 3n tl< ALL DOUBTFUL LONG ON NAME W VVIIS th w] louse in [0 was the lucky id to say. De groo lucky man till 11 and {oun‘ out she weder map.” itua betw long zreat weddin “’35 “Oh, I shan't be able 1 \\'un I‘iV man thought he he foun‘ out 'de had gibben him 3art. Get out mm the the peaceful and 50th- good baseball game." it. They won’t let me )ID in‘ 50.3“ in present here 10- ay be spared to be I'm leaving at (h 3 healih ( ‘cakfasn : I can sp of him. (I Schweitzsalsbur iVCS ) see the guv'nor ation n den he )om had zus.” hole an and unrated. in hon esthblh‘ s, supp applian verv m man )m tr nts had Sam \VJ u‘t was rabt was happy And as nâ€"r yI to try load with was ,nt way )1" 1t the 1 viciin palhy back unexpectedly to see the child, and was brought face to face with his wife. The pitiful joy of the little girl, who begged that her mamma might not be sent away, and the repentant attitude of the mother, had such an effect that at last the father melted and a recon- ciliation was effected. They are to be married again as soon as the neces sary legal requirements have been ful- tilled. For the Overworkcd.â€"What are the causes of despondency and melancholy? move th use of who 1 ‘ perien e Pills are a recognm state and relief will Heâ€"‘Thcy say that people who marry soon grow to look alike.” Sho.~‘T'nen you must consider my refusal as final." Lingering. stubborn old cores are erased from the 31m: by Weaver's Cerate. The good work of blood-cleansing is completed with Weaver’s Syrup. Sold by all Drugg A disordered liver is one cause and a prime one. A disordered liver means a disordered stomach, a disordered sto- mach means a disturbance of the nerv- ous system. This brings the whole body into subjection and’ the victim NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Th ARCH DALE VViLE HAMILTON. ONT. Your money refunded by the dealer From whom you buy Sunlighx Soap if you find any cause For complaint. Equally good with hard or soft water. Best for all household pur’ poses, Sunlight Soap's super’ iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out oF clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow direc« tions). is a. perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. lu lady 9 thc TEN CENTS PER PACKET si( 1V6 Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto )rld extend: J man. but tough luck ins a disturbance of the n ,n. This brings the w] subjection and’ lhe vi( all over. Purmclf‘e’s Voszct; 10W trie ril ngnized remedy in 11 will follow their use isbs and General ma: )I'Il 3.V€ lit th ab] 811111 whole viciim gamble in this 01h itilude rt that recon- to be neces *n‘ ful- '57 1d to the They Are Not Violent in Action. â€" Some persons, when they wish to cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom and other pux‘gativc salts. These are speedy' in their action, but serve no per- manent good. Their use produces in- cipient chills, and if persisted in they injure the stomach. Nor do they not up- on the intestines in a beneficial wav. Smith: “Brown is getting to be quite absent-minded of late, isn't he ‘2" Grif- fin : “Why. I haven’t nnticed it." Smith: “Well. he is. The olher day he happened to look in a mirror at home, and he asked his wife what she was doing with that [Chow’s picture in the house." but it's no use." “How do you mean it's no use the officer, angrily. “\Vhy. sir," said {he private, rubbin’ and scrubbin’ him till ou anhed, blamed if we didn‘t come other suit of Clothes." “It's no “No use: you meanf Afghan y< on the intestines in a beneficial way. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills answer all purposes in this respect, and have no superior. prisoner. The Afghc cordineg 1m strip and wz Thn privatt stream of I him, plunged luslily, wilh cakes of win We". after He snlul solalelv: 91mm. 0m ioromo, cm. 423 Sussex at. 11 Colborne at MHIIBUI. Que. 767 Craig St. [0PM]. 0m. WW. 5011. 69 Dundas st. 76 Lombard at. Gamrugated Ir 785 King St. West, 'i'orento DOMINION HENDERSON EARINGS, umueu. We London Mad to 10 {e We carry a 600 Ion stock in Oshawa. Montreal. Ottawa/Toronto and London and van ship ordinary requirvmenls the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch. 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheels any length up to 10 rock in 28. 26, 9A, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns. Factory, Mill and Warphouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges. Lead Washers and Galvanized Naiis carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for calalogues and prices. Write your Nearest 0ffico.--Hl€ADO-YFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA. Ont Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36 one in Canada) one corrugation at a tune. and is straight in size. We carry a 600 Ion stock in Oshawa. Montreal. London and van ship ordinary requirements the 5am Made in 1 inch. 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations it bu qTHESE lm III lam! we club! In. wfihm IL. one ingli nor. 7v flu fialffl’nilli’un nui. Culinary raidtua 1m in dinricu ulrudy popu- lated bring from $150 to $2.000 each. :Wia‘shingtorx Heights TL. cum, amid... n m t... m. 'n-na CENTng LOAN AND rims-r :u-m \Vc' .‘< Chic. [Ma u and 33 ul A The Maine" Ind non liihdy addition in Denver: furnhhinfl I perfect Viv of Pik<ll Ptlk Ind flu Rwky Mountains for a diunnu M 75 Hula. Overlookin¢,Wuhin(mu P-rk. An ideal .90.. Lots 257x125 Feet for ENGEHEER 3, TOOLHAKERS, MGR-CLASS MAGNIRISTS WE ARE LAYING OUT A NEW ADDITXON m. or cu; ud Mm Sh grinding In: Any kind of D order. lIS( 1me “'llll Manufacturers of the use. sir. the private repeat- e wasth him for two hours, lan was very dirty. AC. \'0 privates were deputed to vash him. Les dragged the man to a running water, undressed (1 him in. and set upon nim . sliff brushes and large mile soap. er a long time. one of the ne back to make a report. his officer and said. discon- THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, SO CASH ‘. 35 PER MONTH e, sir. Itfs no use." said the«omcer. “What do Haven't you washed that lh Forty ya" no you could h-vt bought [on in Dean: for $100 9: which new and non: UNA: briuj 515.000 I yur nut. Dunn: In» I populllion of 100.000. l-figf year. th- population will ml: "N a Ibo" {the new manly. Btu" Mann uka lmmn. laumhu. 11.. u u .. 01:7".de 'walluinulm‘vn'uu THICK SKIN lesser Indian Hill wars hmin took an Afghan " Kceping Evulastingly at it Brings Success." .1 n (I {he private, “after him till our arms didn’t come to an- "a mi .za; $3.3. FREE b any ‘hines light ry dirty {I‘OV Saskaschewan, only 8 miles from two railwnyc. C.P.B. a (MIKE Strong 5011, 90pm- cent. plan b bud, wring creek, no slough; About 40 miles NE. at had an Head. Pneo $10.60 per mg. Write (or map and In“ particulars. in Wegtem canada R. PAfiSONS. 9| Wdleuey Street. Toronto, Canada. said My booklet {including Govt. report) and weekly nvws letler furnish iull and up-lo-dulc information. They are free. A boy does not become a man until he is twenty-one, but a new dress be. comes a woman at any age. ALFRED ALLAYNE JONES, President. ST. CLAIR BLACKET'I‘, Secretary. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Farms and city prop8r_t_y_for_s_q.!e. A Correspondence solicited.‘ COBALT STOCKSâ€"the right kindâ€"ofi‘er im- meme opportunities for large and immediate profits. For the pan; few months high-grade ore 13.8 been piling up at the mines, shipments being withheld pending the completion of the new smelter. This has remited in many stocks hei quoted by those not understanding conditions a. iprice far below their real value. Shipments Ire now commencing, and great returns, not to Ipeak of advances in tuck market prices. are aswred. Mnny gronniflour opportunities exist now. but the market is becoming more u'tive and NOW 15 THE l'I M E To ACT. Ind heed Salt; would look better d ad. I! no lu'll‘ at our: In your Io-vn. write direct ontrenl. Box 15] ALBERTA AGENCIES. LIMITED Io real need to buythe more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a BIG LIGHTâ€"THREE 0R FOUR GAS JETS IN ONEâ€" F0}! TRY Sarnia 5133 Prime White Mines Adelaide Sl Libby, HcNeill ‘8} Libby, Chicago If you're not going to a picnic soon you can make one tomorrow at your own table by serving some diced Luncheon Lori. lt is a reveial‘ion in khe blending of good Inca! and good spices. I. Booklet free. "How to Main Good Thinm tu Ear." Write make more enjoyable by making Lhe_pfgparations easiet. Basie-Mo carry; «sic! toserve: andiust dial}?! gating'as_lbey gomc homill'ge can. "Libby's cogln have; 51;!â€" meats obtainabkâ€"and they know how to soak as We“ as Vlhcm. BRITISH AMIRIOAN DYEING OO- YOUR OVERGOATS Queer A City Oil Lamp COBALT. LAMP 9n. Ecmmmv H, 0. BARBER, rty for 53.10. Corresgondence EDMONTONf AL ERTA, EEN 0m 8". c lSSLTI Sale by Siocks .600 In. press (the only guaranteed true and ks Syndicales Toronto. and Cobalt. 284 00 BEAUTIFUL LIGHT WCOWGI .31}. 615 Panda! at Two comrin' sections, sol 9! Jami; *- 9H. LEMETED

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