good one ‘a'n'é, ‘KQWï¬-y o'f consider- ation. Years 153% When travelling 1i.â€â€˜zu:i-£il-.ii>,swere not so favorable as at meme kit “was probably better Ito have two separate associations, to’tla‘ Wiï¬h *the Metropolitan Railway 1 wiring;- ‘i'roni Toronto to Newmm‘kct, Emil soon to be open to Jackson's If’oint it is comparatively easy to get 1togctlie‘r in some central place. The James Bay Railway will also be open for passenger trafï¬c in a few months, and this will bring people closer together in various parts of the country. The larger the number of teachers that meet together, the Ylarger the range of subjects, and the wider will be the discussions. By 4111 means let the two Associations 'amalgamate. A GOOD SUGGESTION. For a number of years past there 'have been two Teachers' Associations in this county one in the northern ‘iuspcctorate, and one in the southern. The teachers in each inspectoratc meet in convention twice a year. In the north the convention is held sometimes at Aurora, sometimes at Newmarkct, and occasionally at Richmond Hill. The teachers in the ‘-southern division meet in various places near the city. A .7, In his last report to the county ‘Council the late inspector, Mr. A. B. ‘Davidson, throw out the suggestion mhat it would be in the interest of The schools, the teachers and 'oducation gexrcx‘aleko have the two A'ssocia-bimzs umalgamate, and meet ‘togetlxï¬â€˜ 5863110 manual .place. We 'be'fie‘w. $334: nggesï¬ion is a Mr. Justice Mabee last Thursday .rgave judgment 'quashing the local (option by-law that had been adopted ‘-in Owen sound by a majority of 467 votes out of a totaiof2,000. throwing “on the town the costs of the case. 'The judge ruled “that; there were =several irregularities in the taking of mine vote, and gave judgment, ~accordingly. The decision has been appealed against, and the License Department has instructed the commissioners for North Grey ‘not‘to issue any licenses until the «appeal is disposed of. R‘w‘n‘mon‘n HILL. man wishes to sell his farm is may add hundreds of dollars to the price ’he receives. Painted barns in this country are comparatively few. 'Where a farmer can give them a coat of paint it will be money well spent. There is no masonahle excuse fox-i any man or wmnun to live in u tmvn if I they don't, like it. If you have nu"; Wald (If conuuendutinn {m- ynur town, ‘ its institutions or peuple. minim-ate. ‘ 3'01! won't. amp the clock by going? away. The church'holls will have the ', same musical ring. the little dogs will ' play just, as well und the pure uii‘.‘ 'l'n-ight sunshine and sparkling water ‘Will have the same health giving -properl;ies. Speak a guud word fin-- your neighhur. don‘t, everlastineg 'cflargc (ll) LhPir faults. If ymi have lwcome thoroughly disgrunth move away; go Somewhere where things will suit you. Em :ï¬ihsrni. 0m. July 12. 1906 I want to clear off some Silverware which has been en hand over a year anï¬ also to make room for a. large order due September lsb. To do sn I am offering the following at attractive prices. Pickle dishes Bun Bun Fruit dish Bread u-uy Butter dish Child’s mug INTERESTING PRICES 0N SILVERWARE Embroidery set Fem pot Cream pitcher The Next Sitting uf Division Com-t tm No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, A six-roomod house rm Richmond street, the prupvrtv of Mrs. O‘Brien. Apply to 2-4 G. H. METCALF. Bake dish EWiSEQ-ï¬ JERRY Practical Watchmaker FRIDAY, OCT. 5. 1906 ‘HE DUKE is a beautiful senlrbrmvn Stallion about 16% hands high. and in stud cmidiuion Weighs al)uu{,1.300pnunds. The Duke is highly finished and pnwert'uily liliilb in every way. He is not a. pacer but one of the ï¬nest Waited trotting horses in America. He has tint,th a trial in 2.17, quarters in 59% seconds. and a 1.58 gait, and it is said, with good handling, he could not in Any one who will inspect this lmrse before selecting a sire we will guaran- tee tn make them a present of $1,000 and u cnlt withnut charge, if The Duke is not, just as represented and one of the best bred Trotting Stallions on the con- tinent and one of the greatest Stack Horses on earth. Routeâ€":12 Weeks, commencing Monday, April 30th, 1906 MONDAYâ€"He willgo to Eglinton Hntel, Eglininn, from 9 to 10, and thence [u Gulden Lian Hutel. Yunge Stu-9t, for mum, and (hem-o to Hugm-s’ Hotel. Thnruhill. f1~0lu3 to 4, thence up Yonge Street. tu Uusgmve's Hotel, Elgin Mans. f0}; night mgm mans. wr n ’UL. TUESDAYvâ€"Ee will go to Lemon‘s Hotel, "Aux-arm'for noon, and thence to Royal Hotel, Newmarket, for night. 7 “WEDNESDAYâ€"He will go tnï¬ir. JosvphHill‘s'farm,‘lnt 25. concession 6. King (near Kpttlvhyl. for noon. and thence Lu Nuhletnn for night. THURSDAYâ€"Ho will go to Kleinburg fur noun. and thence to V‘Voud- bridge House, \‘Voodhz‘idge, for night. FRIDAYâ€"Ho will gu tuThisLletown for noon, and thence to «Irslington Hotel. lslington. for night. , SATURDAYâ€"He will go to Black Horse Hot-’1‘ 'l‘m-nnhn, where ht- will I'e~ nmin until evening, when he will gu to his own stable, ILLw .‘vIuGill Sue'ctnvhm'e he will remain unLll Monday morning. $10 use Insuth a living colt. payable 10 days after mare fouls. I‘f col or dies within that time, [Io-charge will be made. \V. J. LAING in change Loans made tn farmers at ï¬ve pvt cent. Apply’to Mr. Laing. House to Rent RICHMOND HILL Cummencinq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON 'PLL'RK . R. REYNOLBS, Proprietar 25375 Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion $1.000 GUARANTEE _0N._ $1.45 1.75 1.05 2.91) 3.20 3. 45 5:00 4.35 SMHTH 4.99 4.10 reduced to $ .75 n u 107 MCGIL'L SIX. TGRO'NTO uwnm' ll‘ property tiseluent. s3 lE311?“Eatili‘iéwu‘s‘ff. “FEE H 0 U S E PA 1 N TE R uwnor may have same by pmvmg property and paying for this udvor- ‘ G LAZ I E R, G RA 1 R and \lem in new] of rough 0‘1- arr-5596': lumlwr. mnuldings. shingles, dnm-s, etc†we can supply your need. THE W. BOOTH LUMBER CO. LIMITED 0. P. R. Trucks 8.: Sumnwx-hill Au 50â€"3 mus. No) (b Tut-(mm SPRING AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxstcd Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, C‘wei-rcoatmg1 etc. Best quality. Low prices My Stock of \Noolens for A. J. HUME, ailor, Richmond Hill NOTICE Found Apply at‘ 1!: come: A. NICHOLLS 0'1- 5 rr-sseé »s deformed 1 FARMERS 1 E TAKE NOTECE x l Have jmt arranged will) the inar‘y Specialty ()1). tr) sell (hr ing re-‘mmlies : Stuck Tunic :1 r-. Pm-fï¬er. Imligkstiun and Col szuin (lure. \Vurm vadvrs Rvmedy, Poultry Trm‘rc. Ixms Amism-ptic Healing Oil, Sprni' Sim), Black Oil, Iii-nu» Reliel Jaw Curr, Aphmdisiuc and A! ll? Puwdvl-s, Dim'rlnma ()m'vf and Calves, Leaking Naval i Disvuse. Vnnznnt 8; \Varlng. Vvterin goons. twrnty-ï¬'x'e years uf} RESIDENCE. MILL ROAD. 'S’QUTH 0F RIUIIMON D IIILL. 44-81“ RICHMOND HILL P. 0. vxpvrivncv. A cuupon in every tlw hnldm- to Free V Fur su-le +5?+++++++++++++++++++405“??? g; w. H“ SHM’, Principal é++++++++++++++++4¢9++++++ Dwelling. n‘ntbuildings and 16 news of land for sult‘ in the village of Maple. The dwrllmg is brick. 25x25, with frame kitchen and wm'ulshe 125:1], stable is 20x26, drive-hunse 12x22. and shed 12x24. The land contains 16 acres of the best soil, plenty of water, C(m- venient to SChOnl, church and post Ofï¬ce. This is a very desirable px-up. mty. The property is in ï¬rsbclnss condition. For hut-her particulars cmiditinn apply to To do genvral hUqu'WUI'k, No washing. Good wngvs paid to a com- petent pmsun. Apply to M RS. SW'ITZER 1-3 Richumnd Hi“ VOTERS’ LIST, 190-8 Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND L’ILL Notice is hm‘ehy gian that I have tiansmitted ordelivered to the persuns mentide in Sevtizms Flight and [Nine of the “Ontario Vutt-rs' List Act†the copies required by said sections to he 50 transmitted or (ivlivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of 2:11 pm- snns appearing by the last Revised As» sessment Roll of the said municipality to he entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at Elections for Memhms 0f the ngislmive Assmnhly. and at Muni- cipal Elections; and thut the said List glans ï¬rst Posted up at my ofï¬ce at the 313.2181“, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RICHMOND HILL Village n'f Richm‘mxd Hi'll on the 6th day nf July, 1905, and remains Lhere for iugspectinn. Satis'fuc'tmn Guarantovd EleéEm-s are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissmns or any other errors are‘fmmd thexem to take immediate pwceedings to have the said errors corrected uceox-dmg to law. A. J. HUME, Clerk of the 5MB Municipality Dated this 12th day of July, 19M} A ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER N. HEWESGN aple, M should interest (Wm-y scholar who is anxious to succeed, and who does not Want, to Waste 10 or 12 weeks in n hnliday. @ezztmi §aï¬inr§5 (ï¬niirge TORONTO. Butter Paper at the Liberal Office HOUSE PAINTER, Municipality of the Village of Girl Wantec‘i “Him as for particulars. ‘APEI’HANGER ANDREW KILLOU’GH OR 5. T. SAIGEOH. Maple P. 0. My 31, 1906. 48-1; f F or Sale .J. PETHWJK 8; SON, The Live-'Gvnm'nl Agents of Riuhmund Hill County of York. package entitling (-u'ximny Advice. i]. Sprnm J 0 Relief. ] 3 and Anti a ()III'P ful‘ Naval 8:, ten-inury Surâ€" 1 uf planttical 1nd F nlic ( Ve-tm‘ fhlh nv Unl'v, Cough Death EnmL Lump Joint 3h LIBERAL notice dux Km $15. MARQUIS Clyde SLOPh ‘Vhitchurch, Ringwnnd, Vict'xn-iv. Sqmu-e. Home stable, Richmond Hill. Terms. 5514-. LAIRD RIACQUEENâ€"Clydr»sd.~xle stal- liun, the pmperty of V\". J. \Vells, will go to Kettlebyt, Noblem-n. Vellm'e, King City. etc. Hume stable, Temperancevile. Tums, CLAN l\lAC’QUEENâ€"â€"Clyd9sdale stallion. the pmpurt y of \V. J. W'vlls, w}?! go tuVictm'iw Square, Newton Brook. Lansing, Fail-hank, Fisher- ville. Richmond Hill, Vaughan. Home stable, Temperancevillv. Te] ms, $10. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdalo stn‘l- lion. the property of \V. J. \VPlls, will travel through \‘Yhitchurch, Ballzmu-a'v. East, Gwill'rmlrmf-g.‘, Aux-um. Home stable, Temper- ance-ville. Terms, $10. LORD HAMuToxâ€"Jmpm-tvd Clydt-s- dale, the property of Legge and \Blongh, will go through Vaughan. Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Vau- durf. Anmm. Temperanceville, King (’ity. Home. stable, lot 1, (-(m. 7, King. Terms. $12. 'RvOYAL HATTONâ€"J‘Jupul'ted Clydesdale, the prnpel-ty of Blongh & Legge, will go to Strange, Kettlv‘hy.New- market. Aurora, Oak Ridgm, Elgin Mills. Home stable, King )iLy. Tenns, $12. GOLDEN CONQUERORâ€"Clydesdnle stal- lion, the property of 'l‘eesml & Francis, will go to Mitchell’s Intel. O’Sullivan’s Corners; Cher- ry‘s Hotel. Fisbm-x'ille. Home stable. lnt 3‘3. con. 1, Markham. Terms $12. TOXY \VILKES JR.-C:u‘x inge *sta‘llim), the pmpm-ly of Teesnn & Francis, willrgo to Mitchell‘s HUM}, O’Snl- livun’s Cornels; Cheny's Hotel, Fisherville. Hmne stable. Int 32, con. 1, Markham. Terms $9._u con. 1, Markham. Terms $9. DUKE OF YORKâ€"Clydesdale stallion. the- property of \V. W. Hndgin, Will go through \Vhlvburcb, Ballantme, Suzutfville, Victoria. Squaw. ’l‘horubill, Gan-ville. Richâ€" mond Hill. Hume Stable. Summit, Huuse. Oak Ridges. Terms $10. SHIPMATE â€" Carriage stullinn, l‘he property of \V. \V. Hudgin, will go through \Vhitchm-cb, Bullan- mun Stnuï¬'ville, Victoria Squaw, Tbm-uhill, Cm-rville, Richmond Hill. Home stable, Summit House, Oak Ridges. Terms $10. \VILI) BILLYâ€"Roadster stullinn, the p1‘opnrty of Eli Shierk, will travel through Aurora. Kettleby, King City, Testnn. Edge-1y, Thornhili, Uninnvllle.Victm'i:l Square. Home stable, Pall‘uer House, Richmond Hill. Terms $12. ’ PURE GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion. the property of W. R. Cine,'will-sland at his own stable. two lots below Maple. Tex-ms $7. MACQUEEN’S CHAMI’JON â€" Clydesdale the property (if Jns. Burnett. will stand at, his own stablP, lot 1, Vaughan (ELgin Mills). Terms $10. EARL GREYâ€"Clydesdale Stallion. the pl'npertynf A. Luhmer. Sherwood. will stand at, his own stu‘ble. Terms, DICK FYFEâ€"Trntling Stallion, the NOCKALOE UHIF. propel-[y uf W Park, will slul Terms, $il). AUPINâ€"~ Pure-hr: the property AUPINâ€"Pure-ln-ed Imp. Pmchm-mL, Lln- prnpmt‘y of Harry Gmlnnm Unrrvillc‘. will he at King City, Temperunwvillc. Victoria Square; Richmond Hill. Terms, $11. OVERâ€"'I‘huruJu-ud. the property of Jumps \Vulke-r, Tesl'nn. will stilnii at his mvn stable. Term-*3 $10- O‘REST BUYâ€"Tl-nLt-ing-lwvd stallion, the property of J. Palmer and T. Read. Htime stable. Victoria Square. Palmer 11:11st, Rich. mund Hill every \Vudnesdulj. Tl THE Square. Palmer 11 mund Hill every ' Terms, $10. $015 DRUID~IIl\pmtl-d E'ne propel-1y of J. Pu] Road, will stand at Hnuse, Richmu‘nd lli mus OF COWAL â€"â€" In Clydesdale, the purpm'ly nf SLOPIP, will 12:0 to Gerk : ‘Vhitchurch, Ringwnnd, V Sqmu-e. Home stable, Ric Hill. Terms. 5514-. $10. pmpex-Ly of Miltnri'Smng, Lansing, will Stand atvhis own stable. Terms. $10. S ubscribe for Sï¬aaflion Register I111mg!)in m Oï¬icv will ing the 5mm: CHIEF - LIBERAL V. G. El ml at his It the Hill. flt mun stubie . u) I I Importvd nf D. U. 191-. Idw 110d {I n d Vict'A'u-i dPSdM and ’ B idggs t Tm? u “re 1mm- nus,