Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jul 1906, p. 5

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3 V. i } 'Yoniig People, held in the Ontario. i‘ 250.; Ammonia large package, ,“Naughton Bros. Elgin Mills. 1 i 'I l i i l V..,_,- l. \ Mrs. latâ€"ugg and children ((‘hicago, are spending afew days with n!“ this week .represeiiting the Epwoi-tli ’CIS. ' appointed by ‘VVlliCII meets in Massey Hall next "Wednesday. he :gihrraIJ Ricuimxn HILL, ONYX. July '12-, 1906 I 1 O (3 A I 4 S . Quality is the true test of clieapness. Atkinson (KSwiLzer. _ .. . 1 Mr. 'Iilctlinps Crosby is a't‘tmnrbnfz the i (Junt‘i‘dl ‘Bfl-zsiness College in the City. Mr. Lillian Langst‘lf’f will not receive ‘ngain during the summer. ‘ The. bill that, passes at (Xi-1357 session â€"r the dollarbill. It. goes f;‘!‘.‘l.ll(‘al. at. Atkinson 81 Switzer’s. { Miss Bellwood, Torontc, spent \Ved- ‘ :nesday of last. week with the Misses: Stongm- Sessional pap us hai e been received - during,r week from Mr. Arch. l Campbell, M. P. for Centre York. l 1 Mrs. J. ’l‘. O’Neil with her baby of Mirna-lair, New Jersey. is making a ‘ 'viszt, with her sister, Mrs. 'l‘lios. Riley. i \Vhat, is saved non ,itaitrs a large. pull of what is earned in this age of ‘piogrcss. Atkinson 23.- Sivitzer. hiss. Illut‘. O‘Brien. 'i‘oiunto. spent. a few days in the village, the guest. of Mrs. U. H. Mctczilfe. Mrs. Thompson, witiliimlioi-v'two little sons, spent a few days with her grand- ‘fatlicr, Mr. John Keiinersley. Miss Eva llill spent a few days with her friend, Miss Florence Jamie-son, Dovcrcouit Road. Toronto. The right thing at the right price at: 'the right: time in this store. Atkinson & Switzcr. Rev. Mr. Suziimervilh‘ will take the services in the Presbyterian Church next. Sunday. Mrs. spent a 'few days with her daughter, Mrs. IV. (fairs-1!. Misses Mary and Slicia Mulcaby, ()rillia, are making a visit, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. chfy. liedpzitb’s or St. Lawrence extra. granulated sugar in IOJ lb. bags, $11.45. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mrs. Allan MncLean and two children of Cornwall are spending the siliilimier-vacatiou with Mrs. B. McDon- il l . Mr. Jesse. \Vinger is away on a com- ly-limentary excursion to Pennsylvania given by the coal mine owners of that state. Markham has at: last got its news- paper. The first; number of The Economist. has appearedâ€"From The Globe of June 8, 1856. Fresh hex-rings. Scottish Chief brand. 4 tins for 25c.; Quaker tomatoes. lilc. tin: good corn, 3 this for 25c. Atkin- son & Switzer. Miss Stongand Miss LillianStong ac- companied by two other lady friends i left. Saturday to spend their holidays at Ferndale, Muskoka. Mr. and Mi s. \V. E. Wiley, Mr. and i Mrs. Broughton, and Miss Dritfell ‘ drove down from Newmarket and spent Sunday here. i I from i Mr. B. Cliniciihaga, father of the“ Atll'lllCl'. (\Ve are prepared to ofl’er very low 1 figures on the. best quality fiuit: jars I iii pint. quait and § gallon sizes. AL- i kriiisoii & Switzer. Mrs. W. D. Atkinson is i: wmniy League at. the. Summer Conference of Ladies’ College. ' aRov. ‘V. S. Irwin w'll preach in the ‘ Methodist. Church next Sunday morn- i ing and Rev. A. P. Brace in the even- ing. The subject in the eveningr \vill‘ ‘-l;)t‘2 “How to do the other fellow.” E Special. 3 cans good Salmon, 25c.; ‘ 6lbs Prunes, -250; 5ll)S Figs, 250.: Tomatoes per can, We; 2 lbs good tea, ‘ 10c. . Mr. P. F. Munro, B.A.. of Ayhnci', i Unt., has been engaged as principal of the Aurora Iliin School, succeeding "Mr. Mulloy who has been appointed 1’. S. Inspector. I l i Aurora. Bannerâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soulcs of Richmond Hill and ‘Miss Moi-ton of Keswick, spent tliej first with Mrs. Tlios. J. Moofby, Centre Street. l Our made~to-ineasnre suits possess; that chic and stylishness seen only in ‘ the productions of the very has; util- Atkinson & Switzcr. i ‘Mi‘. T. A. ‘Lamon is the. delegate Richmond Lodge to attend the Grand Lodge. Afft‘. & A. M. The \V. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. l’aulin’s next Tuesday evening at 7.30. The subject for the meeting will be “The Cigarette." All interested are. cordially invited. _ Any person in need of slverwarel will do well in consulting Mr. Jerryl Smith’s new advertisementon another page. The prices of many all-tucles are more than cut in two. 1 during the holidays. .spent, Mondav night. With the Misses believe 1 mail car fiom Toronto at a quarter to "Richmond Hill 1.. Cents with financial gain .to the com- 3 Bond Lake will be small as long as the ' were made. 5 ..«~«â€",.â€";- .., .. Mrs. Tboinpmn. wife of Mr. R. A. Thompson, Principal of the Hamilton ~(,)ollegiate Institute. and Master Evert-mm Tl’l‘!ll‘p¥fill}, spent a few days with Mr. and His. 1). Stung», :llld retui iii-d Saturday. Iii-s. Rolpli and Lillian Langstai’f ~lv-ave Monday fora LWU wceks' stay at Stony Lake. Their work lit-re will be taken by Dr. Johns of 'l'hornliill “’1”! Will (‘Hlllf- to Richmond Ilill caCh day at 3 o‘clock. Mr. M. Ran-mm is in Torontoto-day. attending the annual 13th of July celebration. The brethren will form in procession in the Queen‘s Park. march west on Quecn Street, and end at; Exhibition I’aik. Regal brand best, red salmon, $1.63 per (ha; Monarch brand best red Salmon, $1.68 pi-r dim: Canoe brand best red salmon, $1.58 per do'I..; no better quality to he obtained at any price than any of these. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss McConaghy returned 'l‘ncsda-f‘ evening alter spending a few days “llll her brother. Mr. J. S. Mc- Conagliy in Toronto. She was ac~ conipanied bark by little Miss Blar- garet McConugliy. who will remain Mr. ’1‘. ii. ife-aiiiiifriiiufiilii Emilie Collegiate Institute, and Mrs. Redditt. Redditt. on .lllt‘ll' way to the City where Mix Redditt- will he engaged reading papers in connection with the Departmental Examinations. Mr. E. Shierk’s black stallion, “\\'ild Billy, ' gave an exhibition of speed §'t’$i(‘ld:l)’-. Ilis manager, Mr. \\". Gould. had the, stallion decorated with rosettes and ribbons of all the colois of the rainbow, after which the little favorite had his picture taken by the village aitist. A team of horses belonging to Mr. \Vm. Hart, near ’l‘empei-anceville, broke. away from the Palmer House shed Tuesday, and were not, stopped till they had reached the second con- cession of Vaughan. west of Elgin Mill's. They were finally caught h. Leslie McNair, son of Mr. J. S. McNair. The junior footballers went to Jef- ferson last. evening and played the local team of The result was a. tie, neither side‘having scored. The match was referee] by Mr”. .11. Burnett. Jeffers‘on will be lieie Fri- day evening of this week when an endeavor will be made by both sides to break the- tie. At the last meeting of the Board of Education the Management Committee were authorized to make iepiirs at both the High School and the Public School during the holidays. “'9 it is the intention of tl.e Co-iiiinittce to modernize the appearâ€" ance of the senior room of the Public School by putting in inew windows and up-to-date curtains. A new stamp has been iSsued by tlte Post Office Department in connection with letters not fully prepaid. The stamp will be for use of postinasters only. In the past it; has been the cus- tom to mark letters not fully prepaid with a figure specifying the amount l the receive;- would have to pay. new stamp is bluish in color and is in several denominations. It is expected to be given out for use shortly. ELG 1N 7)] l LLS The Richmond Hill Juniors came up here Thursday evening, and played the “return” football match with our boys. The Visitors‘ team was considerably \veakened by the absence of a number of their players. After some sharp play on both sides the Elgin players won the, mat-ch by scoring the only game of the evening. The match was refereed by Mr. last. Tmfihfi The 5; YLiilel'L Hamilton. CHANGES NEEDED Some of the recent. changes in the Metropolitan time table are “(It pop- ular. It is felt in Richmond Hill that the time between 6.41) and 8.10 is too great foi cars going south. The nine o'ch wk seems-late. It. is also hoped that before lllt' first of Septembcr a change will be made in ()ldPl‘ to accommodate the High School stu- dents goiiig south. The school closes at 3.30. and at present there is no car between 8.10 and 5.10. NE VMARKET 578RADF0RD 2. A league lacrosse game. of more than _ ordinary interest was played in Newâ€" l market yesteiday between Bradford and the home team. resulting in a victory for Newniarket by a score of 5 games to 2. The two teams weie evenly matched, but Newmarket's very strong defence made it next, to impossible for the visitors to find the net. Mr. Queri-ie of the Tecunisehs refereed the game. and gave good Sltisfl.;‘tinll, thouin be penalized of- t'endcis with an iron hand. RATE T00 IIIGII. People often wonder why the Metro- politan does not give a cut rate from Bonil Lake I’Hl'k‘ (iLll ing the picnic season. The retuin fare, summer or winter, is 2.3 cents. That Could surely be reduced to 15‘ paiiy. The traffic from this place to rates remain as they are. The coni- pany always seems willing to listen to suggestions and doubtless the inair, agers would make the above mention- ‘ ed change if proper representations SEVERE STORM The skating rink was again struck j by lightning Sunday afternoon. but fortunately it did not take fire. Tins the second time the building has been struck this summer. The l‘ldgl‘llnill'd at the north end of the, building was struck about 5 o‘clock, the curre‘li‘u then passed down to the northâ€"west. corner, followrd the cave trough to the South end and shattered one or two of the posts pretty badly. The spire. on the Methodist church was also struck and Sonic slate knocked ofi but, :ippal ently little damage was done. The lightning was seveie, and was trying on the nerves of manwa our citizens. A “'elcouie (vi-nest~1\ local news- paper is absolutely necessary to any community. It. is the home. paper that. keeps the pcopleof the community in touch with each other by giving them all the news of their own neigh- boibood and county. For that. alone they are of value and worth far more. than the small subscription price. They keep the local pride and pro- gressive spiritaroused and in various ways are, worth far more to thrâ€" community than the community over spends on them. The, daily paper, with its large news service and quicker v facilities, may in some instances over- shadow the weekly, but. the weekly home paper fills a ,place in the hearts of the people that a daily cannot fill.‘ It comes to your home as an old and tried friend, while the daily enters as a stranger. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. Following is report, of recent en- trance examinations lield herezâ€"John Bi-eakey, Harry Bose, Jesse Bowes, Newton Bl’ydtlll, Pearl Cox, Ellsworth Chapman, Clara Cosgrove, May Clem-._ ent, Stella Cox, Meicie Cook. Estella Campbell, Hannah Chapman, Archie Cameron, Gordon Duncan, Florence Flook, Florence Farr. Gladys (.i‘rricc. Lorne Goodeiliam, Orla IIeise, Chas. Hoover, Fred Hick. Laura Hughes. Clarence Heise, Roy Jackson, Adele Jackson, Adrian Killough. Linlla lief- fer. Hex-belt. Luesby, Greta Luiiau. Reginald Little, Erinyntrude Little, sFl't‘tl Minton, Ethel Morison, Gordon Marsh, Leslie McNair. Laura Naugh- ton, \Vesley-Pz’lnier, Harland Palmer. Ella Quantz, Isabelle Read, Muriel Risebi-ougb, Ella Reaman, Josie" Rumble, Jean Scott. Harold Smith, Chester Saigeon, Murray Vander- ‘burgb, Reginald \Vilson. BIRTHS FLAVELLEâ€"Al Victoria. Square. on :Friday, June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flavelle, a. daughter. DENNISâ€"Jot Victoria Square, on. Thursday, Jilly 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, a daughter. DEATHS Ltrnronnâ€"At Tlinrnhill, mi Satin-J day, July 3, Caleb Ludford. in his 77th year. N0 Searchlight Necessary to discover the evidence ofjudicious purchases to fill our store with just what the people of this vicinity want. We pay cash for our goods and thereby save the discounts and give our customers the benefit. Cheap Clothes are never so dear as when a boy wears them. It isn't fair to buy him poor stuff and then blame him for wearing it out too soon. You’ll find here Just What you need. Prices attractive A boy’s best friendâ€"next to his motherâ€"is Atkinson & Switzer, the clothing men. Made-to-measure Suits for Men The proper style and perfect fit, first-class in every particular. Will make a suit for $15 90, worth $I8. Atkinson & Switzei‘ July 5, 1m. Thus cried the hair. And 3 ii . kind neighbor camexo the res cut: with a bottle of .Ayer’s. f Hair Vigor. The hair was 5 saved! This was because A‘yer’s Hair Vigor is a regular . hair medicine. Falling hair is 1;: The 1363th daisstinumiaflâ€" “ Sold for over -sixty years.” ' ' ii i A .c. y c.. 1.001,? 1 Also mnubnturera of ~ r; ;‘- 9 SARSAPAEILLA. ' erSMLLS. » 3 CHM'IPPBCTORAL. ms MI'NN .5: C0. of the Sl'IENTIFIt‘ ‘Ariixmcaz'. con tiniie. to act as Solicitors for nts, Caveats. ’l‘r‘wi Marks. Ibipyflfl'll‘, for too ed States. Canada. England, From-P (xermnrv (. . Hunvl Bovikimoui Putcats sent ’. >. Tin even years' cxi-eneiice P'itcnlsobhiinod Liirou I NUS}? 5; CO. are noticed la the Si‘ltLN'l “"10 AMERICAN. the largest. 10,51. and runs! v :‘loly circulated Minnow; pnpcr. $3.20n your “VA-oily. Splendid engravings and Interesting lu- mmmiion. Specimen ('ilDy of aim Scientific A iner- uum sent. fin». Address M CNN is ‘o.. sews-men uxnwss Ur‘llcc. 201 Broadway. New York. C Rieliiiiiiil l-lill ilardiiiaiasuie 5%" Seasonable Goods PARIS GREENâ€"Ours is guaranteed 3 pure and strong and when used in one of our Sprayers means certain death. ’" Our screen doors and windows besides be- 3 '49“ mg beautilully dCSIgned are a sure safeguard against flies. A complete stock ofscythes, coal oil stoves, ovens, sprinklers, chums, milk cans, grind stones, etc., always on hand. At .reduced pricesâ€"a few remaining lawn mowers. C. SGULES 7 PLEASATNT vim TARM The proprietor of Pleasant; View Herd Holstein :39, Ist COIL, Vaughan (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred bull and hog keptfor sen ice on the premises. .D. G. GUUDERHAM, Proprietor House to Rent; on Yongc Street, Six room house near Richmond. Apply to AMOS J. “'RIGII'I‘. Rieliiiiolid Hill. 2-3 fla'ds um l'nr‘a, but than who write s’nnson .1 (‘o .Portlund, Malamwill receive free. futl lll(v)nnflh0u about work which they can do. and live at bouieJh-‘u will pzy :hcm from $1- Lo $25 per day. Somewbavu “mod on.- X-i In a day Either Lax. youn: or old. Cnpital not mlu'cd. You are sinned [rca Those who stun at one. undifoiumg mm or 3.41" limo fortune; ALI r. nun. / Cattle and Breeder of l 'Iniproved Chester \Vliite Hogs. Lot. finalizqu fibula iii thumb; Maple (In connection with‘Richuiond I-Iill Office.) Busiiiess'tivuisacted daily between 10 and 4. Savings Haul: Department. Money advanced on sale notes. H. H. lflfiSEififlRE. Agent.

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