Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jul 1906, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Best J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXI JOHN R. CAMPBELL. DENTLST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Out Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"â€"12 a. n 1â€"8 p. m. \Vill he IBERAL PENN R mm 1'3, 121 V {1115 by day and night promptly at- tended to. Office Hoursâ€"8. 30 Toronto Office, 450 CHU Safe Profitable . Interest, Ht highost cum-Put rate, aid tw'c convenlent year makes an account profitable. p I e n Bei'ng witlnlrawuble Without notice mnka it convemeut. THE ONTARIO BAN K Ofi’ice, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. B USINE SS CARDS D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY I per annum, in aclvance.] fitting lowest ‘(u F . M'c M A H O RIO .‘IEI H. W. ANDERSON Dentist, Curltnn and Yong-e Sts., Toronto in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesduy of each week. 3 next door north of Stand- ard Bank. E DITOE’. & Puopmmon Wi‘aé. ESSERS. Dentist. 24 Victoria St. Toronto 34Tetcrizmry tenth, also replating, at prices. Good “7011;. E. DEAN aloud 11in S 64 PUBL SHING )ND!IILL,ONT. AT THE My! Dr. Lmvz'usnn) «A «. INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. Iffiiizezvzxi a. m. to 5 p. m URCH ST. oods This Bank‘s large IPSUUY'CPS ensure safety A. Savings; Ac 38.. m. GETAREQ BANK New Monev to ooumssroxnnmrnn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. I) BAR E14{§â€"IN Ht h'whumn Bank Built LENNQX Richmond. Hill “'vs NOTARY PUBLIC, Barristers, Snlictnrs, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CH AMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON’. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULT‘BEF JOHN \VALTER MCDONALD DOMINION BANK OF S. \V. Comm- King & Y TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to lmw-st current, rates. Pho no Main 311. Mr. McDonald will he at THE LIBER- AL Office, Richmond Hill. on the lst and 3rd Saturday of each month. vx ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, M H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC H} Commissioner, Cnnveyancer, etc. Insurance: Fire and Life. AS. N EVVTON Barristers a: eaten. Dunn & Boultbee reofliceâ€"Remox ed :0 the 01d rost ofi’ica one door west of the entrance to the Outunu 17:: k market officeâ€"Three duan gunn. nf Hm RICHMOND HILL. ONT, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1006 ISTI IN THE mt, WILI 0X £5 UH O l )rln Hl Hill U AM COOK rconnt u: Solicitors. 'ti'tel'nnnn 3111414333 MORG SIV M hatte‘. mortge gas at itm-s, Etc. CHAMBERS, Sat 333.12 mus \VO’I‘A T unge .hmun New-market 11th of the nt. ( Main 2984 Streets, loan 1min rd ' uftvr St at Unity THE DELINEATOR FOR AUGUST A stntenwnt from the Licensp Cum- missiunm- was read. showing a. balance due the village of $14.43. A cmmmmicutvinn was read from the'Ontmiu Municipal Association on which no artinn was taken. Council adjuurned. A wealth of suggestions for the newest Summer gowns is to he found in the August Delineutnr, which is in- teresting not, only from the stand- puint of fashion. but for its reading as woll. Auwng the fiction of the number is the second installment of "The (7hziliifvlii' and the Chapvrnn.” the dvlightflll n1<>tnl'-h(mt romance by The \Villimnsuns. author of many nutmnuhile stories: alsu two enter- taining shunt sturivs by (Tamil \Vatson Rankin and Marvin Dunn. There are nmneruus :u-ticlvs devoted to the in- terpfls uf the hmne:â€"The Kitchen, House Furnishing. Needlework and Dressumking; and the children’s pages include a \‘Hl'ik'ty of features having for tbPir purpose the entertainr ment of young folks. the The \Vmw A lvttex from the Ontario qu'mg Brick Co. quoting prires of paving blocks was read. and on mutinn the Mark was instructed to order 2000 pming blocks from the ahove cum- puny. “'0: 'l'ht-xH (1f [)1'. Dr. ( Omemé Thi- h Several nf our citizens Wei-P at Lind- say at the Orange celebration (m “101th inst. Thi-y l-wpm-t about, sixty stand ('f colnrs. Hotels were crowded at dinner Limp. The day was fine- ;xnd all enjoyed :1 good time. The fuundry and limeliin shop is pI-esaed with repairing and making new machines fur farm use. Cmmcil met in the council chmnhvr on Monday, July 16. All the mem- bers present. Minutes of last, meeting read and r‘unfiI-nu-d. The following accounts were 1‘ Ontario Lime Association, sewer pipe . . . . . L. Innvsa Suns. lumher The trensxfx'm' submibled his bond tn the council, which, proving satisfac- lm'y, was accepted, Mr. W. S. Graham and \\'if(‘, also Mr. H. Lmves and wife have gone on .1 visit tn fliends in Manitoba and the Nm-th-‘Vost. Miss Flnnmwo Pilkpy, foax-hnr at Munl.t (Tunnel, enjoying life at the home nf Mr. “’11:. Gum-1g. Snappy bargains here for shrewd buyers. Atkinson & Switzer. L.â€" limos .: Suns, lumber ,.. .. 86 T. & Y. Radial Ruilway,freigllt 28 85 Geo. Allism),vwmk (In ereets.. 2 10 Setndersonâ€"Trenchâ€"That the fore- going accounts he paid. A rvquest was read from Mr. J.A.E. Switzer that he be allowed to npvn the West side of Ynnge street for drainage purpnsvs. On mntiun Mr. vaitzm"s request was granted. md “'i Mr. 1 New v. 0. Mr. J pvmlir Mr. J he v-rnp nus oxm ’J‘lw fall xvhrnt ml thv crnp Is ‘ [VIII mm The 5m Mrs ith Ml “'1,- l‘vgrcl tn l‘OpGI‘L the (hath of tho fe hf the Into \Vm. Stewart. She V3 helm ill fl)1:smnvtime p: in n visi UK ‘isiting Munnt P1011 pl'ufctsiunnlly, inu- we glad to bra-u- thut Mrs. m is improving under 11“. Koith (If Onwmee. Imel'on nf Oummwa. \\-“n4 w in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all t]; h M'oun’s Pleasant Nun-um Pilkpy, fvavhnr at :n'nwl, enjoying life at a nf Mr. “’11:. Grmg. 1ch our citizens were at Lind- tyhe Orzer celebration VILLAGE COUNCIL. llmlilnts- was he-ld at the MN. .1. H. Kirby lust. \Vvd- Thm-e was .1 fair atumdance. (from!) social f the- Epwurth n thv church g vvning. Admis )tlmll [mun do vnth!y Ilmlil 11h» ) ls \ery {WEN}! and vxt r crvps give promise of 1]'\‘(’St is 116 oxcvvdod :l Mame Drmnld and fum K955 is MY“ nin Falls. ‘._v meeting ilnts- was In Mil counts were read I'Ch grmm Admi sin!) A. J. HUME, Clm-k. ll" day I”( tln xpectatinus. 'nrthe sickle y and vxtm szmt twice a nds leaving HI M 12* «gut 1n Turnntn llt visitin $129 88 86 )IH nt ntn weeks Cr m’k lwin nth vent . King the and has ll'( sh new \Velland Canal. It is said that, a. good portion of the old Welland Ca- nal, nuw handly used at all. will be utilized. This will be a. decided ad- vantage to the City of St. OathuL-ines. The new canal will be 24 feet; in depth, deep enough for the largest boats. 10 The citizens of Newmnrkef hope to secure the Pickering College in Lheir town. The tnwn has n!fered a bonus, electric light, and water free for a. period of ten years to the extnnt of $600 annually, and supplemented by a subscription of $15.00!) induanwnb for the rebuilding of the college there. thl Government officials are making new survey fur the construction of new \Velland Canal. It is said that, Dr. McLellun who for a mimhvr of years past has been principal of the Normal College at, Hamilum, has resigned. Mr. Thompson, B.A. Who was vice-principal under Dr. McLellan becomes acting principal until a per- manent successor is zippuinted. pnw-nh-Ll u pvtitinn rwmmLing the ('(Hllll‘ll to gmnt the ('mnpnny pim- misxin-n in place tell-phone poles on Ynnge Street from King town line south. On motion of Mr. Longlmuso, seconded by Mr. Cameron, the I‘E'PVQ and councillor Ali-Nair were nppuintéid :1 cunnnittun tn (leul with the above mnttm'. I)P\'lllSâ€"CillHPl‘l)n-Tllfit Mr. John 71‘1dtl0rk he uppuintml oversee-1- fur the village of Maple in place of Mr. John McKinnnn, and Mr. Genrge Arnold for the \ illage of Kleinhnrg in plan-e of Mr. Rnhu't VVntsun. Cm ried. Devinsâ€"Gnnwrnnâ€"Thut the clerk he requested to emplov P. S. Gibson, P.L.S., Ln nmko a survey of theswamp on the 4th concession, lot 33, to take lvvvls in (n-dm' to ascertain if there is sufficient full to lower the drain through the G. T. R truckâ€"Carried. McNairâ€"Cumeronâ€"Thzltcouncillm‘s Lnnglmusv and Devins he a committee to intn-I'xie-w the x-ntvpuyors over and thrnugh VVtht‘ lands the U. P. R. now runs as to proposed changes of mute of said O. 1’. R., and us to the advis- ability of leaving the old grade of road best as a township highway, and report to thgclerk forthwithâ€"Cum ied. Yensâ€"Devins. Lnnghonse, Cameron NelvySâ€"NIIfNaiI'. Boyle. Carried. Camernn â€" Lmighouse â€"â€" That tho clexk be instructed to notify Mr. \V. H. Grunt, barrister, to put in :1 defence against, a writ issued 1'9. Shuvvr Road. nrrivd. The council then adjourned to meet Tuesday, Augqu 14 at, l p.11). Normal schools are to he established at Peterlwro’. Strutfurd, Hamilton and North Bay. Dr. Maurice Hutton has been ap- puinted acting President of the Univer- s1ty of Toronto, in place of Dr. London resigned. rhx’ chair. M inubvs idUptN‘I. On muti luv Mr. I Dcvins -â€" Longhuuseâ€"Thnt hy-luw N0. 817. [wk-closing Shaver Road, do now receive its third and final reading. In :1 duol with swords following the tube on [he Dreyfus vindicatinn, the Frenr'l) Under Secretary of State was seriously wounded. VAUGHAN TOWNSEIP J.‘ h MI hf Hull News Notes. I“ {V Z71 m Inf ()1) Imerrm by}.th I918 St Charity. ting wad and orde at, 1ho 'i‘nwn. l‘uvsda‘y. Juiy of t Mr. John overseer fur place of Mr. Mr. Genrge eve Buylv in l m 22.3. 900 f Jeffr‘l'shn nesting the 1M1 Hl‘t‘I cunded ‘r was ClL 11111fs ,n be 50 4 0 (i0 2A) iuflllmzce salesn‘ttpm and at reasonnberatee Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Goods sold on consignment General sales stoo etc promptly attended to at reasonanh rates Residence Unionville Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. G R Gouldlng, Newibu’fimok. agenl for the above J ’1‘ Saigeon. Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Y‘ Salesmttendedboou shortescno‘ 'ctand a. l sonable rates Patronage solicited RICHMOND HILL & THORNHH L +§§¢§¢¢§§§999 *9?§ §§Q§§¢§§§ London Mutual 6&6960090##O9M4§§++§¢966¢ It would be harsh, unsympathetic, cruel, yes criminal. to condemn‘ the poor, weak, over-worked housewife who sinks under the heavy load of hangehold cares and burdens, and suffers from weak- nesses, various displacements of pelvic organs and other derangements peculiar to her sex. D e ering Far m Implements British America Flre Insuxjance Compames Home Life A“- surance Go. To get rates or quotafions for any of these costs you nothing. §¢¢§§§+§§§§§§§0§§§¢¢§§§§¢ O Not very long ago, a. popular magazine publisth an editorial article in which the writer asserted, in substance, that. all disease should be regarded as criminal. Certain it is, that much of the sickness and suffering of mankind is due to the violation of certain of Nature’s laws. But to say that all sickness should be rogardod as criminal. must. appear] to every reasonable individual as radically wrong. Frequent hearing of children. with its ex- acting demands upon the system. coupled with the care. worry and labor of rearing a largo family. is often the cause of weakâ€" nesses. dcrangements and debility which are aggravated by the many household cares. and the hard. and never-ending work which the mother is called upon to perform. Dr. Pierce. the maker of that world-famed remâ€" edy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and illsâ€"Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescriptionâ€"says that one of the greatest obstacles to the cure of this class of maladies is the fact that the poor. overâ€"worked housewife can not get the needed rest from her many household cares and labor to enable her to secure from the use of his “Prescription” its full benefits. It ls a matter of frequent experience. he says. in his extensive practice in theSe cases. to meet with those in which his treatment fails by reason of the natient‘s in ability to abstain from hard work long enough to be cured. With those suii‘ering from prolapsus. anteâ€" version and retroversion of the uterus or other displacement of the womanly organs. it is very necessary that. in addition to tak- ing his "Favorite Prescription " they abstain from being very much. or for long periods, on their test. All heavy lifting or straining of any kind should also be avoided. As much out-door air as possible. with moderate. light exercise is also very important. Let the patient observe these rules and the "Favorr ite Prescription ” will do the rest. #QQQOQ ¢¢§6¢+§§§+¢§§§§OOQQ 9 RICHMOND HILL P. License Auctioneer fo: ‘pactfully solicits your uflumwe smlnanttonm Dr. Piorce's Medical Adviser is sentf'ree on receipt of stam s to pan; e‘yfpense of mailing onl' . Sen to Dr. R. . Pierce, Buffalo. N. ., 31 one-cent stamps for pa.- per-cuvered, or 50 stamps for cloth-bound. If Sick consult. the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets invigorate and regulate stomach. liver and bowels. 15 Disease a Crime '9 Undertaken-s a; Embalmorc. AGENT FOR N-J. GLASS igeon. J R McEwea Maple Weston. Saigcon a: NlcEwen. VVRIGHT BROS, [Single copies, 3 cts. J. H. Plenlicc. . G. BLQI’GH, and for and and the County onwr , rs- )asronage and friendly :1 on the shortast airtica P. 0. address Kzgg

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