gallon. '13, July 19, 1906 chguonr) HILL. On The Lord‘s Day Act, ï¬nally passed by the House of Commons and the Senate during the last week those bodies were in session, gave rise to much opposition as might be E years past Toronto has paactically' stood at the outskirts of the city,’ shotgun in hand, saying to the farnr } ing Community “ keep away from ' here; we don‘t want your produce.†l W It has been suggestedâ€"and wci believe the suggestion a very good; oneâ€"that the Board of lidurationl here otter a scholarship, or something 1 l of that nature, to the student taking 1 i representations from persons in the riding, that better pleased not. to have, har'vesling opt-rations disturbed by a contest. Mr. Fey also intimated that the dz-Liy would also permit Mr. “'. both parties would be. their V McDernioti in act as returning ofï¬cer, 1 as hi»: reasivn for not acting wasahsenee , from the ridingat thetirni-t'ne (ElCCllilll ‘ was expected to take pln'm. -. Bent House to A sixromued house (in llii'lnnond ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Come to tolling-am , E I C gm, W’ 'A :.mrn»m:m‘m' .2 HOUSE PAINTER GL1\ZlEl€,Gl\‘Ali\"il\’ ant. I’Al’lil‘llANGEll i:icsrni<:_\7ri-z. Mini. no». u. worn or‘ nienrloxh HILL. i no“ IilUllMC-Xi) HILL r. o. "s Jake] expect-Cd in a measure looking to the highest number of marks at the Stl't‘l'l, tho pi'nlwi'iVlnf Mrs. ()‘llrien. l g is “ , . - . . . l \p y to ' V 1-: . . mural reform where the VECWS of hut-rance Examination to the Iliin 2‘1 ‘ l a U. .‘IETLVALR ‘ if: 5‘ ,1" School MW“ WWH“, 7 “A†_ ‘ its» air-4L5 V .i. a a»! ninesepnrate provinces had to lo trkcn into consideration. Most of the opposition to the act came from Conservative sources, but they were joined by a number of Liberals from (Maine, whose words of condem- nation were strong and bitter. Many prejudices had to be considered, and i". is doubtful if any other man than Sir Wilfrid Laurier could have carried the measure through the 351153 successfully. It is to be regretted that such games as golf, where no admission fee is charged, are allowed to be played on Sunday, butrnanycompromiseshad to be made, It is the custom of many of the Boards of Examiners to publish‘ in the local papers the bare fact that. certain candidates have passed the. examination successfully, but the re- ports do not show to the public; which candidates came highest in‘ the list, or which came lowest. Wedo not belieVe in the principle oi“ comparing one school with another, but there cannot be any harm in showing the standing of a bright‘ boy or a bright girl. Prizes are given for plowing and other corn- petitions, and it is a known fact that I children will work for honor as well I ; lumber. , eta. House to Rent 7 Six room house on Yonge' street, near Richmond. Apply to AMOS .I. \Vllllill'l‘. Richmond llill. 2-3 ""ï¬ï¬ï¬en \Vln-n in need of rough or (ll‘I-Ssvll (lillll‘s. mouldings, sliinglz-s. we can supply your need. Till: W. BOOTH LUMBER C0. Lif‘vlll‘ED (7. I). R. Tracks 8! Sunmwrhill A to. 5031mm. Nor ilr Toronto Raspberries liberal llarvjllst :irrzil-g‘oil “‘llll the Voter- lilal'y Spot-lolly i‘i-. l4) llm fi.lli>\\- llig‘ l'l‘llH‘illf‘S: Sill; l. ’l‘f irlt' tilltl liliuul l’nrilicr. lilillgi'sliiili :llzil ‘ltllll' ('iu'o. Slouin Cm“, \V'orui Powders. (‘oligil lleun-ily. l‘nuliry Tonic, Loose Heath .-\nii~aw-ptir- Healingr Uil, Sprain l'lniui- \lilll. Black (lil, lie-arc lit‘llr-I. Lump Jaw Cure. Aplzmdisiac and Anti-Hier- ile Powders, Dian hoe†(fore lV-r Cells and (Tilres, Leaking Naval A; Joint llix-i-nw. Yancant &' VVar-ing. Veterinary Hui-- geoils. twentyâ€"five years of practical expo: ll‘lli‘t‘. A coupon in every package enti'ling tllc lioiill‘l' to i‘rce Veterinary Ad\l( c. For :~';ili' l", J. PICTIIICK it SON. The Live Gt'nt‘l'ill Agents of l‘lir‘liirrolld lllil. Satisfaction Guarantor-d veil and as it was, the Premier had to as men. If our Board of Education . -:§+int+++++++§z§+~l~as§+§té++est-Ht sacriï¬ce the friendship of many life- would spend a few dvllal‘s for Prizes R , f ',, , ,, f 3 Am El E a . ‘ . c ' -' ' y :lS‘ )(‘l’l'll’s (‘l' H‘ H l 9 'll' (11' 9‘ -' ,é. i . ' - a 1mg friends and supporters_ 0n the or. scholarships we bclreye it would . mums“. Euâ€), HIGHS Wham}. .5 st... a} .1 .g. Egg E whole the hm will give general 533. stimulate a healthy rivalry, and Appli to ‘ isfaction to ,the thoughtful class great beneï¬t will be the result, and the people‘s liberties, those that are worth calling liberties, will not be encroached upon. The Premier will be condemned in some quarters for passing such a measure, but we believe in the long run his position in the country will be strengthened. _â€"â€"'_â€"â€"____._. The Toronto Evening News of Monday, in a lengthy article, gives several reasons why a change of government in this province has been beneï¬cial. The editor gives consid- erable praise to Hon. J. P. Whitney asPremier, but condemns the dis- missal of Mr. Bastedo. he News points out that “ Under Mowat and his successors hardly a Conservative oï¬cial was removed from ofï¬ce, they were seldom denied tbepromotlon to which they were entitled, and they were trusted to ï¬ll even the most conï¬dential positions." One of the reasons put forward by The News in favor of a change in government after 30 years is that “Liberals be- came impudent and arrogant," and consequently “The Conservatives became sullen and bitter.†Without a doubt the long tenure of ofï¬ce by would be money well spent. Mr. J. N. Boyle, move of Vaughan township commenced harvest. yester- day. The wheat crop is very heavy, and singularly free from rust. «. \VAITING ROOM SIGN. It is not surprising that citizens standing around the Metropolitan \Vaiting Room often hear people in the cars ask the question “\Vhat town is this?" They may glance up at the Sign on the building for information but all they can read is “\Vaiting Room Station." The word Richmond Hill should certainly be or; that sign. \Ve can truthfully say we'lrave one of the prettiestâ€"if not the prettiestâ€" little towns in the province, and it is well worth a little advertising. As the Metropolitan Railway omitted the name of the town when Irraking the Sign we would suggest that the Council, with the permission of the Railway Company, add the missing' word. â€"â€"‘s’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THE HILL WON Jefferson football team came down Friday evening and played a friendly match with the local team. That was the third time the teams met this season. Play commenced Friday evening about 8 o'clock and lasted till darkness set in. In the first half time Richmond Hill scored, the only game scored during the evening. The play was generally clean, but one fellowâ€" possibly twoâ€"should have been ruled off for pretending to want to ï¬ght when they should have been attending to business. The match was refereed by Mr. A. Hart of Jefferson. The teams lined up as follows :â€" Jeifersou Bichrnond Hill ‘ 'rins. liAunisox Situa’dcni Wanted Mrs. Lyons. of this V'llage. would like to take a position as housekeeper in a small family. Apply at THE LIBERAL OFFICE 3-3 My Stock of 'Woolens for is now complete comprising . Twills. Scotch 'I'weeds, Fancy 'I‘rouserings, Overcoatrng, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Eltiiwtï¬ Fer all kinds of School supplies Sibles Testaments SPRING Ans Shauna Hymn Becks U . a Black and Blue VVOIStGd RESIDENCE. :i "thrill should scholar who is anxious to sin-coed, and who (llll‘s not Want to waste It) or 1‘) Wet-ks in a holiday. interch every \Vritc us for particulars. (limiter {failrgt TORONTO. W. ll. SHAW, Principal é+++++++++++++++++++++++++ c illuminate C3 9 R .é. ; are+Mosa~r+++++++++++ear-M-;~++++ 9.10;. '..;...§..§. all ail-visors * HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- larger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. .ithllIiiOND HILL FerrSaie . DWelling. outbuildings and 16 acres of land for sale ill the village of Maple. The tlu'elling is hrii-k. 25x28, with l'r-nule kitchen and woodshed 12x22, one political party was a strong in- 8mm†, Gm†13‘ Atk‘l‘s‘?" . . . 53â€l"â€.§“:f‘“?l†dlwe‘h““5".132.2â€â€œml ' . anrpliel. Backs P. Burnett Taglgr Richmogd. , sired 1-3.“. lhe land contains 1b acres nuance against the Ross Government, V. Jones A. VViltson ., ’ _ .W of the hes-t, soil. plenty of water, con- venient to school. church and post - ' ' ' n ' , . L. Soules but it is to their credit that nerer J_ Phillips Hans W. Trench “mm. This is ,, wry dysgmflne pwp. was a dollar shown to be corruptly J. Grady R. Goode "' eity. The property is in ï¬rst-class spent, and never was any govern- ment department successfully at- t :cked. We believe that few Liberals regret that a change of government h .s taken place, but it is a satisfaction to know in the words of The News F. Grady S. Wilson H. Hopper l J. Jones } 1 l [Gm Topper ‘i'yc. Trench “Yul-wards)| J. Glover F. Lyons l I F. Grady ll. Sacklieldl L B. Newton .â€"_‘..â€".__. N e’ws Notes. Dr. T. S. Spi'oule. M. P.. was elected TRADE MARKS DESIGNS Com-RIGHTS 8LC. Anyone sending a sketr-h‘nnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably paterrtnble. Communica- Minute Books Standard Novels condition. apply to For Itirthvr particulars ANDR 1W KILLOL’GH (JR J. ’I‘. SAIGEUN. Maple P. (1. Maple, May :11, 1906. ' lS-t f so" other u u .u ' ' . . . s that I F1011) COUfedUdtlon down hills President. (it. the Iml-erizd Grand tionsstrictlyconï¬dential. Hundhookon Patents P S T0 ‘10 l‘ft‘l‘t'l‘dl ll“us"“'“l'l<l 1‘" Provrnee has been governed With Olauge Cmmcfl- 60,233,133; $33: ggg};§§,,f°§,ï¬;;f3weapfggg-W washing. Good wages paid to a. com- singular Prob“? and efï¬ciency): In“ J. \V_ Fluvene Wag “baud special notice, without charge in the peterlt pi'rSol]. A [)ply ti) The City Council, backed up by the Toronto dailies, still keeps up the opposition to the entrance of the radial railways. The Star of Tues- day, and The World the following morning, had lengthy articles warn; Chairman of the re-organized Board ot Trustres of the Toronto General Hospital. The Board of Governors of the Uni- versity of Toronto granted (ix-Presi- dent London a retiring allowance of $5,500 a your. The U. P. R. crop report issued yes. tel-day continues to speak in the most Scientiï¬c illiterate. A handsomely illustrutml weekly Inrcest elrv culalion of any scientiï¬c journal. ’1 L’l‘lllF. $3 a your: four inouthJ, 31. Sold hyall m rvsilrzilers. . I-Q 9:. W'-.'i)a~x‘€3k‘5: . Best and Newest Bietionaries Time Ecol-ts Receipt Becks Mllb‘. S \Vl’l‘ZER l-‘i Richmond Hill VOTERS’ilST, 1905 Municipality of the Village of ill-CH MOND HILL ._ _ cnconrogiu-Ir terms of the harvest . . mg the Mayor to keep quiet and say prospects. bBarlcy cutting begins to- C‘â€â€œ'"’°S “‘ B‘l"kke"l“l‘g “"d mum." "f York†day (m [be Pm,ng plush" hhortliand SlilIJPlitS With the â€" nothing lest he should be overâ€" powered by “Billy†Moore. The World practically says that no agree- ment should be made with the radials, “in view of the early recovery of the street railway franchise." The careless reader might be led to believe that the City would get corr- trol of the street railway in a few weeks, whereas their hands are tied till the year 1921. people will be obliged to wait for ’ ï¬fteen 3631b health" Mayor COMS‘ ? states that should the King accept the worth cannot be trusted to make a proper agreement with Mr. Moore. In many of the large cities of the I ,‘ ~ "l i . it other “01kt: , “m. yam l l i. i l l l l l l Blight is reported in the wheat at Dunk Lake and some damage from hail in south- Western Manitoba. The Toronto Daily Star said last evening ilrat Toronto was likely to have another departmental store, a nd that Seigel. Cooper k (.70.. of Chicago were negotiating for the Broadway Taller-uncle property at the corner of College Street and Spadina Avenue. All Canada will regret to learn that King Edward is not able to accept the invitation of the House of (luminous and the Senate to visit the Dominion A letter from Lord l‘llgin, Secretary for the Unlouies. expresses appreciation for the invitation. and invitation extended he could not “'i‘ll refuse similar invitations extended from the other colonies. That Would be ulnrostzin impossibility at iiilliii‘i i: iltï¬mroaémlleil ‘ierli g Eraizflri)lii:e 62.31 \: ILI‘ . L. E most delinite personal instruc- \ tion, are given at the EPIIJS g Qï¬frgï¬ï¬ ! 1; ‘ Y M. (l. A. Bldg. Yonge 8; MvGill Streets, Toronto “'ell and favorably known for forty-Sever. yearsâ€"the willth in Canada. Blight. \vell \eniilatâ€" ell class rooms. lll‘bt't'l:l>< up. pointnienis. I'nnsnni U. A. .ftiidents received Itl any g time. FALL TERM from Sept. 4. a Catalogue sent on 111,115.51. 3 T. fil.'WATSON, Principal ‘1‘W{4€3~&'€Q?E-;‘:‘s'-.nlâ€"Tv}u mâ€"w. 22:;- a5’5;~§.2-:‘. '5 -; 2, I g o is v % '3 a l :lll‘.‘:lllt- ‘ acre from connection with Y. H. ' hatter Balls in a Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons merit ioni-d in Heel ions Eight alril l\ine \ «I the "Ontario Voters" List Act†the : copies required by said sections to he i so trailsnritted or delivered of the List l ln'ide pursuant to said Act. of all [Irr- l l l l l . ~;:lll.\‘:iilpt‘1|l‘lllg by the last Revised As- rw‘Shl‘ilt'llI lioll of the said irrunicipality ‘_ to he entitle to vote in the said muni- l,cip:;lit_\' at Elections for Members of . llo- Legislative Assembly. and at Muni- cipal l‘ilwfllillh‘: and that the said liisl ‘ was lll'>t posit-ll up at lll\'1rlllCL‘ili the rVillag†of liii-liirionil liill on the Oil] day of July. 1900‘. and remains there for inspect. Ill. Electors are called upon to examine the said List. and if any omissions or- l any other errors~ are found therein to ,tzike immediate proceedings to have ‘3 the said errors corrected according to | low. A. J. HUME, ‘ 'i"l'4~++~§'++'{"l-++i~+++-§-+++i~>2°++++ i l ! .Unitcd States every effort is made l the present “'“e' by the Councils to facilitate the ship- ment of all kinds of produce from, the farming districts. ‘ ' _ , _ "lei-t; of the said M unici alit The live-electron 1n Car-dwell render. 5‘ d“ m '“m' hm mm mh‘wrm‘ ‘ L' p y. . t n s‘ ‘..P ind..\ii.l.! to J- . - - s ‘) - ed necesgiuy by the resignfltiml Of My. rrgs‘sflmlfhéns‘gn tï¬uizifizzkrghth 3 VP. ++++++++++++++f++++++++ Dated this 1_.tlr day of July, 1906. Little. has been deferred until the _J "“""“"“"“ mm M†m w‘ my i I“ early Frill. This step was announced by Acting Premier Fey as a l'tSlllt o‘I 2‘) drew from $5 to 31‘: per day. Some have V " ‘ n ilav Either sex. young or old. Capital 1 viva ï¬nned free Turns who slur! at one. I: sure of snug hula formats. All it new. For several H++++++++++++++++++++++++ Butter Paper at the Liberal Office